
    Find Your Passion Career Podcast

    Hey there career seekers! Ready to start your intentional career journey? On Find Your Passion Career I'll help you become a career strategist and achieve your dream career. I’m your host, Amanda Nachman. I’m the founder and CEO of College Magazine, reaching 9 million readers nationwide. Over the last 10 years I’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of students. They’ve gone on to careers at National Geo, Rachel Ray, USA Today, NBC, Vox and more. What I’ve noticed most is that when it comes to career, there’s a lot to demystify. On the podcast I interview career experts and professionals in their passion career. I can't wait to share their advice and journey with you. Let’s get started. After listening and feeling inspired, I hope you'll leave a review: http://bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast
    enAmanda Nachman67 Episodes

    Episodes (67)

    FYPC065: Lori Bumgarner, Author and Career Coach

    FYPC065: Lori Bumgarner, Author and Career Coach

    Lori Bumgarner loves helping others find their passions. As a career coach for over 20 years, she has worked with college students, Nashville up-and-coming recording artists, and now helps those who are mid-career in various industries and locations. She’s written several books including her most recent work on personal branding. Lori inspires others to discover what sets them apart, helping them stand out in interviews with employers.

    “You have to be able to say what makes you unique. And a lot of [the recording artists] either didn’t know the answer to that question, or they couldn’t articulate the answer,” Lori said.

    To hear Lori's advice about authenticity in personal branding, download my podcast interview with Lori here on iTunes!

    FYPC 64: Dr. Eli Tsukayama, Professor and Grit Researcher

    FYPC 64: Dr. Eli Tsukayama, Professor and Grit Researcher
    Dr. Eli Tsukayama is passionate about helping his students achieve a growth mindset. Working as a professor at the University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu, he has conducted extensive research on grit and perseverence. His research also focuses on understanding individual differences that can be used to segment and understand target markets. Dr. Eli challenges people to abandon their fixed mindsets and accept challenges as opportunities to hone in on their skills. 

    “If you’re in a fixed mindset, challenges reinforce this idea that 'I’m bad at this, I’m never going to be good at this.' From a growth mindset, it’s 'Well, yeah there [are] challenges because that’s what I need to do to become better.'"

    To hear Dr. Eli's advice about the power of grit, download my podcast interview with Dr. Eli here on iTunes!

    FYPC 63: Scott Stratten, Founder of UnMarketing, Author, and Speaker

    FYPC 63: Scott Stratten, Founder of UnMarketing, Author, and Speaker
    Scott Stratten encourages people to put relationships before competition in the workplace. As the founder of UnMarketing, he believes that people should engage with their customers instead of marketing to them. Scott also co-authored six best-selling business books, and is an award-winning keynote speaker. Scott is an advocate for online integrity. Experiencing breakout success on Twitter, he realized his love for making virtual connections. His passion for online authenticity led him to found UnMarketing “I want to find people that care about humans, that don’t treat customers as leads only." To hear Scott's advice about building relationships in the workplace, download my podcast interview with Scott here on iTunes!

    FYPC062: Laura Putnam, CEO of Motion Infusion

    FYPC062: Laura Putnam, CEO of Motion Infusion
    Laura Putnam inspires people to get moving during their workday. As a former gymnast, she was motivated to create Motion Infusion, a leading provider of wellbeing and human performance services. Laura also wrote an award winning book, Workplace Wellness that Works: 10 Steps to Infuse Well-Being and Vitality Into Any Organization, and teaches at Stanford University. She was the recipient of The American Heart Association’s “2020 Impact” Award and the National Wellness Institute’s “Circle of Leadership” award.  Laura firmly believes that work shouldn't feel like a chore. Instead, our work should inspire us to become our best and most authentic selves. She finds that this is highly achievable when efforts are made to integrate movement into our lives, and better yet, our workplaces.

    “Workplace wellness done well is one in which people are healthier, they’re happier, they’re closer to their version of ‘me at my best,’ because of where they work as opposed to in spite of it.”

    To hear Laura's advice and learn how to get more active during the workday, download my podcast interview with Laura here on iTunes!

    FYPC061: Dr. Nicole Tschierske, STEM Career Coach

    FYPC061: Dr. Nicole Tschierske, STEM Career Coach
    Dr. Nicole Tschierske helps overlooked women in STEM feel confident in their career journeys. As an action coach and career expert, she has found that employers seek passionate workers. Thus, she encourages women in STEM to pursue their passions within their current position.

