
    Gen Z wants you to take political action, one TikTok at a time

    en-usMay 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Using Technology for Political Activism on TikTokComputer science enthusiast Sean Wiggs used coding skills for political discourse, while Texas Right to Life created a whistleblower website. Technology can facilitate mass mobilization and political influence.

      Technology, particularly TikTok, can be a powerful tool for political activism and engagement. As the discussion highlights, Sean Wiggs, a young computer science enthusiast, used his coding skills to contribute to the political discourse on TikTok during the Black Lives Matter protests. At the same time, Texas Right to Life created a whistleblower website on TikTok to enforce the state's restrictive abortion laws. These two examples show how technology can facilitate mass mobilization and political influence. Additionally, the discussion emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and staying informed about current events, as the best stories make us think and inspire us to take action.

    • Using Technology for Activism and DisinformationIndividuals can use technology to create bots and shortcuts for activism, but this also raises concerns about misuse and impact on legitimate reports.

      Technology is being used as a tool for activism and disinformation, with individuals creating automated bots and shortcuts to flood whistleblower sites with fake information. This was seen in the pro-choice movement on TikTok, where a user named Sean used his programming skills to create a bot and iOS shortcut to submit fake reports to the site. The response was overwhelmingly positive, leading to the creation of a collective of like-minded individuals and the joining of Gen Z For Change. This demonstrates how technology can be harnessed to make activism more accessible and effective, but also raises concerns about the potential for misuse and the impact on the ability to sift through legitimate reports.

    • Young activists use TikTok for social changeYoung activists effectively use TikTok for digital organizing, driving millions of emails and thousands of calls through relational and digital tactics.

      Young activists, like those in Gen Z for Change, are leveraging digital platforms, particularly TikTok, to raise awareness about social issues and mobilize people to take action. They use a combination of relational organizing and digital organizing to engage their followers and encourage them to participate in campaigns, such as phone banking, emailing representatives, and leaving reviews for organizations with questionable practices. These efforts have resulted in significant impact, with millions of emails sent daily and thousands of calls made in a short time frame. This innovative approach demonstrates the power of social media in activism and the potential for young people to drive change on critical issues, from political campaigns to human rights.

    • Teenage TikTok creators made a big impact on the 2020 US presidential electionA group of 200 teenage TikTok creators reached over 80 million impressions, surpassing TV ads, using authentic and effective engagement tactics.

      The power of social media, specifically TikTok, was harnessed by a group of teenage creators to make a significant impact on the 2020 US presidential election. Starting as TikTok for Biden, over 200 creators with a combined following of over 200 million engaged in making political videos, resulting in over 80 million impressions, surpassing the reach of presidential political ads on TV during the same period. The group, now known as Gen Z for Change, stands out for its creator-led and youth-led approach, utilizing personal relationships and trust built on the platform to mobilize and engage people in a more effective and authentic way. The speed and reach of TikTok, combined with the unique relationship between creators and followers, make it an effective tool for political engagement.

    • Gen Z's Climate Activism Extends Beyond Environmental IssuesGen Z uses creative tactics like flooding tip lines and browser automations to bring attention to important issues and effect change, making a mockery of poorly thought-out attempts to silence individual freedoms.

      Gen Z's engagement with climate action content can extend beyond environmental issues to include labor organizing, education, and other social justice causes. Leveraging platforms like TikTok, Gen Z activists have effectively used creative tactics, such as flooding tip lines with false information, to bring attention to important issues and effect change. These actions, while some may label them as trolling, can be seen as making a mockery of poorly thought-out attempts to silence individual freedoms. Tools like browser automations can serve as agents for change, enabling Gen Z to engage in political activism and reduce barriers to participation. While these tactics may not necessarily deny access to services like a traditional DDoS attack, they can still have a significant impact by overwhelming systems and drawing attention to important issues.

    • Utilizing advanced tools for civic engagementGen Z for Change uses Apple's iOS shortcuts and innovative tools like Ceasefire Now to simplify political activism and increase impact.

      Gen Z for Change is utilizing advanced tools, including Apple's iOS shortcuts feature, to facilitate civic engagement and remove barriers to political activism. These tools, which include bot campaigns and email campaigns, are designed to make it easier for individuals to contact their representatives and voice their opinions on various issues. The latest tool, Ceasefire Now, generates and sends automated emails with randomized data to increase the chances of the messages being delivered and less likely to be filtered out. This innovative approach to activism is making a significant impact and demonstrates the power of technology in driving change.

    • Youth-led organization uses tech for mass civic engagementGen Z For Change uses tech to send 2M daily emails advocating for political change, reaching reps in less politically active areas, and inspiring others to learn from their open-source code

      Gen Z For Change, a youth-led organization, is utilizing technology to facilitate mass civic engagement by creating automated email campaigns to advocate for political change, specifically calling for a ceasefire in Palestine. The organization's mission is to remove institutional barriers for young people to make their voices heard. With over 2 million emails being sent daily since the tool's launch, it's clear that people care deeply about this issue. The impact is not limited to progressive strongholds, as thousands of emails are being sent to representatives in less politically active areas as well. While some offices may try to filter out these emails, it underscores the unwillingness of certain representatives to engage with their constituents' concerns. Unlike other youth-led organizations, Gen Z For Change stands out for its use of semi-automated tools promoted through TikTok on a large scale. However, the high barrier of entry for creating such tools limits the number of organizations able to replicate this approach. The organization's code is open-source, allowing others to learn from and build upon their work.

    • Empowering creators and young people for changeRaising awareness and inspiring action on critical issues empowers people to make a difference and challenge the perception of powerlessness.

      Transparency and empowering creators and young people are key to driving civic engagement and bringing about change, even if it means the risk of being copied. The discussion highlighted the importance of raising awareness about critical issues, such as humanitarian crises, and inspiring people to take action. Gen Z for Change and individuals like the speaker use their platforms to make a difference and challenge the perception of powerlessness. By sharing knowledge and resources, they aim to empower others to join the cause and influence change. The future lies in continuing to inspire and equip people to get involved and make their voices heard, ultimately leading to progressive victories.

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    Show notes: 

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