
    Girls That Startup: How to Manage Your Time, from a 7 Figure Business Owner

    enNovember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing Investment Management with ShareSiteShareSite consolidates investment data from over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds across 200 platforms, offering comprehensive insights and simplifying investment management for investors

      ShareSite, an online investment dashboard, is revolutionizing how investors manage their portfolios. With support for over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, and integration with 200 platforms, ShareSite consolidates investment data in one place. Offering comprehensive insights, including analyzed reports, dividend gains, and currency fluctuations, ShareSite goes beyond brokerage statements. Plus, for those who want to share their investment journey, ShareSite offers a special deal for a discounted annual premium plan. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, ShareSite promises to transform your investment experience. As for time management, Sim, a 7 figure business owner, shared her experience of juggling multiple responsibilities while staying organized, albeit chaotically. Despite the apparent disorganization, she emphasized the importance of grit and determination to get things done.

    • Balancing work and personal life for effective time managementRecognize the importance of work-life balance and prioritize self-care for sustainable productivity.

      Managing time effectively is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth, but it's essential to recognize that an unhealthy obsession with work and lack of rest can be detrimental. Sim shared her experience of struggling with time management when she had multiple responsibilities, including a full-time job and flatmate duties. She believed that draining herself and working long hours were necessary for her business to succeed, leading to a toxic view of time. However, she now acknowledges that this mindset was unsustainable and not healthy. It's important to strike a balance between work and personal life and prioritize self-care. Time management is not just about being productive but also about ensuring that we are taking care of ourselves and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    • Neglecting personal life can lead to negative consequencesRecognize the importance of balancing work and personal life for overall well-being. Prioritize self-care and make time for things that matter.

      Prioritizing work over all other aspects of life can have negative consequences. The speaker shared her experience of neglecting her health during the growth phase of her company, leading to significant weight gain. A wake-up call came from an Instagram story of a successful businesswoman who emphasized making time for things that matter. This moment helped the speaker realize she had the power to choose her priorities and manage her time accordingly. It's essential to understand that everyone's circumstances are different, but acknowledging the importance of balancing work and personal life is crucial for overall well-being.

    • Assessing and adjusting productivity strategiesAnalyze your current methods, consider alternative strategies, and give yourself grace as you adjust to find a productive approach that suits your unique needs and strengths.

      If your current time management strategies aren't working for you, it may be time to try a new approach instead of beating yourself up. The speaker shared her experience of repeatedly trying to make to-do lists with unrealistic expectations, only to feel frustrated and unproductive when she couldn't complete all the tasks. She realized that analyzing her process and considering alternative strategies, such as time blocking, could lead to better results. It's essential to remember that everyone's productivity methods differ, and what works for one person may not work for another. Instead of getting down on yourself, take a step back and assess your approach. If necessary, try a new strategy and give yourself grace as you adjust to the change. Additionally, remember that self-shaming doesn't lead to better productivity. Instead, be kind to yourself and focus on finding a method that suits your unique needs and strengths.

    • Accepting limitations and prioritizing with a calendarHigh-achievers can manage time effectively by accepting that not all tasks can be done daily, prioritizing using a calendar, and color-coordinating for balance.

      Trying to do it all can lead to feelings of sadness and failure, especially for high-achieving individuals. To manage time effectively, it's important to accept that it's okay to only accomplish a few tasks each day and to prioritize them using a calendar instead of a to-do list. This approach can help manage energy levels and prevent the frustration of constantly pushing tasks to the next day or failing to delegate. By color-coordinating a Google Calendar, individuals can easily see their commitments and adjust their schedules accordingly, ensuring a better balance between work and personal life.

    • Effective time management through task prioritization and energy optimizationPrioritize tasks based on energy requirements, optimize energy levels, simplify business operations with tap to pay technology, and manage time realistically to increase productivity and efficiency.

