
    From Broke To X Games Gold Medalist: Brett Turcotte

    en-usOctober 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From Hockey to Snowmobiling: Brett Turcotte's Passionate JourneyStarting from humble beginnings, Brett Turcotte's passion for snowmobiling led him from hockey to X Games medals and a career with Polaris.

      Brett Turcotte's passion for snowmobiling began at a young age when he transitioned from hockey due to size limitations. Growing up in Clearwater, BC, with dreams of becoming a professional snowmobiler, he started racing and eventually earned his first X Games medal in Snow Cross in 2008. Turcotte's career came full circle when he returned to Polaris, the brand he started with, and now works at 509's headquarters in Spokane, Washington. The small-town kid with big dreams grew up with snowmobiling as a natural progression, and his journey showcases the importance of following one's passions, even when faced with obstacles.

    • Support from loved ones can change careersRecognition and encouragement from loved ones can lead to career transformations, seizing opportunities, and success despite challenges

      Support and encouragement from loved ones can significantly impact and change the course of one's career. Blair's decision to transition from racing to free riding was influenced by his wife Nikki, who recognized his potential and pushed him to pursue freestyle snowmobiling. This decision led Blair to win multiple X Games medals and a Monster Energy contract. Additionally, Blair's story highlights the importance of taking risks and seizing opportunities, as evidenced by his viral GoPro drop clip and the resources provided by his manager that led him to quit racing and focus on freestyle. Despite facing challenges and injuries, Blair's determination and the support of his wife allowed him to turn his passion into a successful career.

    • The power of focus and dedicationDedicating all resources to a clear goal, even if it means personal sacrifices, can lead to significant achievements.

      Unwavering focus and dedication towards a goal, no matter the personal sacrifices, can lead to significant achievements. The speaker, a snowmobile racer, shares his experience of coming back from an injury and dedicating every resource to making a comeback. He missed important family moments but saw it as a necessary sacrifice to achieve his goal. His intense focus on mastering new tricks paid off, allowing him to outperform his rival in a high-stakes competition. The speaker's story underscores the importance of setting clear goals and being fully committed to them, even when it means making difficult choices.

    • Rider's determination leads to electrifying performancePassion and perseverance led a rider to overcome setbacks and deliver an unforgettable show for the crowd, despite risks and challenges.

      Despite the challenges and risks involved, the rider's passion for performing his favorite trick, even when faced with setbacks, ultimately led to an electrifying performance for the crowd. The rider spoke about the gnarly nature of the trick, which required full commitment and a quick response to make it work. He shared an experience of a radiator issue on his snowmobile during a previous event, but his determination to fix it and perform the trick on Sunday paid off. The crowd's reaction was electric, making the long wait worth it. The rider also mentioned how his wife, who initially pushed him to do these tricks, gets nervous but trusts his abilities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of perseverance, passion, and the thrill of live performance. Additionally, the rider mentioned that there was a time when airbags were not a common thing or even existed in freestyle snowmobiling. This shows how the sport has evolved over the years, with new technologies and equipment being developed to enhance the experience for both riders and spectators.

    • Impact of Airbags on SnowmobilingAirbags revolutionized snowmobiling by providing a safer training environment, allowing riders to land tricks and progress in the sport.

      The evolution of snowmobiling, specifically in freestyle, was significantly impacted by the introduction of airbags. Prior to airbags, riders trained in foam pits, which while allowing for learning new tricks, were also dangerous and could result in injuries for both the rider and the snowmobile. The transition to airbags provided a safer training environment, allowing riders to land tricks and ride away, rather than having to get back on the snowmobile and drive into the foam pit. However, foam pits are not as harmless as they may seem, and can actually cause more pain than landing the trick itself. The comparison to dropping a piece of bread into water illustrates the difference in impact between a dirt bike and a snowmobile in a foam pit. Despite the risks, some riders, like the speaker, have pushed the boundaries of snowmobiling and attempted tricks like the front flip, with varying levels of success. Overall, the introduction of airbags revolutionized the sport of snowmobiling, making it safer and more accessible for riders to progress and push the limits.

    • Team support and safety plan save the day during a snowmobiling mishapHaving a supportive team and a well-prepared safety plan can help mitigate risks and ensure safety in high-risk situations.

      Having a supportive team and a well-prepared safety plan can make all the difference in a high-risk situation. The speaker, during a snowmobiling expedition, had a close call while attempting a front flip. Despite the mishap, the team was able to quickly respond, extract him from the hole, and ensure his safety. The speaker's determination and the team's quick thinking allowed him to walk away from the incident. Additionally, the speaker's aspiration to accomplish multiple world firsts in a short time frame fueled his motivation and drive to push his limits. However, even with the best preparation, unexpected circumstances can still arise, emphasizing the importance of having a safety net in place.

