
    Get Your Heart In Shape - Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

    enJune 15, 2022

    About this Episode

    In this week’s episode, Dr. E takes on Heart Disease 

    Heart disease is the number one killer in not only America but in the world. We're going to get to the root cause of it.

    Surprisingly, it's deeper than just cholesterol. The solutions may shock you!

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethold.com/pcconsult

    Recent Episodes from The Knew Method by Dr.E

    The High Stakes Of Hypertension

    The High Stakes Of Hypertension

    It’s called the SILENT KILLER. 

    UNTREATED high blood pressure will cause permanent damage to your organs and can be deadly.

    It's critical that you manage your high blood pressure but is taking a pill the only way?

    Don't let this silent threat go unchecked – discover how to safeguard your health beyond the conventional methods.

    If you want to know how to get to the root cause of your high blood pressure and find new ways to manage it - you don’t want to miss this episode

    Listen and learn Dr. E’s take on everything you need to know about high blood pressure.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult


    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enMarch 06, 2024

    Unlock The Power Of The Gut Brain Connection

    Unlock The Power Of The Gut Brain Connection

    Did you know that your gut  and your brain are connected???

    Anxiety, depression, brain fog, concentration, dementia all of it is affected by

    The GUT.

    Your brain isn’t healthy if your gut isn’t healthy

    If your gut is off balance - you  can feel out of whack, have mood swings or trouble focusing.

    Luckily there is so much you can do to heal your gut and fix your brain!

    Discover all about the gut-brain connection and how it’s a powerful knowledge to get you on your way to feeling happier and more balanced.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enFebruary 21, 2024

    What is Inflammaging?

    What is Inflammaging?

    Have you ever heard of INFLAMMAGING

    It’s a NEW concept that links inflammation directly to the aging process.

    Did you know that inflammation affects everything?  INCLUDING HOW FAST YOU SHOW SIGNS OF AGING!

    That's right – from your head to your toes, inflammation is the silent culprit behind many diseases and pain. 

    It's not just about seeing signs of aging on your skin; it goes much deeper. 



    Chronic inflammation can silently damage healthy cells and organs, enhancing your risk for various diseases and accelerating the aging process.

    But here's the good news: You can do something about it! 

    It's not too late to learn how to keep your body healthy and free from the negative impacts of chronic inflammation.

    Listen to Dr. E as she explains everything you need to know about INFLAMMAGING.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    Is It really HEALTH-care OR Is It SICK-care?

    Is It really HEALTH-care OR Is It SICK-care?

    The truth is that our “health”care system is DESIGNED to keep you sick.

    The entire system is based on illness codes.

    The system is built on people with lifelong illnesses that require expensive and ongoing treatments.

    It does not have tools for prevention

    It is NOT designed to get to the root cause of diseases.

    It is NOT designed to get people better.

    Listen to Dr. E as she delves into why our healthcare system doesn’t treat the root of the symptoms , and how you can take action.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enFebruary 07, 2024

    The Real Culprit Behind Heart Disease

    The Real Culprit Behind Heart Disease
    Heart Disease is the number one killer in America
    It’s NOT because of cholesterol
    The truth is that Heart Disease is caused by CHRONIC INFLAMMATION.
    It’s not as simple as taking cholesterol meds, its so much more!
    Dr. E will explain the surprising truth behind heart disease.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enJanuary 24, 2024

    Inflammation Is Making You Sick

    Inflammation Is Making You Sick
    Every part of your body, from your head to your toes, is affected by a common problem that causes disease
    And that problem-the root of ALL disease- is…
    It’s making you sick.
    Your aches and pains, brain fog, and "I-Don't-Feel-Good-Itis" are all warning signals from your body that you must take action.
    Listen to Dr. E as she tells you all about inflammation and how you should do something to make you feel better.
    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult
    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enJanuary 17, 2024

    Knew Year Knew Me: A Step By Step Solution

    Knew Year Knew Me: A Step By Step Solution

    Ring in the KNEW Year with Dr. E's step-by-step guide to feeling better!

    You’ve been feeling, tired and unwell for wayyyyy too long

    But let's face it – figuring out where to start is half the battle.

    This is why Dr. E put together a roadmap of how to figure out the root cause of your “I-don’t-feel-good-itis.”

    It is time to get the answers you deserve.

    This weeks live is an overview of the steps you need to get your health back and get to the source

    Don't bother with new years resolutions that don’t work it is time for a KNEW Year and a KNEW You.

    Listen to Dr. E as she will give you the tips you need this year to accomplish your goals.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult



    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enJanuary 10, 2024

    Let’s Talk About Inflammation!

    Let’s Talk About Inflammation!

    Your body's inner alarm system is ON and it's sending you a message!

    Your aches and pains,  your brain fog, your “I-Dont-feel-Good-Itis” it's all a message that your body is under attack.

    Inflammation is the ROOT cause of all disease from  skin issues, to GI problems, to heart conditions, and everything in between.

    So what causes inflammation? And what can you do about it?

    In this episode, Dr. E simplifies inflammation and gives you the tools to take charge of your health.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enDecember 20, 2023

    Stomach Bloating: It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Your ‘Food Baby’

    Stomach Bloating: It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Your ‘Food Baby’

    Have you ever had a "food baby” (you know, that bloating that makes you look pregnant)?

    Of course you have!

    We all know that the uncomfortable feeling of being bloated after eating can ruin your day.

    But do you know what actually produces it? Or how to get rid of it?

    Learn why we feel bloated and what you can do to beat the bloat.

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enDecember 13, 2023

    Transform Your Body Into An UNWELCOME Place For Cancer

    Transform Your Body Into An UNWELCOME Place For Cancer

    Cancer is scary, but you're not powerless. 

    Did you know that over 40 % of cancers are linked to lifestyle?  That means there are things you can do right now to LOWER YOUR RISK OF CANCER

    Take control by building your body defense against cancer

    If you’re interested in learning more about The Knew Method you can visit our website theknewmethod.com or schedule a consult at theknewmethod.com/pcconsult

    The Knew Method by Dr.E
    enDecember 04, 2023