
    Podcast Summary

    • Scaling a business beyond comfort levelsEntrepreneurship requires a clear vision and the willingness to grow beyond current comfort levels to achieve long-term success. Seek guidance and attend events like Business Masterclass for valuable insights on scaling.

      Entrepreneurship requires a clear vision and the willingness to scale a business beyond current comfort levels. In the latest episode of the Business Broadcast podcast, James Sinclair welcomed Paul Arnott, the founder of Subsonic online beatboxing lessons, who shared his struggles with low revenues and the desire to grow his business. With only £400 in monthly revenue and no team members, Paul's primary challenges were gaining more students, setting prices, and scaling the business. He aimed for 20 weekly students and a profit of £1200 a month. However, James encouraged Paul to think bigger and consider the potential of a larger business. Paul spent his days teaching beatboxing and helping students improve their skills. To aid Paul in his growth journey, James suggested attending their upcoming Business Masterclass, which covered various topics, including property investment, buying companies, building businesses, personal branding, marketing, and customer acquisition. James also expressed gratitude to Entrepreneurs University, one of his businesses, for making the podcast possible. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of having a clear vision and the willingness to scale a business beyond current comfort levels to achieve long-term success.

    • Affordable Business Coaching from Entrepreneurs UniversityJames offers effective business coaching for 49.99 a month at Entrepreneurs University, encouraging potential members to try it for free. Paul shares his success teaching beatboxing online for £400 a month and supplementing income with a part-time job, emphasizing dedication and the right resources for entrepreneurial ventures.

      Entrepreneurs University, led by James, offers affordable business coaching with valuable resources and proven methods for growth. James emphasizes the affordability and effectiveness of the University, which costs only 49.99 a month, and encourages potential members to try it for free. Meanwhile, Paul shares his story of teaching beatboxing online for the past 5 years, generating £400 a month in teaching revenue, and supplementing his income with a part-time job. Despite the pandemic causing a temporary setback, Paul experienced successful years by offering additional workshops and lessons. Overall, both James and Paul emphasize the importance of pursuing entrepreneurial ventures with dedication and the right resources.

    • Strive for significant income for growth and financial securityAim for a substantial income to invest, retire, and grow your business. Reading can improve mindset and lead to increased sales and growth.

      To build a successful business and have an amazing life, one needs to aim for a significant income that can be used for investment and retirement planning. The speaker emphasizes that running a business involves taking risks and putting in extra hours, so it's essential to be financially rewarded. The speaker suggests reading books as a valuable resource for learning and improving mindset, which can lead to substantial sales and growth for a business. The speaker offers to send three of his books as a gift to the listener to help them get started on the right path. The key takeaway is that settling for a small income is not enough, and one should strive for growth and financial security.

    • Expanding your mindset for greater business successSetting small goals may limit growth, aim for larger targets to increase revenue, overcome challenges, and leverage unique strengths for competitive advantage.

      Setting small goals for your business may limit its potential growth. Instead, aiming for larger targets can lead to significant increases in revenue and financial stability. For instance, turning a £2,000 a month business into a £20,000 a month enterprise can lead to an annual turnover of £240,000, providing enough income to buy a house and invest for the future. Moreover, having a clear vision and setting ambitious goals can help entrepreneurs overcome challenges, such as personal struggles or inexperience in business. Additionally, recognizing and leveraging unique strengths, like extreme focus and attention to detail, can become a business's competitive advantage. Overall, expanding your mindset and striving for bigger goals can lead to greater success.

    • Effective Thumbnails and SEO for YouTube SuccessInvest time in creating eye-catching thumbnails and optimizing videos for search to increase views on YouTube. Provide free content to build trust and focus on a specific niche for success.

      Creating a successful YouTube channel involves more than just producing high-quality video content. Equal emphasis should be placed on creating eye-catching thumbnails that accurately convey the content of the video and effectively draw viewers in. The speaker shared his experience of growing a beatbox tutorial channel, highlighting the importance of providing free content to build trust and rapport, and how investing time in learning effective thumbnail design and SEO can significantly increase views. He emphasized that a large portion of his views come from search, making it a crucial area to focus on. The speaker also mentioned the concept of "niches" in marketing, suggesting that having a specific and unique focus for a channel can lead to success.

