
    From A Life of Matter To A Life That Matters: Jason Garner’s Journey From Music Industry CEO to Spiritual Warrior

    enSeptember 24, 2015
    Why is self-love considered crucial for happiness?
    How did Jason Garner's experiences shape his views on self-worth?
    What resources does the Waking Up app provide beyond meditation?
    How did the speaker's upbringing influence their identity and goals?
    What qualities made Michael Rapino an effective leader according to the speaker?

    • The Importance of Self-Love and Personal GrowthInvest in self-love, personal growth through meditation apps, and engage in thoughtful discussions to unlock and unleash your best self.

      Self-love is crucial for personal well-being and happiness, a message that is often overlooked, especially by accomplished individuals. Jason Garner, a guest on the Retroll podcast, emphasized this point, sharing his own experiences with the inner voice that tells us we're not good enough. Rich Roll, the podcast host, also emphasized the importance of self-care and investing in oneself, such as through meditation apps like Waking Up, which offers resources beyond meditation, including courses on cognitive behavioral therapy and stoicism. Additionally, Rich announced his new venture, Voicing Change Media, a consortium of thinkers, storytellers, artists, and visionaries committed to fostering meaningful exchanges and sharing thought-provoking content. In summary, self-love, investing in personal growth, and engaging in thoughtful discussions are key to unlocking and unleashing our best selves.

    • A powerful reminder of the importance of self-care and personal growthDespite challenging upbringings and career success, prioritizing self-care and personal growth can lead to improved well-being and greater fulfillment

      No matter where you come from or what challenges you face, it's never too late to prioritize self-care and personal growth. Jason's story, as shared in this podcast, is a powerful reminder of the importance of taking a break and reevaluating what truly matters in life. Raised in an unstable environment, Jason hustled his way up to become the number 2 executive at Live Nation before the sudden death of his mother and the subsequent divorce forced him to take a step back and focus on his health and spirituality. Today, he is a spiritual student, meditation and mindfulness teacher, and author, sharing his insights with the world through his website and book. The conversation with Jason, conducted in a meditation room, emphasizes the importance of incorporating mindfulness practices into our busy modern lives. By taking a moment to breathe and focus on the present, we can improve our overall well-being and find greater personal fulfillment.

    • Cultivating a new relationship with thoughts and distractionsMeditation is about developing inner strength and resilience to respond to life's challenges with love and equanimity. It's not about avoiding distractions or achieving perfect focus, but rather welcoming ourselves back with kindness and compassion when we get distracted.

      Meditation is not about avoiding distractions or achieving a perfect state of focus, but rather about developing a new relationship with ourselves and our thoughts. When we get distracted during meditation, instead of judging ourselves or getting frustrated, we can practice welcoming ourselves back with kindness and compassion. Meditation is not a separate compartment of our lives, but a practice for how we want to engage with ourselves and the world. It's about building the inner strength and resilience to respond to life's challenges with love and equanimity. As Viktor Frankl said, "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response." Meditation is the practice of expanding that space and using it to cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and freedom.

    • Exploring the personal journey of spiritualityEmbrace self-love and self-acceptance, focus on the process of understanding ourselves, and stay present for a more fulfilling and loving spiritual journey.

      Spirituality is a personal journey that goes beyond labels and dogmatic practices. It's about making choices that enhance our lives and make us happier, more fulfilled, and more loving. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being experiential and present to ourselves, rather than focusing on external markers of success or adherence to specific spiritual practices. He also encourages self-love and self-acceptance, rather than seeking validation through external measures. The speaker shares his own experiences of growing up with a sense of self-worth tied to external achievements, and how this mindset can carry over into spiritual practices if not careful. He encourages a more gentle and compassionate approach to ourselves, focusing on the process of understanding ourselves rather than the outcome. Overall, the speaker encourages a more mindful and self-compassionate approach to spirituality, emphasizing the importance of staying present and loving ourselves along the way.

    • The Power of Self-Love in MindfulnessFocusing on self-love and simplifying meditation practices can help overcome barriers to mindfulness, as the speaker's journey from career success to self-love demonstrates.

      Simplifying meditation practices and focusing on self-love are key to overcoming barriers to mindfulness. People often get caught up in trying to find the "VIP" or secret to meditation, leading them to overanalyze and delay actually practicing. Meanwhile, days can pass without making progress. Self-love and acceptance, as expressed by the speaker in his experiences and work, emerge as a prevalent theme. It was only after facing personal loss and questioning his own happiness and self-worth beyond his achievements that the speaker realized the importance of self-love. Despite his successes, he found himself not loving himself or feeling loved by the world. This realization sparked a shift in his focus towards helping others understand the importance of self-love and being loved for who we are, not just what we do. This message, while intellectually understood, can be emotionally challenging to truly internalize. The speaker's journey from a driven career-focused life to a more heartfelt self-loving one serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of self-love.

