
    Friday Five: What you need to know about testosterone, with Dr Zoe Hodson

    enApril 30, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Solutions for Weight Loss and Better Sleep, Plus Women's HealthPlushCare offers online access to physicians for weight loss solutions and FDA-approved medications. Boll and Branch provides high-quality organic cotton sheets for a comfortable sleep experience. Women face challenges in getting proper testosterone treatment, and estradiol gel in sachets may be an alternative.

      PlushCare offers a convenient and effective way to begin your weight loss journey, with online access to board-certified physicians who can prescribe FDA-approved medications like Wegovy and Zepbound. Meanwhile, Boll and Branch provides high-quality organic cotton sheets that get softer with every wash, ensuring a restful night's sleep. Regarding women's health, a significant issue is the lack of proper testosterone treatment, as women start losing their testosterone supplies as early as their thirties. In the recent HRT scandal, the apparent inefficacy of the estrogen gel called estradose has been a topic of concern. However, it's important to note that the gel in sachets, such as Sandrina, is still estradiol gel and does not have the same issue. Women can ask their GP for a prescription of the sachets if they encounter resistance from their pharmacist. In summary, PlushCare offers a simple and accessible solution for weight loss, while Boll and Branch provides a long-lasting, comfortable sleep experience. For women's health, it's crucial to address the issue of inadequate testosterone treatment and explore options like estradiol gel in sachets.

    • Finding the Right HRT Solution for MenopauseDiscovering the optimal HRT method requires individualized discussions with GPs and trying various preparations to suit unique absorption levels and symptoms.

      When it comes to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during menopause, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Different women absorb hormones differently, and various HRT options, such as gels, patches, and sprays, may suit some women better than others. Estradiol, the main type of estrogen used in HRT, is the same whether it's delivered through a gel pump or a gel sachet, but absorption levels can vary. It's crucial for women to discuss their options with their GP and try different preparations to find the one that works best for them. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommend that women are offered a choice of HRT treatments. Additionally, the importance of adequate HRT levels to control symptoms cannot be overstated, as every woman's response to HRT may differ significantly. Another area of confusion surrounds testosterone, a hormone often associated with men. However, women produce three times as much testosterone as estrogen from their ovaries. Testosterone plays a vital role in women's health, including sex drive, muscle mass, and bone health. Despite its significance, testosterone is rarely discussed in the context of female menopause care. It's essential to address the misconceptions surrounding testosterone and its role in the menopause journey.

    • Women's Principal Hormone: TestosteroneWomen naturally produce three times more testosterone than estrogen, playing a crucial role in their health. Testosterone is essential for libido and balancing hormones, yet many women and healthcare professionals are unaware of its importance. Education and awareness are key to addressing this issue.

      Women produce three times more testosterone in their own ovaries than estrogen, making it a principal hormone of fundamental importance for women. Yet, many healthcare professionals and even some women themselves are unaware of this fact. Testosterone plays a crucial role in women's health, particularly for those with premature ovarian insufficiency, surgical menopause, or cancer treatments. The lack of knowledge about women's natural hormones and their importance is a significant issue, leading to women being dismissed and undervalued in their healthcare. The safety data for testosterone replacement therapy is abundant, and it is simply a matter of bringing women's hormone levels back into balance, not adding anything new. Testosterone is essential for women's libido, and the NICE guidelines suggest a trial of testosterone for loss of libido if HRT is optimized. It's time to reclaim our right to our own hormones and demand that healthcare professionals be educated about women's natural hormones and their importance.

    • Testosterone's Role in Women's Health During MenopauseTestosterone therapy can improve mental clarity, memory, energy, strength, and confidence in women experiencing menopause symptoms. It may take a few months to notice improvements.

      Testosterone plays a crucial role in women's health, particularly during menopause. It helps improve brain fog, memory, energy, strength, and confidence. Some women, after balancing their estrogen and progesterone levels, may experience difficulty finding words or remembering things. In such cases, testosterone therapy could be beneficial. The effects may take a few months to notice, but improvements in mental clarity and memory can significantly enhance everyday life and productivity. For instance, the speaker herself saw a difference after starting testosterone therapy, which helped her regain her mental sharpness and physical strength, enabling her to run and lift weights, activities she previously disliked. It's essential for women to discuss their symptoms and treatment options with their healthcare providers to determine the best course of action for their unique situation. Women in their thirties and beyond may begin losing testosterone, making it an essential consideration for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

    • Women's Access to Testosterone Therapy in the UKWomen in the UK face unequal access to testosterone therapy due to varying CCG formularies, leading to a patchwork system and lack of awareness among women and healthcare professionals.

