
    Get Away From The Libs As Quickly As You Can (Ep 1558)

    enJuly 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Warning against deceit and manipulation from left, promoting individual freedom and shrinking governmentDan Bongino warns against deceitful tactics from left, encourages listeners to protect privacy, and advocates for individual freedom and smaller government.

      According to Dan Bongino, the current political climate in America is filled with deceit and manipulation from the left, and he urges listeners to get away from liberal states and shrink the federal government to protect individual freedom and liberty. He believes that leftists don't care about the truth or supporting their opponents, and instead engage in spying, violence, speech suppression, and imprisonment of political opponents. Bongino also encourages listeners to use a VPN to protect their online privacy and promotes Tommy John's Apollo underwear. Additionally, he mentions a promotion for Joy Reid and upcoming guests on his Fox News show.

    • Widespread distrust towards the left: Liars, totalitarian tyrants, censors, spiesThe left is perceived as dishonest, abusive of power, and a threat to civil liberties and democracy

      According to the speaker, there is a widespread distrust towards the left, with a belief that they are liars and totalitarian tyrants who engage in censorship, spying, and other abuses of power. The speaker expresses strong emotions towards this, urging people to move away and avoid engaging with those on the left. The recent confirmation of spying on Tucker Carlson is used as an example of this perceived behavior, with the speaker expressing anger and disbelief that those on the left are not held accountable for their actions. The speaker sees this as a threat to civil liberties and democracy.

    • Government Surveillance and Individual FreedomsDisregard for individual freedoms and civil liberties by authorities can lead to dangerous consequences, emphasizing the importance of the Fourth Amendment and warranted searches and seizures.

      The erosion of civil liberties and disregard for individual freedoms by certain individuals, regardless of political affiliations, can lead to dangerous consequences. The conversation highlights the concern over government surveillance and violations of privacy, with the example of Tucker Carlson's alleged spying by the NSA being used to illustrate this point. It emphasizes the importance of the Fourth Amendment and the burden of proof being on the government to obtain warrants for searches and seizures. The tone of the conversation is passionate and urgent, reflecting the seriousness of the issue at hand.

    • Protecting privacy during investigationsProcedures like minimization and masking safeguard privacy during investigations, respecting civil liberties.

      During investigations, there are procedures in place like minimization and masking to protect the privacy of individuals who are not involved in criminal activities or intelligence gathering, even if they are speaking with criminals or foreign spies. These procedures ensure that civil liberties are respected. Unfortunately, some people seem to be confused about these processes and are making accusations without understanding the context. It's essential to have a clear grasp of these concepts to avoid misunderstandings and maintain a healthy democratic society.

    • Disregard for Constitutional Principles and FreedomIndividuals and groups who disregard constitutional principles and freedom pose a threat to individual liberty, and actions such as monitoring communications, mischaracterizing the Constitution, and using violence to suppress opposing viewpoints are unjustifiable and dangerous, leading to loss of civil liberties.

      There are individuals and groups who disregard constitutional principles and freedom, and they pose a significant threat to individual liberty. The discussion touched upon the monitoring of communications of perceived adversaries, the mischaracterization of the Constitution, and the use of violence to suppress opposing viewpoints. It was emphasized that these actions are not only unjustifiable but also dangerous and reminiscent of historical patterns leading to mass graves and loss of civil liberties. Additionally, the importance of staying informed, hydrated, and proactive in protecting individual freedoms was highlighted. The use of Liquid IV for efficient hydration was also promoted as a tool to help individuals stay energized and focused in their efforts to defend their liberties.

    • Big Tech as Government SurrogatesThe speaker accuses big tech companies of acting as government surrogates, silencing political voices, and calls for a halt to their alleged illegal censorship in a class action lawsuit.

      According to the speaker, big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, are not truly private entities, but rather government surrogates. They have been accused of censorship and silencing certain political voices, particularly conservative ones, at the behest of Democratic representatives. The speaker supports President Trump's class action lawsuit against these companies for their alleged illegal censorship and calls on the courts to halt these practices. The speaker argues that these companies are not acting as private entities, but rather as arms of the government, and their actions should be viewed as such.

    • Big tech's control over public discourse and censorship of conservative voicesBig tech companies, once private entities, now control public discourse, censor conservative voices, and receive immunity under Section 230, raising concerns about their role as de facto government entities and potential suppression of free speech.

      Big tech companies, which once operated as private entities, now wield significant control over public discourse and are increasingly eliminating conservative voices. In return, they receive continued immunization under Section 230, which shields them from lawsuits. This arrangement raises concerns about their role as de facto government entities and the potential suppression of free speech. Numerous examples of big tech censorship, such as the suppression of the Hunter Biden story and the banning of prominent conservatives, have been documented. The denial of these incidents by some media outlets and liberal responses only adds to the controversy. Critical race theory, a controversial academic concept, is another topic that is not real in the sense that it is being eupagated and presented in a misleading way in some circles. It is important to acknowledge and address these issues to ensure a healthy and open public discourse.

    • Head of Teachers Union Lies About Critical Race TheoryThe head of the Teachers Union, Randy Weingarten, has been caught lying about critical race theory being just 'common history'. In reality, it promotes hate and division based on superficial characteristics, leading to potential harm and conflict.

      During times of crisis or need, SimplySafe provides a sense of security and peace of mind. Meanwhile, in the realm of politics and education, there are those who prioritize power over truth and responsibility. Randy Weingarten, the head of the Teachers Union, is one such individual who has been caught lying about critical race theory being taught in schools. She claims it's just "common history," but the truth is, it promotes hate and division based on superficial characteristics. This dangerous narrative can lead to harm and conflict, as history has shown with examples like the Koolocks. It's important to be aware of those who spread false narratives and to prioritize truth and understanding over hate and division. For your safety and peace of mind, consider checking out SimplySafe.com/DanBongino for customizable security systems and a free camera.

    • Understanding History and Combating RacismHistorical precedents show the danger of targeting ethnic groups and denying their rights. Acknowledge history, promote unity, and uphold individual rights to combat racism.

      Targeting an ethnic group with collective blame and denying their fundamental rights is a racist and abhorrent act, with historical precedents such as the Kulaks in the Soviet Union serving as cautionary tales. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding history and acknowledging one's role in it, rather than believing that one is smarter than previous generations. The ongoing debate on critical race theory and freedom of speech is highlighted, with the speaker expressing concern over efforts to suppress opposing viewpoints and promote divisive ideologies. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of promoting unity and equality for all, rather than fostering division and racism. The light-hearted promotion of Joy Reed's career progression in cable news is used as a contrast to the serious topic at hand, but the overall message remains clear: the importance of upholding individual rights and combating racism in all its forms.

    • Cultural War in US Politics: A Complex LandscapeThe US political landscape is becoming increasingly divisive, with the GOP engaging in a cultural war that manipulates fear and uses the second amendment as a tool. Democrats are getting caught in this 'wood chipper' of accusations and counter-accusations, making it difficult to navigate and find the truth.

      The political landscape in the US is increasingly divisive, with the GOP engaging in a cultural war that is steeped in the Trump cult and even white nationalism. Democrats are running in the upcoming elections as usual, but they are unknowingly running into a "cultural wood chipper." This cultural war is based on accusations and counter-accusations, creating a Kafka trap where defending oneself is seen as evidence of guilt. Joy Reid, a political commentator, is an example of this, as she has been accused of having homophobic blog posts, and her defense is used against her. The situation is getting more heated, with fear being used as a tool to manipulate people, and the second amendment is being emphasized as a means of protection. The situation is complex and requires careful navigation, with the truth often getting lost in the noise.

    • We the People Holsters: More Than Just Gun HolstersStand up for individual freedoms and be critical of fear-mongering tactics used to manipulate them. We the People Holsters offers patriotic merchandise and custom-made holsters with a lifetime guarantee.

      We the People Holsters is not just a company selling gun holsters, but a destination for patriotic Americans with a wide range of offerings including patriotic shirts, American-made tactical gun belts, custom-molded holsters, and even bacon jerky. Their commitment to providing a perfect fit and lifetime guarantee has made them a popular choice among their customers. Meanwhile, the left's reliance on fear to manipulate civil liberties was discussed, with the Delta variant being used as an example. The fear campaign is used to scare people into forfeiting their civil liberties, with the government promising protection in return. The left's approach to freedoms was criticized as an auction where freedoms are bid on, with vaccines being a prime example. The conversation also touched on the speaker's personal experience with a medical port and the importance of staying informed and making personal health decisions based on expert advice. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of standing up for individual freedoms and being critical of fear-mongering tactics used to manipulate them.

    • Implications of Delta variant and vaccination effectiveness for public health recommendationsDelta variant reduces vaccine effectiveness to around 60%, unvaccinated individuals face higher fatality risk, and reconsidering testing and quarantine policies may be necessary. Economic incentives and political leadership may also impact vaccination rates and economic recovery.

      The effectiveness of vaccines against the Delta variant and the differing fatality rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals have significant implications for public health recommendations. With vaccines being only around 60% effective against the Delta variant, and the case fatality rate for unvaccinated individuals being around 0.08, it's crucial to consider revising current recommendations, such as testing and quarantining after exposure. Additionally, the window to incentivize vaccinations through reopening policies is narrowing as more states reopen, and it's essential to tie vaccination status to freedoms and privileges to encourage inoculation. Furthermore, the economic recovery from the pandemic seems to be more robust in red states, which are predominantly led by Republicans, compared to blue states. This trend suggests that there may be a correlation between political leadership and economic recovery, although more research is needed to confirm this. Overall, it's crucial to approach public health recommendations and economic policies with accurate and up-to-date information, rather than fear-mongering or ideological biases.

    • Mask mandates vs civil liberties debateSweden's lower COVID cases contrasts UK's rising despite no mask mandate, raising questions about balance between public health and individual freedoms. FBI's property seizure and Biden's gas price plan add to the debate.

      The debate around mask mandates and civil liberties continues to be a contentious issue. A researcher's findings about Sweden's lower coronavirus case numbers despite no mask mandate contrasts with the UK's rising cases and continued mask wearing. However, some argue that this is being used to discredit mask mandates and infringe on civil liberties. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the FBI's seizure of property without proper justification. In economic news, President Biden's plan to lower gas prices by increasing taxes on energy companies has been met with skepticism. These issues highlight the importance of balancing public health and individual freedoms, as well as the potential consequences of government intervention in the economy.

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