
    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Connections: Online and OfflineVolunteering, podcasts, and cybersecurity measures are ways to build stronger connections and safeguard ourselves from potential harm, both online and offline.

      Building strong community connections is essential for personal growth and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and emergency support. Meanwhile, podcasts like Conversations with UNT offer words of encouragement and life advice. In the realm of technology, the concept of neurosecurity raises concerns about the potential for digital information to harm individuals directly, whether through a lethal computer virus or the devastating effects of cyberbullying or data leaks. While these examples may seem far-fetched, they serve as reminders of the increasing interconnectedness of our world and the importance of taking steps to protect ourselves and our communities, both online and offline. Whether through volunteering, podcasts, or cybersecurity measures, we can all take actions to build stronger connections and safeguard ourselves from potential harm.

    • Smart Homes and Personal Devices: Convenience with RisksAs technology advances, it's crucial to consider potential risks and take steps to mitigate them, such as securing smart homes and personal devices against hacking and protecting vulnerable individuals from harmful digital content.

      As our homes and personal devices become more interconnected through the Internet, there are potential risks and concerns that come with this new technology. For example, a smart thermostat may seem convenient, but it raises questions about security and privacy. The idea of a self-aware home turning against its occupants is a common trope in science fiction, but the reality is that devices, such as autonomous vehicles and personal devices, can be manipulated or hacked to cause harm. In extreme cases, this can lead to physical injuries or even death. For instance, an epilepsy support message board was once attacked with flashing images designed to trigger seizures in photosensitive epileptics. More recently, a journalist with photosensitive epilepsy was targeted with strobing light images through Twitter, causing a seizure and leading to a criminal prosecution. While psychological harm is a risk with any digital media, physically harming someone through an interface is more challenging. However, these incidents serve as a reminder that as technology advances, it's essential to consider the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

    • Protecting neurological vulnerabilities with neuro securityNeuro security applies computer cybersecurity principles to the brain and nervous system, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of neural devices for individuals with neurological vulnerabilities.

      As technology advances, neuro security - the application of computer cybersecurity principles to the brain and nervous system - is an inevitable next step, especially when it comes to protecting individuals with neurological vulnerabilities like epilepsy from potential harm caused by specific light images or information interfaces. Neuro security encompasses various aspects, such as using neuroscience principles in security, protecting confidentiality, integrity, and availability of neural devices, and preventing unauthorized access or changes to these systems. This concept was explored in a 2009 study published in Neurosurgical Focus, which outlined the primary goals of computer security - confidentiality, integrity, and availability - and their relevance to neuro security. Confidentiality ensures that private information, such as thoughts or emotions, remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. Integrity prevents attackers from changing device settings or initiating unauthorized operations, while availability ensures that the neural devices remain accessible and functional for their intended users. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to consider the implications and challenges of neuro security to safeguard individuals' biological information systems.

    • Protecting Neural Devices: The Importance of NeurosecurityAs technology advances and gets closer to our brains, it's crucial to secure neural devices to preserve neural mechanisms, computation, and free will. The internet's insecurity serves as a reminder to be aware of neurotechnology vulnerabilities and take steps to secure them.

      As technology advances and gets closer to our brains, the importance of securing it becomes crucial. Neurosecurity refers to the protection of neural devices from malicious parties, aiming to preserve a person's neural mechanisms, neural computation, and free will. The Internet, which is a complex interconnected system, has become notoriously insecure due to the lack of a unified strategy to keep it safe. As we move forward, we must be aware of the potential vulnerabilities of neurotechnologies and take steps to secure them. A simple example of this is when a peripheral device, such as a phone, fails, leaving us vulnerable and dependent on it. The consequences can be even more severe when the technology is closer to the brain. In the next part of our discussion, we will explore some specific neurotechnologies and the potential security concerns associated with them.

    • The Internet's Evolution and VulnerabilitiesThe Internet, once a research project, is now a global hub with vulnerabilities like data breaches, identity theft, and privacy invasion. Stay informed and take precautions to protect yourself and your information.

      The Internet, which started as a research project for a few dozen researchers, has evolved into a global hub of commerce and recreation for everyone. However, with this growth came vulnerabilities. The Internet's architects didn't anticipate the massive scale of users and the potential threats that come with it. As a result, we've seen instances of data breaches, identity theft, and invasion of privacy. It's important to remember that the Internet is connected to the same universe where we live, and our online actions can have real-life consequences. So, while we enjoy the convenience and benefits of the Internet, it's crucial to stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our information. Moreover, the discussion touched on various topics such as shopping deals for Mother's Day, Astepro for allergy relief, and the Apple Card rewards program. However, the underlying theme was the evolution of the Internet and its vulnerabilities. It's a reminder that technology, no matter how advanced, is not infallible, and we must stay vigilant to ensure our security and privacy.