    • Friendship and calculated risks lead to new experiencesSupportive friends can encourage us to take calculated risks, leading to new experiences and achievements. Adaptability and resourcefulness are essential for success.

      Having supportive friends and taking calculated risks can lead to new experiences and achievements. In the discussed scenario, a friend successfully snowmobiled off a mountain on a 146 assault vehicle, which wasn't originally designed for the task. Although the friend isn't planning to do it again, the experience was significant for both the friend and the snowmobile brand, Polaris. Another key takeaway is the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness. The friend modified the vehicle with makeshift modifications, such as using water pipe for added support. Additionally, the sponsor messages highlighted the benefits of having a pet as a roommate and using Angi for home projects to simplify the process and ensure quality results.

    • Cherishing Unique Experiences and MemoriesBrett values his unique experiences, finds joy in the little things, cherishes his relationship with Nikki, and appreciates the impact they have on his life and career.

      The speaker, Brett, values his unique experiences and the impact they have on his life and career. He finds joy in the little things, such as the flap of his hair at the back of his helmet while riding, and cherishes the moments he shares with his partner, Nikki. Nikki, who has her own fan club, plays a significant role in Brett's life and career, and their bond is strong. The fans' admiration for Nikki doesn't bother Brett, and he appreciates the experiences they bring, even if they ruffle some feathers. Ultimately, Brett cherishes the memories and experiences that make his life and career unique.

    • An unexpected encounter at a snowmobile event leads to a relationshipFirst impressions can be misleading, but following interests can lead to meaningful connections

      The unexpected encounter between Nicky and Evan, which took place at a snowmobile event, led to their eventual relationship. Evan, who was already known to the group, had met Nicky for the first time that day, dressed as "Turkey Ryan." Despite Nicky's initial ignorance about Evan's identity, their connection was strong enough for them to start communicating through social media and eventually meet again. Larry, Evan's brother, was also present at the event and has since gained popularity on TikTok. The discussion also touched upon Evan's past struggles with pressure and the dangerous nature of snowmobiling, as well as Nicky's background in the oil industry. The story highlights the power of first impressions and the importance of following one's interests, even when faced with challenges.

    • The crucial role of a partner in a snowmobiler's careerA partner's unwavering support and belief in a snowmobiler's dreams can fuel their determination to succeed, even during financial strain and personal sacrifices.

      Success in any field requires unwavering support and dedication from those around us. The speaker in this conversation shared their experience of how their partner played a crucial role in their career as a snowmobiler. They acknowledged that people often only see the public side of their success and overlook the behind-the-scenes efforts of their partner. The speaker also emphasized that even during the darkest moments, it's essential to have someone who believes in you and encourages you to keep going. They also highlighted that success often comes with significant financial strain and sacrifices, which can only be overcome with the support of a loved one. The speaker concluded by sharing how they went "all in" on their career, risking everything they had, and how that pressure fueled their determination to succeed. Ultimately, they credited their partner for being a crucial part of their journey and their success.

    • Misconceptions of wealth in passion-driven industriesSuccess in passion-driven industries requires hard work, dedication, and a supportive partner, often resulting in financial struggles but ultimately leading to personal fulfillment

      Passion and hard work are essential in achieving success, even in industries where financial rewards may not be as substantial as perceived. The speaker's experience in the snowmobiling world highlights this, as they initially held a misconception that professional riders lived luxurious lives. However, they discovered that many riders, including their partner, struggled financially while pushing boundaries and perfecting their craft. The speaker's own journey involved investing all their savings and working long hours to support their partner and their shared passion for snowmobiling. The importance of having a supportive partner, like the speaker's partner Nikki, cannot be overstated. With her knowledge and encouragement, the speaker was able to branch out into content creation and clinics, allowing them to share their passion with a wider audience. Ultimately, the speaker's success came from their unwavering dedication to snowmobiling and their ability to adapt to the changing landscape of the industry.

    • Maintaining authenticity and professionalism on a YouTube channelBalance authenticity and professionalism by keeping things real, embracing fun ideas, and having a supportive partner.

      Creating authentic content and maintaining a professional image don't have to be mutually exclusive. The Turcotte brand, which started as a solo project, has evolved into a collective that includes family and friends. The YouTube channel, which initially focused on professional mountain biking content, now aims to be well-rounded and real. The hosts strive to keep things authentic and not manufacture content, even if it means incorporating their kids or trying new, fun ideas. They recognize the importance of having a professional image, but also understand the value of letting loose and having fun. This balance is essential for maintaining a successful and engaging YouTube channel. Additionally, having a supportive partner, like Nikki, who can embrace the fun side of things, is crucial for keeping things balanced and inspiring new ideas.

    • Complementary strengths fuel effective partnershipsEffective partnerships thrive on contrasting strengths and shared passions, leading to valuable connections and a fulfilling lifestyle.

