
    Podcast Summary

    • UK elections and devolutionThe UK elections involve the issue of devolution, with Scotland's independence being a major focus for the SNP, while Labour aims for closer collaboration with devolved administrations. However, challenges in Wales, such as a donations scandal and a no-confidence vote, highlight the complexities of devolution and maintaining a cohesive UK while allowing for greater autonomy.

      Devolution, or the process of Westminster ceding decision-making power to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, is a significant issue in the UK elections. Scottish independence is a major focus for the SNP, but it may not be the most pressing concern for Scottish voters. The Labour Party has also pledged to collaborate more closely with devolved administrations through a council of the nations and regions. However, the devolution process has faced challenges in Wales, where the Labour administration has been embroiled in a donations scandal and lost the support of its coalition partners, Plaid Cymru. The Welsh First Minister, Vaughan Gething, refused to acknowledge the significance of a no-confidence vote and was subsequently removed from power. These events underscore the complexities of devolution and the challenges of making a cohesive UK while allowing for greater autonomy for its constituent nations.

    • Welsh Labour tensionsPolitical tensions within Welsh Labour over first minister's controversial donations and lack of devolution are impacting their support in the general election, potentially allowing Plaid Cymru to gain ground.

      The political situation in Wales, specifically regarding the first minister, Vaughan Gethin, and his links to controversial donations, is causing tension within the Labour Party and potentially impacting their support in the upcoming general election. The lack of devolution in Wales compared to Scotland and Northern Ireland, and the perception that Welsh Labour is seen as a mere branch of UK Labour, are also contributing factors. The proposed Council of the Nations and Regions, aimed at bringing together regional leaders, may not be enough to address these issues due to the final decision-making power still residing with the UK government. The blurring of the alliance between Welsh and UK Labour, and the historical success of Welsh Labour as a distinctly Welsh party, could lead to opportunities for the Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru, to capitalize on this perceived disconnect.

    • Welsh representation in UK politicsDespite facing long-term neglect and underrepresentation, Welsh leaders like Rean Apeorwirth continue to advocate for their communities, highlighting issues like the NHS and the need for change in Welsh politics.

      Wales feels underrepresented and overlooked in the political landscape of the UK, with its issues often used as a political football. Rean Apeorwirth, the leader of Plaid Cymru, expressed this sentiment during an interview, sharing her experiences in debates and the importance of representing Welsh communities. She believes that Wales has been neglected, especially concerning the NHS, which has suffered from long waiting lists and mismanagement. The situation is compounded by a decade and a half of austerity. Apeorwirth believes that had she not been present in the debates, Wales would not have been mentioned at all. The situation with Welsh Labour and its leader Vaughan Gething, who faced a vote of no confidence, was also discussed. Apeorwirth believes that Gething should have resigned after losing the vote, but Labour kept him in place. She sees this as a sign of arrogance and a need for change in Welsh politics.

    • UK Labor Party and WalesThe UK Labor Party is perceived to be disconnected from the needs and concerns of Wales, leading to frustration and calls for change. Plaid Cymru advocates for cooperation between parties and levels of government, but recent efforts have been hindered by shifting political dynamics and scandals.

      There is a perceived lack of response from the UK Labor Party to the needs and concerns of Wales, leading to frustration and a call for change. Plaid Cymru, a Welsh political party, believes in cooperation between different parties and levels of government. They have a history of cooperation with Labor, but have faced challenges in recent years due to shifting political dynamics and scandals. A proposed cooperation agreement on 46 policy areas was abandoned when it became clear that the new first minister was moving away from the radicalism of the agreement. The speaker also criticized Labor's proposed council of the regions and nations as a gimmick, and instead advocated for more bottom-up approaches to devolution, focusing on what the people of Wales want and need. The speaker also emphasized the importance of holding Labor accountable for their actions and promises, regardless of the outcome of the UK election.

    • Independence referendum in WalesClyde Camry and Plaid Cymru are focusing on consultations for now but believe Wales' potential can only be achieved through independence, which will eventually lead to a referendum. They also emphasize the importance of addressing immigration concerns while recognizing its benefits.