    • Childhood experiences shape our identities and goalsOur past experiences and upbringing deeply influence who we become, and it's important to define ourselves beyond our roles and accomplishments.

      Our past experiences and upbringing shape our identities and goals in profound ways. The speaker grew up in poverty with a single mother who worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. He felt the pressure to change their circumstances and became a hustler, working from a young age to make money and save his family. This sense of responsibility and heroism was deeply ingrained in his identity. However, when he lost his high-paying job and struggled to answer the question "what do you do?", he was forced to confront his identity beyond his professional accomplishments. This moment of crisis led him on a journey of self-discovery, where he learned to embrace his worth as a human being, not just for what he did, but for who he was. This experience highlights the importance of acknowledging and processing the formative influences of our past, and the need to define ourselves beyond our roles and accomplishments.

    • From fear to fulfillment: Embracing life's unexpected momentsRecognize the value of love, self-care, and personal growth beyond financial success. Embrace moments of introspection and self-discovery, as they can lead to life-altering experiences and redefining one's identity.

      Life-altering moments, even those filled with fear and uncertainty, can lead to opportunities for personal growth and redefining one's identity. The speaker shares her experience of leaving a high-pressure job and feeling lost, but eventually finding beauty and fulfillment in unexpected places. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the value of love and self-care alongside financial success, and encourages embracing moments of introspection and self-discovery. The speaker's journey began in high school when she started hustling and eventually discovered a passion for music, leading her to build a stage at a flea market. These experiences, both challenging and rewarding, shaped her perspective on the importance of balancing various aspects of life.

    • From local music events to industry successUnexpected paths can lead to great opportunities and mentorship, transforming passions into successful careers.

      Sometimes the most unconventional paths can lead to great success. The speaker started by promoting local music events, which led to increased sales and the formation of a business. He then met a mentor, Michael Rapinoe, who helped him turn his passion into a successful career in the music industry. This unexpected journey demonstrates that opportunities for growth and mentorship can arise from unexpected places, and that having a mentor can be a game-changer in one's career. Additionally, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of staying open to new experiences and recognizing the potential for growth beyond current achievements.

    • Michael Rapino's Compassionate LeadershipEffective leaders can transform individuals, instill pride, and prioritize humanity alongside financial success

      Effective leadership can stretch and mold individuals into becoming their best selves, even in unexpected ways. Michael Rapino, a mentor and father figure for the speaker, helped her grow into a confident professional, instilling a deep desire to make him proud. Rapino's compassionate leadership extended beyond the workplace, demonstrating that businesses can prioritize heart and humanity alongside financial success. He saw the future of the music industry, recognizing the value of live events and pivoting Live Nation towards this vision. Through his open-hearted approach, Rapino created a company that continues to inspire and ignite passion in fans, employees, and the industry at large.

    • Challenging the status quo and seeking new perspectivesMentor's drive for innovation and creativity led to success, but also a reliance on external validation for self-worth.

      Michael Rapino encouraged his team to challenge the status quo and think creatively, even when facing resistance. He instilled in them the importance of innovation and looking at things from new perspectives. However, this drive to innovate was also tied to a deep-seated need for approval and validation from Rapino himself, which created an obstacle for personal growth. Despite these challenges, Rapino's mentorship led to significant success, including a high-ranking position in the music industry overseeing concerts for major acts. However, the sense of self-worth based on external achievements continued to grow, leading to a never-ending cycle of striving for more. The lessons from Rapino's mentorship remain relevant today, encouraging us to challenge conventional thinking and seek new perspectives, while also being mindful of the potential pitfalls of basing our self-worth on external validation.

    • Investing in self-love is crucial for successSelf-love through simple actions like deep breathing, meditation, nutrition, and yoga can help create a balanced and fulfilling existence, essential for long-term success.

      While hard work and dedication are essential for success, they should not come at the expense of self-love and self-care. The fear of being overtaken or not being good enough can lead to an incessant drive for achievement, but this mindset can also cause insecurity and prevent us from feeling truly safe and content. Self-love is a crucial component of power and sustainability. It allows us to overcome the inner voice that questions our worth and enables us to build a solid foundation for our lives. Practicing self-love through simple actions like deep breathing, meditation, nutrition, and yoga can help us create a more balanced and fulfilling existence. As young people starting out, it's essential to remember that investing in self-love is not a waste of time, but rather a valuable investment in our overall well-being and long-term success.

