
    Girls That Startup: How to Be a Resourceful Business Owner

    enApril 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Maximize investment portfolio management with SharesightSharesight empowers resourceful investors to access comprehensive financial insights, organize investments, and share portfolios for optimal investment management and growth.

      Being a resourceful business owner is crucial for success, and Sharesight is a valuable tool for resourceful investors looking to manage their investment portfolios effectively. With Sharesight, users can access comprehensive financial performance insights, organize their investments in one place, and even share their portfolio with others. Sim, a 7 figure business owner, exemplifies resourcefulness by making the most of her resources and achieving impressive success with her business, Girls That Invest. By being frugal and creative, she has managed to build a thriving business and reap the rewards. For investors looking to optimize their investment experience, Sharesight's intuitive investment dashboard and special deals offer an excellent solution for staying informed and in control of their financial growth.

    • Starting a business with limited resourcesBeing resourceful allows you to grow a business with limited resources by doing things yourself or finding cost-effective solutions, and eventually hiring help for tasks you're not skilled in.

      Being resourceful in business doesn't always mean having a lot of money to spend. The speaker shares how they started their business with limited resources and had to learn to do things themselves or figure out cost-effective solutions. They also emphasized the importance of trying new things before outsourcing or hiring help. The speaker's resourcefulness allowed them to grow their business and eventually hire help for tasks they weren't skilled in. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of being creative and adaptable when starting a business with limited resources.

    • Be resourceful and adaptive to save costs and learn as you goStarting a business doesn't require all resources or knowledge upfront. Be resourceful and adaptive to learn new skills, experiment with tools, and save costs. This empowers individuals to make informed decisions, reduce risks, and continuously grow.

      Being resourceful and adaptive is crucial for starting and growing a business. Instead of waiting to have all the resources or knowledge before starting, it's important to learn and experiment as you go. For example, when starting a podcast, one might initially think they need a production agency for distribution and cover art design. However, with some research and experimentation, they might find that they can distribute their podcast for free and create their own cover art using free tools like Canva. This not only saves costs but also empowers individuals to understand the ins and outs of their business, reducing the risk of being taken advantage of. Moreover, continuously learning new skills not only makes individuals more effective in their roles but also brings enjoyment and personal growth. As demonstrated in starting the Girls That Invest course, being resourceful allowed for the elimination of unnecessary hires and streamlined production processes. Overall, being resourceful and adaptive is an essential mindset for entrepreneurs, enabling them to save costs, make informed decisions, and continuously learn and grow.

    • Creating a successful online course with limited resourcesWith determination and free tools, anyone can create and launch a valuable online course despite limited budget and experience.

      With determination and resourcefulness, it's possible to create and launch a successful online course even with limited budget and experience. The speaker, who had never sold a product in her business before aside from partnerships, managed to produce a 6-week investing masterclass by learning how to edit videos using free tools like Imovie, designing slides with Canva, and writing the content in a word document. She also took feedback from each cohort and improved the course accordingly. Although the initial production may not have been polished, the focus was on delivering valuable content to customers. This story highlights the importance of being resourceful and committed to providing value, even when starting from scratch.

    • Contactless Payments on iPhone and Empowering BusinessesIPhone's Tap to Pay feature and Stripe's integration enable contactless payments, expanding businesses' reach and enhancing customer experience with a quick and flexible setup. Overcoming imposter syndrome through confidence and learning from challenges can help individuals succeed in entrepreneurship.

      Tap to pay on iPhone and Stripe offers a game-changing solution for businesses of all sizes, enabling contactless payments directly from an iPhone without requiring additional hardware. This empowers businesses to increase revenue, expand reach, and enhance customer experience with a quick and flexible setup. Imposter syndrome, or feeling inadequate or uncertain in one's abilities, can hinder individuals from taking the leap into entrepreneurship. To maintain a resourceful mindset, it's essential to build confidence in your ability to learn and figure things out, viewing challenges as opportunities to grow rather than insurmountable obstacles. By embracing a resourceful and confident mindset, individuals can successfully navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business.

    • Believe in your resourcefulnessBelieve in your ability to find answers and utilize available resources to overcome challenges

      No matter what project or goal you have, there are abundant resources available to help you figure it out. Whether it's starting a course, building a website, or sending out a newsletter, every question you have has likely been answered before. Utilize search engines, social media platforms, books, and podcasts to find the information you need. Marie Forleo's book "Everything is Figureoutable" and her podcast are great starting points for those who struggle with resourcefulness. Confidence in your ability to find answers is crucial. Remember, someone has already figured out what you don't know, and there's always a wealth of free resources available at your fingertips. Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back. Just take the first step and trust that you'll be able to figure out the rest.

    • Everything is figureoutableBreak down complex tasks, utilize resources, and approach challenges with a can-do attitude to learn new skills

      With the right mindset and determination, everything is figurable out. Marie Forleo, the author of "Everything is Figureoutable," emphasizes the importance of breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps and utilizing available resources to learn new skills. Even if you're not naturally resourceful, it's a trait that can be developed. For instance, if you're interested in starting a newsletter or learning how to invest, you can figure it out by writing out the steps, Googling what you don't know, and following educational resources. The key is to approach challenges with a can-do attitude and not be afraid to ask for help or seek out knowledge. Additionally, sharing valuable information with others and engaging with the Girls That Invest community can help expand your knowledge and reach more people. Remember, everything is figureoutable. So, keep learning, growing, and never stop asking questions.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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