
    "Ginni Leaked It!" (Live at The Chicago Theatre!")

    enMay 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Potential Overturning of Roe v. WadeThe leaked Supreme Court draft suggests Roe v. Wade, protecting constitutional abortion rights, may be overturned, sparking strong reactions and emphasizing the need for preparedness and engagement on reproductive rights.

      The Supreme Court draft decision leaked to Politico indicates that Roe v. Wade, ensuring the constitutional right to an abortion in America, could be overturned. This news was met with strong reactions, with some focusing on the leak itself and others vowing to protect abortion access. Our panelists shared their reactions, with Alyssa expressing shock and disappointment, Dan acknowledging the expected outcome but feeling the emotional impact, and Mallory emphasizing the importance of being prepared for the potential consequences. Overall, the leaked draft serves as a reminder of the potential loss of reproductive rights and the importance of staying informed and engaged on this issue.

    • The End of Roe v. Wade: A Turning Point in American HistoryThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and Casey could lead to criminalization and terror for women seeking abortions, particularly those with fewer resources, and would disproportionately affect society along class and racial lines.

      The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and Casey is a significant turning point in American history, as it marks the first time constitutional rights have been taken away from millions of people. The opinion, written by Justice Alito, justifies this action by referencing past cases where rights were expanded. However, the implications of this decision are far-reaching and could lead to criminalization and terror for women seeking abortions, particularly those with fewer resources. The world without Roe and Casey would be chaotic, requiring the help of organizations and individuals to facilitate access to reproductive care. The burden of this lack of access would disproportionately affect those with fewer means, dividing society along class and racial lines. Justice Alito's opinion, which lacks the usual careful language, signals a bold and emboldened Supreme Court majority.

    • Consequences of Republican Control on Abortion AccessA Republican-controlled Congress and presidency could lead to a national ban on abortion, eliminating IVF and certain birth control, emphasizing the importance of the filibuster and exploring federal funding and law codification to protect access.

      The discussion highlights the serious consequences of potential restrictions on abortion access if the Republican Party gains control of both Congress and the presidency after the 2022 and 2024 elections. The speakers warn that a national ban on abortion and attempts to pass fetal personhood bills could lead to the elimination of IVF and certain types of birth control. They also emphasize the importance of the filibuster in preventing such legislation, but acknowledge its limitations. The White House and Congress are exploring options to protect abortion access, such as using federal funding for travel to obtain abortions and passing a federal law to codify Roe v. Wade. However, these measures face significant challenges due to the filibuster and potential legal challenges. The outcome of the 2022 elections will therefore determine the accessibility of abortion in various states, with Democratic governors and legislatures able to pass laws ensuring access and Democratic attorneys general and prosecutors playing a crucial role in enforcing these laws.

    • Midterms to Decide Future of Abortion AccessThe midterms could determine the future of abortion access in various states, with some governors and AGs planning to enforce or challenge existing laws. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has made reproductive rights a crucial issue, and the FDA's removal of abortion pills from the REMS list could expand access.

      The upcoming midterm elections are expected to be crucial in determining the future of abortion access in various states, as some governors and attorneys general have already announced their intentions to enforce or challenge existing laws. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has united a significant portion of the population behind the cause to protect reproductive rights, making it a potentially game-changing issue in the elections. Additionally, the divisive nature of the issue has put Republicans on the defensive, with some acknowledging the importance of protecting abortion access in their states. The FDA's removal of abortion pills from the REMS list could also significantly expand access to these essential medications. Overall, the midterms are shaping up to be a defining moment in the fight for reproductive rights, and the stakes are high for both parties.

    • Supreme Court Draft Opinion on Roe v. Wade Sparks Concern Over Other RightsThe draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade has raised concerns that other constitutional rights, like same-sex marriage and contraception, could also be at risk. Americans want term limits for Supreme Court Justices and support expanding the court to prevent this erosion of rights.

      The leaked Supreme Court draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade has sparked widespread concern and outrage, as it puts other constitutional rights at risk. The draft, written by Justice Alito, argues that the decision to legalize abortion was not based on the Constitution and should be returned to the states. This has raised alarms, as four justices on the court were appointed by presidents who received fewer votes than their opponents. A poll by Morning Consult shows that Americans want term limits for Supreme Court Justices and support expanding the court. The issue of abortion access is a litmus test for voters, with 49% saying they are more likely to vote for a pro-choice candidate if Roe is overturned. Legal analysts warn that other rights, such as same-sex marriage and contraception, could also be at risk if the court disregards precedent. The confirmation hearings of justices like Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, who all claimed to respect precedent, were misleading, as they have since voted to overturn Roe. The potential implications of this decision for democracy are significant and concerning.