    • Reconnecting with ourselves through self-care practicesSimple practices like meditation and changing self-neglect to self-love can have profound effects on our overall well-being. Resources like podcasts offer valuable perspectives on various topics and transformation doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition.

      Self-care is not about allocating more time, but rather reconnecting with ourselves in meaningful ways. Neglecting ourselves can lead to a strained relationship, and the first step to mending it is through simple practices like meditation. We are creatures of habit, and changing our habits from self-neglect to self-love can have profound effects. It's essential to remember that we are human beings, not robots, and taking time for ourselves is crucial for our overall well-being. Moreover, there are resources available to help navigate the complexities of life and provide insight into deeper existential questions. Podcasts like Soulboom, The Conversation, and The Proof offer valuable perspectives on various topics, from spirituality to mental health and nutrition. Lastly, it's important to recognize that transformation doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. We can start small and gradually incorporate self-care practices into our lives without giving up our professional or personal identities. By focusing on the present moment and taking a deep breath, we can begin to reconnect with our hearts and remember our inherent worth.

    • Focus on small steps for well-beingIdentify a joy metric and focus on small steps to prioritize well-being, making progress in spiritual journey through mindful approach

      We don't have to face overwhelming changes all at once. Instead, we can focus on small steps to let go of stress and improve our well-being. This approach is inspired by the idea of having a 7-year plan instead of a long-term one. By identifying a personal joy metric and focusing on it, we can make progress in our spiritual journey. Measuring this metric can be as simple as checking in with ourselves and recognizing tension or discomfort. This mindful approach allows us to prioritize our well-being and shift our focus towards experiences that bring us joy.

    • Focusing on work and controlling life doesn't ensure happiness or safetyPrioritize being present and connecting with ourselves and loved ones to discover what's truly missing and lead to a more fulfilling life

      Focusing solely on work and controlling every aspect of life does not guarantee safety or happiness. Instead, it's essential to prioritize being present and connecting with ourselves and loved ones. This can help us discover what's truly missing and ultimately lead to a more fulfilling life. As the author of "And I Breathe" shares, taking time to breathe and slow down can guide us towards identifying the parts of our lives that need attention. It's important to remember that life's challenges and uncertainties cannot be avoided, but embracing them and connecting to our hearts can help us navigate through them and find new meaning in our work and relationships.

    • Reflecting on Mortality and Living IntentionallyEmbrace the reality of death to live with purpose and presence, question your identity, and discover what truly matters in life.

      Our mortality is a powerful reminder to live our lives intentionally and make the most of the time we have. The speaker shares her experience of witnessing the departure of loved ones and the realization that we leave behind only our imprints on the world. She encourounters the normality of her job and the legacy of "work work work" that she didn't want to pass on to her children. The speaker's encounter with death made her question her identity and set out on a journey of self-discovery. The conversation around death and our perception of it brings up the idea that our modern culture is divorced from a present consciousness of death, and we could benefit from a healthier relationship with it to appreciate our lives more fully. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to embrace the reality of death and live our lives with purpose and presence.

    • Facing Mortality: A Catalyst for Personal GrowthEmbracing our mortality can inspire us to live more meaningfully and address character defects, leading to personal growth and a more authentic existence.

      Recognizing and embracing our mortality can serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. The fear of death and the unanswered questions it brings can motivate us to live more meaningfully and be present for ourselves and others. Sometimes, difficult experiences or losses can act as "trap doors," opening up new paths in life that lead to growth and transformation. These experiences may not be easy, but they can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and authentic existence. In the words of Michael, they cause us to make a "left turn" and look inward, leading us to confront and address any character defects or behavior patterns that may be holding us back. Ultimately, the process of facing our mortality and using it as a guidepost for our lives can lead to a beautiful and rewarding journey of self-discovery.

    • Money can't buy happiness or emotional fulfillmentFinancial success doesn't guarantee happiness or emotional fulfillment. Seek love, emotional growth, and new teachers to expand your toolbox for a balanced life.

      Money may provide financial stability, but it doesn't necessarily fill emotional needs or provide a fulfilling life. The speaker shares how they had achieved financial success but still felt empty and trapped by their identity. They learned that love and emotional fulfillment are essential to balance our lives, and having a full toolbox of practices and techniques can help combat old patterns and impulses. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking out new teachers and learning from their experiences to expand one's own toolbox. In essence, money can buy material comforts, but true happiness and fulfillment come from within.

