
    Podcast Summary

    • Danzo's Live Podcast and Upcoming InterviewsThe host is looking forward to upcoming interviews with Kevin Barry and Vincent Brown and encourages listeners to submit questions via iTunes reviews. He also emphasizes the importance of emojis in communication and shares a fond memory of an early supporter's support.

      The podcast host had a live podcast last week with Danzo from Northern Ireland, but he prefers recording podcasts in a studio setting as it allows him to fully utilize the range of his voice. He is excited for upcoming interviews with Kevin Barry and Vincent Brown, and encourages listeners to submit questions for them via iTunes reviews. The host also mentioned the importance of emojis in communication and how they help convey emotion effectively. He reminisced about a friend, KC, who was an early supporter of their career and sent him an old audio clip. Despite the use of archaic Internet speak in the clip, the host found it amusing and appreciated the support from his long-time friend.

    • The Discovery of Social Media's Power by Two Young PrankstersSocial media offers opportunities for self-expression and connection, but also comes with risks and challenges, as two young pranksters learned when their page was deleted, leaving them feeling disillusioned and powerless.

      The power of social media was discovered by two young pranksters in Ireland during the early days of web 2.0. They gained popularity on Bebo with their prank phone call CDs, but their page was deleted due to their criticism of the site's focus on popularity through profile views. The deletion of their page left them feeling disillusioned and powerless, much like the merging of fascism and democracy. The speaker, who helped them gain initial radio exposure, found an old recording of their rant about the deleted page and shared it with them, bringing back memories of their early success. Social media, with its potential for self-expression and connection, can be a powerful tool, but it also comes with risks and challenges.

    • The Dangers of Social Media Rankings on Self-EsteemSocial media rankings can negatively impact self-esteem, potentially leading to mental health issues, including suicide. Advocacy from individuals and platform changes can help reduce negative comparisons.

      The pressure to conform to societal standards, as represented by high profile views on social media platforms like Bebo in the early 2000s, can negatively impact individuals' self-esteem and potentially lead to mental health issues, including suicide. This was highlighted in a blog post by a user named Scanty, who warned about the dangers of this ranking system. The administrators of Bebo took notice and deleted Scanty's page, effectively ending his early social media career. However, within a week, profile views became an optional feature on Bebo, allowing users to hide this number and reducing the potential for negative comparisons. This change can be attributed to Scanty's advocacy. Additionally, during this time, Scanty was influenced by the humanistic psychotherapist Carl Rogers and his theory of the real versus the ideal self. This theory emphasizes the importance of accepting and valuing one's true self rather than striving for an idealized version.

    • Humans have an inherent desire to be their best selvesRogers' theory emphasizes humans' potential for growth and self-improvement, viewing them as loving and caring beings with an inherent drive towards self-actualization

      According to Carl Rogers, humans are essentially good and have an inherent desire to be the best version of themselves, a concept known as the actualizing tendency. Rogers, a humanistic psychotherapist, believed that humans are loving and caring creatures who want to give and receive love, unlike Freud who saw humans as essentially evil and prone to murder and rape. Rogers' theory, rooted in the power of the human being, is similar to the principles of Buddhism. The actualizing tendency is the driving force that guides humans towards growth and self-actualization, just as tropisms guide plants towards light, water, and gravity. This perspective offers a more optimistic view of human nature and emphasizes the potential for personal growth and self-improvement.

    • Understanding what's good for us through our likes and dislikesRogers' theory suggests true happiness comes from authentically pursuing our best selves, but societal expectations can distort this journey, leading to unhappiness and mental health issues. Positive regard, particularly important for young children, can turn into misguided positive self-regard if based on distorted societal expectations.

      According to Carl Rogers' theory of human personality, a person who authentically pursues their best version of themselves is likely to be happy. However, societal rules and expectations can distort this journey, leading to unhappiness and mental health issues. For instance, a person might believe they're actualizing in the right direction based on societal expectations, but these goals could be misguided. This is similar to a plant growing towards a false light instead of the sun. Rogers introduced the concept of organismic valuing, which suggests humans understand what's good for us based on our likes and dislikes. Positive regard, or approval from others, is particularly important for young children. As they grow older, this positive regard turns into positive self-regard, where individuals approve of themselves for doing things that received approval from others. However, if the initial approval came from distorted societal expectations, the resulting positive self-regard can also be misguided, leading to unhappiness.