      Effective partnerships thrive on complementary strengths. The speaker in this conversation highlights how his lack of discipline contrasts with his partner's ability to make crucial deals, but their shared ability to connect with people and build relationships has been a significant factor in their success. Their unconventional approach to networking through parties and shared experiences has led to valuable connections and a fulfilling lifestyle. Despite managing their careers, family, and various projects, they continue to prioritize their personal connections and passions. Their commitment to providing opportunities for their children and creating a dream lifestyle, despite potential disapproval from neighbors, demonstrates their unwavering dedication to their relationships and experiences.

    • Turning backyard events into unforgettable experiencesCreativity, community, and embracing the unexpected can transform simple gatherings into memorable occasions, even when faced with challenges.

      Creativity and community can turn simple backyard events into unforgettable experiences. During a pool party, the hosts created a unique tradition where guests had to participate in quirky challenges involving mustaches, hats, and loud motorcycles. When they faced an unexpected issue with a noise complaint, they turned it into an opportunity to educate their neighbor about their community and even gained a new friend. Inspired by their son's interest in Suran racing, they built a backyard track and started a weekly summer series, which grew into a national event. Through these experiences, they demonstrated the power of inviting people into your world, embracing the unexpected, and turning challenges into opportunities for connection.

    • Relying on assumptions can lead to mistakesDouble-check and don't assume, even for experienced riders. Review footage to learn from mistakes.

      Even experienced riders can make mistakes, and sometimes the cause might not be immediately apparent. A rider in the discussion shared an experience where he crashed twice during a race, only to be told by another racer that his front brake was loose. However, when he reviewed the footage, he realized that he hadn't actually applied the front brake during the crashes. This goes to show that it's important to double-check and not rely solely on assumptions. Additionally, the conversation touched on the growing popularity of electric bikes, with some expressing concerns about their power and the need to respect them. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of being aware of one's own abilities and the potential pitfalls, as well as the value of learning from others' experiences.

    • Forming a Friendship through Competitive RivalryTwo semi-pro snowmobile racers, Jay and Blaine, became friends through their competitive rivalry on the track, and their bond was strengthened by their shared experiences and mutual respect for each other's skills. They have a deep connection that goes beyond racing and continue to push each other to be better.

      The friendship between Jay and Blaine, two semi-pro snowmobile racers, was formed through their competitive rivalry on the track. They met while racing against each other and quickly became teammates and close friends off the track. Their bond was strengthened by their shared experiences and mutual respect for each other's skills. They have similar senses of humor and adventurous spirits, and they continue to enjoy each other's company and share experiences, such as off-roading in their Ford Rangers. They recently launched a podcast, the Jay and Blaine Show, and their friendship has been a major theme of the show. Despite their competitive past, they have a deep connection that goes beyond racing. They continue to push each other to be better and have fun doing it.

    • Discovering the human connections in snowmobilingSnowmobiling is more than just a sport- it's about the shared experiences, humor, and human connections that make it special. Professional athletes, despite their titles, are still human and passionate about the sport. Authenticity and not taking oneself too seriously are key in the industry.

      The friendship and camaraderie among snowmobile riders go beyond the snow. It's the shared experiences, humor, and human connections that truly make the sport special. The speakers emphasized that professional athletes, despite their titles, are still human and have a passion for the sport that brings them together. They also highlighted the importance of authenticity and not taking oneself too seriously in the industry. The speakers' own experiences of meeting each other and discovering their shared love for snowmobiling and friendship served as an inspiration for their current project, which aims to showcase the relatability and fun side of professional snowmobile athletes.

    • Relatable experiences and humanizing athletes509 Sports offers a unique perspective on athlete's lives and the allure of the great outdoors, creating a sense of connection and entertainment for viewers.

      The YouTube channel, 509 Sports, offers an authentic and relatable experience that humanizes professional athletes and highlights the importance of enjoying life beyond their respective industries. The channel's casual banter and openness about their personal lives creates a sense of connection and entertainment for viewers. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that people are drawn to the wilderness and mountain lifestyle, but not everyone understands the true essence of it. The influx of newcomers can be seen as a double-edged sword, as it brings change but also preserves the unique qualities of the area. Overall, the channel provides a refreshing perspective on the lives of athletes and the allure of the great outdoors.

    • Balancing Passion and Professionalism in Power SportsThe team values authenticity and balance in their passion for power sports, reflecting on past experiences to find joy and competition, respecting others, and aiming to bring professionalism and enjoyment together.