      Clyde Camry and Plaid Cymru believe that achieving their nation's potential requires having control over various levers of change, leading to a potential redesign of the United Kingdom. This pursuit of independence, they argue, will eventually result in a referendum, but for now, they are focusing on consultations. Camry also emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing concerns about immigration while putting it into context and recognizing its benefits. He criticized the use of immigration as a political football and the exploitation of people's fears. Additionally, Plaid Cymru aims to continue representing Wales on the international stage, including in Eurovision, and is encouraging people to join the "Restore Nature Now" march on Saturday, 22nd, to make a difference for future generations.

    • Northern Ireland ElectionThe upcoming Northern Ireland election is unlikely to focus on policy, but rather on what parties offer for the future of Northern Ireland, with Sinn Fein potentially emerging as the largest party in both local and Westminster governments, and the DUP facing competition from other parties due to historic sex offense allegations and dissatisfaction over post-Brexit trade arrangements.

      The political landscape in Northern Ireland is complex and unique, with the largest party being Sinn Fein, an Irish nationalist party, and the second largest being the DUP, a unionist party. During a recent press conference, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was asked about the Rwanda policy and campaign music, but the interaction felt like a box-ticking exercise. The DUP, under pressure from historic sex offense allegations against their leader and dissatisfaction among some unionists about post-Brexit trade arrangements, faces competition from other parties, including the TUV, in the upcoming general election. Sinn Fein, which doesn't take seats in Westminster due to their beliefs, could potentially emerge as the largest party in both local and Westminster governments, adding to their push for a border poll on Northern Ireland's future constitutional position. The election is unlikely to be focused on policy, but rather on what parties offer for the future of Northern Ireland. The 3rd block, the alliance, is also looking to make gains in the 18-seat parliament.

    • Union vs Cost of LivingUnionist voters prioritize the commitment to Northern Ireland's union, while nationalist parties and Alliance voters focus on the cost of living crisis. The election is expected to be shaped by these distinct priorities.

      The upcoming Northern Ireland election is shaped by distinct priorities among unionist, nationalist, and other voters. Unionist voters prioritize the commitment to Northern Ireland's union, while nationalist parties, Sinn Fein and SDLP, focus on the cost of living crisis. Alliance voters share this concern, with an even higher percentage prioritizing the cost of living. Unionist parties have been emphasizing the strength of the union, while nonunionist parties focus on Tory austerity and getting the Tory government out. The cost of living is a major issue for everyone, and there may be surprises in the election results. The focus on the union versus cost of living has led to the emergence of lobby groups promoting new Ireland or strengthening the union. The election is expected to be interesting, with potential shocks along the way. The use of strong language, such as WTF, in political commentary has sparked creative suggestions for alternative titles. In the midst of this intense political landscape, Tony Blair's unexpected comments on trans issues during pride month have added to the intrigue.

    • Conservative Party criticismIntense scrutiny of Conservative Party's past actions and connections during election campaign, with accusations of lying, transphobic remarks, and divisive tactics, leading to calls for change and an end to their dominance

      The Conservative Party's record and actions have been heavily criticized by the public during the ongoing election campaign. Rishi Sunak faced intense questioning during a radio call-in show, where he was accused of lying and transphobic remarks. Meanwhile, a Tory MP, Marco Longhi, was criticized for attempting to divide the British Pakistani and Kashmiri community by highlighting his opponent's surname. These incidents have raised concerns about the Conservative Party's approach and their connection to the past, specifically to the British rule in India and the policy of divide and rule. The lack of comment from the prime minister and other Conservative Party members on these issues has added to the criticism. The overall sentiment expressed during the discussion was a desire for change and an end to the Conservative Party's dominance in British politics.

    • Millennial PauseThe hosts of Pod Save the UK found the concept of the 'millennial pause' not relatable to their experiences and encouraged listeners to share their thoughts on political manifestos and new parties.

      The hosts of Pod Save the UK discussed the concept of the "millennial pause" and found it amusing but not particularly relevant to their experiences. They also encouraged listeners to share their thoughts on manifesto pledges and potential new political parties, and reminded them to follow the podcast on various social media platforms. The production team for Pod Save the UK was acknowledged, and listeners were encouraged to subscribe to the podcast and leave reviews. The hosts also made some light-hearted comments about their own appearances and asked listeners to keep reviews focused on the content rather than their physical attributes. The episode concluded with a reminder to stay tuned for more discussions on UK politics.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save the UK

    Will “gamblegate” scandal obliterate the Tories Forever? Plus last few days of the election with Liz Bates

    Will “gamblegate” scandal obliterate the Tories Forever? Plus last few days of the election with Liz Bates

    With just one week to go until the election, Rishi Sunak’s chances of avoiding a landslide defeat might have just got slimmer - all thanks to “gamble-gate”. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by political correspondent Liz Bates to discuss the betting scandal plaguing the government. Sunak vowed to lead the world in “standards of decency” but has been very slow to act. Might this mean a complete wipeout for them?