    • The Internet's Security Challenges: An AfterthoughtThe Internet's security was an afterthought, leading to numerous challenges. Proactively addressing security in new technologies like neurotech is essential.

      The Internet, like many groundbreaking technologies, was not designed with security as a primary focus. The early pioneers of the Internet, such as David D. Clark, David H. Crocker, and Vinton G. Cerf, thought they could exclude untrustworthy individuals, but they didn't anticipate the intentional security threats that would emerge. Initially, security was viewed as a means to protect the system from external threats. However, as the value of the Internet grew, so did the incentive for malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities. This is a lesson that resonates with the development of neurotechnology, where the primary focus is on aiding patients rather than securing the technology itself. The history of the Internet's security challenges serves as a reminder that security is an afterthought in many technological advancements, and it is crucial to address it proactively rather than reactively.

    • Neurotechnology's vulnerability to cyber attacksAs neurotechnology advances, it's crucial to prioritize security to prevent severe consequences from cyber attacks, including financial gain, blackmail, physical harm, and self-harm.

      As neurotechnology becomes more effective and widespread, it will become more integrated into our bodies and lives, increasing its potential uses from treating brain disorders to enhancing cognitive capacity. However, as these devices become more useful and more widely adopted, they also become more vulnerable to cyber attacks. The more a device interacts with other systems and plays outdoors, the more susceptible it is to being compromised. The consequences of a neurotechnology cyber attack could be severe, ranging from financial gain and blackmail to physical harm and self-harm. The trend is that as technology advances, there will always be individuals looking to exploit vulnerabilities. The authors of a 2009 neurosecurity paper warn that if we don't design robust security features into neurotechnology from the beginning, we could end up with a system of ad hoc security fixes, leading to a constant race between updates and hackers. The potential consequences of such attacks on the nervous system are unacceptable, making it crucial to prioritize security in the development of neurotechnology.

    • Neurosecurity concerns in the era of neural engineering and neurotechnologyAs technology advances in neural engineering and neurotechnology, the risks to personal security and privacy increase, with potential consequences affecting a person's ability to think and maintain good health. It's crucial to address neurosecurity concerns in future designs to prevent hacking and privacy breaches.

      As we continue to advance in neural engineering and neurotechnology, there is an increasing risk to personal security and privacy, especially with the integration of wireless connectivity and the complexity of devices. This is compared to the early stages of the Internet where neurosecurity was not a major concern. The potential consequences of a neurosecurity breach can be severe, affecting a person's ability to think and maintain good health. For instance, hackers have demonstrated the ability to compromise wireless implanted medical devices, such as cardiac defibrillators, and change therapies or even induce life-threatening heart rhythms. As technology advances, the risks will continue to increase, making it crucial to address neurosecurity concerns in future designs. Robotic limbs, which have already made significant strides in being controlled directly by brain activity, are an example of this evolving technology. While these advancements offer great potential, they also come with new challenges and ethical questions, such as the potential for hacking and privacy concerns. As our world of interconnected devices continues to change and become more complex, it's essential to consider these risks and work towards solutions to ensure the security and privacy of individuals' neural data.

    • Exploring Neurotechnology's Promises and RisksAs neurotechnology advances, it's vital to consider and address potential security vulnerabilities to prevent major issues, such as ransomware attacks on brain-controlled limbs or hacking of medical devices like insulin pumps.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of neurosecurity and neurotechnology, it's crucial to address potential vulnerabilities and hacking threats before they become major issues. For instance, hackers have developed Bluetooth devices that can cause lethal doses in portable insulin pumps, and there are concerns about the security of brain-controlled robotic limbs. These technologies hold great promise, but they also come with risks. For example, a ransomware attack on a neurotechnological limb could leave the user unable to move unless they pay a ransom. As we continue to explore the wonders of neurotechnology, it's essential to keep security in mind and work to mitigate potential threats.

    • Hackable prosthetic limbs and neuroprosthetics pose cybersecurity risksAdvancements in prosthetic limbs and neuroprosthetics bring cybersecurity concerns, such as ransom demands, data theft, and even harm or danger.

