
    Gender/Sex and the Body || Anne Fausto-Sterling

    enMarch 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Refreshing your home and wardrobe for springClorox Scentiva cleans effectively while adding a tropical scent, JCPenney offers stylish clothing for all body types, and the NBA playoffs bring excitement and intensity to the postseason.

      Clorox Scentiva not only cleans effectively like Clorox but also adds a refreshing coconut scent to make your home feel like a tropical getaway. Meanwhile, JCPenney offers stylish and comfortable clothing options for various body types, allowing everyone to refresh their wardrobe for the spring season. Additionally, the NBA playoffs represent the excitement and intensity of the postseason, and the distinction between sex and gender, as discussed in the Psychology Podcast episode with Dr. Anne Fausto Sterling, is a complex issue influenced by both biology and culture.

    • The Intersection of Feminism and BiologyA pioneering feminist scholar challenged biological arguments against women's rights and equality using her scientific background, leading to influential work in science and technology studies.

      The intersection of feminism and biology, as explored by the legendary feminist and scholar, became a pivotal area of study in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This retired professor of biology and gender studies, who started the gender studies program at Brown University, used her scientific background to challenge biological arguments against women's rights and equality. The professor, who was active in the anti-Vietnam War and civil rights movements, noticed the recurring use of biology as an argument against feminism and felt compelled to investigate its validity. Her groundbreaking book, "Myths of Gender," which debunked various biological claims used to justify gender inequality, remains relevant today. Despite advancements, some of the arguments still persist, but the professor's work has influenced the way we view science and its relationship to our cultural context. Her pioneering work in science and technology studies continues to shape our understanding of the intersection of science, culture, and gender.

    • The Evolution of Terms Related to Sex and GenderFrom 'invert' and 'transvestite' to 'gender identity', terminology around sex and gender has changed significantly, with pioneers like Krafft Ebing, Havelock Ellis, John Money, and Robert Stoller playing key roles in the shift in understanding and language.

      The understanding and classification of terms related to sex and gender has evolved significantly throughout history. At the turn of the 20th century, sexologists like Krafft Ebing and Havelock Ellis grouped various sexual expressions under the umbrella terms of "invert," "transvestite," and "eonist," considering them abnormal or unhealthy forms of development. They did not distinguish between cross-dressing and gender identity. The term "gender identity" did not enter the conversation until the 1950s and 1960s, when John Money and Robert Stoller felt the term "sex" was too ambiguous and introduced "gender" as a psychological term and "identity" as a way to describe one's sense of self. These pioneers in the field contributed to the shift in understanding and language around sex and gender.

    • The emergence of gender identity as a diagnostic category in the late 1960sThe DSM, first published in 1952, played a significant role in pathologizing gender nonconformity by including 'gender identity disorders' in the 1980s, which has since evolved and is predicted to be removed in future editions.

      The concept of gender identity as a distinct term and diagnostic category emerged in the late 1960s and gained prominence in the 1980s, largely due to the influence of the psychiatric community and their diagnostic manual, the DSM. Prior to this, the term "gender" was used more broadly, but without the specific focus on identity. In the 1980s, terms like "gender identity disorder" began to appear, which pathologized gender nonconformity. This was part of a larger struggle for authority over mental health diagnoses and treatments, with insurance companies and psychiatrists seeking to standardize and control the definition and diagnosis of mental illnesses. The DSM, first published in 1952, became a key tool in this effort. The inclusion of homosexuality in the DSM in the 1970s led to a push to remove it as a mental illness, which was successful by the third edition of the DSM in 1980. However, the diagnosis of gender identity disorders persisted and was used to diagnose children whose gender expression did not align with societal expectations. This diagnosis has undergone numerous changes in classification and definition over the decades, and it is predicted that it will be removed from the DSM in future editions. Overall, the emergence and evolution of the concept of gender identity as a diagnostic category reflects larger societal attitudes towards gender and mental health.

    • The Evolution of Transgender and Transsexual IdentitiesRecognizing the fluidity and complexity of gender identities, transgender became more commonly used than transsexual around 2011, and nonbinary expanded the transgender umbrella. The speaker's provocative essay proposes five sexes, emphasizing the ongoing evolution of language and understanding in gender identity.

      The understanding and definition of transgender and transsexual identities have evolved significantly over the past few decades. Transsexual was the predominant term until around 2011, when transgender became more commonly used due to the shift in focus from sex to gender identity. Additionally, the concept of nonbinary has gained popularity, expanding the transgender umbrella to include a broader range of identities. The speaker, who wrote a book proposing the existence of five sexes, clarified that the essay was meant to be provocative and ironic, and they are currently working on a more continuous theory of gender development. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of recognizing the fluidity and complexity of gender identities and the ongoing evolution of language and understanding in this area.