    • Creating a successful YouTube businessCreate a unique niche, engage audience, monetize content, focus on long-term growth, and enable monetization to build a successful YouTube business.

      Building a successful business through a YouTube channel involves creating a niche, engaging your audience, and monetizing your content. With a unique niche, it's harder for others to replicate your content, allowing you to build a global audience. Engage your audience by providing valuable content and offering additional resources for those who want more. Monetize your channel by offering various pricing tiers for additional content or services. To grow your audience, focus on creating eye-catching thumbnails by studying successful YouTube channels. Additionally, consider the long-term growth of your business by moving from one-to-one interactions to one-to-many. This can be achieved through creating online courses, writing books, or hosting seminars. By leveraging your work and reaching a larger audience, you can increase your income and build a stronger personal brand. Lastly, monetize your YouTube channel by enabling monetization and creating additional revenue streams. Remember, every time you're swapping time for money, you're in danger of earning a mean income for your business. So, think creatively about how you can create content once and get paid for it forever.

    • Building a strong online presence through YouTube, podcasting, and online coursesInvesting in high-quality content across multiple channels can lead to financial success and expertise in a field, while also attracting paying clients and building a community.

      Focusing on building a strong online presence through YouTube and podcasting, while also offering high-quality online courses, can lead to financial success and the establishment of expertise in a particular field. This approach allows for a steady income stream through various channels and can help attract paying clients who value your time and expertise. It's important to think long-term and invest in the necessary tools and platforms to create and distribute high-quality content. Additionally, collaborating with others in your industry can help expand your reach and build a community around your personal brand. Remember, the key is to think bigger and provide value to your audience, which will ultimately lead to financial and personal growth.

    • Creating and scaling a service-based business through content creationTo build and grow a service-based business, create high-quality content, structure lessons based on industry standards, build a website to host content, and potentially recruit team members for production and promotion.

      Creating and scaling a service-based business, such as teaching beatboxing, involves building a strong personal brand through content creation. This content can be in the form of YouTube videos, podcasts, or online courses. To create a course, research how others in the field have taught and structure your lessons accordingly. Scaling the business can be achieved by building a website that hosts your content and potentially recruiting team members to help produce and promote it. Finding students or customers relies heavily on creating and consistently sharing high-quality content. Avoiding content creation, even when presented with opportunities like paid partnerships, can hinder growth.

    • Maximizing YouTube's potential for content creatorsYouTube's long watch time and intent-driven audience make it a valuable platform for content creators. Investing in video editing and eye-catching thumbnails boosts engagement and potential revenue through ad sponsorship. Charging a fair price for expertise and services is essential for long-term financial success.

      YouTube is a valuable platform for content creation due to its long average watch time of 40 minutes. People go to YouTube with a specific intent, unlike social media platforms where content consumption is often passive and time-filling. This focus results in higher engagement and potential revenue through ad sponsorship. To maximize this opportunity, investing time and effort into video editing and creating eye-catching thumbnails is crucial. These elements can significantly increase viewer engagement and retention. Additionally, charging a fair price for expertise and services offered on YouTube is essential for long-term financial success. Overall, with dedication and quality content, a YouTube channel can generate substantial revenue and provide a profitable alternative to traditional employment.

    • The Importance of Open and Honest Communication in Business and Podcast GuestingBeing authentic and open during podcast guesting can help grow your business and increase your chances of being a successful guest. Apply for free and attend the Business Masterclass to learn more.

      Open and honest communication is key to growing a business and being a successful guest on a podcast. Paul, a recent guest on the Business Broadcast, exemplified this by sharing his experiences and expertise with authenticity. If you're interested in being a guest on the show to help grow your business, apply for free and be open and honest just as Paul was. Don't miss the opportunity to attend the Business Masterclass in London. Buy your tickets at jamesinclairbmc.net to learn more. Remember, rating, reviewing, and subscribing to the podcast helps spread the message and support the mission of helping people grow their businesses.

    Recent Episodes from James Sinclair's Business Broadcast podcast

    Starting again after Quitting a £500K Business...

    Starting again after Quitting a £500K Business...

    This entrepreneur built a £500,000 business off of a £500 loan from his mum! He then decided to stop it because he hated it...

