
    GaryVee and Mark Cuban on How History Has Already Proven That NFTs Are Here To Stay

    enJune 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Consumer-centric approach to innovation in web 3.0 and NFTsMark Cuban and Gary Vaynerchuk prioritize consumer needs and desires, allowing them to be early adopters and advocates for groundbreaking technologies in web 1.0, web 2.0, and now web 3.0 and NFTs.

      Learning from this conversation between Gary Vaynerchuk and Mark Cuban is their shared consumer-centric approach to innovation, particularly in the realm of web 3.0 and NFTs. Mark Cuban's ability to understand and prioritize the needs and desires of consumers, rather than focusing on personal gain, has been a consistent theme throughout his career. This approach, which Gary Vaynerchuk also endorses, has allowed them to be early adopters and advocates for groundbreaking technologies. Their intuition and focus on the consumer experience have been instrumental in their success in web 1.0 and web 2.0, and it continues to serve them well in the emerging world of web 3.0 and NFTs. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of putting the consumer first when navigating new technologies and trends.

    • NFTs: Proof of Concept for Larger Trend of Digital Asset OwnershipThe speaker believes that the focus should be on the underlying technology of smart contracts and Ethereum Virtual Machines, rather than individual NFT investments. The macro trend of digitalizing assets is expected to continue, and finding companies that will dominate this space could lead to substantial returns.

      The current excitement around NFTs can be compared to the early days of the internet, with potential for significant long-term growth. However, the speaker argues that the focus should be on the underlying technology of smart contracts and Ethereum Virtual Machines, rather than individual NFT investments. The macro trend of digitalizing assets is expected to continue, and finding companies that will dominate this space, similar to Amazon, eBay, and Google in the early days of the internet, could lead to substantial returns. The speaker acknowledges that there are vulnerabilities in individual NFT investments due to supply and demand dynamics, but believes that the overall potential of the technology is much larger than what is currently realized. In essence, NFTs are seen as a proof of concept for the larger trend of digital asset ownership and the potential for decentralized markets.

    • The Future of Blockchain: Winners and LosersAs the blockchain ecosystem continues to scale, it's unclear who the winners and losers will be, but Ethereum is likely to remain a major player due to competition. The shift towards a more digital and decentralized economy presents both opportunities and challenges.

      The adoption of smart contracts on blockchains like Ethereum, as demonstrated by the rise of NFTs, is just the beginning. Consumers are increasingly comfortable with non-custodial wallets, and the fear of using digital platforms for transactions is diminishing. However, it's too early to tell who the big winners and losers will be in the next 5-10 years as the blockchain ecosystem continues to scale. Ethereum, as the leading platform, will likely remain a major player due to the competition it faces. The shift towards a more digital and decentralized economy presents both opportunities and challenges, and only time will tell who will come out on top. The analogy of consumers' initial reluctance to use digital platforms like Amazon and streaming services, despite initial fears, is a reminder of the potential for significant growth in the blockchain space.

    • Innovation in NFTs and EthereumNFTs are expanding beyond art, facing challenges in industries like music and ticketing, and Ethereum's high gas prices are being addressed through layer 2 scaling.

      The Ethereum community continues to innovate with smart contracts, and the industry as a whole is moving forward. The value proposition of NFTs is expanding beyond just digital art, but there are challenges to be addressed, such as accounting for access to events or creating NFTs for educational materials like CliffNotes. The future of NFTs in industries like music and ticketing is promising, but there are issues with royalties and platform compatibility that need to be resolved. The analogy of streaming from the late 90s to the present day illustrates how complex processes have become simplified over time, and it's likely that the same will happen with NFTs and blockchain technology. While Ethereum's high gas prices may make it less attractive for some use cases, the potential benefits are significant, and the community is working on solutions like layer 2 scaling.

    • NFTs set to revolutionize ticket salesNFTs may become standard for ticket sales, acting as marketing collateral and secondary royalty assets. The process of creating NFTs closer to ticket purchase origination is the current challenge.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are expected to become a standard for ticket sales in the near future, acting as marketing collateral and secondary royalty assets for issuers. The integration of NFTs into ticket sales could start as soon as the upcoming season, with the issuance of an NFT after purchasing a ticket. The potential value of these NFTs is limitless, and the challenge lies in moving the NFT creation process closer to the ticket purchase origination. The speakers also expressed their gratitude for podcast reviews, which provide valuable context and recognition for the podcast. A standout review praised Gary's ability to blend business advice with humility and kindness, making a significant impact on both business and personal growth.