    • Biology and culture influence each other in human developmentBiology and culture are interconnected, influencing each other in various ways, including hormonal changes and motor skill development.

      Sex and gender are not distinct entities but rather interconnected aspects of human development. Biology and culture influence each other, and gender can shape the biology itself. For instance, hormones like testosterone are not constant markers but change with behavioral context and cultural norms. Similarly, physical practices like throwing a ball can lead to gender-specific motor skills development. These examples demonstrate that biology and culture are not separate entities but constantly interact and influence each other. The speaker also emphasizes that there are few, if any, purely biological or cultural phenomena, and that even our beliefs and practices can become physically ingrained through neuromuscular responses. This perspective challenges the traditional view that sex is solely about reproductive function and that gender is a social construct. Instead, it suggests that both are complex and interrelated aspects of human development.

    • Sex determined by more than just chromosomesBiologist Money's work with intersex individuals revealed complexities in human sex, challenging binary definitions and emphasizing self-identification

      The concept of sex in humans is more complex than just the presence of certain genitals or chromosomes. Biologist Money's work with intersex individuals revealed that sex is determined by a combination of chromosomal, gonadal, and hormonal factors, and that these factors don't always align. Intersex individuals, though a small percentage of the population, challenge traditional definitions of sex and gender. Scholars are now focusing on qualitative work to understand how these individuals define and categorize themselves, acknowledging that their identities may be contextual and not strictly based on reproductive functions. Ultimately, this complex understanding of sex challenges simplistic binary definitions and highlights the importance of individual self-identification.

    • Challenging Traditional Gender CategoriesThe societal shift towards inclusivity and acceptance of non-binary gender identities challenges traditional categories and requires new language and understanding.

      The traditional gender categories are being challenged and expanded as we recognize and include individuals who identify outside the binary. Transgender individuals, particularly those who are pregnant after stopping hormone therapy, present a complex situation where we must consider their self-identification and new language may be necessary. A shift in language and societal acceptance is accompanied by a greater emphasis on inclusivity and humanitarian concerns. While most people still identify with the traditional categories of male or female based on their sex, an open survey would reveal a wider range of gender identities. The feminist perspective that this erases women as a biological category is rooted in a limited understanding of sex and gender. Feminism in the past used these terms to separate biology and culture, but this reinforced the notion of a single, biologically determined category for women. Instead, we must continue to explore and understand the complexities of gender identity and work towards greater inclusivity for all.

    • Understanding of Gender: A Divide in PerspectivesDespite differing views on gender, it's essential to prioritize safety and respect the needs of all individuals.

      There is a significant divide in perspectives regarding the definition and understanding of gender, particularly in relation to women and transgender rights. Those who support transgender rights are advocating for a more nuanced view of gender, while some who grew up in the older feminist movement are holding onto a more traditional, biological definition. This disagreement has led to ongoing debates and tensions, particularly around issues like bathroom use. It's important to recognize that definitions of gender and sex can vary in different contexts and that focusing on safety and mitigating real dangers in public spaces can be a more productive approach than debating who is or isn't a woman. Ultimately, it's crucial to find ways to respect and care for the needs and safety of all individuals.

    • Approaching complex gender issues with nuance and contextBe cautious when making broad rules based on a few cases, and consider individualized and contextual approaches to gender issues in prisons, sports, and beyond.

      It's important to approach complex issues related to gender, such as bathroom access, sports participation, and prison accommodations, with nuance and context. The speaker acknowledges that there are valid concerns on both sides, but also emphasizes the need to avoid making broad rules based on the actions of a few. In the case of prisons, the speaker suggests that dangerous individuals should be kept separate from the general population, regardless of their gender identity. For issues like children's sports and gender identity, the speaker advocates for a more individualized and contextual approach. Overall, the speaker urges caution against politicizing these issues and causing harm to those affected by the laws.

    • Trans athletes in sports: Unfair advantage or equal opportunity?The debate around trans athletes in sports raises questions about fairness and the impact of hormonal differences, but ongoing research and dialogue are necessary to find a solution that respects the rights and dignity of all athletes

      The issue of trans athletes in sports is a complex one with valid arguments on both sides. On one hand, there are those who believe that trans women, due to naturally occurring hormonal differences, may have an unfair advantage over cisgender women. On the other hand, there are those who argue that there are many other factors contributing to success in sports, and that trans women following the rules set by international authorities would not significantly impact the competition. Additionally, there is ongoing scientific debate about the impact of testosterone on athletic performance. The speaker also emphasized the importance of considering the development of gender from infancy and the influence of new scholarship from trans scholars on the field of developmental psychology. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledged the complexity of the issue and the need for continued research and dialogue.