      Effective time management involves prioritizing tasks based on their energy requirements and scheduling them accordingly. The speaker uses a color-coded system to categorize tasks as purple (admin), light blue (soul-nourishing), green (social), and deep green (social battery recharging). By dedicating specific days or time blocks for each type of task, individuals can optimize their energy levels and productivity. Another key takeaway is the importance of simplifying business operations, particularly in regards to payment processing. The introduction of tap to pay on iPhone powered by Stripe offers a game-changing solution for businesses of all sizes, enabling contactless payments without the need for additional hardware. This not only increases revenue and reach but also enhances the customer experience. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being realistic about time commitments and scheduling tasks accordingly. Allocating specific times for tasks and understanding how long they take can help individuals manage their time more effectively and avoid overcommitting. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of prioritizing tasks, optimizing energy levels, and simplifying business operations for increased productivity and efficiency.

    • Maximize productivity, minimize distractionsUse tools like Google Calendar to outsource menial tasks, prioritize high-value activities, and prevent double bookings to effectively manage time and reduce mental load in a 7 figure business mindset.

      Effectively managing your time and reducing mental load can significantly contribute to growing a successful business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using tools like Google Calendar to outsource menial tasks and free up mental energy for more important, high-value activities. By prioritizing and valuing your time, you can focus on the big picture and avoid wasting energy on trivial tasks. The use of a calendar also helps prevent double bookings and reduces emotional labor, allowing you to maintain a clear and focused mindset. In essence, the speaker's 7 figure business mindset is about maximizing productivity and minimizing distractions, enabling you to make the most of your valuable time and energy.

    • Maximize Productivity by Outsourcing and Utilizing ToolsRecognize toxic hassles, outsource tasks, use Google Calendar, Toggl, and the 80/20 rule to prioritize, and employ the Pomodoro Technique for increased focus and productivity.

      Acknowledging and reducing mental load by outsourcing tasks, utilizing resources like Google Calendar and Toggl, and applying the 80/20 rule can significantly improve time management and overall productivity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing a "toxic hassle mentality" and the benefits of outsourcing tasks that are time-consuming or not essential. Utilizing tools like Toggl for time tracking can help identify areas of inefficiency and prioritize tasks that have the greatest impact. The Pomodoro Technique, another mentioned resource, can help increase focus and productivity by working in focused intervals with scheduled breaks. Overall, these strategies can help alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed and improve overall work-life balance.

    • Pomodoro Technique: Working in Focused SprintsThe Pomodoro Technique improves productivity by working in focused sprints of 20-25 minutes, followed by short breaks. It helps maintain energy levels and efficiency, and is a widely available, free resource for effective time management.

      Effective time management involves working in focused sprints of 20 to 25 minutes, followed by short breaks. This method, known as the Pomodoro Technique, helps maintain energy levels and productivity without overexerting the brain. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having systems in place to manage work efficiently, rather than pushing oneself beyond limits. They shared that free resources for this technique are widely available online. The speaker's personal experience showed that this method has helped them manage their 7-figure business more effectively. They also mentioned that the ability to manage time well is a skill that can be learned with determination and resilience.

    • Effective time management is a journeyKeep trying different methods until you find what works best for you, be patient, and seek resources to help improve your time management skills

      Effective time management is a journey, not a destination. It requires persistence, adaptability, and an understanding that what works for one person may not work for another due to individual differences and cultural contexts. Maia and I, as examples, have learned to not give up and keep trying different methods until we find what works best for us. Time management is crucial for some cultures, while others may need to adjust their mindset and habits to prioritize it. Ultimately, it's essential to be patient with yourself, experiment with various strategies, and seek out resources to help you improve. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and the journey to better time management is ongoing.

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    Time Saving Solutions For All Virtual Assistants

    Time Saving Solutions For All Virtual Assistants

    Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Penn

    This quote seems mean but it's not. None of use every moment of our time wisely. But if you are strategic with some thing in your VA business, you can use that time very wisely. And by doing so, you actually get more done. And make more money.

    I am going to talk today about how you can save time while you do VA work.

    Now, I am not talking about speed. I never tell you to work faster.

    Well that's not entirely true.

    I do talk about keeping a good work pace. I'll get to that later.

    But there are 4 simple things you can implement in your business that can help you work more efficiently. And working efficiently helps you save time.

    Efficiency helps you use the time you have as wisely as possible.

    Productivity means getting things done.
    Efficiency means working smart.

    Like William Penn says, we all want more time. Why is that? Because we are spending too much on things and we are running out of it when we don't need to.

    For a VA, time is literally money. Your clients pay you to do work, often by the hour.

    But you physically take the time to do the client work, and that is how you charge them. So your time is their money.

    And in order to earn as much money as you can, you need to be productive and efficient.

    Here are some things you can do to help you do that:

    1 Checklists

    I am a huge advocate of using checklists.
    You can set them up in Google Sheets or Trello or a project management t system or even printed on paper.

    Where they are doesn't matter, as long as they detail the steps that you need to take to complete any task.

    And they need to be checkable. Like I mean you can check off the tasks as you go.

    I have done this a number of ways.

    Some things I printed on paper and put in a transparency sleeve. I would check things off with a dry erase marker. Wipe it clean and reuse it next time. Really, I did! Simple is always best and at the time I used several checklists that way.

    I have also made simple shareable spreadsheets. When I needed to share with client, it made it easy to detail all of the steps to do a project, and we could also add in deadline dates and who was responsible. It was easy to see the project status at a glance and what was coming up next.

    Now I use Trello but I have also used many other project management systems. Online checklists are great, as long as everyone uses them.

    But Tracey I hear you ask ... why do I need a checklist for things only I do? I know the steps. I don't need a checklist.

    Well, yeah you do.

    The brain saves soooo much time when you don't have to think about where you stopped and where you need to begin again.

    You can also look at a checklist and do just a couple of things on it if you have some time now. You don't have to sit down and do a 2 hour task all at once.

    I love it for my podcasts. I have 20 steps on my podcast creation checklist. I do a podcast every week .. of course I know how to do it. From doing my research to creating images, writing my script, recording it, editing it, many steps.

    But every week I use the checklist. Because it means I don't need to do it all in one sitting. I can do my images one day if I have some time, or just feel like it. I can look for quotes for 10 upcoming episodes if that' what I feel like doing. By checking it off the checklist I know what needs to be done for each episode at a glance. Efficient!

    I can help you design checklists for everything you do in your business. If you don't already have procedures for everything you do, we can start with those. Get more time back in your schedule!

    2 Templates

    The next thing that will help you with efficiency is templates.

    Newsletter templates, email templates invoice templates, image templates, onboarding templates, rfp response templates, task and project templates.

    You name it, you can probably create a time saving template for it. And if you can, you should.

    Creating templates for your client work helps you churn out more stuff for them.

    You can do a month's worth of newsletters faster. You can create eye catching and branded social media graphics with templates.

    It is about more than efficiency and speed.

    I love templates. I think everyone should use them.

    Why do you want to recreate the wheel every time you sit down to create a social media post?

    Now again I'm not talking about speed. At least not directly.

    I'm going to back up just a bit here to talk about task pricing. Deliverable pricing. It's how I teach you to bill your clients. Why? Because when you bill your client for the deliverable, it doesn't matter how fast you do it. The faster you do it, the more you get paid.

    I have an episode about billing by deliverable, so I'll tag that in the show notes below, but suffice it to say I teach you to bill that way because then you are billing for your expertise, and you don't lose money by being more efficient.

    It helps you FIND ways to do things more efficiently because you can do more in less time (but the client pays the same).

    Anyway I digress...

    By creating templates you can get more done in less time. But still get paid for your expertise.