    But that’s not all the scandals this week. Education secretary Gillian Keegan has repeatedly used a claim about children being taught there are “72 genders” to back up government plans to ban schools from talking about gender identity. Nish, Coco and Liz investigate her so-called sources.

     And from politicians playing minecraft to the Reform UK Party singing the Spice Girls, the WTF moments are multiplying. Nish, Coco and Liz dissect their favourites from the week.


    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

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    Liz Bates, Political Correspondent, Sky News


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    Audio clips:



    Reform UK


    Chris Packham Vs Taylor Swift: Will People or Politics Save Our Planet?

    Chris Packham Vs Taylor Swift: Will People or Politics Save Our Planet?

    The major parties have failed to pledge to make the radical changes needed to save our planet from climate catastrophe - but people power may well save us yet. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by conservationist Chris Packham to find out what more our politicians need to do and how citizens can get involved. Chris also questions the wisdom of Taylor Swift’s private jet usage and brings a suggestion of how she could help create change. 

    Later, Adrienne Buller drops by to explore GB Energy - Labour’s signature manifesto pledge that they’ve claimed to be the most radical climate policy ever. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

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    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    It’s been a horrendous campaign for the Conservatives so far, careening from disaster to catastrophe, but the Tories don't have the exclusive on political drama. This week Nish and Coco focus on the action in the devolved nations, with a particular focus on Wales and Northern Ireland. 

    First, we check in with Welsh Journalist Will Hayward to learn about the recent vote of no confidence in First Minister Vaughan Gething and Labour’s manifesto pledge to tune up the current devolution agreements. Then, Coco chats to Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth, to learn more about Plaid’s ambitions for Wales and their plans to turn up the heat on Labour. 

    Later, we check in to Northern Ireland, speaking to journalist Amanda Ferguson about the stakes of the next election and whether allegations about former DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson will have any bearing on the election. 

    Finally, the gang break out some of Coco’s recently rebranded charming and quizzical moments.


    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk 

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld


    Rhun ap Iorwerth

    Will Hayward

    Amanda Ferguson


    Audio credits:

    Sky News

    Blue Sky.mp3 by Sergmusic -- https://freesound.org/s/639933/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

    TikTok/ Suella Braverman 


    Useful links:

    Jo Stevens interview with S4C https://x.com/NewyddionS4C/status/1802786241852707250

    Constituencies and candidates: 

    Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/elections/parl.montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr.2024-07-04/montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr/

    Ynys Mon:






    Manifesto deep-dive: Is Labour’s at all progressive?

    Manifesto deep-dive: Is Labour’s at all progressive?

    Following a week of political manifestoes dropping from UK parties - Nish & Coco take a deep-dive investigation to see how they hold up against one another. With a focus on manifestoes that have left-wing approaches - they discuss what policies are the most realistic and which hold up the best under scrutiny.  Joined by political journalist Zoe Grünewald, Nish & Coco look closely at welfare policies, the NHS, taxes and social care.

    Special guests Rebekah Pierre (author and social worker) and Helen Barnard (of the Trussell Trust) send the hosts their thoughts on which policies have the most potential for hope. 

    And there’s a return of WTF moments featuring an iconic UK hit song and Starmer’s comeback to a surprise protest.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Zoe Grünewald, political journalist

    Audio Clips:


    Institute for Fiscal Studies

    Times Radio

    Sky News

    Dawn Butler/Elson

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    The polls are indicating a landslide victory for Labour come the election on July 4th. But that hasn’t stopped the calls - from both the left and the right - for citizens to vote tactically. But what does that really mean in Britain’s broken electoral system?

