
    Getting a Girlfriend is NOT an Achievable Goal

    en-usJune 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Love: Dedication and UncertaintyDedicate yourself to personal growth, but understand that relationship success is not entirely within your control. Stay resilient and persistent through the unpredictability of the dating process.

      Finding a relationship requires dedication and self-improvement, but the outcome is not entirely within one's control. The speaker shares their experience of seeking advice on the internet and the overwhelming amount of information available, yet feeling stuck in their relationship search. They emphasize the importance of focusing on personal growth and being the best version of oneself, but also acknowledge the frustration and disappointment that comes with rejection and lack of progress. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges the uncertainty and unpredictability of the dating process and the importance of staying resilient and persistent.

    • Understanding the role of core beliefs in self-improvementExamining the origins of limiting beliefs and questioning their validity can help challenge self-sabotaging patterns and foster personal growth.

      The repeated advice to "work on yourself" may not be a straightforward solution for everyone, and understanding why it seems to work for some but not others requires examining the role of core beliefs and how they form. Our brains simplify complex experiences to create formulas, and these formulas can lead to core beliefs that shape our self-perception and behavior. For instance, if someone is repeatedly criticized, they may internalize the belief that they are not good enough. This belief can then lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, as they conform to others' expectations and stop striving for improvement. To challenge these limiting beliefs, it's essential to question their origins and consider alternative perspectives. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that information on the internet can be poorly disseminated, leading to misconceptions and misunderstandings. Therefore, it's essential to approach self-improvement with a critical and informed mindset, rather than blindly following advice without considering its potential impact on deeply held beliefs.

    • Understanding Core Beliefs and Emotional PatternsCore beliefs shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to automatic thoughts and emotional patterns that can impact relationships. Examining these beliefs can help us recognize and challenge limiting patterns for healthier relationships and emotional well-being.

      Our core beliefs, which are deeply held assumptions about ourselves, shape not only our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors but also our perceptions of the world around us. These core beliefs form adaptations, leading us to make assumptions and rules for living our lives based on them. Automatic thoughts, which are immediate and severe, are a result of these core beliefs and can significantly impact our relationships. Moreover, unprocessed emotions from past experiences can become dormant and get triggered in the present, leading to the application of old thoughts and patterns to current situations. These emotional patterns are called samskaras and are similar to core beliefs. When entering new relationships, it's essential to understand and examine our beliefs about ourselves and relationships. Core beliefs can influence our perception of reality, causing us to amplify certain signals and reduce others, shaping our experiences and interactions. Understanding this dynamic can help us recognize and challenge limiting beliefs, leading to healthier relationships and improved emotional well-being.

    • Bias towards negative information in relationshipsThe Internet and our minds often amplify negative information about relationships, making it seem like a daunting quest for some people. However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique and there's no set timeline for finding a relationship.

      Our minds and the Internet have a bias towards amplifying negative information and reducing positive information. This can lead to a skewed perception of reality, particularly when it comes to finding relationships. The speaker notes that there are many resources available on how to find relationships, but fewer communities or posts about successful relationships. This amplification effect can reinforce negative thoughts and beliefs, making it seem like finding a relationship is an impossible quest for some people. However, the speaker encourages critical thinking and shares personal stories of people who found relationships later in life to challenge this belief. The missing piece of information is that there is no set timeline for finding a relationship, and everyone's journey is unique.

    • Personal growth and finding love take timePersonal growth and love require patience, persistence, and a long-term commitment to self-improvement.

      The process of personal growth and finding a romantic partner takes time, often longer than people expect. The speaker uses the analogy of planting a seed and waiting for it to grow into a tree with fruit to illustrate this point. Just as it takes time for a seed to grow into a tree, it takes time to develop the skills and qualities necessary to attract a romantic partner. The speaker encourages individuals to be patient and persistent, suggesting that they focus on improving themselves and not putting too much pressure on finding a partner within a specific timeframe. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of setting realistic goals and expectations, as the timing of finding a partner can be unpredictable. Overall, the key takeaway is that personal growth and finding a romantic partner are interconnected, and both require patience, persistence, and a long-term commitment to self-improvement.