    • Conservatives Consider Challenging Public Education and Other Legal PrecedentsConservatives are inspired by recent Supreme Court rulings and statements from justices, leading some to consider challenging the universal right to public education and other established legal precedents, including Roe v. Wade. Organizations supporting reproductive rights are seeing increased demand for their services in response.

      Some conservatives, inspired by recent Supreme Court rulings and statements from justices, are considering challenging the universal right to public education and other established legal precedents. Amy Coney Barrett's past comments on Roe v. Wade, specifically her dismissive attitude towards certain precedents, have raised concerns among advocacy groups and Democrats. These groups argue that her statements suggest she may be open to overturning more than just Roe. In response, they are encouraging donations to local abortion funds and other organizations that support reproductive rights. The Chicago Abortion Fund, for example, has seen a significant increase in demand for its services since the draft opinion leaked. The fund's executive director, Megan Jioffo, emphasized the importance of these organizations in helping people access abortion services despite potential legal challenges.

    • Navigating Abortion Without SupportDiscuss abortion as healthcare, support access, donate to local funds, and break the stigma surrounding abortion for reproductive justice.

      The current political climate surrounding abortion access is leaving many people feeling isolated and without support. The speaker, a mother who had abortions before having her children, shared her personal experience of navigating the procedure without emotional support and in secrecy. She emphasized the importance of openly discussing abortion as healthcare and a necessary option. The speaker also urged people to use their voices to support abortion access and to donate to local abortion funds. The number of people seeking abortion services in states with restrictive laws is expected to increase, and the speaker called on communities to take action and provide resources for those in need. The speaker's message underscores the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding abortion and standing up for reproductive justice.

    • Leak of draft SC opinion: Unprecedented but context mattersWhile the leak of a draft SC opinion is a breach of trust, the timing and circumstances suggest it may not have been intended to influence the outcome or identity of the leaker may not be as important as the content and implications.

      The leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion, while unprecedented, may not be as egregious as some are making it out to be. While it is a breach of trust, the timing and circumstances of the leak suggest that it may not have been intended to influence the outcome of the case. The leak may have even been an attempt to pressure a justice into voting a certain way. Additionally, the focus on identifying the leaker, or "doxing," may be misplaced, as the identity of the leaker may not be as important as the content of the opinion itself and the potential implications it may have for reproductive rights.

    • Possible Inside Job at Supreme CourtThe Supreme Court draft opinion leak may have been an inside job, emphasizing the need to consider all possibilities before jumping to conclusions.

      The leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade was likely an inside job, possibly by a clerk who accidentally left it in a public place. The identity of the clerk, whether they are from the left or right, remains unclear, and the incident should serve as a reminder that plausible explanations exist beyond the initial assumptions of blame. The politicization of the court and the heightened tensions surrounding it have made this a contentious issue, with both sides quick to point fingers. However, it's crucial to consider all possibilities and avoid jumping to conclusions based on loud voices or partisan affiliations.

    • Impact of politics on elections and courtsPolitics and unexpected events can significantly influence elections and court outcomes. Trump's endorsements and Thiel's support impacted the Ohio Republican senate primary, highlighting the importance of staying informed and adaptable.

      The politicization of the court and unexpected events, such as endorsements, can significantly impact political races. JD Vance's win in the Ohio Republican senate primary is an example of this, as his victory was influenced by Peter Thiel's financial support, Donald Trump's endorsement, and the perceived unlikability of his opponents. Trump remains a powerful figure in Republican politics, but he doesn't have limitless ability and can't guarantee wins in every race. The vicious politicization of the court and the unpredictability of political dynamics make it essential for individuals and organizations to stay informed and adaptable.

    • Endorsements and Platforms Matter in Political CampaignsUnderdog candidates in Ohio can benefit from endorsements and platforms provided by influential figures, but authenticity and a clear Ohio message are also crucial for success.

