
    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    enMay 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • UK Election ChallengesRishi Sunak faces gaffes and poor PR moments, Boris Johnson's approach not helping, Lib Dems focus on climate and social cohesion, Sunak's national service proposal sparks debate, lack of differentiation leads to voter dissatisfaction

      The ongoing UK election campaign has seen both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer facing early challenges, with Sunak experiencing a series of gaffes and poor public relations moments. Boris Johnson's approach of embracing gaffes may not be working for Sunak, as he struggles to gain confidence and establish his identity as a competent leader. The Liberal Democrats, led by Ed Davey, are positioning themselves as different from both the Labour Party and the Conservatives, focusing on issues like climate change and social cohesion. Rishi Sunak's announcement of a reintroduction of national service, with options for military or volunteering, has sparked debate about its intended audience and potential benefits. The election's early stages have shown a lack of clear differentiation between the major parties, leading to a sense of boredom and dissatisfaction among voters.

    • National Service CriticismThe Conservative Party's proposed mandatory national service for 18-year-olds faces criticism for political framing, lack of details, potential hypocrisy, and potential negative mental health impacts, raising questions about its genuine intent and effectiveness.

      The Conservative Party's recent announcement of a mandatory "national service" for 18-year-olds is being met with skepticism and criticism. The policy, which involves volunteering for 25 days over a year, has been criticized for its political framing, lack of costing and enforcement details, and potential hypocrisy given the party's past actions and current financial challenges facing young people. Critics argue that it's not a genuine attempt to address social issues or improve young people's lives, but rather a political stunt to appeal to older voters. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the potential mental health impacts on 18-year-olds, particularly those who are not inclined to participate in the program. Overall, the policy announcement has sparked a larger conversation about the role of government in young people's lives and the need for genuine, sustainable solutions to address the challenges they face.

    • National Service and State Pension PoliciesThe Conservative Party's proposed national service scheme and state pension triple lock plus have received mixed reactions, with some seeing them as vote-winning measures and others as divisive and poorly thought out. The Labour Party has yet to make significant policy announcements ahead of the general election.

      The recent policy announcements from the Conservative Party, including the proposed national service scheme and the state pension triple lock plus, are seen as attempts to win back votes from older generations. However, the national service scheme has been criticized for being misnamed and not truly embodying the concept of national service. The state pension triple lock plus, while intended to help pensioners in poverty, disproportionately benefits wealthier individuals. These policies have been met with mixed reactions, with some seeing them as vote-winning measures and others as divisive and poorly thought out. The Labour Party, on the other hand, has yet to make significant policy announcements ahead of the general election, leading to speculation that they may be biding their time. Overall, the political landscape is filled with competing narratives and strategies, with both parties seeking to appeal to different demographics and win over voters.

    • Liberal Democrats' NHS policyThe Liberal Democrats aim to hire 8,000 more GPs to tackle GP shortages, setting them apart from the Conservatives and Labour on NHS policy.

      The Liberal Democrats, represented by MP Christine Jardine, are emphasizing their role as a viable alternative to both the Conservative and Labour parties. They are advocating for a change in government and direction, with a focus on key issues such as the NHS, education, and economic recovery. In terms of their NHS policy, they aim to employ 8,000 more GPs and address the issue of GP shortages, which they argue differentiates them from both major parties. Christine also emphasized the autonomy of the Scottish Liberal Democrats and their commitment to representing Scottish voices in the UK parliament. Despite past controversies, such as the student fee increase during the Lib-Dem Tory coalition, Christine argues that the situation in 2024 is different and that the Liberal Democrats offer a stable and effective alternative to the chaos of the last 14 years of Tory rule.

    • Liberal Democrats' coalition decisionThe Liberal Democrats made a politically necessary decision to join a coalition government in 2010, prioritizing the country's needs over their own party interests, despite personal discomfort and lingering frustrations over issues like student fees.

      The Liberal Democrats, according to Christine Bates, made a politically necessary decision to support a coalition government in 2010, despite personal and political discomfort. They saw it as the best thing for the country, even if it wasn't the best thing for the party. Christine also expressed her own lingering frustrations over the Liberal Democrats' stance on student fees. The interview touched on the Liberal Democrats' role as an alternative in Conservative seats and their focus on issues like health, education, and the economy. The discussion also highlighted the significance of Scotland in the upcoming election, with the potential for the Labour Party to regain ground there and the possibility of voters parking the conversation about independence for now. The interview also touched on the disillusionment Scottish voters have felt during long periods of Conservative government and the potential draw of a Labour government for them. Additionally, Diane Abbott's recent statement about being banned from standing as a Labour candidate at the next election was mentioned.