      As technology advances, the risks to hackable prosthetic limbs and neuroprosthetics become a growing concern. These devices could be subjected to various types of cyber-attacks, including availability, confidentiality, and integrity attacks. For instance, an attacker could demand a ransom to unlock paralyzed legs attached to robotic limbs or gain control of a robotic arm to infer confidential information by analyzing typing motion data. In extreme cases, the attacker could even make the limb malfunction, causing harm or even danger, especially if the person is driving or giving a public presentation. While the risks may seem low at first, the desire for technological advancements to help individuals cope with lost limbs is strong. It's essential to be aware of these potential threats and take steps to secure these devices to ensure safety and privacy. On a lighter note, there is also the possibility of hacking prosthetic limbs for fun, like making a hand puppet talk or making the limb throw up a rock horn at random intervals. Overall, as technology progresses, it's crucial to consider the potential risks and benefits and take necessary precautions to secure these devices.

    • Neurotechnology's Security Risks: Manipulation and HackingWhile neurotechnology offers benefits, it also poses security risks due to potential manipulation and hacking of flexible systems and deep brain stimulation. Ethical and secure use is crucial.

      While neurotechnology offers numerous benefits, such as deep brain stimulation for treating medical conditions, it also presents significant security risks due to the potential for manipulation and hacking. This was discussed in relation to flexible systems and deep brain stimulation in the context of the original paper on neurosecurity. The opportunity for self-expression and innovation can be seen as a positive, but it's crucial to consider the potential security risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them. For instance, deep brain stimulation, which involves putting electrodes deep inside the brain to stimulate certain regions, can be used to treat various medical conditions, but it also raises concerns when the capability to send electrical impulses deep within the brain is in the hands of technology. The Black Effect Podcast Festival, in partnership with Nissan, is an example of how technology can be used for positive purposes, such as empowering HBCU scholars through mentorship and professional development. However, it's essential to remain vigilant and ensure that technology is being used ethically and securely.

    • Neurotechnology: Risks and Ethical DilemmasAs neurotechnology advances, there's a risk of dangerous exploits and ethical dilemmas, such as hacking deep brain stimulation or memory manipulation with cognitive augmentation. The concept of 'irresistible availability' raises questions about people's choices when upgrades become widely available.

      As we make advancements in neurotechnology, such as deep brain stimulation and cognitive augmentation, there comes an increased risk of dangerous exploits and ethical dilemmas. For instance, deep brain stimulation, while effective in treating disorders, can also be hacked to cause harm or even pleasure. Cognitive augmentation, on the other hand, offers the potential for memory enhancement or computational upgrades, but also carries the risk of memory manipulation or degradation. The question then arises, if such technologies become widely available, will people choose to remain at a cognitive deficit compared to their upgraded peers? This concept is referred to as "irresistible availability." While the risks may be concerning, it's important to remember that these technologies are still in their infancy and their full potential, benefits, and risks are yet to be fully understood. It's crucial that we approach these advancements with caution and consideration for their ethical implications.

    • From scary to irresistible: The progression of technology acceptanceTechnologies initially perceived as risky or unnecessary can eventually become widely adopted due to their convenience and social norm of usage.

      New technologies, initially perceived as scary and unnecessary, can eventually become irresistibly available and widely adopted due to their convenience and the social norm of usage. This progression can be seen in various contexts, such as cell phones, online transactions, ride sharing apps, and even flying. As the advantages become clearer and the risks lessen with widespread use, individuals often find themselves unable to imagine living without the technology. The convenience and normalcy of the technology often overshadow any initial fears or reservations. This phenomenon can be compared to the acceptance of cars, despite their potential danger, due to their widespread use and convenience. The same can be expected for emerging technologies like neurotechnology and cognitive augmentation, which are already in development and may become increasingly accepted as they become more widely available and their benefits become clearer.

    • Merging Human Brains with Technology: Elon Musk's Vision with NeuralinkElon Musk's Neuralink aims to create a neural lace, an ultrafine mesh for brain implants, to merge human brains with technology, prevent obsolescence, and enable cognitive upgrades.

      Elon Musk, inspired by science fiction depictions of advanced societies and transhumanist adaptations, is leading a neurotech startup called Neuralink with the goal of creating a neural lace - an ultrafine mesh material that can be injected into the brain to offer precise electrical feedback and control of brain activity. Musk's ultimate goal is to merge human brains with technology to prevent becoming irrelevant or even destroyed by superhuman artificial intelligence. This neural interface could potentially be used to treat neurological disorders in the short term, but Musk's long-term vision is to enable cognitive upgrades and create superhuman mind hybrids. This merging of human and technology is a response to the existential risk Musk perceives from AI, and it's a concept reminiscent of Iain M. Banks' science fiction works where humans and advanced AIs coexist. However, as we consider the implications of such technology, it's crucial that those designing it think deeply about the potential consequences and ethical considerations, not just for the future but also for those who choose to adopt these implants today.