      While securing the number one spot on Yelp or having high-profile endorsements can significantly impact a political campaign, they may not be enough to overcome major obstacles or scandals. In the chaotic and noisy right-wing media environment, a candidate like Donald Trump or Tucker Carlson can make a huge difference by endorsing a candidate and providing them with a platform. For underdog candidates like Tim Ryan, it's crucial to embrace their unique strengths, use all available resources, and focus on their home state's concerns. However, being overly critical of popular figures or appearing disconnected from the community could backfire, as swing voters may be cynical and dismissive of perceived insincerity. Ultimately, a successful campaign requires a clear Ohio message, authenticity, and effective use of resources.

    • Opposition research against JD Vance revealed, Nina Turner vs Marcia Fudge primary raceTransparency is crucial in politics as opposition research can significantly impact campaigns. JD Vance faced public scrutiny over his past work history, while Nina Turner lost to Marcia Fudge in Ohio's Democratic primary.

      The political landscape is seeing some interesting developments, as shown in the recent revelation of opposition research against JD Vance, a Republican candidate, funded by Peter Thiel. The research, which was made public due to legal loopholes, contained information on Vance's past work history and potential contradictions to his campaign messages. This incident echoes Ted Cruz's past, where unedited footage of his campaign ads was released to the public. On the Democratic side, the primary race between Nina Turner and Marcia Fudge in Ohio resulted in a landslide victory for Fudge, with strong endorsements from both the Democratic establishment and the progressive caucus. This race doesn't necessarily indicate a clear direction for Democratic voters, as Fudge was already a successful incumbent and had the support of various factions within the party. Overall, these events highlight the importance of transparency and the potential impact of opposition research on political campaigns.

    • Michigan Democrats' efforts to protect reproductive rightsMichigan Democrats are using various strategies to safeguard reproductive rights, with Senator Mallory McMorrow leading the charge through powerful speeches and standing firm against discrimination.

      Michigan Democrats are taking a multi-pronged approach to protect reproductive rights in the state, including constitutional amendments, legislation, and ballot initiatives. Senator Mallory McMorrow shared her experience of being falsely accused on social media and how it inspired her to write a powerful speech addressing the hypocrisy of the Republican party. The speech, which went viral, emphasized her identity as a straight, white, Christian, married suburban mom to highlight the importance of standing up for individual rights and against discrimination. Despite facing attacks, McMorrow and her colleagues remain committed to fighting for the rights of all Michiganders.

    • Rep. Mallory McMorrow's Speech on Identity and ValuesDemocratic representatives are standing up against attacks on their identity and values, particularly in relation to family, community, and faith. McMorrow's speech gained national attention and sparked conversations among Democratic leaders about addressing targeting of marginalized communities.

      Democratic representatives are standing up against attacks on their identity and values, particularly in relation to family, community, and faith. Rep. Mallory McMorrow from Michigan shared her experiences of facing hateful smears and frustration from parents in her district, as well as from Republican colleagues. She emphasized the importance of reclaiming one's identity and addressing the targeting of marginalized communities, especially in the context of education policies. McMorrow's powerful speech gained national attention, including a call from President Biden, and sparked conversations among Democratic leaders about striking a nerve with voters. Despite the backlash from some Republicans, McMorrow remains determined to continue advocating for inclusive and equitable policies.

    • Authenticity and Emotional Expression in PoliticsDemocrats should express emotions and call out hate, resonating with voters. Focus on popular issues and clear language to differentiate from opponents.

      Democrats should not shy away from expressing their emotions and calling out hate and extremism in politics. As seen in the Michigan state house election, being authentic and standing against hate can resonate with voters. Additionally, Republicans have embraced unpopular positions and have grown overconfident due to a favorable media landscape. To counter this, Democrats can focus on issues with broad support, such as gay marriage and women's reproductive rights, and use clear language to differentiate themselves from their opponents. The game discussed in the conversation highlights the stark contrast in popularity between certain Republican figures and Democratic policies, demonstrating the potential for effective messaging.

    • Discussing hot dogs, social issues, and a drinking gameA majority of Americans oppose Florida's 'don't say gay' bill, opinions on abortion rights and Bruce Springsteen's popularity are divided, and a drinking game involving Republican quotes and Malort was played.

      The discussion touched on various topics including people's preferences for hot dogs toppings, opinions on social issues like abortion rights and Florida's "don't say gay" bill, and a drinking game related to identifying quotes from Republican politicians. A poll showed that a majority of Americans opposed the Florida bill, while opinions on abortion rights and Bruce Springsteen's popularity were evenly split among Republicans and millennials. The conversation also included some light-hearted moments like playing a game called "This Weeknd" where volunteers read quotes from Republican politicians and tried to identify who said them. The discussion ended with a mention of Chicago and a drinking game using Malort, an unpopular liquor.