    Dr. Nicole understands the frustration of feeling "bored-out" in your career, and recommends that instead of quitting that job, you should seek new leadership opportunities within your company. Then, you can gain some experience within your passion while still getting that paycheck. 

    "Reading about a job or talking to people who have the job is always secondhand reality. Tapping into it and getting those real-life experiences is always more valuable," said Dr. Nicole.

    To hear Dr. Nicole's advice and learn how to shake up your career, download my podcast interview with Dr. Nicole here on iTunes!

    FYPC060: Jason Lauritsen, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Author

    FYPC060: Jason Lauritsen, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Author

    Jason Lauritsen works to transform management. As a keynote speaker, trainer, and author, he liberates managers from outdated and inhumane practices to cultivate human potential at work and improve people's lives. His experience ranges from startup CEO to Fortune 1000 executive. He also spent several years leading the best places to work program for an HR technology company where he gained deep insight into some of the best workplaces in the world. Jason is the author of two books, Unlocking High Performance: How to Use Performance Management to Engage and Empower Employees to Reach Their Full Potential and Social Gravity: Harnessing the Natural Laws of Relationships.

    Jason advises people to lead with compassion to solve the problem of dysfunctional relationships that contaminate the workplace.

    “Compassion is about noticing suffering in others, being moved by that suffering, wanting the person to be out of suffering, and then taking action or being willing to take action.”

    To hear Jason's advice and learn how to navigate the workplace, download my podcast interview with Jason here on iTunes!

    FYPC059: Colleen Lubin, SNHU Associate Director of Student Involvement

    FYPC059: Colleen Lubin, SNHU Associate Director of Student Involvement

    Colleen Lubin is a higher education professional with over 15 years of experience in Orientation, student engagement, and leadership development. From working as the Associate Director of Student Involvement at Southern New Hampshire University to advocating for infertility awareness on her website notquiteknockedup.com to storytelling, Colleen wear many hats. All of which best suit her interests and passions.

    Colleen can tell you how to find what career path fits you, but your gut will ultimately tell you when you’ve found what fits you best.

    “I’m a huge gut person. Intuition is huge for me. I just think we each have this voice and there’s all kinds of external factors that are working to silence it or confuse it. You feel pressure from your family or whoever’s surrounding you at the time, friends from home, friends from your college, even your own other voice that’s like, ‘you should be doing this’.”

    To hear Colleen's advice and learn how to listen to your gut to find the career path that fits you, download my podcast interview with Colleen here on iTunes!

    FYPC058: Dr. Aviva Legatt, Elite Admissions Expert and Founder of Ivy Insight

    FYPC058: Dr. Aviva Legatt, Elite Admissions Expert and Founder of Ivy Insight

    Dr. Aviva Legatt is the Elite Admissions expert, founder of Ivy Insight, and host of College Admission’s Real Talk podcast. She helps consult undergraduate elite college applications. Her motto is: Get In and Get Real! Dr. Aviva’s fresh perspective helps students get real and get what they want!

    When we hide our authentic selves from the world, the right opportunities may hide from us. Dr. Aviva advises to show up as your authentic self.

    “If we’re showing up the way that we are, then the right opportunities will appear. Verses, if we’re just trying to put all of our chess pieces in play and check all the boxes. Then we may not end up in the right place.”

    To hear Dr. Aviva's advice and learn how to find the career path that fits you, download my podcast interview with Dr. Aviva here on iTunes!

    FYPC057: Sam DeMase, Founder of Power Mood, Career Confidence Coach, and Self-Advocacy Expert

    FYPC057: Sam DeMase, Founder of Power Mood, Career Confidence Coach, and Self-Advocacy Expert

    Sam DeMase is the founder of Power Mood, a Career Confidence Coach, and Self-Advocacy Expert. She helps her clients and TikTok audience of 200,000 followers land the job they want and confidently ask for what they’re worth. Sam’s also on a mission to destroy the patriarchy. Her motto is: You get what you’re worth!

    “Don’t they see me shining? Where’s my promotion, where’s my pay-raise?”

    We assume that if we excel at work, we’ll be recognized and promoted. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case.

    “One of the [ideas] I’ve debunked is that, if you work hard, opportunities will come to you.”

    Instead of waiting around, Sam stresses the importance of communicating your value and choosing confidence.