    Tune in to this episode to see what happened and what he should do now

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

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    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    This £12K per month Pressure Washer Business needs to make some Changes

    This £12K per month Pressure Washer Business needs to make some Changes

    This entrepreneur has only been running his business for a year and is making £12,000 per month! He got himself a credit card, a pressure washer, a van and he was away.... he is definitely going places.

    Watch this episode to see how we can help with some teething problems around growing his business and making it high barrier to entry.... 

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from Alasdair here: www.dunsepowercleaning.com

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    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    An Honest Conversation on making this Business Work

    An Honest Conversation on making this Business Work

    A short and sweet episode with an entrepreneur that came on with a huge passion for a new venture, an existing business and a personal challenge... he received our advice and had no resistance!

    Watch this episode to see this honest conversation on how he can have the best of both worlds...

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from James here: www.theinformal.co.uk

    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


    Get your tickets to our next event here ► https://www.jamessinclair.net/events

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    Watch the podcast on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/@jamessinclairspodcast

    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    This 23 year old Future Multi Millionaire knows how to do Business

    This 23 year old Future Multi Millionaire knows how to do Business

    This YBT (young bright thing) is one smart cookie! He started selling pint glasses on Amazon from his dad's pub and now he has a fulfilment centre... he has an exciting journey ahead of him and I can't wait to speak to him in 10 years time.

    Although he is going to fly high there are still has some challenges that need ironing out... watch the episode to see what advice we recommend

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from Lewis here: www.prep365.co.uk 

    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


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    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    How this £21 million Car Dealer Plans to Sell

    How this £21 million Car Dealer Plans to Sell

    This entrepreneur has an annual revenue of £21,000,000 and has been doubling every year for 4 years up to this point! But he wants to take it to the next level where he will need serious money and specialised professionals. 

    Tune in to this episode to see how this automotive business is going to get the money he needs...

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from Steven here: awesomecateringdfw.com

    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


    Get your tickets to our next event here ► https://www.jamessinclair.net/events

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    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    This American Entrepreneur Bought A $1.25 Million Business With A Government Loan!

    This American Entrepreneur Bought A $1.25 Million Business With A Government Loan!

    This entrepreneur from across the pond is one impressive man! He has a full time job, property and his own catering business. He has done this with none of his own money, but how? 

    Watch this episode to find out how he has done all of this and what his next steps are.


    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from Steven here: awesomecateringdfw.com

    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


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    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    This Niche E-Commerce Business is VERY Interesting

    This Niche E-Commerce Business is VERY Interesting

    This entrepreneur has a niche e-commerce business and spends £150K a month on GoogleAds. He claims that he can make a return of 14-1! Unusual but possible.

    This is a very interesting podcast where we see how this is achievable... watch this episode to find out! 

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from David here: www.adlab.co.uk

    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


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    Watch the podcast on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/@jamessinclairspodcast

    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    This Start up Entrepreneur is Afraid of Thinking Bigger

    This Start up Entrepreneur is Afraid of Thinking Bigger

    We are speaking to a YBT (Young Bright Thing) who started a business from scratch and only been trading for three months doing an okay revenue. He has serious passion and a vision but he needs to think bigger in the right thing.

    We are giving him some serious brain food because he has the potential be successful if he does the right thing. Will he take the medicine we prescribe? Watch this episode to find out

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from Will here: https://www.ashcroftlangton.co.uk

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    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    £40k Festival Business isn't Profitable, PASSION ISN'T ENOUGH!

    £40k Festival Business isn't Profitable, PASSION ISN'T ENOUGH!

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Being passionate about your businesses is sometimes the recipe for success, BUT you can passionate about a business model that doesn't make money! My guest is passionate about her business but I just cannot see how it is going to be profitable.

    You would not catch me doing this, I tried and after two years packed it in because I could not make any money. Strap yourselves in and see if we can help this business grow.

    Find out your Entrepreneurial DNA and take our '8 Traits of the Greats' Quiz: https://jamessinclair.scoreapp.com

    Find out more from Julia here: www.streeteatsnbeats.com 


    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


    Get your tickets to our next event here ► https://jamessinclair.net/seminars/

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    Watch the podcast on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/@jamessinclairspodcast

    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    500k Subscribed YouTuber NOT Making Enough Money!

    500k Subscribed YouTuber NOT Making Enough Money!