    • Lively Banter on Politics and Pop CultureA group of individuals engaged in a lively and sometimes irreverent discussion on politics, Malort liquor, and social media, sharing strong opinions on Roe v. Wade and Supreme Court decisions, and finding enjoyment in sharing jokes, name-calling, and bonding over shared experiences.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including politics, Malort liquor, and social media. A few notable figures were mentioned, including Ben Sasse, Lindsey Graham, and Tucker Carlson. The group seemed to have strong opinions on Roe v. Wade and the ongoing Supreme Court decisions. They also made fun of certain tweets and shared their own humorous takes. The conversation was filled with jokes, name-calling, and a general sense of chaos. Despite the chaotic nature of the conversation, it seemed that they found enjoyment in sharing their thoughts and perspectives. They also seemed to bond over their shared experiences and common interests. Overall, the discussion was a reflection of a group of individuals engaging in lively and sometimes irreverent banter.

    • The importance of getting involved in politics and making your voice heardListen to Pod Save America for insights on current issues, learn about organizations making a difference, and take action by voting and supporting causes that align with your values.

      Learning from this episode of Pod Save America is the importance of getting involved in politics and making your voice heard. The guests, including Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow, Megan Jiafoe, and Alyssa Mastromonaco, discussed various issues, including reproductive rights and the need to protect democracy. They emphasized the importance of voting and supporting organizations that align with your values. MSG Entertainment in the Chicago theater was also thanked for their efforts in promoting voter registration. The team behind Pod Save America, including producers Michael Martinez, Andy Gardner Bernstein, Hailey Muse, Olivia Martinez, Andrew Chadwick, Kyle Seglen, Tanya Sominator, Sandy Gerard, Hallie Kiefer, Ari Schwartz, Andy Taft, and Justine Howe, and the digital team, Elijah Cone, Phoebe Bradford, Milo Kim, and Emilio Montague, were acknowledged for their contributions. The episodes are available on YouTube at youtube.com/crookedmedia. So, if you want to make a difference, get informed, get involved, and don't forget to vote!

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    s2-Ep: 27 - If Life Is A Simulation, Lets Play One That Doesn't Suck

    s2-Ep: 27 - If Life Is A Simulation, Lets Play One That Doesn't Suck

    SHOW NOTES: In Today's Episode of the Greatest Shit Show on Earth:

    Every week, shocking headlines continue to dominate the news, continually escalating to a new level we couldn't imagine the week before.

    Stand-up comedians continue to be targeted and threatened. Americans should be appalled by the threat placed on comedians and their lives.

    Does no one care about or cherish the life of an adult man just trying to make a living by telling funny hardy-hahas on stage to distract us from our poorly miss guided anger?

    Are the Dave Chappelle's of the world to be tossed in a dumpster and discarded with no plan B?

    Are we supposed to just accept that his life means nothing compared to the unborn fetus that is technically still only a sperm slug?  

    While we are asking these deep philosophical questions, what is life anyway? Is it merely a simulation being played by an advanced being with Cthulu God-like powers? Is this supreme being only trying to distract himself from his own cosmic chaotic turmoil, hoping that all of his problems will be resolved and vanish from his turbulent higher existence and consciousness? 

    In the grand scheme of things, maybe, as simple tiny piss-ant humanoids, we are no different from the Demon-Gods who play us as their own next-gen sim trying to level up to distract themselves from the harsh reality they aren't willing to accept. After all, isn't that how we cope with our day-to-day lives?

    I guess we shall find out in this week's episode.


    Act I - Introductions and Pleasantries - 

    Act II: - Master Control 

    Act III - The pretend worlds we escape to where the pay is nothing and the cost of living is meaningless

    "Fighting Back Post-Roe."

    "Fighting Back Post-Roe."

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.



    Episode 62 - Dre's Intro - May 5th, 2022

    Episode 62 - Dre's Intro - May 5th, 2022

    Episode 62 - May 5th, 2022

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    • - Breaking News - Dave Chappelle “Netflix Is a Joke” attacked on Stage 
    • - Beyonce at Functions and Crazy Situations Occur 
    • - Songs Of The Episode #3 - D. Roy ft; LennAsia “Boo Baby” 
    • - Wise Guys Corner: T.K. Kirkland Opinion. We break it down, “If I get married to a person, I can either be completely faithful or pay the bill but i cannot do both things. It has to be either our. 
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