    To hear Sam's advice and learn how to choose confidence, download my podcast interview with Sam here on iTunes!

    FYPC056: Veronica Gerosimo, Assistant Dean of Student Life & Leadership

    FYPC056: Veronica Gerosimo, Assistant Dean of Student Life & Leadership

    Veronica Gerosimo currently serves as the Assistant Dean of Student Life & Leadership at Hudson County Community College in New Jersey. An involved student leader turned Student Affairs professional, Veronica is passionate about cultivating student leaders, providing an engaging and supportive student life, and leading by example to ensure her diverse student population feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. A self-proclaimed workaholic and panda lover, when Veronica is not on her laptop, her favorite thing to do is visit Walt Disney World with her wife.

    There's a clear and beautiful theme to Veronica’s career journey:

    “Take pride in everything you do.”

    To hear Veronica’s story and the value of teamwork and passion, download my podcast interview with Veronica here on iTunes!

    FYPC055: Bryan Dik, Professor of Psychology and Jobzology Co-Founder

    FYPC055: Bryan Dik,  Professor of Psychology and Jobzology Co-Founder

    Bryan Dik, Ph.D., is a vocational psychologist, professor of psychology at Colorado State University, and co-founder and Chief Science Officer of jobZology. Bryan studies meaning and purpose in the workplace, calling and vocation in career development, and the intersection of faith and work. He has delivered keynote lectures on four continents, has published four books (including Redeeming Work and Make Your Job a Calling), and hosts the Purposeful Work Podcast.

    Once you've found your calling, you may be surprised to find that your journey continues.

    “…having a calling means you're always looking for ways to enhance it, expand it, increase it, and find new opportunities linked to it," said Bryan.

    To uncover the secrets of vocational calling, download my podcast interview with Bryan here on iTunes!

    Once you're inspired by Bryan's interview, we would love to read your review. bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC054: Alexandra Levit, International Bestselling Author and CEO

    FYPC054: Alexandra Levit, International Bestselling Author and CEO

    Alexandra Levit is the author of the international bestseller They Don’t Teach Corporate in College: A Twenty-Something’s Guide to the Business World. Her latest book Humanity Works reveals what the 'robot takeover' will really look like, helping you prepare for the possibilities of the future. She is an influential thought leader on career and workforce trends who has been instrumental in developing and promoting proprietary research on the future of work, the millennial generation, gender differences and bias, and the skills gap. Alexandra’s goal is to prepare organizations and their employees to be competitive and marketable in the future business world.

    Back in January of 2020, how many of us could honestly have foreseen remote work being on the horizon? Alexandra did. A pandemic, and all the workplace transitions that came with it, was the furthest thing from everyone’s minds. But not hers.

    “Remote work was an example of a trend that I’ve been looking at for about 10 years where I knew that this was going to take off eventually.”

    As a work futurist and an avid researcher, Alexandra saw the inevitable change in the status quo, and prepared for it. She saw past the immediate panic over transitioning to online and envisions the natural next step in business progression: hybrid workplaces.

    Download my podcast interview with Alexandra here on iTunes!

    Once you're inspired by Alexandra's interview, we would love to read your review. bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC053: Drew Sullivan, Senior Agent at APB Speakers

    FYPC053: Drew Sullivan, Senior Agent at APB Speakers

    Drew Sullivan is a Senior Agent at APB Speakers, one of the world’s top speakers bureaus. Prior to APB, Drew dabbled in the marketing and public relations side of the entertainment industry with a strong focus in reality television and commercial dance. An alumnus of University of Connecticut, Drew lives in Boston with his partner, Brad, and their Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Belle. Drew's story is proof that passion and hard work pays off. Find out how Drew turned his passions into his career.

    Download my podcast interview with Drew here on iTunes!

    Once you're inspired by Drew's interview, we would love to read your review. bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC052: Laurie Ruettimann, Writer, Entrepreneur, and Speaker

    FYPC052: Laurie Ruettimann, Writer, Entrepreneur, and Speaker

    Laurie Ruettimann is the author of the book Betting On You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career. She’s a former human resources leader turned writer, entrepreneur, speaker and host of Punk Rock HR podcast. CNN recognized her as one of the top five career advisers in the United States, and her work has been featured on NPR, The New Yorker, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Vox. Laurie encourages everyone to start "slacking off" today. What does that mean exactly? Pick up a hobby and “build upon your interesting,” by carving out deliberate time to focus in on that new or returning love.