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Nathan here: https://www.bgrmodularclassrooms.co.uk


    Try Entrepreneurs University 14 Day FREE Trial Here ► 


    Get your tickets to our next event here ► https://jamessinclair.net/seminars/

    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    Watch the podcast on YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/@jamessinclairspodcast

    Apply to be on my podcast here ► https://jamessinclair.net/podcasts/

    My Socials:

    Website - https://jamessinclair.net

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    Related Episodes

    How to Control the Noise: A Distracting Force

    How to Control the Noise: A Distracting Force

    In a world filled with constant distractions and overwhelming noise, finding inner stillness and controlling the noise has become more important than ever. Whether it's the noise of social media, external voices, stress, or anxiety, these distractions can hinder our ability to focus, think clearly, and pursue our purpose. In this week's Mindset Monday, we will dive into the power of controlling the noise and how it can transform our lives. Join me on this journey to discover the importance of being still, listening, and finding clarity in a noisy world.

    Here's a recap of the episode:
    01:32 Personal Reflections: Embracing Natural Beauty
    02:37 Travel Experiences: Refreshing Trip to Cabo
    03:06 Mindset Monday: Controlling the Noise
    10:05 The Power of Stillness and Focus
    17:08 Join the Insider Community Circle
    17:58 Online Business Podcasting Academy
    18:46 The Power Within: Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
    27:28 The Mirror Challenge: A Journey of Self-Love

    Resources mentioned in this episode:


    • Join our Inner Circle Community here.
    • Stay updated with Danielle here.

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Behind The Spotlight Podcast! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the Greatness and develop into your best self. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!Also, if you haven’t done so already.

    Betrachte Social Media als Deinen Geschäftspartner!

    Betrachte Social Media als Deinen Geschäftspartner!
    Thema dieser Folge: alles rund um Social Media und Deinen ungeschriebenen Deal mit diesen Plattformen. Gehen wir zu Beginn von einem Bild aus: Stell Dir Social Media einfach als eine riesige Großstadt vor. Es gibt viele Geschäfte und Restaurants und viele Menschen laufen hier herum. Einige gehen shoppen, andere chillen, wieder andere gehen spazieren oder vertreiben sich die Zeit. Wenn Du eine Brand im Social Media aufbaust, baust Du also ein Geschäft in dieser Großstadt auf. Dein Ziel: Die Menschen sollen in Dein Geschäft kommen, Zeit hier verbringen und bestenfalls auch etwas kaufen. Denn wie im wirklichen Leben auch – was passiert mit einem Geschäft, das keinen Umsatz in einer Großstadt macht? Es kann die Miete und andere Dinge nicht bezahlen und muss schließen. Und so ähnlich verhält es sich zwischen Social Media und Dir! Nehmen wir als Beispiel Instagram: Wenn Du diese Plattform nutzt, habt ihr einen ungeschriebenen Vertrag abgeschlossen. Die Plattform stellt Dir die Menschen und damit eine mögliche Community, Funktionen und Tools. Dafür hast Du den Auftrag, Menschen so lange wie möglich auf Deinem Kanal zu halten und damit auf Instagram. Was bedeutet es für Dich als Content Creator? Du musst Mehrwert liefern! Denn nur so bleiben die Leute auf Deinem Kanal und kommen immer wieder. Wenn Du nämlich nicht interessant bist, gibt Dir Social Media keine Reichweite. Das bedeutet wiederum, dass es für Dich schwieriger wird, an Interaktionen und Likes zu gelangen. Deine Aufgabe für ein erfolgreiches Business und eine starke Personal Brand: Steigere Deine Relevanz! Um auf das Bild Deines Geschäftes in der Großstadt Social Media zurückzukommen – mach Dein Geschäft einladend und attraktiv. Kümmere Dich um die Fassade und die Schaufenster. Im übertragenden Sinne solltest Du ein Blick auf Deine Profile werfen. Sind diese ansprechend und erzählen eine Story? Mit den richtigen Aushängeschildern förderst Du den Trust-Faktor und nutzt Social Media als Geschäftspartner optimal. Mehr dazu? In dieser Folge! Werbung: BERATUNGSGESPRÄCH für die Shift Academy vereinbaren: https://shiftacademy.de/call GRATIS WEBINAR:  https://shiftacademy.de/webinar-jonas/ SHIFT EVENT in Beilngrieß. SEI LIVE DABEI: https://shiftacademy.de/event/

    084 How to avoid 3 content creation mistakes that give new meaning to the term "cringeworthy"

    084 How to avoid 3 content creation mistakes that give new meaning to the term "cringeworthy"

    Go through your inbox and you’ll find yourself responding to messages with, “I bet whoever wrote this is blushing beet red by now. The word ‘cringeworthy’ was designed for this.” 