      The team values authenticity and balance in their passion for power sports. They aim to capture both the serious and playful aspects of their experiences, rather than just focusing on one or the other. The team reflects on their past experiences, such as siphoning fuel from snowmobiles to gas up their own, and uses these moments to remind themselves of the importance of enjoying their passion while also being competitive. They respect other racers, like Keith Curtis, who are highly disciplined, but also recognize the value of having fun and expressing their passion. They strive to find a balance between professionalism and enjoyment, and aim to bring both worlds together in their content. The team also recognizes the unique opportunities the Midwest provides for capturing the lifestyle of power sports enthusiasts, and they are excited to continue exploring and sharing their experiences.

    • Bringing the Snowmobiling Community TogetherThe passion for snowmobiling fosters unity and respect among individuals, regardless of skill level or background.

      The passion for snowmobiling brings people together, regardless of skill level or professional status. The idea of owning a shop in the heart of the snowmobiling community with all the necessary tools and amenities was a dream that emphasized the importance of enjoying the experience and being adaptable to the volatility of life. The 509 community event serves as a platform for athletes and fans to interact with each other, sharing their love for the sport and proving that everyone is human and deserving of respect on the mountain. The goal is to broaden the perspective of the outside world and show that the passion for snowmobiling unites everyone.

    • Learning from mistakes in snowmobilingProgress in snowmobiling comes from pushing each other and learning from mistakes, driven by the passion and excitement of events like X Games.

      Progress in snowmobiling, or any challenging hobby, doesn't only come from the good guys. It's essential to push each other and learn from those who are still trying to improve. Brett's story of taking riders to Jackson Training Grounds and seeing their growth through the mistakes is a perfect example. The passion and coveted nature of events like X Games drive people to put in immense effort. While it may not be easy or quick, the experience and learning are invaluable. For those interested, consider trying out a qualifying race, like the master circuit in Michigan, to get a taste of the excitement. Overall, the love for snowmobiling and the community that comes with it is what drives us to keep going, no matter the obstacles.

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    • Listening to that inner voice and honoring your true self
    • Going out on your own takes effing hard work
    • Keeping the faith
    • "Don't make safe choices in life because it's convenient to do so."

    James doesn’t pull any punches and was simply the PERFECT pick to sum up some of the main touch points I’ve been covering all along on this show. So….


    And, thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening for these past three years; as you've heard me say on the last couple of episodes, my plan has been to flipping the name of the show from from “Curve the Cube: Where Dreamers Become Doers” to “Dreamers Become Doers: Curve the Cube and Do the Impossible.” But, after a very thoughtful conversation with my mentor, Glenn the Geek from the Horse Radio Network, there is an even BIGGER change that I now have planned for the show and hope you can all get behind. As the coincidence of good timing would have it, Glenn and I will be spending some time together this weekend. So, he’ll join me in recording a fully fleshed-out announcement and explanation of that change. So, be sure to look for that, as it could even be released ahead of the next scheduled release date for the show, which would normally be the first.

    Follow James Oliver, Jr. on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


    If you are thinking of starting your own podcast, head to Libsyn.com and sign up with my promo code "IGNITE" to receive a free month of hosting with the leader in the industry.

    If you already HAVE a podcast and you are based out of Florida, go ahead and submit it to Florida Podcast Network's Directory. It's FREE and always will be. Head to FloridaPodcastDirectory.com.

    And, if you are in SOUTH Florida, visit us at PalmBeachPodcasters.com. Join us at a MeetUp and learn from your peers who've already been through a bit of the podcasting fire. We will be having our 2018 planning session soon, and would love for you to contribute YOUR thoughts!

    Music Beds courtesy of DJ John Hitta!!!

    DJ John Hitta

    To stay up on the latest with my guests, follow Curve the Cube on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | SnapChat (@FlintStoneMedia) | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube

    Copyright Flint Stone Media, LLC 2017.

    FYPC021: Laurence Jackson, Assistant Line Producer on Netflix's You

    FYPC021: Laurence Jackson, Assistant Line Producer on Netflix's You

    Laurence Jackson is a line producer’s assistant on the Netflix original You. He also produces SAG short films on the side. After a few “career restarts” Laurence is finally working in his dream environment.

    He encourages others to follow suit if they have a passion or dream.

    “If you have a passion, persevere.”

    Laurence created his first film with his digital camcorder when he was 14 years old. When he arrived on his college campus and realized it didn't have a film program, he took matters into his own hands. Laurence created a film club in which he wrote and filmed his first feature film, Hollow, during his freshman year.

    The movie had a message for college students who were struggling to find their way. After debuting the film at UMD’s theater, Laurence was flown out to UC Irvine to show the film there too. One student said that he saw himself in the film and it made him realize he didn’t know who he was but that he wanted to figure it out.

    This experience fueled his passion and his career journey from working as an IT auditor to entering the film world. 

    Find out how Laurence persevered to follow his passion working in the film industry! 

    Once you’re inspired by Laurence’s story we would love to read your review. http://bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast