
    Get Up off Your Assets and Go to Work!

    en-usAugust 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering Selling a Home to Eliminate DebtWhen facing significant debt and limited income, carefully consider selling a home for debt payoff. Ensure accurate valuation of assets and liabilities before making a decision.

      A listener named Tiffany, who has paid off $150,000 in debt in 22 months, is considering selling her house to eliminate her remaining consumer debt. She has about $190,000 in equity but also around $223,000 in debt, including medical bills, a car, and divorce penalties. She's unable to increase her income and has exhausted other budgeting options. She bought the house after her divorce and has had to stop paying on some credit cards due to medical expenses during chemotherapy. The hosts suggest double-checking her car's value and actual payoff balance before making a decision. Tiffany's situation highlights the importance of careful consideration when deciding whether to sell a home to pay off debt.

    • Focus on cutting expenses and increasing income to get out of debt fasterConsider consolidating loans, create a budget, live below your means, avoid unnecessary debt, and use tools like budgeting apps to help manage finances.

      Focusing on cutting expenses and increasing income can help individuals get out of debt faster. However, it's essential to address the root causes of debt and avoid repeating past mistakes. In this discussion, Dave Ramsey advised a caller to reconsider selling her house and instead focus on healing financially by living below her means. He emphasized the importance of taking control of controllables and avoiding unnecessary debt. Additionally, Ramsey encouraged listeners to download the budgeting app to help plan, save, and spend for important moments in life. The caller, Ali, was seeking advice on paying off her $212,000 in student loans and was commended for her proactive approach. Ramsey suggested consolidating her loans and creating a budget to tackle the debt as quickly as possible. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of financial discipline, budgeting, and taking control of one's financial situation.

    • Understanding Financial Obligations in LoansClear communication and agreement about financial obligations in loans with family members can prevent misunderstandings and potential tension in relationships. Prioritize debt repayment and create a plan to pay off debts as soon as possible to become debt-free.

      Having a clear understanding of financial obligations and responsibilities before taking on loans is crucial. In the discussed scenario, the speaker realized that they need to have a conversation with their parents about the parent plus loans, as their names were on the loans but not the speaker's. Although they had helped financially, they hadn't had a full conversation about repayment. The speaker emphasized the importance of sitting down and having a clear agreement about financial obligations to avoid misunderstandings and potential tension in relationships. Additionally, prioritizing debt repayment and creating a plan to pay off debts as soon as possible can help individuals become debt-free in a reasonable timeframe.

    • Learn How to Pay Off Student Loans with Free Live Stream EventJoin Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruz, and Jade Washaw for a free live stream event on September 12th to learn a step-by-step plan to pay off student loans. Sign up now at RamseySolutions.com/student-loans.

      Despite a difficult situation with student loans, there is hope and a clear plan to overcome it. Dave Ramsey, along with Rachel Cruz and Jade Washaw, will be hosting a free live stream event on September 12th at 7 p.m. to teach attendees how to pay off their student loans. The team, who have all faced student loan debt themselves, will share their experiences and provide a step-by-step plan. The event is open to anyone and the goal is to help as many people as possible. Instead of feeling alone and overwhelmed, attendees will be given the tools and knowledge to become the hero of their own journey. The event is free and can be signed up for at RamseySolutions.com/student-loans. The least expected events can happen, and in this case, it's an opportunity for individuals to get free of student loan debt. It's important for everyone, especially those with families, to prioritize their financial future and protect themselves with term life insurance. Zander Insurance is recommended for its competitive rates and simplified application process.

    • Poorly structured family trusts can cause financial hardshipsSeeking legal advice to restructure a failing family trust and sell off assets can help improve financial situation

      A poorly structured family trust can lead to financial hardships and a lack of control over assets. In this discussion, the speakers shared their experience of being stuck with a failing farm business and a house they don't even own due to a trust set up by their grandparents. They were unable to sell the land or the house because of the trust, and were burdened with debt from a car and tractor purchase. To get out of this situation, they plan to seek legal advice from an estate planning attorney to potentially restructure the trust and sell off some assets, such as the car and tractor, to pay off debts and improve their financial situation. The speakers expressed the emotional difficulty of having to sell family land but acknowledged that it had become a curse rather than a blessing due to its poor structure. They also mentioned having other debts, including a personal loan, which they would be able to address once they were free of the car and tractor payments.

    • Trusts: Keeping it in the Family or Causing Toxicity?Regularly review and update trusts, ensure trustee's decisions align with family's best interest, let go of attachments, and seek professional help when needed.

      Trusts, while intended to keep things in the family and honor the deceased, can sometimes lead to toxic situations if not managed properly. In the discussion, it was highlighted that if the trustee is also a beneficiary, they hold significant control and can potentially make decisions that may not be in the best interest of the family. This can result in financial burdens and emotional stress. It's crucial to regularly review and update trusts, ensuring they align with current circumstances and intentions. Additionally, it's important to remember that sacred cows, be they personal or professional, can hinder progress and growth. It's essential to evaluate and let go of these attachments to move forward and focus on what truly matters. Furthermore, seeking professional help, such as therapy, can provide valuable insights and tools to navigate challenges and improve overall well-being.

    • Maximize income and minimize expenses to pay off debt fasterFocus on increasing income and decreasing expenses to reduce debt's shovel to hole ratio, making sacrifices for long-term financial freedom

      In order to pay off significant student debt, both partners need to focus on increasing their income and decreasing their expenses as much as possible. This means working hard, living frugally, and being disciplined about saving and budgeting. The concept of a "shovel to hole ratio" was discussed, which refers to the relationship between income (the shovel) and debt (the hole). By maximizing income and minimizing expenses, the time it takes to pay off the debt can be significantly reduced. This may involve making sacrifices in the short term, but the long-term benefits can be substantial. It's important to remember that the debt will not disappear on its own, and the longer it takes to pay it off, the more interest that will accrue. By staying focused and committed to paying off the debt as quickly as possible, couples can achieve financial freedom and avoid being burdened by debt for years to come.

    • Embracing the struggle for financial freedomPersevere through debt, focus on end goal, and trust the process for personal growth and transformation

      Getting out of debt is a challenging process that requires sacrifice and determination. The speakers on the podcast shared their experiences of feeling overwhelmed and bitter, but ultimately found that pushing through the hardship led to personal growth and transformation. They emphasized that there's no easy way out and that embracing the struggle is necessary to achieve financial freedom. The speakers also highlighted the importance of staying motivated and focusing on the end goal, even when it feels difficult or impossible. Additionally, they encouraged listeners to lean into the process and trust that the effort put in will lead to positive changes in their lives. Overall, the message was one of perseverance and resilience in the face of financial challenges.

    • Assessing unexpected expenses or opportunitiesStay disciplined and focused on long-term financial goals, even when faced with temptation or uncertainty.

      When presented with an unexpected expense or opportunity, it's essential to assess the situation carefully before making a decision. In the conversation, the speaker was offered a large sum of money and the option to buy a car for a significantly lower price than market value. Although tempting, the speaker ultimately decided against it due to the potential long-term consequences, such as being stuck with an unwanted car and having less money for other financial goals. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a solid financial plan and sticking to it, even if it means making difficult decisions or sacrifices. The speaker was close to completing Baby Step 2 and preparing to move on to Baby Step 3, but was hesitant due to fear and a few remaining debts. However, the speaker was encouraged to trust the process and focus on eliminating debt and building up savings, rather than being swayed by temporary desires or distractions. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying disciplined and focused on long-term financial goals, even in the face of temptation or uncertainty.

    • Waiting on debt relief can harm mental healthConsider paying off debts for improved mental and financial health, rather than relying on uncertain future outcomes.

      Holding onto debt and waiting for potential relief, such as student loan forgiveness, can negatively impact your mental and emotional wellbeing. It's important to take control of your finances and pay off your debts as soon as possible, rather than relying on uncertain future outcomes. Trusted financial advisors, like Dave Ramsey, strongly recommend paying off debts to improve overall financial health and peace of mind. Additionally, working with reputable companies, like Churchill Mortgage, can help ensure stability and reliability in your financial endeavors.

    • Personal responsibility for debtsFocus on paying off debts, increase income, avoid overspending, and take action to improve financial situation

      Individuals should take responsibility for their debts and not rely on the government or others to pay them off. It's important to understand that one's financial situation and future are determined by personal efforts and God's blessings, not government intervention. Waiting for politicians to solve financial problems is a waste of time and energy. Instead, individuals should focus on paying off their debts, no matter how large, and finding ways to increase their income. The speaker emphasizes that people are capable of delivering the goods for themselves and encourages taking action to improve one's financial situation. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of not overspending and making impulsive decisions, which can lead to accumulating unnecessary debt.

    • Impulsive decisions and financial crisesImpulsive decisions can lead to financial instability and debt. Seek help and avoid impulsive buying. Responsibility and determination are key to overcoming significant debt.

      Impulsive decisions can lead to financial instability and debt. This was discussed during a radio show where a listener shared her experience of making an impulsive house purchase, leading to a financial crisis. The host, Dave Ramsey, advised her to seek help from a financial counselor and avoid making impulsive decisions in the future. Ramsey also emphasized the importance of physical health in professional success and introduced Balance of Nature, a product that provides nutrients from fruits and vegetables in a convenient form. Shelby, a guest on the show, shared his experience of paying off $79,000 of student loan debt before marriage by taking responsibility for his debt and staying committed to a debt repayment plan. Shelby's story illustrates the importance of responsibility and determination in overcoming significant debt.

    • Overcoming debt before marriage through budgeting and selling possessionsChase learned the importance of effective budgeting, selling a cherished item, and delayed gratification to become debt-free before marriage, despite challenges and sacrifices.

      Effective budgeting and selling a beloved possession were key factors in helping Chase get out of debt before getting married. The process was challenging, and there were difficult moments, but the long-term benefits were worth it. Having the support of loved ones, particularly Chase, also played a significant role in her journey. While there were sacrifices, such as giving up weekend activities with friends, Chase learned the value of delayed gratification and prioritizing financial stability. Ultimately, the experience transformed her and prepared her for a debt-free marriage.

    • Exploring Financial Peace University and Budgeting ToolsFinancial education, budgeting tools, and calculated risks contribute to personal financial success.

      Financial education and budgeting are essential for personal financial success. The discussion highlights the benefits of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and the importance of budgeting using tools like Every Dollar. A listener shares her plan to start a goose management business with her border collie, and Ramsey advises against overthinking the need for extensive insurance or business licenses, emphasizing that the dog and truck are already insured. However, safety concerns, such as the dog running into traffic, should still be considered. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of financial literacy, budgeting, and taking calculated risks in personal and business endeavors.

    • Starting a Goose Patrol ServiceStart as a sole proprietorship, set aside taxes, visit properties to chase geese off, potential for recurring revenue, but avoid harassing endangered species.

      Starting a small business like a goose patrol service can be done as a sole proprietorship with a separate checking account and setting aside funds for taxes. Liability concerns and the need for an LLC only become relevant when dealing with significant assets or a large target on the business. The business model involves consistent visits to chase geese off properties and getting paid per visit. However, it's important to note that harassing federally endangered species is illegal. This conversation also highlighted the potential for recurring revenue in such a business.

    • Finding Opportunities in Unconventional SituationsUnconventional situations can lead to business opportunities. Starting a business in America is relatively simple. In complex living situations, seeking professional advice is crucial.

      Even the most unconventional situations can lead to business opportunities, as demonstrated by a man making a living by chasing geese away. Another important takeaway is that starting a business in America is relatively simple, without the need for excessive paperwork or legal formalities. Lastly, the discussion highlighted a unique situation where one spouse was living in a house owned by their ex-husband, raising questions about the legal obligations of the ex-husband to buy out his former spouse. Despite the lack of a formal agreement or court decree, the ex-husband was not legally obligated to refinance or buy out his former spouse. It's essential to understand the legal complexities of such situations and seek professional advice when necessary.