      Women in the UK face significant challenges when trying to access testosterone therapy through the National Health Service (NHS). Although it's included in NICE guidelines for menopause treatment, the prescription of testosterone is largely dependent on local CCG formularies. These formularies, which are decided by local panels, vary in their inclusion of testosterone therapy for women. This results in a patchwork system where women in some areas can access the treatment easily, while others are left without. The situation is further complicated by a lack of awareness among both women and healthcare professionals about the benefits of testosterone therapy for women. Until this issue is addressed, many women will continue to face barriers to accessing this important treatment. If you're looking to hire professionals for your small business, LinkedIn can be an effective tool. Unlike other job sites, a significant percentage of LinkedIn users don't visit other sites, making it an ideal place to find candidates who might not be actively searching for a new job. By posting your job on LinkedIn, you can reach a wider pool of potential candidates and hire professionals like a professional.

    • Affordable luxury: Accessible high-quality products across industriesFrom fashion to healthcare, companies offer luxury and essentials at affordable prices through safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing, durable materials, and convenient services.

      There are several companies offering high-quality products at affordable prices across various industries, from fashion to furniture and even manicure tools. Quince, for instance, provides luxury fashion essentials at 50 to 80% less than similar brands, ensuring safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing. Burrow offers durable outdoor furniture with rustproof hardware, weather-ready materials, and quick-dry cushions, all with free shipping. Olive and June lets you achieve salon-quality manicures at home for just $2 a manicure. In the healthcare sector, there's a discussion about the prescription of testosterone for women, which is currently off-license in the UK. Despite this, there's a push for licensing and clear guidance for GPs to prescribe off-license medications when necessary. Testosterone, a safe hormone for women, can provide significant benefits, and the risks are minimal with proper dosage. In summary, these companies and the ongoing discussions in healthcare demonstrate the potential for accessible, high-quality products and services, making luxury and essentials more affordable and convenient for consumers.

    • Exploring Testosterone Therapy for Menopause ReliefTestosterone therapy can alleviate menopause symptoms for some women, offering benefits like increased muscle strength, energy, mental clarity, and better memory, despite rare potential side effects. Women may need to advocate for access and provide resources to their GPs.

      Testosterone therapy can be an effective option for managing menopause symptoms for some women, despite the rare potential side effects. These side effects, which include a deepening of the voice and an enlarged clitoris, are not common and do not deter many women from reporting positive experiences with increased muscle strength, energy, mental clarity, and better memory. If you're considering testosterone therapy, it's important to acknowledge that your GP may not be well-versed in the topic, and you may need to provide them with resources and information. You can start by sharing the menopause doctor website and British Menopause Society online guidelines, which are intended for use by primary care GPs as well as secondary care. If you encounter resistance, try a different GP or contact your local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to request access to testosterone therapy. Women are encouraged to spread the word and share their experiences to help normalize these conversations and push for wider access to this treatment option. Currently, there have been responses from several CCGs, but more push is needed in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

    • Testosterone therapy for women during menopauseGP education and access to testosterone therapy are crucial for women dealing with menopause symptoms. Learn about testosterone deficiency and its symptoms to improve diagnosis and treatment.

      Testosterone therapy for women, particularly those going through menopause, can have significant health benefits. GP education and access to this treatment are important steps towards making it more widely available. GPs, nurses, and other medical professionals are encouraged to learn more about testosterone deficiency and its symptoms, which can often be mistaken for other conditions like chronic fatigue or depression. Resources are available on the menopausesupport.co.uk site and through the Menopause Charity. A documentary on the topic is also upcoming. By increasing awareness and understanding of testosterone therapy, we can help improve the lives of many women dealing with menopause-related symptoms.

    • Understanding Collagen Supplements: Size MattersSmaller collagen molecular weight (around 2,000 Daltons) and stomach acid resistance are crucial for effective absorption. Ingenious Beauty's supplement excels with its patented plant-based capsule and added ingredients.