    • Understanding the impact of external validation on self-worthRecognize the importance of embracing your real self, not an ideal one, for self-worth and mental health.

      The way we receive positive regard from our parents or society can shape our self-perception and self-worth. Carl Rogers' theory of Conditional Positive Self Regard warns us about the dangers of basing our self-worth on external factors, such as being good at a particular skill or living up to others' expectations. This can lead to a distorted sense of self and poor mental health. It's essential to identify and follow our real self, the true version of ourselves that grows towards our individual light, rather than striving for an ideal self that society or others may want us to be. Advertising and societal pressure often appeal to our ideal selves, which can create insecurities and an unattainable goal. By understanding and embracing our real selves, we can lead happier and healthier lives.

    • Comparing real and ideal selves on social mediaSocial media comparison of real and ideal selves can lead to mental health issues, focusing on personal growth and embracing failures is a healthier approach.

      Striving for an ideal self, as presented on social media, can lead to mental health issues such as suffering, loneliness, and disappointment. This incongruence between our real and ideal selves, especially when highlighted on social media platforms, can create a false sense of self-worth and perpetuate feelings of inadequacy. It's essential to understand that our ideal selves are not necessarily attainable, and the pursuit of them can lead to continual dissatisfaction. Instead, focusing on the journey of personal growth and embracing failures as learning opportunities can contribute significantly to our overall happiness and well-being. Carl Rogers' theory emphasizes the importance of identifying and living in alignment with our real selves, rather than our ideal selves, which are often rooted in insecurities and defense mechanisms.

    • Ideal selves and unhealthy relationshipsIdentifying and shedding our ideal selves through self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-love can help us build genuine, loving relationships based on our authentic selves, instead of attracting toxic partners due to unconscious mirroring of our flaws and insecurities.

      Our ideal selves, the versions of ourselves we aspire to be, can cause us pain and lead us into unhealthy relationships if we live too much in them and forget our true selves. Identifying and shedding our ideal selves through self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-love can help us attract and build genuine, loving relationships based on our authentic selves. Our ideal selves can also unconsciously draw us to partners who mirror our own flaws and insecurities, leading to toxic relationships. By embracing our imperfections and finding our true selves, we can foster healthy, loving relationships based on mutual understanding, compassion, and non-judgment. Remember, every human being has inherent value, regardless of physical or behavioral traits. Don't let your ideal self define you or dictate your relationships. Instead, strive to live authentically and find love in the process.

    • Flexible Health Insurance, Soft Sheets, and a Creative PodcastUnitedHealthcare's TriTerm Medical plans offer long-term coverage, Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets soften with each wash, and 'The Blind Boy Podcast' thrives on listener support and creative expression

      UnitedHealthcare's TriTerm Medical plans offer flexible, budget-friendly health insurance for those in between jobs or missed open enrollment, providing long-term coverage and access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals. Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets get softer with every wash, ensuring a comfortable and high-quality sleep experience for years to come. The podcast, "The Blind Boy Podcast," is primarily funded by listener donations through Patreon and relies on subscriptions and ratings to grow its audience and sustain its production. The host emphasizes the importance of artistic expression and creativity as a tool for coping with mental health struggles, sharing his personal experience of finding relief through inventing bizarre scenarios and characters during his teenage years.

    • The power of comedy and acting to provide relief and expressionComedy often relies on the contrast between normal and eccentric characters, with the normal character requiring great skill to portray effectively. Personal experiences, like a prank phone call, can bring joy and help cope with anxiety.

      Comedy often relies on the contrast between a normal character and an eccentric one. The normal character, who may seem boring or unremarkable, actually requires a great deal of skill to portray effectively. In this discussion, the speaker shares a personal experience of performing a prank phone call during a time of anxiety. The prank involved a woman bursting a balloon in his ear at the bank, causing him to forget about an arrow in his pocket that melted and ruined his pants. The call brought him joy and helped him cope with his anxiety, demonstrating the power of comedy and acting to provide relief and expression. The speaker also highlights the importance of the straight character in comedy, as they provide the necessary contrast for the eccentricities of other characters to shine.