    • Expanding the perspective in sex differences researchThe study of sex differences in psychology should evolve to recognize the complexity and variability within each sex, potentially replacing the language of sex with gender-sex terminology.

      The study of sex differences in psychology might need to evolve to include a more nuanced understanding of gender and sex, recognizing that while there is a binary from an evolutionary perspective, there is also significant variation within each sex. Dr. Alice Eagley, a renowned feminist scientist, emphasized this point and encouraged the field to expand its perspective beyond just the binary of sex. She also shared her belief that the language of sex should potentially leave the field of psychology and be replaced with gender-sex terminology. This perspective, while bold, highlights the importance of acknowledging the complexity and variability within each sex. Additionally, Dr. Eagley's significant influence in the field of feminist science was acknowledged during the conversation.

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    Celebrating Pride Month and Advocating for the Transgender Community

    We're re-releasing a previous podcast episode from June 2021 that features an interview with Él Martinez and their mother, Ivylee Martinez, regarding gender identity issues in celebratration of LGBTQ+ Pride month in June.  Pride Month is a time to recognize the issues, challenges, and discrimination the LGBTQ+ community has faced and to celebrate the triumphs.  Host Annette Hines and Él discuss the use of pronouns, labels, and terminology in both the LGBTQ+ community and in the disability community. Honoring each individual and their preferences in how they refer to themselves is essential.  For example, people may have strong feelings about the use of terms like "special needs" or "disabled" and instead choose to use terms like "different" or "extrodinary."

    Él explains how the use of pronouns (He/She/They) can be difficult and challenging for friends, family, teachers, and acquaintances to use correctly.   Below are the definitions for various gender terms for those unfamiliar that they shares during the episode:

    (Biological) Sex – assigned to a child at birth, most often based on external anatomy.

    Gender Identity – the term(s) someone uses to define their gender, ex: male, non-binary, woman, fluid.

    Gender Expression – the manifestation of someone’s gender through their appearance.

    Transgender – a term used to describe someone who does not identify with the label/biological sex they were assigned at birth.

    Cisgender – a term used to describe someone who identifies with the label they were assigned at birth.

    Él shares the message of acceptance at the end of the podcast.  For youth: “You’re perfect just the way you are; it’s ok to explore; it’s ok to change how you identify.”  To parents, Él says to have patience.  Kids may not have the answers to the questions you are asking.  Kids are still learning about themselves and to just listen to them and their needs and accept them as they are.  

    If you or someone you know needs assistance, please check out your local GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliance) and/or local LGBTQ+ center or group. Other resources include GLSEN, which supports LGBTQ+ students in K-12 education, and   Transgender Law Center.

    Learn more about the advocacy work of Él Martinez on their website: https://www.elmartinez.org/


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    Understanding Gender Identity

    Understanding Gender Identity


    Town Square with Ernie Manouse airs at 3 p.m. CT. Tune in on 88.7FM, listen online or subscribe to the podcast. Join the discussion at 888-486-9677, questions@townsquaretalk.org or @townsquaretalk.

    While many of us know male and female, they are not the only terms used to describe a person’s gender. With identities such as cisgender, nonbinary, and agender to name a few, there are now more than seventy ways to describe a person’s gender.

    For the full hour, we are joined by Dr. Fay Guarraci, Professor of Psychology at Southwestern University, to discuss gender and the science behind gender and different gender identities.

    Dr. Guarraci also explains how a person’s sex is biological, while gender is more socially constructed, how situations arise when the brain, internal organs, and external organs aren't on the same page, which can lead to individuals being intersex, as well as the differences between the different gender identities.



    Dr. Fay Guarraci

    • Professor of Psychology, Southwestern University Georgetown Texas

    Town Square with Ernie Manouse is a gathering space for the community to come together and discuss the day’s most important and pressing issues.

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    www.commsolutionsmn.com- Hennepin County just passed a measure to force all contractors that work with the County to acknowledge and affirm the gender identities of everyone. This Board Action Request- 220216 was submitted by Commissioner Ierne Fernando. It states that anyone that receives services from the County can do so inclusive of their gender identity. The department threw a Transgender Day of Remembrance with a training by activist group Gender Justice and a party with beat poets and spoken word poetry. Gender Justice is on the front lines, pushing gender and pro-abortion issues in Minnesota.

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    Don’t forget that you can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify!