
    Girls That Startup: Do You Have Red Flags as a Leader in Business? with HR Specialist Shelley Johnson

    enMay 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Investment and Career ManagementInvestors can streamline portfolio tracking and reporting with Sharesight, while professionals can find success by identifying unique strengths and creating a business around them.

      Both Sharesight and Kjell's career stories highlight the importance of having a comprehensive and organized approach to managing investments and teams respectively. Sharesight offers investors a single platform to track their investment portfolio, providing valuable insights beyond brokerage statements. Meanwhile, Kjell's journey in HR involved finding her unique strengths and creating a business around them to offer bold and gutsy HR consulting services. For investors, using Sharesight can help streamline investment tracking and reporting, while for professionals, taking a similar approach to their careers can lead to success in their chosen field. Additionally, Sharesight is offering a special deal for those interested in their annual premium plan, making it an attractive option for those looking to dive deeper into investment performance metrics.

    • Listen to your intuition and make your career reflect who you areDon't let self-doubt hold you back, identify and amplify unique strengths, bring a unique personality or approach to work, and take action to make your career reflect who you are

      If you have a gut feeling or intuition about starting your own business or leading a team, don't let self-doubt hold you back. Instead, take steps towards your goal and find ways to make your personal brand stand out. This can be achieved by identifying and amplifying your unique strengths and differences. For example, if you're in a field like HR or accounting, which may be perceived as boring or rule-following, you can differentiate yourself by bringing a unique personality or approach to your work. And if you're feeling stuck and ready to make a change, remember that it's okay to not have everything figured out right now. The important thing is to take action and continue learning and growing. So, listen to that inkling or intuition and start exploring how you can make your career truly reflect who you are.

    • Test the waters before starting a businessStart small, build a portfolio, and prepare for entrepreneurship before making the leap. If your values and goals no longer align with your current role, consider taking a financial risk to pursue your business full-time.

      Starting a business doesn't have to be a sudden, all-or-nothing decision. Instead, you can test the waters by taking on small projects and building up your portfolio before making the leap. This not only helps you overcome imposter syndrome but also gives you a preview of what entrepreneurship is really like. However, even with this preparation, there may come a point when you realize that your current role no longer aligns with your values and goals. When that happens, it may be time to quit your job and pursue your business full-time, even if it means taking a financial risk. In the speaker's experience, an unexpected opportunity to write a careers book came up during this transitional period, which further validated her decision and provided a new direction for her business.

    • Embracing pivotal career moments and taking calculated risksTo build something awesome, embrace career changes and overcome challenges by taking calculated risks, learning, and adapting.

      Pivotal moments in our careers can be both terrifying and exciting, and it's important to embrace those moments and take calculated risks to build something awesome. The fear of the unknown should not hold us back from making career decisions that excite us. For some, the catalyst for making a change might be a lack of control over their time or creativity, while for others it might be the pull of wanting to have more autonomy. However, starting a business also comes with its own challenges, such as managing finances and dealing with people. It's essential to be aware of these challenges and be willing to learn and adapt to overcome them. Glenn James and Cimran Neog's stories illustrate the importance of taking a leap of faith and pushing through fear to pursue your passions.

    • Developing Effective Leadership and Revolutionizing Business PaymentsEffective leadership involves clarity, courage, coaching, culture building, and consistency. Revolutionizing business payments with tap to pay on iPhone can increase revenue, expand reach, and enhance customer experience.

      Leadership is a skill that can be learned, not just a career progression. It requires a combination of art and science, and anyone can develop the necessary traits with dedication. The speaker emphasized the importance of clarity, courage, coaching, culture building, and consistency as key components of effective leadership. Additionally, the speaker introduced tap to pay on iPhone powered by Stripe as a game-changer for businesses, allowing for seamless contactless payments and benefiting businesses by increasing revenue, expanding reach, and enhancing customer experience. Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the importance of coaching as a crucial aspect of leadership, despite it being time-consuming. By becoming an expert coach, leaders can help their team members grow and ultimately contribute to the growth of their business. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of continuous learning and development in both leadership and business practices.

    • Consistent leadership builds trust and strong teamsEffective leaders reflect, learn, communicate clearly, and maintain consistency to build trust and strong teams

      Consistent leadership is crucial for building trust and a strong team. Bad managers often lack consistency, leading to a breakdown in trust and cultural problems. Reflection and self-reflection are key practices for improving as a leader, especially during critical moments like when good employees leave. New business owners often struggle with setting clear expectations for their team from the start. To be a good leader, it's important to reflect on past mistakes, learn from them, and seek out guidance from coaches or mentors. Consistency, reflection, and clear communication are essential components of effective leadership.