    • Growing concerns about potential exploitation and security risks of brain-computer interfacesAs brain-computer interfaces become more advanced, it's essential to prioritize security and ethical considerations to prevent malicious activity and protect user privacy and autonomy

      As technology advances, particularly in the field of brain-computer interfaces, there is a growing concern about potential exploitation and security risks. External devices, such as electromagnetic cranial stimulation devices, while less plausible than implanted devices, could still pose a threat. Malware or hacking schemes that manipulate or disrupt these devices could have significant impacts on users, potentially disrupting their daily lives or even altering their behavior. Researchers have proposed solutions, such as multi-layered security systems and signal processing to detect and prevent suspicious activity. However, the increasing integration of technology with human cognition raises complex ethical and legal questions about accountability and consent. As we move towards a future where humans and machines become increasingly intertwined, it may become challenging to distinguish between the actions of the user and the technology itself. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize security and ethical considerations in the development and implementation of brain-computer interfaces.

    • The Impact of Technology on Personal Growth, Community Building, and Business EfficiencyAs technology advances, individuals may prioritize neuro enhancements for lost functionality, but security concerns and regulations are crucial. Social bonds within communities can be strengthened through technology, and businesses can streamline operations using it.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of neuro enhancements, individuals may not be able to resist using them due to the potential restoration of lost functionality. However, security concerns should be prioritized from the beginning to prevent potential risks. It's unlikely that individuals will opt out of such advancements, so regulations and laws may need to be put in place to control their use. The discussion also touched upon the importance of building meaningful social bonds within communities, as exemplified by Neighbor to Neighbor, and the role of technology in streamlining business operations, such as Slack. Overall, the conversation highlighted the impact of technology on various aspects of life, from personal growth to community building and business efficiency.

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    Last week, Synaptrix announced that their EMPOWER study was successfully pre-approved and registered by the NIH, and is available for the public to view on their website!

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    To stay up to date with Synaptrix and its progress, please follow our LinkedInInstagram, and Twitter. You can contact Aryan Govil, Co-founder and CEO of Synaptrix, at aryan@synaptrix-labs.com, or through LinkedIn!

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news


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    Useful links:

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    www.neurotechx.com - A wonderful global community advancing and connecting the neurotech community
    www.brainstormil.com/bci-4-als - The site for the BCI4ALS program
    www.linkedin.com/in/asaf-harel/ - Asaf's LinkedIn page
    About the podcast host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches ( https://www.neuroapproaches.org/ ) and its founder - Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K) - a neuroscience educator, neuroscience research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing students in this field. Whether you're looking to apply for jobs, build your professional network, or develop your research skills, Dr. K can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed. What you'll get:

    • One-on-one coaching sessions to help you identify and pursue your career goals;
    • Tailored guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation;
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies;
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at: https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Also, find your support in the Your Support Station podcast with Dr. K here:



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    Get ready to be inspired and informed! Tune in to 'Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!' and learn how individuals like Sam Darvishi are reshaping the future of healthcare and neuroscience while making a profound impact on the world.

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Dr. Sam Darvishi is a dynamic force at the intersection of neuroscience, engineering, and entrepreneurship. As the Founder and CEO of RehabSwift, he's on a mission to redefine neuro-rehabilitation through cutting-edge brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) designed to fast-track hand movement recovery for stroke patients.

    Dr. Darvishi's academic journey includes a Doctor of Philosophy in Neural Engineering from the University of Adelaide and a Master of Engineering in Automation and Manufacturing from the University of Sydney, where he achieved a degree with Merit and conducted groundbreaking research in motor imagery pattern classification.

    At RehabSwift, Sam combines advanced technology with evidence-based neuroscience principles, crafting highly personalized and effective rehabilitation solutions. His pioneering work is poised to transform the lives of stroke survivors globally. By breaking barriers in stroke recovery, he empowers individuals to regain independence, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. Sam aims to position RehabSwift as a global leader in neuro-rehabilitation, making a lasting impact on the field and the lives it touches. Connect with Dr. Darvishi to explore his innovative work and the transformative potential of RehabSwift's groundbreaking solutions:

    Via e-mail: sam@rehabswift.com

    Via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-darvishi/

    Learn about RehabSwift here: https://rehabswift.com.au/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing students in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news