    I don't teach skill stuff like Canva, but I sure can help you define where you can implement templates in your business to increase your work flow probably tenfold.

    3 Habits and Routines

    Next comes how you work every day. Your habits and routines.

    Oh yes, you guys know I love to talk about this stuff!

    Why? Because it works!

    If you have ever read the book Atomic Habits, you will know about habit stacking which I think is really cool.

    It means stacking a new habit on top of an existing one, and it's a great way to create an efficient routine.

    My husband takes his daily medication after he brushes his teeth, and he never forget to take it. I should take a page out of his book actually ha ha.

    But the point is that is a great example of habit stacking.

    If you have trouble forming new habits, try doing it that way. Add on one thing at a time to something else that you always do anyway.

    How many days do they say it takes to create a new habit? 21? So do it for 3 weeks and then it should become a habit. You can move it to anywhere you want then. And maybe stack other stuff on top of it too!

    A great example of creating a new habit is taking 20 minute every morning to do your social median check ins. I actually challenge you to start this today.

    I firmly believe that a lot of VAs spend wayyyy too much time on social media, and they don't have specific objectives for what they are trying to achieve with it.

    What are you trying to do? Get clients. How do you get clients? Daily business conversations. That should be your daily objective on social media, so make it a habit, part of your morning routine.

    Take 20 minutes and decide which groups you will go to, or which platforms. Connect with how many people. How many likes, shares, comments? Be strategic. Do it daily. Stop after 20 minutes.

    I promise you, you will get better at it with practice, and you WILL get clients from it. In 20 mins a day. Yes, 20 strategic minutes.

    I can teach you what to do and say in those 20 minutes that will get you the clients.

    And the last thing you can do to save time in your VA business is

    4 Regular Cost Benefit Analysis

    This is a tricky one. How much automation do you bring into your business? What about subcontractors? Getting help to do what you do is the last time saver for today's episode.

    Doing a cost benefit analysis is easy. Basically you are looking to see if paying for a person or service to help you with your work makes sense.

    You compare the cost to the benefit.

    Here's an example

    1. You manually create social media post captions for your clients every week. It takes you 3 hours each week to create the captions, and then to repurpose some of it for social media images.
    2. You then use Canva to create images with that content. Another 90 minutes.
    3. You then download each image from Canva, name it and store it in your shared folders. That takes another hour.
    4. Then you post the content to your planner and schedule each post to go out. That takes another 90 minutes.

    So we are looking at 7 hours to do that task. If you are billing the client at 40/hr, that is $280 a week.

    What could help you do it more efficiently? Post planners that can pull in csv files of content with image urls, for one.
    A sub to help with the Canva part maybe, for another.
    Templates for Canva images, definitely.

    Weigh out what these things might cost versus how you are doing it now.
    Sub doing Canva work means you can pay out 2.5 hours at say 25/hr $63.50, and you can then take on more clients to do the other steps. Would that make sense for you?

    Bringing on more clients brings you in more top line revenue and helps you get more work done.

    Anyway that's just one example, you see how cost benefit works to help you make decisions.

    Analyzing your revenue and workflows regularly is an excellent way to save you time as you get busier.

    How does that all sound??

    Time Saving? I promise you it will be, give some of it a try.

    Especially that 20 minutes a day connection time. It truly is a game changer!

    I'm going to leave it here for today, so I save us both time ha ha!

    But I want you to know that I can help you do this stuff in your business. That's literally the reason I am here. To help you become a ridiculously good VA.

    This is exactly the kind of stuff I help VAs do. As a VA coach and trainer, I help you set yourself up for success, helping you fix the specific things that are going wrong in your business. When we work together either privately or in a group we talk specifically about your business and you - there is no one stop solution for everyone when it comes to service businesses like VA businesses.

    I'll help you get clarity around your issues, and cheer you on as you walk through the steps to fix them.

    I've helped hundreds of VAs through their challenges and got them on their way to growing their business and the lifestyle that they dream of.