    • Engaging with podcast community leads to rewardsLeaving a podcast review can lead to recognition and connection with hosts, encouraging active participation and improving the show

      Engaging with the podcast community can lead to unexpected rewards. The hosts value feedback from their listeners and even shout out those who leave reviews. This not only creates a sense of connection between the hosts and their audience but also encourages active participation. It's a win-win situation, as listeners get recognized for their contributions while the podcast continues to grow and improve based on listener feedback. So, if you're a fan of the podcast, consider leaving a review - you might just get a shout-out and be a part of the show's journey!

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    BREAKDOWN: Why Citi Thinks Bitcoin Is at a Tipping Point

    BREAKDOWN: Why Citi Thinks Bitcoin Is at a Tipping Point

    A 108-page report from the bank argues that in the future, bitcoin could become the preferred currency for international trade. 

    This episode is sponsored by Nexo.io and Casper.

    Today on the Brief:

    • Michael Saylor bought the dip
    • China bans bitcoin mining in Inner Mongolia
    • WallStreetBets moving off Reddit? 

    Our main discussion: Citi’s analysis of bitcoin. 

    February saw a non-stop barrage of bullish bitcoin news with regard to institutional uptake. March is off to a similar start with a massive research report arguing that:

    • Bitcoin’s evolution over the last seven years has been spectacular 
    • CBDCs are likely to become more important
    • If CBDCs do become more important, it could spur more corporations to use bitcoin as a global settlement currency 

    NLW argues that the report itself may be the beginning of a new, important part of the institutional bitcoin narrative. 


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    Image credit: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg/Getty Images

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    BREAKDOWN: Hedge Fund Billionaire Ray Dalio Has Officially Bought Bitcoin

    BREAKDOWN: Hedge Fund Billionaire Ray Dalio Has Officially Bought Bitcoin

    A big shift from one of finance’s biggest names, plus a recap on the latest China-Bitcoin intrigue.

    This episode is sponsored by Nexo.io and Bitstamp.

    Today’s episode of “The Breakdown” is split into two parts. In part one, NLW recaps the latest out of China, including:

    • Interpretations of Friday’s surprise targeting in a speech by the Vice Premier
    • A weekend market crash, the second of the week 
    • Miner selling and the motivations behind it
    • What to watch for in the coming days 

    In part two, he puts in context the news that Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio owns bitcoin, looking at the larger institutional pattern that has driven the bitcoin bull and Dalio’s specific concerns about currency devaluation.


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    Image credit: Takaaki Iwabu/Bloomberg/Getty Images

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    BREAKDOWN: Goldman’s Going on a Crypto Company Buying Spree, but Is That Good for Crypto?

    BREAKDOWN: Goldman’s Going on a Crypto Company Buying Spree, but Is That Good for Crypto?

    Goldman Sachs plans to spend tens of millions of dollars buying crypto firms at reset prices.

    This episode is sponsored by Nexo.io, Circle and Kraken.

    In a conversation with Reuters, Goldman Sachs’ head of digital assets suggested the bank would be spending tens of millions of dollars to invest in, or buy outright, crypto firms whose prices had come down significantly in the wake of the FTX collapse. In today’s episode, NLW looks at the latest news on that collapse and whether TradFi companies like Goldman Sachs becoming the leader of the space is an unreservedly good thing. 

    The debate referenced in today’s episode: Will Wall Street Ruin Bitcoin? Featuring Ben Hunt and Alex Gladstein


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    “The Breakdown” is written, produced by and features Nathaniel Whittemore aka NLW, with editing by Rob Mitchell and research by Scott Hill. Jared Schwartz is our executive producer and our theme music is “Countdown” by Neon Beach. Music behind our sponsors today is "Back To The End" by Strength To Last. Image credit: baramee2554/Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk. Join the discussion at discord.gg/VrKRrfKCz8.

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