      It's important to be informed about the specific type and quality of collagen supplements when considering using them for health benefits. The smaller the molecular weight of the collagen, ideally around 2,000 Daltons, the better it is for the body to absorb. Moreover, the supplement should be able to withstand stomach acids and reach the small intestine intact for effective absorption. Ingenious Beauty's collagen supplement stands out due to its patented plant-based capsule that can survive stomach acids and release collagen directly into the small intestine. The supplement also contains additional beneficial ingredients like hyaluronic acid and astaxanthin. During a recent discussion, the co-founder of Ingenious Beauty explained these aspects in detail, making it worth checking out for those interested in collagen supplements. Regarding last week's conversation, listeners using estradiol pump packs with estradose overlabeling should check doctor Zoe's Instagram feed for clarification. Sachets from the box are not affected, and only pump packs need to be checked.

    • Liz Lazarus discusses new collagen supplement and promotes Ingenious BeautyLiz Lazarus endorses a new collagen supplement from Ingenious Beauty based on clinical trials and personal research. Listeners can find it on their Facebook page, YouTube channel, and with a discount using the code 'Liz loves'.

      Liz Lazarus, the host of Lazar Well-being, discussed a new collagen supplement from Ingenious Beauty that she believes is effective based on clinical trials and her own research. She mentioned that it's now available on their Facebook page, YouTube channel, and with a 15% discount using the code "Liz loves." She encouraged listeners to subscribe to their YouTube channel for more content, check out their website for information on food, fitness, and menopause matters, and sign up for their free weekly newsletter. Liz also mentioned her recent appearances on ITV's "this morning" discussing homemade hay fever remedies and the benefits of Matcha Tea. She ended by encouraging listeners to celebrate moms this Mother's Day with discounts from 1800 Flowers and Quince. Additionally, Danny Pellegrino from Everything Iconic promoted Quinn, a brand offering luxury style essentials at discounted prices with ethical and responsible manufacturing, and Paige DeSorbo from Giggly Squad promoted Quince, a brand offering high-quality fashion at discounted prices with ethical and responsible manufacturing.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    DISCLAIMER NOTE:  This podcast is for informational purposes only.  All information, content, and material is to inform our listeners about what we have learned or experienced.  It is in no way intended to serve as medical advice, medical consultation, medical diagnosis, and/or substitute treatment from a qualified physician or healthcare provider.  The listener assumes full liability for their medical care.  All persons and businesses associated with this podcast, any platforms on which it is shared, or otherwise associated with the podcast or any of its creators and contributors, expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result information provided in this podcast.

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    As co-owner and founder of the successful Haan Health clinics, Dr Sonu has spent two decades as a General Practitioner and team leader, and over 15 years teaching medical students and GP Registrars.

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    As a teacher, Dr Sonu has spent over 15 years teaching medical students and GP Registrars. She is on the faculty of Bond University, Griffith University and General Practice Training Queensland.

    Dr. Sonu has travelled extensively to over 50 countries and draws on what she has learnt from many different cultures, alternative therapies and healing modalities from yoga to Ayurveda and spirituality. She marries this understanding of ancient healing teachings with thoroughly backed medical science to access the sweet spot at the cross roads of Eastern and Western medicine, to bring her clients true healing and long lasting change in their health and life.


    Visit https://drsonu.com.au to explore Kiran Wellness programs and to enquire about individualised support on your health and healing journey.



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    Are you experiencing symptoms like burning and itching around your vulva and vagina, or painful sex? Or perhaps you have the urge to wee more often or are plagued by recurrent urinary tract infections?

    Joining Dr Louise this week is trailblazing US urologist and sexual health doctor Dr Rachel Rubin, to address these common menopause symptoms and the relief vaginal hormones – often used alongside systemic HRT – can bring.

    Dr Rachel explains why we need to stop using terms like vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy, which hugely downplay the impact of declining hormones on your whole genitourinary system.

    ‘When we say women have vaginal dryness, we minimise their symptoms, we minimise that it's no big deal, that you can just use a little lubricant, a little moisturiser,’ says Dr Rachel.

    Plus, Dr Rachel and Dr Louise also discuss DHEA – a hormone treatment which converts to estrogen and testosterone in the vagina – and the benefits this can bring to women struggling with genitourinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM), again often alongside systemic HRT.

    Dr Rachel’s three tips if you are struggling with GSM:

    1. Know that if you have any symptoms that affect your vagina, vulva or urinary system and you’re over the age of 45, you deserve a vaginal hormone product.
    2. Talk to your healthcare professional about access to this treatment that can prevent urinary tract infections, decrease your frequency and urgency of needing to urinate, decrease your pain in intercourse and lead to better lubrication, arousal and orgasm.
    3. Keep using your localised hormone replacement: it is a safe product, so can be used long term to sustain the benefits.

     Click here to visit Dr Rachel’s website, and follow her on Instagram @drrachelrubin.