    I'd love to do the same for you.

    Let's work together privately to get you to your really big goal. It's the fastest way to get results and we can start right away. Learn more about private coaching here.

    The Virtual Circle (TVC) is a monthly mastermind group for Virtual Assistants just like you. We get together 3 times a month for group Zoom sessions to talk about what you are struggling with, working on, or celebrating. It's a close knit community of your VA colleagues that provides the best kind of support for your VA business. Learn more about TVC here.

    My self study program Getting Started as a VA can help you get your VA business started easily and quickly too. You can sign up right away and be on your way to getting clients by the end of the program, with all the right foundations in place. Check out the program here.

    Reach out to me if you need to talk about where you are stuck and what the right option might be to get you moving. It’s literally all I’m here to do is help you get to where you want to go. Book a complimentary Cut to the Chase call with me here.

    Ep. 30: The False Choice: Move Fast or Think Deeply

    Ep. 30: The False Choice: Move Fast or Think Deeply

    There is a false dichotomy between thinking deeply and moving fast. We are often presented with these as mutually exclusive choices and both have real advantages. But there is a way to do both at the same time--and it is a life changing insight (at least, it was for me).


    Sign up to have Scott email you a weekly shot of energy, with 1 Cool Quote, 1 Deep Thought, and 1 Useful Tool. This is original content, not a repost of the podcast. You can find the sign-up section at the bottom of my website www.ScottWozniak.com 

    Learn how Scott and his team of consultants can help you build a legendary brand at www.SwozConsulting.com 

    Connect with Scott on social media:  




    Bonus: check out his other podcast (Alpha Pack): https://kite.link/alpha-pack-podcast 

    If you like this podcast you will probably like that one, too. Who knows, you might even like it better! :)     

    Strategies for becoming less distracted and improving focus | Nir Eyal (author of Indistractable and Hooked)

    Strategies for becoming less distracted and improving focus | Nir Eyal (author of Indistractable and Hooked)

    Nir Eyal is the author of two best-selling books, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. He writes, consults, and teaches at the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. His books have sold over 1 million copies in more than 30 languages; he has taught at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and its Design School; and he has started and sold two startups since 2003. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • Strategies for becoming less distractible and improving focus

    • The difference between distraction and “traction”

    • Reactive work vs. reflexive work and why you should book time in your calendar

    • The 10-minute rule to overcome internal triggers and stay focused

    • The problem with to-do lists, and what to do instead

    • The value of creating a timebox schedule that aligns with personal values and priorities

    • The use of pacts as a last line of defense against distraction

    • How to develop a high-agency mindset

    • Advice for leaders on helping employees improve focus in the workplace

    Brought to you by Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security | Jira Product Discovery—Atlassian’s new prioritization and roadmapping tool built for product teams | Teal—Your personal career growth platform

    Find the full transcript at: https://www.lennyspodcast.com/strategies-for-becoming-less-distracted-and-improving-focus-nir-eyal-author-of-indistractable-and/

    Where to find Nir Eyal:

    • X: https://twitter.com/nireyal

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nireyal/

    • Website: https://www.nirandfar.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Nir’s background

    (04:20) How to become less distractible

    (07:43) Understanding distraction and traction

    (12:52) The four steps to becoming indistractable

    (13:53) Mastering internal triggers

    (18:49) Surfing the urge with a 10-minute timer

    (23:20) Making time for traction with a timebox schedule

    (25:02) How to turn your values into time

    (28:36) Booking deep work time

    (29:22) Making pacts to prevent distraction

    (31:00) The problem with to-do lists

    (34:31) The drawback of deadlines

    (36:08) Distraction is an emotion regulation problem

    (39:54) Hacking back external triggers

    (45:03) Preventing distraction with pacts

    (48:18) Specific tools to hold you accountable

    (53:42) Managing emotions and discomfort

    (56:37) Taking responsibility and being high-agency

    (01:00:09) Becoming indistractable at work

    (01:05:04) Schedule syncing to align with managers

    (01:09:36) We are not as hooked on technology as people think

    (01:16:00) Life purpose and personal responsibility

    (01:17:38) Lightning round


    Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life: https://www.amazon.com/Indistractable-Control-Your-Attention-Choose/dp/194883653X

    Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products: https://www.amazon.com/Hooked-How-Build-Habit-Forming-Products/dp/1591847788

    • Dorothy Parker’s quote: https://twitter.com/nireyal/status/1472280598723108866

    • “Writing is bleeding” quote: https://www.hemingwaysociety.org/quotation-controversy-writing-and-bleeding

    • The Pomodoro Technique Explained: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryancollinseurope/2020/03/03/the-pomodoro-technique/

    • Timeboxing: Why It Works and How to Get Started in 2024: https://www.nirandfar.com/timeboxing/

    • Using your working time well - Issue 22: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/time-management-issue-22

    • All-In podcast: https://www.allinpodcast.co/

    • Nir’s post about “the planning fallacy”: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nireyal_why-do-tasks-always-seem-to-take-longer-than-activity-7137440438939959297-XIUB/

    • How the Ancient Greeks Beat Distraction: https://www.nirandfar.com/tantalizing-distractions/

    • Jeremy Bentham: https://iep.utm.edu/jeremy-bentham

    • An overview of Sigmund Freud’s pleasure principle: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/pleasure-principle

    The Matrix “There is no spoon” scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAXtO5dMqEI

    • Outlet timer: https://www.amazon.com/Century-Indoor-24-Hour-Mechanical-Outlet/dp/B01LPSGBZS

    • Forest app: https://www.forestapp.cc/

    • Focusmate: https://www.focusmate.com/

    • Have We Been Thinking About Willpower the Wrong Way for 30 Years?: https://hbr.org/2016/11/have-we-been-thinking-about-willpower-the-wrong-way-for-30-years

    • We Need Social Antibodies to Fight the Disease of Distraction: https://nireyal.medium.com/we-need-social-antibodies-to-fight-the-disease-of-distraction-51f9187be016

    • The Mere Presence of Your Smartphone Reduces Brain Power, Study Shows: https://news.utexas.edu/2017/06/26/the-mere-presence-of-your-smartphone-reduces-brain-power

    • Leading in Tough Times: HBS Faculty Member Amy C. Edmondson on Psychological Safety: https://www.hbs.edu/recruiting/insights-and-advice/blog/post/leading-in-tough-times

    • If Tech Is So Distracting, How Do Slack Employees Stay So Focused?: https://www.nirandfar.com/slack-use/

    • Managing up: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/managing-up

    • Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/

    • FitBot: https://www.fitbotapp.com/

    • Paulo Coelho’s quote: https://twitter.com/paulocoelho/status/416264984188825600

    Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life: https://www.amazon.com/Alchemy-Curious-Science-Creating-Business/dp/006238841X

    The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality: https://www.amazon.com/Experience-Machine-Minds-Predict-Reality/dp/1524748455

    Empire of the Sun on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Empire-Sun-Christian-Bale/dp/B001N3JY82

    • Sesame grinder: https://www.miyacompany.com/450-014-450-014

    • Muji pens: https://www.muji.us/collections/pen-pencils

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Ep. 112: LISTENER CALLS: The Productivity Baby Steps

    Ep. 112: LISTENER CALLS: The Productivity Baby Steps

    Below are the topics covered in today's listener calls mini-episode (with timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast. 

    - Breaking up big projects into small tasks. [4:19]
    - The productivity baby steps (epic answer alert). [8:58]
    - Taming late night meetings. [26:02]
    - Best book of mine for college students. [34:45]
    - Shutdown routines with unpredictable schedules. [38:28]

    Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music and Mark Miles for mastering.