    • Learning from imperfect teachersValuable spiritual lessons can be learned from various teachers, even those with human imperfections. Daily practice is essential for staying grounded and present.

      The pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment doesn't require following a perfect guru or adhering strictly to a particular tradition. Instead, we can learn valuable lessons from various teachers, even those with flaws or human imperfections. The speaker shares his experiences with Guru Singh, a spiritual teacher who is a real-life human being with a family and who uses language that might not be considered spiritual by some. However, the speaker values Guru Singh's teachings and daily practice, which has helped him stay grounded and present in his own life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of daily practice, such as yoga and meditation, to prepare for the challenges of the day and to find one's way back to the heart when needed. Ultimately, spirituality is about finding what resonates deeply within oneself and incorporating it into daily life, regardless of external appearances or dogma.

    • Recognizing the humanity of teachers and studentsEmbrace the connection and understanding between teachers and students as fellow human beings, and develop the skills of a warrior monk to navigate the spiritual journey with strength and peace.

      The relationship between a student and their teacher is not about putting them on a pedestal, but rather recognizing their humanity and learning from them as fellow human beings. This approach allows for a deeper connection and understanding, as well as the acceptance of one's own humanity. Additionally, the spiritual journey is not always easy and comfortable, but rather requires developing the skills of a warrior monk to navigate through the world in a self-sustaining and powerful way. This means embracing the challenges and discomforts, and finding balance between the warrior's strength and the monk's peace. Ultimately, the goal is to build a practice that exists independently of who the teacher is, but rather focuses on the skills and wisdom they can impart.

    • Embrace the Warrior Monk within for balance in life and businessFind peace and sharpen focus by balancing warrior (fierce, focused) and monk (serene, caring) traits in life and business

      Being a successful businessperson or individual involves finding balance between being a warrior, who is sharp, fierce, and focused, and a monk, who is serene, caring, and has a wider vision. This concept, known as the warrior monk, allows us to navigate various situations in life and business with the right tool for the job. When we embrace the monk within us, we can find peace and well-being, even in challenging circumstances. For those feeling stuck and lacking serenity, it may seem difficult to find time or see the value in practicing this balance. However, by recognizing that fear often drives us to work longer hours or behave negatively, and that embracing the monk can lead to a deeper sense of security and well-being, we can begin to prioritize this balance in our lives. It may not be an easy journey, but the rewards of finding peace while sharpening our sword can be significant.

    • Embrace the present and find peace withinAccept challenges, practice self-love, and find joy in the present moment, despite past mistakes or unmet goals.

      We all face challenges in life and it's important to accept that we're doing the best we can with the cards we've been dealt. It's essential to find peace and love within ourselves, even when things are tough. Another key takeaway is to give ourselves space and time to make changes, and to be realistic about the process. We can't go back in time, but we can learn to be present and find joy in the beautiful moments of life. It's important to remember that even if we've made mistakes or haven't achieved what we wanted, we're still growing and learning. So, take care of yourself, practice self-love, and keep moving forward. Remember, the present moment is all we have, and it's full of potential for happiness and growth.

    • The power of community supportA strong support system can significantly impact personal and professional growth. Building and nurturing relationships is essential for success.

      The importance of community support in personal growth and success. The host expressed his gratitude to his listeners for their continued support in various ways, including sharing the show on social media and using the Amazon banner on his website. He acknowledged that without this community, he would not have been able to achieve his current level of success. This episode serves as a reminder that having a strong support system can make all the difference in our personal and professional journeys. So, keep building and nurturing those relationships, and never underestimate the power of a kind word or a simple share. And, as a bonus, the host signed off with a hint about an upcoming topic: plants. Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 19, 2024

    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life

    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life
    Rowdy Gaines is a three-time Olympic gold medalist, NBC’s voice of swimming, and a living legend in the aquatic world. This conversation explores Rowdy’s extraordinary journey from late-blooming swimmer to world record holder and beloved broadcaster. We dig into his mental resilience through setbacks like the 1980 Olympic boycott and a battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome, his perspective on the evolution of competitive swimming, and his passion for water safety advocacy. He offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Paris Olympics and much more along the way. Rowdy’s infectious enthusiasm is a gift to the sport. He shows everyone how and why we love this sport, which means so much to us both. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF  👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com  Birch: Get 25% off ALL mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll This episode is sponsored by Better Help: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2024

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