    • Unexpected balloon mishap leads to emotional journeyUnexpected events can lead to emotional experiences and unexpected discoveries. Embrace the creativity and meaning in everyday life.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience with a balloon that led to a series of mishaps, including ruined pants and panic attacks. He expressed frustration and a desire to find the person responsible, while also reflecting on the creative process and unexpected therapeutic benefits of sharing his experiences with a stranger. The speaker also recommended a Supertramp album as his weekly pick. Despite the humor in the situation, the speaker's emotions were raw and real, and he asked for empathy from the listener. The incident served as a reminder of the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring, and the importance of finding meaning and creativity in even the most mundane experiences.

    • Anxiety about maintaining podcast quality amidst travel and work commitmentsDespite unpredictable schedule and challenges, the speaker remains committed to delivering high-quality content for his podcast and other creative projects, valuing art for its merit alone

      The speaker has an upcoming podcast episode, but due to his travel and work commitments, he's anxious about maintaining the quality and consistency of the podcast. He plans to bring his equipment with him and try recording in different locations, but his schedule could be unpredictable. He also shared his strong disagreement with the term "outsider art," viewing it as an elitist categorization that devalues art based on the artist's background or circumstances. He emphasized that art is human expression and should be evaluated based on its merit alone. The speaker also mentioned his upcoming projects, including a TV appearance, gigs in different countries, and writing his second book. Despite some initial challenges, he's making progress and looking forward to sharing his creative work with his audience.

    • The Value of Outsider Art and Irish CultureAn outsider artist's exceptional talent should not be dismissed due to mental health issues. Budget cuts and underfunding of law enforcement contribute to street violence in certain areas of Ireland. The term 'American fridge freezer' refers to large, expensive silver fridges, regardless of origin. Self-compassion and compassion for others are important.

      The artist discussed in the podcast, despite being labeled as an outsider artist due to his mental health issues, was an exceptional songwriter whose work should not be dismissed as outside art. The lack of police presence in certain areas of Ireland and the resulting increase in street violence can be attributed to budget cuts and underfunding of law enforcement. An interesting observation made was the unique Irish term "American fridge freezer," which refers to large, expensive silver fridges, regardless of their country of origin. The podcast host also shared her enjoyment of the podcast format and looked forward to continuing the conversation with her audience. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of self-compassion and compassion for others.

    • Unlock exclusive deals and discounts with 1-800-Flowers Celebrations PassportSign up for 1-800-Flowers Celebrations Passport to enjoy free shipping, earn rewards, and unlock exclusive deals and discounts on thousands of gifts

      With the Celebrations Passport from 1-800-Flowers, you can enjoy free shipping on thousands of amazing gifts. This program offers an added incentive: the more gifts you give, the more perks and rewards you earn. It's a win-win situation for those who love giving gifts and want to maximize their savings and benefits. By signing up for the Celebrations Passport, you'll not only save on shipping costs but also unlock exclusive deals and discounts. To explore this program further and elevate your gift-giving experience, visit 1-800-Flowers.com/acast. Remember, the more you give, the more you'll receive in return.

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    Strange Case Content
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    Does Social Media Make You Feel Socially Distanced?

    Does Social Media Make You Feel Socially Distanced?

    Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Social media has ingrained itself into our society and has had a massive impact on how we interact and socialize with each other.

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    How does your social media usage affect your mental health?

    Takeaways you will have from this episode:

    • The effects social media has on your mental health
    • Does social media increase connection or make you feel more disconnected?
    • How you can use social media for connection or distraction, and how using it for distraction can actually be harmful



    Calmly Coping is a self-improvement podcast for overthinkers who struggle with anxiety.  Calmly Coping is not about *fixing* you, it's about uncovering the amazing person that is already there (and that you are just too afraid to let out).


    Episode links:

    Download my FREE guide: Goodbye Overwhelm: Your Guide To Accomplish More By Doing Less

    This guide will take you step-by-step through the process of:

    • Getting all those thoughts and overwhelming “what if’s” out of your head.
    • Taking intentional, focused action.
    • Getting more accomplished by not trying to do “all the things,” all the time.

    Download the free guide.


    Intro/outro music:

    Rescue Me (Instrumental) by Aussens@iter (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/tobias_weber/57990 Ft: Copperhead





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