    • Setting clear expectations and holding both parties accountableLeaders should establish non-negotiable behaviors, create a culture of commitment, and focus on coaching, guiding, and developing their team to increase engagement and retention

      Setting clear expectations and holding both parties accountable is crucial for effective leadership. By establishing non-negotiable behaviors as a team, leaders can create a culture of commitment and improvement. Neglecting this step can lead to detrimental habits and behaviors that are harder to address later on. Additionally, leaders who focus solely on what energizes them may inadvertently slip into a command and control leadership style, which can stifle employee growth and engagement. Instead, leaders should aim to coach, guide, and develop their team, providing opportunities for autonomy and creativity. This not only benefits the team but also increases retention, especially for younger generations who value growth opportunities.

    • Reframe Feedback as a Service for Employee GrowthPrepare and deliver feedback thoughtfully and empathetically to foster a culture of growth and respect in the workplace

      Providing constructive feedback to employees is crucial for their growth and development, but it can be a challenging and uncomfortable task for many business owners. Instead of avoiding these conversations due to discomfort or lack of preparation, it's essential to reframe feedback as a service that helps employees advance in their careers. Preparation is also vital to ensure the conversation is delivered kindly and effectively. Avoid giving feedback in the form of a "feedback bomb" or the "shit sandwich," as these methods can be counterproductive and demotivating for employees. By preparing and delivering feedback thoughtfully and empathetically, business owners can foster a culture of growth and respect in their workplace.

    • Authentic and clear feedbackBe direct and clear when giving feedback, avoiding disingenuous or sugarcoated approaches, and continuously working on improving feedback skills.

      Effective feedback requires authenticity and clarity. The "shit sandwich" approach, where praise is sandwiched between criticism, can come across as disingenuous and unhelpful. Similarly, the "sweet and low" approach, where feedback is sugarcoated to avoid upsetting someone, can leave the recipient confused and uncertain of what to do next. Instead, it's essential to be clear and direct when giving feedback, getting to the point and avoiding jargon. As leaders, it's crucial to understand how our actions and communication impact those we lead, and to continuously work on improving our feedback skills. The best advice received was to figure out what it's like to be on the other side of ourselves as leaders, and to uncover our blind spots. Overall, giving effective feedback requires a commitment to authenticity, clarity, and continuous improvement.

    • Importance of seeking feedback and learning from teamLeadership is a skill, not a birthright. Seek feedback, provide clear goals, and develop the ability to learn and grow as a leader.

      Seeking feedback from your team is crucial for self-improvement as a leader. Rowan shared how he was perceived as abrupt and discovered his team's need for structure, which was a blind spot for him. He emphasized the importance of providing clear goals and expectations for team members to reduce stress and increase productivity. Furthermore, he strongly disagreed with the notion of "natural leaders," believing that leadership is a skill that can be learned and developed. To learn more from Rowan and gain valuable insights, listeners can find him and his book online. Remember, leadership is not something you are born with, but something you can learn and master.

    • Transitioning from a side hustle to a successful businessPractical tips on financial matters, personal experiences, and insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, and team management in Girls That Invest's 'Sort Your Career Out and Make More Money'.

      "Sort Your Career Out and Make More Money" by the authors of Girls That Invest is a comprehensive book that provides valuable insights for transitioning from a side hustle to building a successful business. The book covers various aspects of entrepreneurship, leadership, and team management, making it a refreshing read for both aspiring business owners and seasoned professionals. Glenn's chapter on pay is particularly noteworthy, offering practical tips on financial matters. The authors also share their personal experiences, providing a unique perspective on both leading a business and being part of a team. Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to advance their career or start their own business. Don't forget to check it out on Instagram (@boldsideconsulting) and LinkedIn (Shelly Johnson), or purchase it online or at retailers. Remember, Girls That Invest does not provide personalized investing advice, and the information provided is for educational purposes only. Always do your research and use due diligence before making any investment or financial decisions.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

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    Check out yesterday's episode, Ep.89 I Making Your Decisions: Bank accounts, budgets, and bad movies, or download it directly using this link.

    Drop it here on our website, and subscribe to the show so you don't miss our answers on our next Make My Decision episode!

    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
    Join us on Facebook
    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!