    Download my podcast interview with Laurie here on iTunes!

    Once you're inspired by Laurie's interview, we would love to read your review. bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC051: Jules Montgomery, Founder of Matches Media and Social Media Entrepreneur

    FYPC051: Jules Montgomery, Founder of Matches Media and Social Media Entrepreneur

    Jules Montgomery is the creator of Matches Media. She’s scaled multiple businesses through social media strategy and grew her TikTok channel to over 200,000 followers in two months. This entrepreneur and social media expert is a recent grad from the University of Michigan. Jules’ path to TikTok star and social media entrepreneur was in no way direct. She started out studying nursing and eventually attempted to pivot away into pre-med, but neither stuck. These careers didn’t offer Jules an avenue to express her passion, and it was starting to affect her well-being. Giving herself permission to quit what originally seemed like the ideal path, Jules could follow her passion for entrepreneurship. From that passion, she crafted a successful online eCommerce business, cultivated a massive TikTok following, and founded her Matches Media consulting firm.

    Download my podcast interview with Jules here on iTunes!

    Once you're inspired by Jules's story, we would love to read your review. bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC050: Simon T. Bailey, Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, and Author

    FYPC050: Simon T. Bailey, Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, and Author

    Simon T. Bailey’s purpose is to Spark listeners to lead countries, companies, and communities differently. His content is based on more than 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry including serving as sales director for Disney Institute based at Walt Disney World Resort. He has worked with almost 2,000 organizations in 50 countries. Recently, the editors of Direct Selling News listed him as one of the top twenty motivational speakers to inspire, educate, and motivate, and LinkedIn Learning features three of his online courses that reach professionals in 100+ countries.

    Download my podcast interview with Simon here on iTunes!

    Tune in to discover how you can transform your mindset around work and inject more creativity into your life, and once you're inspired by Simon's story, we would love to read your review. bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC049: Lindsey Pollak, New York Times Bestselling Author and Leading Career Expert

    FYPC049: Lindsey Pollak, New York Times Bestselling Author and Leading Career Expert

    Lindsey Pollak is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the world’s leading career and workplace experts. She helps individuals and organizations navigate and thrive in the ever-changing world of work. Her most recent work, Recalculating, strives to help people recover and reorient in their vocations following the pandemic. We discuss the post-Covid career-scape, the secret side of job-hunting, and the value of hobbies outside the workspace. 

    Download my podcast interview with Lindsey here on iTunes!

    Once you’re inspired by Lindsey’s story we would love to read your review. http://bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast

    FYPC048: Lauren McGoodwin, CEO and Founder of Career Contessa

    FYPC048: Lauren McGoodwin, CEO and Founder of Career Contessa

    Lauren McGoodwin is Career Contessa’s CEO and #1 power move advocate with a life mission to help women build successful and fulfilling careers on their terms.

    Lauren launched Career Contessa in 2013 born from her master’s thesis project aiming to close the gap in career development resources for women. Career Contessa now helps millions of women each year with their careers through content, online learning courses, and job listings.

    FYPC047: Sarah Steinberg, CEO of Frogstone Strategies and Former Johns Hopkins Executive VP

    FYPC047: Sarah Steinberg, CEO of Frogstone Strategies and Former Johns Hopkins Executive VP

    Sarah Steinberg is the former Executive VP of Johns Hopkins and now the founder and CEO of Frogstone Strategies. She realized her calling for helping others in higher education and pursued her passion ever since.

    Through Frogstone Strategies, Sarah advises colleges and universities on the creation and development of revenue sustainable programs both online and on-site for adult and non-traditional students.  

    She also holds adjunct faculty positions at the University of Pennsylvania and Georgetown University.

    FYPC046: Ursula Diamond, Career Services Leader at Claremont McKenna College

    FYPC046: Ursula Diamond, Career Services Leader at Claremont McKenna College

    As the Director for student opportunities at Claremont McKenna College, Ursula Diamond leads the Career Services team and helps students and alumni develop their career journeys.

    Ursula holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of London, a Master of Arts degree in Psychology and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Higher Education, both from New York University.

    Find out how she turned those degrees into a passion career and why you should ask for help when you need it.
    Once you're inspired by Ursula's story, we would love to read your review. http://bit.ly/AmandaNachmanPodcast