    Joining Nish and Coco on the PSUK sofa is Femi Oluwole, activist and campaigner, and Joe Twyman, a seasoned pollster covering his 9th election. Together they discuss whether this is an election for people to vote with their heart or if being “strategic” is more important and whether our new parliament has any hope of delivering long overdue reform to our electoral system.

    We also hear from Jessica Garland from the Electoral Reform Society.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Femi Oluwole, YouTube Campaigner, Tactical Voting activist

    Joe Twyman, Co-founder and director of Deltapoll


    Audio Clips:

    Sky News



    Channel 5



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    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    The UK’s sorry state of affairs when it comes to water and railways is both a massive problem and an opportunity for the incoming government. Water companies are teetering on the brink of collapse and it feels inevitable that they will soon fall back in to public ownership. But how can we pay for renationalised services? 

    Cat Hobbs from We Own It talks to Nish and Coco about the history of privatisation and the opportunities that renationalised services present to the UK. 

    And economist and activist Gary Stevenson explores how the public can rewrite the narrative on taxation - starting with a 1% tax on people with wealth of over £10,000,000. But why stop there? Coco and Nish ask about other potential boons to the state budget. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Cat Hobbs, Director of We Own It

    Gary Stevenson, the Activist and Economist behind Gary’s Economics

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!



    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    In week two of the campaigns for the upcoming General Election - the fight for the centre vote has become a focal point. But the crucial question remains - what will this do for the future of politics in the UK? Are we at risk of losing diversity across parties? And as Keir Starmer appears to be purging the left-wing factions of the Labour Party, Nish and Coco speak to former Labour leader and now independent candidate Jeremy Corbyn on whether he’s hopeful for a potential Labour government and what advice he has for Keir Starmer.

    Nish and Coco also speak to Mhairi Black about the challenges facing the SNP when trying to capture the electorate. They also discuss whether we are at risk of losing the kind of representation that the Left and younger voters need to bring about hope and change in society.

    There’s also a rundown of the first Sunak vs Starmer TV debate and a return of the best WTF moments from the week’s political campaigns.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Jeremy Corbyn, Independent Candidate for Islington North

    Mhairi Black, former SNP Deputy Leader and MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South

    Audio credits:



    Labour Party

    Sky News


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    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    It’s week one of the campaign and after a comical series of false starts, Rishi Sunak and the Tories have fired the first shots in a campaign of generational warfare. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by political correspondent Liz Bates to find out if there are votes to be won in these wedge politics. Later, they speak to Christine Jardine from the Liberal Democrats about their differences with Labour as well as the electoral battleground that is Scotland. And, as the campaign heats up - the WTF moments are multiplying. Nish, Coco and Liz dissect their favourites from the week.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Christine Jardine, Scottish Liberal Democrat MP


    Audio credits:


    Sky News

    Shrek - Paramount pictures

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    Nish and Coco are joined by Abigail Thorn (actress, writer and host of PhilosophyTube) and Freddy McConnell (writer and journalist) to examine the issues facing the trans and non-binary community in the UK today. 

    In recent news, the current Tory government has proposed new guidelines for education in schools across England. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said that gender identity should not be taught in schools to students of any age. Abigail and Freddy respond to these news headlines and also discuss The Cass review, a proposed new approach from the Labour Party around the Gender Recognition Act,  and which individuals need highlighting for their work on trans rights in the UK. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld


    Abigail Thorn, 

    Freddy McConnell, journalist

    Audio credits:



    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!


    Transactual Briefing on the Cass Review - https://transactual.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/TransActual-Briefing-on-Cass-Review.pdf

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Nish and Coco bring you a hot off-the-press special look at the announcement of a UK general election.

    On Wednesday 22nd May - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the next general election will be on Thursday 4th July 2024. It appeared to be a sudden decision that surprised even his own Conservative MPs. But this announcement brings a whole host of questions with it. What key issues will this election be fought on? Is the timing helpful to any party in particular? How will Sunak fare under the microscope? To answer those and many more - friend of the show Liz Bates makes an eager return. Alongside Nish and Coco - Liz discusses what drove Sunak to this announcement and whether Keir Starmer got something of a headstart on his campaign.

    There’s also discussion of how other parties might fare in this race from Lib Dems to the SNPs. And co-leader of the Green Party Adrian Ramsay gives his point of view.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Adrian Ramsay, Co-leader, Green Party

    Audio credits:


    Sky News


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!