    • Living in the moment during datingFocus on enjoying the company of others and showing them around town for genuine connection, while recognizing and dealing with negative feelings outside of dating.

      Successful dating often requires a level of obliviousness and focus on oneself. The speaker shares an experience of not even realizing they were on dates, as they were simply enjoying the company of others and showing them around town. This approach allows for genuine connection and empathetic engagement with the other person, rather than being consumed by anxiety and self-consciousness. However, it's important to note that this process takes time and effort, and it's normal to experience frustration and resentment along the way. The key is to recognize these feelings and deal with them outside of the dating sphere, as they can sabotage your chances of forming meaningful relationships. Ultimately, the journey to find a partner is a long one, and it's essential to stay patient, focus on personal growth, and trust that the right person will come along in due time.

    • Coaching vs Therapy: Different Approaches to Personal GrowthCoaching offers a goal-oriented approach to personal growth, focusing on past emotions and setting a clear path to achieve relationship goals, while therapy aims to heal existing relationships.

      While therapy can provide valuable insights and questions, it may not directly help individuals achieve specific goals like finding a romantic partner. Instead, coaching offers a more goal-oriented approach by focusing on understanding an individual's past emotions and scars, which can hinder their ability to date and setting a clear path to achieve their relationship goals. Managing resentment and negative emotions externally through various means is essential for personal growth and success in finding a relationship. The difference between therapy and coaching lies in their objectives: therapy aims to heal existing relationships, while coaching helps individuals achieve their goals, including entering or improving relationships.

    • Helping individuals navigate life's challenges through understanding values and goalsCoaching offers guidance and facilitation for essential skills, improving mood and anxiety, without being a medical treatment.

      Coaching is not about treating mental health disorders like depression or anxiety, but rather helping individuals navigate life's challenges by understanding their values, motivations, goals, and roadblocks. Coaches facilitate progress without providing clinical interventions. This approach, as shown in research, can lead to improvements in mood and anxiety. It's important to note that if someone has a diagnosed mental health condition, they should seek professional help from a psychiatrist or therapist. Coaches offer guidance and facilitation for those looking to learn essential skills, such as setting boundaries or finding a romantic partner, without being a medical treatment. The recent surge in coaching demand reflects the growing recognition of this need.

    • Working together for effective changeUnderstanding perspectives and collaborating towards common goals are key to effective change in coaching and therapy.

      Effective change, whether it's helping children overcome addiction or personal self-improvement, requires active participation from all parties involved. Dr. K's parent coaching program emphasizes understanding the child's perspective and working together towards common goals. Similarly, in personal coaching, self-sabotage should be explored and understood instead of being labeled as incompetence or laziness. The program's success is attributed to continuous curriculum revisions based on feedback and a commitment to learning from mistakes. In the field of therapy, addressing patient non-attendance and collecting feedback are crucial for improvement. By acknowledging and addressing issues, therapists can enhance their practice and better serve their clients.

    • Leveraging Constructive Feedback for ImprovementCollecting and iterating on feedback can lead to significant improvements in offerings. Don't miss the opportunity to join the coaching program for goal setting, motivation, and personal growth.

      Constructive feedback, even when it comes in the form of negative reviews or complaints, can be a valuable resource for improvement. As the speaker mentioned, sometimes people express their dissatisfaction online, and it's essential to investigate these situations to understand the root cause of the issue. By collecting and iterating on feedback, we can make necessary improvements and enhance our offerings. In the context of the speaker's coaching program, this process has led to significant advancements. If you're interested in goal setting, motivation, and understanding what holds you back, consider signing up for the program. The team has been working hard to keep up with demand and finally has spots available. So, don't miss this opportunity to make a positive change and join the community.

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    Connect with Elena:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_yoni_empire/

    Buy her ebook called Wide Open (Use code ‘kelley’ at checkout for a $6 discount): https://theyoniempire.com/product/500-revealing-questions-for-lovers-to-deepen-sexual-desire-ebook/


    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelleymbode

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelley.bode.90

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    Enjoy the episode!


    Xo, Kelley


    Come to the Art of Feminine Dating: https://www.kelleymbode.com/aofm


    Connect with me:


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelleymbode

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelley.bode.90 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/kelleybode