    • Labour Party investigation handlingThe Labour Party's poor management of the Diane Abbott investigation has caused prolonged distress and negative public perception, emphasizing the importance of prompt and fair handling of such matters.

      The handling of an ongoing investigation into a historic figure like Diane Abbott by the Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, has been poorly managed and disrespectful. The situation has dragged on for an extended period, despite initial reports indicating that the investigation had concluded months ago. The prolonged process has subjected Abbott, a significant figure for ethnic minorities and people of color in the UK, to continued abuse and scrutiny. The situation highlights the importance of prompt and fair handling of such matters to prevent prolonged distress and negative public perception. Additionally, the ongoing election season has brought forth several WTF moments, including Nigel Farage's persistent presence in UK politics despite his claims of non-involvement and Rishi Sunak's failed attempt to appeal to younger voters through TikTok.

    • Political campaigns on TikTokPolitical campaigns are utilizing TikTok in unexpected ways, revealing politicians' inconsistencies and quirks, highlighting the importance of authenticity and transparency, and demonstrating the increasing role of social media in shaping public perception.

      Unexpected ways political campaigns are utilizing social media, particularly TikTok, to engage with voters. A notable example is the discovery of Rishi Sunak's inconsistency regarding his Peloton workout routine. Meanwhile, Sir Ian Duncan Smith's unusual campaign event for menopause awareness has also sparked intrigue and amusement. These incidents demonstrate the importance of authenticity and transparency in politics, as well as the increasing role of social media in shaping public perception. Additionally, the discussion showcases the relatability of politicians, even in their quirks and contradictions. Overall, this election cycle is proving to be a memorable one, filled with unexpected twists and turns.

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    Later, Adrienne Buller drops by to explore GB Energy - Labour’s signature manifesto pledge that they’ve claimed to be the most radical climate policy ever. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


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    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    It’s been a horrendous campaign for the Conservatives so far, careening from disaster to catastrophe, but the Tories don't have the exclusive on political drama. This week Nish and Coco focus on the action in the devolved nations, with a particular focus on Wales and Northern Ireland. 

    First, we check in with Welsh Journalist Will Hayward to learn about the recent vote of no confidence in First Minister Vaughan Gething and Labour’s manifesto pledge to tune up the current devolution agreements. Then, Coco chats to Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth, to learn more about Plaid’s ambitions for Wales and their plans to turn up the heat on Labour. 

    Later, we check in to Northern Ireland, speaking to journalist Amanda Ferguson about the stakes of the next election and whether allegations about former DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson will have any bearing on the election. 

    Finally, the gang break out some of Coco’s recently rebranded charming and quizzical moments.


    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk 

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

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    Rhun ap Iorwerth

    Will Hayward

    Amanda Ferguson


    Audio credits:

    Sky News

    Blue Sky.mp3 by Sergmusic -- https://freesound.org/s/639933/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

    TikTok/ Suella Braverman 


    Useful links:

    Jo Stevens interview with S4C https://x.com/NewyddionS4C/status/1802786241852707250

    Constituencies and candidates: 

    Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/elections/parl.montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr.2024-07-04/montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr/

    Ynys Mon:






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    Special guests Rebekah Pierre (author and social worker) and Helen Barnard (of the Trussell Trust) send the hosts their thoughts on which policies have the most potential for hope. 

    And there’s a return of WTF moments featuring an iconic UK hit song and Starmer’s comeback to a surprise protest.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Zoe Grünewald, political journalist

    Audio Clips:


    Institute for Fiscal Studies

    Times Radio

    Sky News

    Dawn Butler/Elson

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

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    Joining Nish and Coco on the PSUK sofa is Femi Oluwole, activist and campaigner, and Joe Twyman, a seasoned pollster covering his 9th election. Together they discuss whether this is an election for people to vote with their heart or if being “strategic” is more important and whether our new parliament has any hope of delivering long overdue reform to our electoral system.

    We also hear from Jessica Garland from the Electoral Reform Society.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

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    Femi Oluwole, YouTube Campaigner, Tactical Voting activist

    Joe Twyman, Co-founder and director of Deltapoll


    Audio Clips:

    Sky News



    Channel 5



    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!






    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    The UK’s sorry state of affairs when it comes to water and railways is both a massive problem and an opportunity for the incoming government. Water companies are teetering on the brink of collapse and it feels inevitable that they will soon fall back in to public ownership. But how can we pay for renationalised services? 

    Cat Hobbs from We Own It talks to Nish and Coco about the history of privatisation and the opportunities that renationalised services present to the UK. 

    And economist and activist Gary Stevenson explores how the public can rewrite the narrative on taxation - starting with a 1% tax on people with wealth of over £10,000,000. But why stop there? Coco and Nish ask about other potential boons to the state budget. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

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    Cat Hobbs, Director of We Own It

    Gary Stevenson, the Activist and Economist behind Gary’s Economics

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!