    • Navigating post-divorce living situationsCommunicate openly, sell the house, split equity, and release obligations for a clear resolution in complex post-divorce living situations

      Navigating a complex and messy post-divorce living situation can be challenging, and it's crucial to address outstanding issues to move forward. In this case, a couple with a shared mortgage, child support obligations, and equity disputes were advised to communicate openly and work towards a resolution. By selling the house, splitting the equity, and releasing each other from the mortgage and child support obligations, they could put an end to the ongoing tension and confusion. It's essential to remember that a clear and fair resolution is crucial for everyone involved, especially when children are present. Additionally, avoiding giving your ex-spouse sole ownership of the house and staying on the mortgage is a mistake to avoid.

    • Managing Money: Eliminate Debt and Build Cash FlowMillionaires don't get wealthy through CDs, focus on eliminating debt and building cash flow for financial and relational success

      When managing money, especially during irregular income situations, it's essential to create a budget and stick to it using tools like EveryDollar. Married couples Andrew and Christy, who have little debt and high credit scores, were considering investing their funds or paying off their house and cars. However, they were advised against putting large sums into CDs based on research showing that millionaires did not become wealthy through this method. Instead, the key to financial success lies in eliminating debt and building cash flow, which can lead to greater career opportunities and improved relationships. The speakers emphasized that debt-free living is a significant achievement that offers both financial and relational benefits.

    • Financial freedom leads to improved well-beingEliminating debt can lead to greater peace of mind and accelerated wealth accumulation. Understand true debt costs and budget intentionally to achieve financial freedom.

      Eliminating financial stress and debt can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being, allowing individuals to focus on wealth building and achieving greater peace of mind. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the true costs of debt and the potential for accelerated wealth accumulation through debt elimination. The metaphor of being a "slave to the lender" was explored in depth, emphasizing the various forms of slavery and the freedom that comes with financial peace. The story of Jeremy and Jessica, who paid off $215,000 in debt over five years, illustrates the transformative power of intentional budgeting and debt elimination.

    • Paying off a house in 5 years: Achieving financial independenceMonthly budget meetings, keeping faith in marriage, and sticking to a plan can lead to becoming debt-free and investing in wealth

      Effective budgeting and staying focused on financial goals, even during challenging times, can lead to becoming debt-free and achieving financial independence. The speakers, Jeremy and Jessica from Pensacola, shared their personal experience of paying off their house in just five years, despite growing up in relatively poor families. They emphasized the importance of monthly budget meetings, keeping their marriage focused on their faith, and sticking to their plan. Now that they're debt-free, they plan to invest their money wisely and continue living frugally. Their inspiring story serves as a reminder that anyone, even single parents, can overcome financial hardships and build wealth.

    • Nurses and Police Officers' Desire for Practicality and PeaceJoseph's plan to buy a quadplex as first investment looked good but Dave advised considering personal life changes and Dr. Delony's new book 'Building a Non-Anxious Life' offers help in managing stress and anxiety.

      Nurses and police officers, being high-stress professions, value practicality and peace in their personal lives. Nurses, in particular, work efficiently and systematically, making them ideal candidates for financial success. A listener named Joseph, who is 21 years old, shared his plan to purchase a quadplex as his first investment property. The numbers looked good, with the mortgage payment being only 20% of his take-home pay. However, Dave offered some advice, reminding Joseph to consider potential changes in his personal life, such as getting married, which could impact his decision to live in the property himself. Additionally, Dave highlighted Dr. John Delony's new book, "Building a Non-Anxious Life," which aims to help readers reclaim their lives from chronic stress and anxiety. The book includes instant access to Dr. Delony's newest talk, "Smoke, Fire, and Freedom," and is available for pre-order at RamseySolutions.com.

    • Young real estate investors face challenges in balancing personal living situations and investment propertiesConsider potential risks and rewards before investing in real estate, especially regarding personal living arrangements, and be prepared for unexpected circumstances.