    We’ve all made at least one cringe-creating mistake and I bet you’ve seen plenty of examples, too.

    In my experience, these mistakes don’t happen because business owners don’t know any better. The problem is, we get busy and we take good advice out of context. We apply a piece of advice that’s great for someone else’s marketing story archetype…but dangerous to ours. 

    We’re encouraged to knock out a blog post in fifteen minutes or less. I’m a pretty fast writer but I make cringeworthy mistakes when I do that. I have to review…and review again.

    We’re told to begin with a story of something embarrassing so we appear vulnerable. Who can forget that email about the person who lost their underwear at an inopportune moment? 

    We’re told to be controversial. Take a stand. Criticize your industry. Take aim at the competition. We’re not warned, “But don’t come across like a victim.”

    We’re told, “Don’t give away the store. Don’t share too much.” We’re not warned, “Don’t leave your audience thinking you’re a scam artist.”

    In the right context, each piece of advice can be extremely useful. 

    If you’re a Role Model Archetype, you’ll share your own struggles – more accurately, how you conquered those struggles to become a success. 

    If you’re a Celebrity archetype you’re probably not reading this email…but you can get away with a lot. Celebrities attract passionately loyal followers who want them to be outrageous. 

    Celebrity archetypes can get away with a lot…and Role Models are next. If you’re not familiar with story archetypes, download this free guide.  

    On this podcast, you won’t just learn about mistakes. (That would be mistake #3). You’ll discover how to fix them…especially the third: you’ll find a rare example of how to turn snark into strategy. 

    More mistakes? Look up Podcast Episode #81 on networking mistakes.
    Your favorite platform

    Learn more about storytelling when you visit my website and purchase my kindle book: Grow Your Business One Story At A Time.

    084 How to avoid 3 content creation mistakes that give new meaning to the term "cringeworthy"

    084 How to avoid 3 content creation mistakes that give new meaning to the term "cringeworthy"

    Go through your inbox and you’ll find yourself responding to messages with, “I bet whoever wrote this is blushing beet red by now. The word ‘cringeworthy’ was designed for this.” 

    We’ve all made at least one cringe-creating mistake and I bet you’ve seen plenty of examples, too.

    In my experience, these mistakes don’t happen because business owners don’t know any better. The problem is, we get busy and we take good advice out of context. We apply a piece of advice that’s great for someone else’s marketing story archetype…but dangerous to ours. 

    We’re encouraged to knock out a blog post in fifteen minutes or less. I’m a pretty fast writer but I make cringeworthy mistakes when I do that. I have to review…and review again.

    We’re told to begin with a story of something embarrassing so we appear vulnerable. Who can forget that email about the person who lost their underwear at an inopportune moment? 

    We’re told to be controversial. Take a stand. Criticize your industry. Take aim at the competition. We’re not warned, “But don’t come across like a victim.”

    We’re told, “Don’t give away the store. Don’t share too much.” We’re not warned, “Don’t leave your audience thinking you’re a scam artist.”

    In the right context, each piece of advice can be extremely useful. 

    If you’re a Role Model Archetype, you’ll share your own struggles – more accurately, how you conquered those struggles to become a success. 

    If you’re a Celebrity archetype you’re probably not reading this email…but you can get away with a lot. Celebrities attract passionately loyal followers who want them to be outrageous. 

    Celebrity archetypes can get away with a lot…and Role Models are next. If you’re not familiar with story archetypes, download this free guide.  

    On this podcast, you won’t just learn about mistakes. (That would be mistake #3). You’ll discover how to fix them…especially the third: you’ll find a rare example of how to turn snark into strategy. 

    More mistakes? Look up Podcast Episode #81 on networking mistakes.
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    Learn more about storytelling when you visit my website and purchase my kindle book: Grow Your Business One Story At A Time.