    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    In week two of the campaigns for the upcoming General Election - the fight for the centre vote has become a focal point. But the crucial question remains - what will this do for the future of politics in the UK? Are we at risk of losing diversity across parties? And as Keir Starmer appears to be purging the left-wing factions of the Labour Party, Nish and Coco speak to former Labour leader and now independent candidate Jeremy Corbyn on whether he’s hopeful for a potential Labour government and what advice he has for Keir Starmer.

    Nish and Coco also speak to Mhairi Black about the challenges facing the SNP when trying to capture the electorate. They also discuss whether we are at risk of losing the kind of representation that the Left and younger voters need to bring about hope and change in society.

    There’s also a rundown of the first Sunak vs Starmer TV debate and a return of the best WTF moments from the week’s political campaigns.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Jeremy Corbyn, Independent Candidate for Islington North

    Mhairi Black, former SNP Deputy Leader and MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South

    Audio credits:



    Labour Party

    Sky News


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    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    It’s week one of the campaign and after a comical series of false starts, Rishi Sunak and the Tories have fired the first shots in a campaign of generational warfare. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by political correspondent Liz Bates to find out if there are votes to be won in these wedge politics. Later, they speak to Christine Jardine from the Liberal Democrats about their differences with Labour as well as the electoral battleground that is Scotland. And, as the campaign heats up - the WTF moments are multiplying. Nish, Coco and Liz dissect their favourites from the week.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Christine Jardine, Scottish Liberal Democrat MP


    Audio credits:


    Sky News

    Shrek - Paramount pictures

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    Nish and Coco are joined by Abigail Thorn (actress, writer and host of PhilosophyTube) and Freddy McConnell (writer and journalist) to examine the issues facing the trans and non-binary community in the UK today. 

    In recent news, the current Tory government has proposed new guidelines for education in schools across England. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said that gender identity should not be taught in schools to students of any age. Abigail and Freddy respond to these news headlines and also discuss The Cass review, a proposed new approach from the Labour Party around the Gender Recognition Act,  and which individuals need highlighting for their work on trans rights in the UK. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Abigail Thorn, 

    Freddy McConnell, journalist

    Audio credits:



    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!


    Transactual Briefing on the Cass Review - https://transactual.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/TransActual-Briefing-on-Cass-Review.pdf

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Nish and Coco bring you a hot off-the-press special look at the announcement of a UK general election.

    On Wednesday 22nd May - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the next general election will be on Thursday 4th July 2024. It appeared to be a sudden decision that surprised even his own Conservative MPs. But this announcement brings a whole host of questions with it. What key issues will this election be fought on? Is the timing helpful to any party in particular? How will Sunak fare under the microscope? To answer those and many more - friend of the show Liz Bates makes an eager return. Alongside Nish and Coco - Liz discusses what drove Sunak to this announcement and whether Keir Starmer got something of a headstart on his campaign.

    There’s also discussion of how other parties might fare in this race from Lib Dems to the SNPs. And co-leader of the Green Party Adrian Ramsay gives his point of view.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Adrian Ramsay, Co-leader, Green Party

    Audio credits:


    Sky News


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    The economy is growing, so why are we feeling poorer?

    The economy is growing, so why are we feeling poorer?

    The UK is officially out of recession - Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt have been banging the drum of the 0.6% GDP growth in the Jan-March quarter, but are things actually getting better?

    George Monbiot drops into the studio to demystify Neoliberalism - the invisible economic doctrine that has influenced UK politics and policy since the Thatcher years. George also brings some fresh ideas for how citizens can move away from being consumers and recapture our democracy. 

    Finally, Nish and Coco eviscerate Esther McVey’s campaign to ban that most dreadful example of civil service impropriety - the rainbow lanyard. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    George Monbiot, activist and writer


    Audio credits:



    The Guardian 


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    The Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How It Came to Control Your Life) by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison

    The Guardian - Latest GDP figures offer some better news – but boom-boom Britain it ain’t

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    Louise Davies, party politics without partisan puerility

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    Louise has been the director of Christians on the Left since 2017. She was on the senior leadership team of her local church in Sheffield for 15 years. During that time, she set up a foodbank, community awards ceremony, indoor play centre, bereavement service, luncheon club and oversaw a number of community projects and businesses. After receiving prophecies regarding politics, she was released in 2013 to step into the political arena. Since then, she has been the Chair of her Constituency Labour Party, a Sheffield City Council election candidate and worked for the Shadow Brexit Minister.

    You can find out more about Louise HERE. You can find out more about Christians on the Left HERE.

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