      Being a young real estate investor and landlord comes with unique challenges, especially when it comes to personal living situations. Some partners or spouses may not want to live in a property that serves as an investment rather than a home. Additionally, the financial burden of mortgage payments and maintenance costs, especially if tenants do not pay on time, can be significant. It's essential to consider these factors and weigh the potential risks and rewards before making a real estate investment, especially when it comes to personal living arrangements. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that life can change quickly, and it's crucial to be prepared for unexpected circumstances.

    • Walking daily with Christ for financial peaceSeek financial guidance through daily spiritual practice, learning from mentors, and utilizing resources like the Ramsey Network app.

      Financial peace can be achieved by walking daily with Christ Jesus, as mentioned by the speaker during the call. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a good mentor and encouraged continued learning. The Ramsey Show, mentioned in the conversation, offers a wealth of financial knowledge through its extensive back catalog of episodes, accessible via the Ramsey Network app. This app is a valuable resource for those seeking financial guidance and education. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized that financial peace is a journey, not a destination, and that it requires daily effort and a strong spiritual foundation.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Get a Healthy Level of Disgust With Your Bad Money Habits
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Jade Warshaw & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "I was scammed after taking out a HELOC and lost $150k," This common mistake could cost you millions of dollars, "How can I fix my past mistakes in my marriage?" "My employer is underpaying me," "Can I use a personal loan to pay off a credit card?" "An ex-employee is still driving my company car" Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage: Get started at ChurchillMortgage.com Zander Insurance: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today.  Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📈 For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do

    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Is it ever okay to spend $50k on a trip?" "My dad wants me to pay for his life insurance..." "Should we buy a house if we're going to move in 4 years?" "We disagree about paying off our cars," "We make $400K but can't pay extra on debt," "I co-own a house with my girlfriend's parents..." "My employer wants me to stop my side hustle" Support Our Sponsors: Zander: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today. Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 🏠 Selling Your House? Check out one of our Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agents 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🎟️ Reserve your seat for Summit 2025 today! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Financial Responsibilities - Balance between Saving Money and Living Life

    Financial Responsibilities - Balance between Saving Money and Living Life

    In today's episode, we are talking all things money and finances with none other than the extremely knowledgeable financial coach Lesley Ihionkhan. 

    Lesley is an expert in this field, and aside from a busy day job as a Product Manager and MBA Student, she’s also the founder and executive director of Common Wealth Coaching, a service that empowers young professionals with confidence and tools to build generational wealth and financial freedom. 

    We cover the fine balance between investing, saving, while still living a happy & fulfilled life aligned to your main priorities. You will hear tactics on how to trim down your priority list, how to pay yourself first, the importance of community and collaboration when it comes to building financial literacy and the difference between a financial coach, financial advisor and a financial planner. 

    Most of all, we hope this episode will leave you with more comfort that you're not alone in this daunting topic that money & finances can present for so many of us!  

    Follow / reach out to Lesley on Twitter: @LIhionkhan and her coaching business Common Wealth Coaching: https://cmmnwealthcoach.com/ 

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    As we continue to create more content, we'd love to hear from you! How do these topics resonate? What topics would you like us to cover next?

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    Nothing Will Change Till You're Ready To Change

    Nothing Will Change Till You're Ready To Change
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    Many people go through life financially uneducated, not knowing how to make their money work for them. Robert Gill learned early on that investing always starts with your mindset and if we learn how to have money flowing to us consistently, we can learn how to create wealth for a lifetime. Here, we talk about what young people should do to protect against economic turmoil, how money confidence can derail you from financial freedom, and how to put the right systems in place to stay in control of your money.

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    Episode 1: Meet the creator, Atiya – The Savvy Accountant™

    This episode will give some background on me, Atiya aka The Savvy Accountant. 

    You will hear about the time I paid off all my debt, not once but twice!

    And the story that led to me finally taking control over my finances, once and for all. 

    I would love to hear your comments, so please leave them.

    And remember to tell me what #LiveFinanciallySavvy means to you.
