
    Girls That Startup: Exactly How I Wrote and Brought to Life a 7 Figure Business Plan

    enMarch 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of a Supportive Partner on Personal and Professional GrowthA supportive partner contributes to personal and professional growth by allowing focus on individual happiness and success, while a hindering partner can hinder potential. Effectively managing finances with a tool like ShareSite optimizes investment performance.

      Having the right partner can significantly impact one's personal and professional growth. This was an unexpected yet profound realization shared by four successful women during a recent retreat. While it may not be a feminist perspective, they acknowledged that a supportive partner allows individuals to focus on their own growth and happiness, ultimately contributing to greater success. Conversely, a partner who causes stress or hinders progress can hinder one's potential. Additionally, the use of an investment dashboard like ShareSite can help individuals effectively manage and monitor their financial portfolio, providing valuable insights and visualizations for optimizing investment performance.

    • Creating a Business Plan for Social Media SuccessA clear and concise business plan is crucial for growing a business on social media, outlining the purpose, operation, and financial projections, increasing chances of success.

      Having a well-thought-out business plan is crucial for growing a business, especially when using social media platforms. Jay Shetty's new book on love may provide valuable insights, but when it comes to business, it's essential to have a clear and concise plan. A business plan is a document that outlines the purpose, operation, and financial projections of a business. It doesn't have to be lengthy; even a one-page plan can be effective. Many people get excited about starting a business on social media but lose interest when it comes to creating a business plan. However, this step is vital in turning a business idea into a viable enterprise. A business plan helps entrepreneurs understand how to make money, set goals, and navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business. By taking the time to create a business plan, individuals can increase their chances of success and beat the odds, as 80% of people do not make a business plan before starting their venture.

    • A Business Plan is Like a Meal Prep or a Personal Trainer for Your BusinessCreate a one-page business plan using a triangle model with three layers: funnel, second offer, and revenue generator.

      Having a business plan is essential for starting and growing a business, even if you're not a big believer in rigidity or rules. Sam, the speaker, emphasizes that a business plan is like a meal prep plan or having a personal trainer for your business. It provides steps to help you succeed and achieve your goals. Sam has used business plans for all her businesses, including The Indian Feminist and Girls That Invest. She suggests creating a one-page business plan using a triangle model with three layers. The top layer is the funnel or the start of your brand, such as social media. The middle layer is the second offer or supplementary content that brings people closer to your brand, like podcasts for Sam. The bottom layer is the revenue generator, such as courses, books, or sponsorships. Sam's business plan for Girls That Invest was simple and effective, and she will be sharing it in the episode. Despite the misconception that business plans are lengthy and intense documents, Sam's one-page business plan demonstrates that it can be concise and clear.

    • Building a successful educational business through community and funnelingFocus on community building through free content, identify key actions for growth, and evolve offerings to meet audience needs.

      Creating a successful educational business involves building a community through free content and then funneling interested individuals towards more in-depth, revenue-generating offerings. The speaker, who built a business around investing education, started with a broad reach through Instagram and then added a podcast. They discovered that the middle part of the triangle, which takes the general audience into a deeper level, could be a podcast. However, they couldn't do it alone, so they looked for a solution and brought in a partner. The 80/20 rule applies here, as most efforts may not yield significant results, but a few key actions will generate the majority of the success. The business model remained consistent with the triangle, but the offerings evolved over time to meet the changing needs of the audience.

    • Discovering a shared passion leads to successful partnershipsStarting a podcast or business with a partner requires a natural connection and shared passion. Dedication and hard work can lead to sustainability and growth, even when starting as a side project.

      Starting a successful podcast or business often begins with a natural connection and shared passion between partners. In this case, the speakers, Simran and Sonya, discovered their compatibility while discussing money experiences. They started the podcast as a side project, but as it grew, they made it sustainable by splitting revenue and eventually creating a course and book. The business plan for their Girls That Invest venture includes addressing the problem they're solving (helping women learn about investing) and outlining their answers to other essential questions, such as marketing strategy, competition analysis, and financial projections. The success of their venture came from their genuine passion and dedication to helping others, even when working for free in the beginning.

    • Recognizing and solving real problemsSuccessful businesses identify genuine challenges, create effective solutions, and communicate their value proposition through compelling elevator pitches.

      A successful business identifies and addresses a real problem or need, creating a solution that resonates with its audience. For instance, Girls That Invest recognized the challenge of investing being intimidating for women and created a safe, accessible platform for investing education. Similarly, Stripe's tap to pay on iPhone offers a game-changing solution for businesses, simplifying the way they accept payments and enhancing the customer experience. Crafting a compelling elevator pitch is essential, as it succinctly conveys the value proposition of a business and instills confidence in potential customers and stakeholders.

    • Presenting yourself and your brand with confidence, identifying dream team, and delegating tasks effectivelyHaving a clear vision for your team, even if you can't afford to hire everyone, helps attract potential investors and customers, and can lead to finding and building relationships with potential team members.

      Building a successful business involves presenting yourself and your brand with confidence, identifying your dream team, and delegating tasks effectively. The speaker emphasized the importance of having a clear vision for your team, even if you can't afford to hire everyone at the moment. She shared her experience of starting out lean and doing everything herself, but eventually expanding and outsourcing tasks to team members who have significantly lightened her workload. Additionally, having a confident and professional online presence can help attract potential investors and customers. The speaker advised founders to create their social media channels as if they're already global brands, and to write down their dream team and the roles they would fill. Even if you can't hire everyone right away, having a clear vision for your team can help you begin the process of finding and building relationships with potential team members.

    • Assessing Industry, Target Audience, and Cost Structure before Starting a BusinessThorough research and analysis are crucial before starting a business, including understanding the industry, target audience, marketing channels, and financial aspects such as costs, revenue streams, and sales goals.

      Before starting a business, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis. This includes assessing the industry or market to understand its strengths, weaknesses, and future potential. Additionally, identifying the target audience and deciding on the marketing channels to reach them are essential steps. Lastly, while it may be unclear initially, understanding the cost structure, revenue streams, and sales goals is vital for financial sustainability. The speaker's personal experience of starting a business and the importance of these steps was emphasized throughout the discussion.

    • Leveraging strengths for business growthFocus on your strengths to become an expert, earn money through various means, and use effective tools to maintain boundaries.

      Focusing on your strengths and becoming an expert in them is a key strategy for growing a successful business. The speaker shares her personal experience of discovering her ability to teach and turning it into a revenue stream. She emphasizes the importance of doubling down on strengths rather than trying to improve weaknesses and staying average. The speaker also mentions the importance of creating boundaries, especially when working with friends, using tools like Slack and Google Drive to help separate work and personal life. Additionally, she explores various ways to earn money through a business, such as Google AdSense, affiliate ads, sponsored content, workshops, and conference speaking. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of confidence, expertise, and effective tools in building a successful business.

    • Utilizing Free Resources for Business PlanningPlan meticulously, set ambitious goals, and utilize free resources like Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, Canva, Imovie, and templates for business planning to get started.

      Starting a business involves careful planning and utilizing free resources. The speaker used Google Drive for document storage, Google Docs and Sheets for organization, Canva for visuals, Imovie for video editing, and free templates for business planning. She also emphasized the importance of setting financial goals and conducting market research to determine potential revenue streams. Before starting, she wrote down step-by-step actions to create social media accounts, build a website, and engage with the community. She also looked into legal and regulatory compliance. To reach her financial goal, she considered various revenue streams such as brand sponsorships, book sales, and workshops, and conducted rough market research to estimate potential earnings. Overall, her approach was to plan meticulously, set ambitious yet achievable goals, and utilize free resources to get started.

    • Starting a business with essentials in mindFocus on business idea, goals, mission, strategy, team, and market analysis to start a business, having a framework is more important than a lengthy plan, and it's okay to not have all the answers right now.

      Starting a business doesn't require having every detail perfectly planned out from the start. The speaker shares her experience of starting Girls' End Best with a minimal business plan, focusing on the essentials such as the business idea, goals, mission, strategy, team, and market analysis. She emphasizes that having a framework to guide you is more important than having a lengthy, complicated plan. She also mentions that she didn't even know how they were going to make money at the beginning but trusted that something would work out. Her story is a reminder that starting a business is a journey, and it's okay to not have all the answers right now. Just take the first step and adjust as you go along.

    • Educational investment advice from Girls That InvestAlways do your own research and use due diligence before making investment decisions, even with educational advice from organizations like Girls That Invest.

      While investing may seem simpler now than in the past, it's important to remember that it still requires careful consideration and research. The advice provided by Girls That Invest is meant to be educational and should not be used as a substitute for personalized financial advice from a qualified professional. Always do your own research and use your due diligence before making any investment decisions. The world of investing can be exciting and full of opportunities, but it's crucial to approach it with a well-informed mindset. Remember, the advice from Girls That Invest is general in nature and may not consider your individual circumstances. Stay informed, stay curious, and happy investing!

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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