
    Growing Up "A Mylett" w/ Bella & Max Mylett

    enAugust 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Growing up in a wealthy family, Max and Bella felt normal and didn't want others to perceive them differentlyMax and Bella, despite their privileged background, didn't want their wealth to influence their friendships or define them. They preferred to keep their private lives separate from their social circles.

      Despite growing up in a family with financial success, Max and Bella felt completely normal and didn't want others to perceive them differently. They didn't want their wealth to define them or influence their friendships. This episode of the end mileage show featured a special appearance by Max and Bella, the hosts' children. They shared their experiences growing up in a successful family and how they felt no different than their peers, despite the material advantages they had. They didn't want others to judge them based on their wealth and preferred to keep their private lives separate from their social circles. The episode also highlighted Shopify, a platform that helps businesses grow regardless of their size or stage.

    • Family and societal influences shape perceptionsBeing related to successful or influential people doesn't define us. Our actions and behavior matter most, but family support and encouragement can boost self-confidence and resilience.

      Growing up with influential or successful family members can impact how others perceive us. Some people may treat us differently based on our connections, while others form genuine friendships. It's important to remember that we're not defined by our relationships or material possessions, but rather by our actions and behavior. Pressure from family or societal expectations can be motivating, but it's also essential to show our authentic selves, with all our quirks and imperfections. Parents or caregivers can play a significant role in shaping our self-confidence and resilience, and their words of encouragement can make a difference, even when we roll our eyes. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that everyone has good and bad days, and it's essential to embrace our humanity.

    • The Power of Family and Self-Belief for Personal GrowthBelieving in oneself and having a supportive family can lead to self-confidence, setting high standards, and pursuing passions for a fulfilling life, rather than solely focusing on financial success.

      Having a supportive family and believing in oneself can lead to self-confidence and setting high standards for personal growth. The speaker shares how growing up in a public family with successful parents put pressure on him to excel, but also instilled a mindset of pursuing passions and not solely focusing on financial success. He emphasizes that happiness and making a difference are more important than money. The speaker also shares his personal experience of loving what he did and not focusing on money, even when starting his financial career. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of family support, self-belief, and pursuing passions for a fulfilling life.

    • Passion for competition drives success in business and golfSuccess comes from a deep love for what you do, not just financial gains or external rankings. Be willing to take on tasks you don't enjoy for the greater good.

      Both the speaker and Zach Johnson, a golfer, approach their respective fields with a deep love for competition and a passion for what they do, rather than focusing on financial gains or external rankings. The speaker shares that they have enjoyed most parts of their businesses, but have also been willing to take on tasks they don't enjoy for the sake of success. Similarly, Johnson shared his competitive spirit extends to even board games like Monopoly. The speaker also acknowledges the importance of finding peace in their work, but recognizes the need for rest and slower paces in the future.

    • The value of consistent effort and learning from expertsStarting from humble beginnings, consistent effort and learning from experts can lead to significant personal and professional growth. The process of learning and doing the work is just as important as the end result.

      Even starting from humble beginnings, consistent effort and learning from experts can lead to significant personal and professional growth. The speaker shared how he worked hard in sprints, took breaks, and stayed focused on his goals. He also mentioned how his son, who edited his podcast, played a crucial role in his journey. The speaker emphasized that the process of learning and doing the work is just as important as the end result. He also highlighted how listening to experts repeatedly helped him build a subconscious understanding of how to react in certain situations. Despite the initial challenges and low pay, the speaker saw the value in starting the world's number one business and personal development show from his bedroom with his son as the editor. Overall, the speaker's story underscores the importance of staying committed to personal and professional growth, no matter where you start.

    • Valuing the process and impact of actionsHonesty and transparency are essential for growth, whether in business or personal life. Understanding the difference between hash browns and hashtags can lead to effective social media marketing. Allow children to have a significant say in decisions and be honest with them, even if it means making mistakes.

      The speaker values the process and impact of their actions more than the results themselves. They strive for honesty and transparency, which they believe is essential for growth. An interesting anecdote shared in the conversation was about the importance of understanding the difference between hash browns and hashtags in social media marketing. The speaker's parenting style included allowing their children to have a significant say in their decisions and being honest with them, even if it meant making mistakes along the way. The impact of their actions, whether it's in business or personal life, is what drives them forward. As for a lesson to be learned, the speaker emphasized the importance of honesty and transparency, which they believe is a valuable trait to instill in children.

    • New experiences bring excitement and uncertaintyIt's normal to feel both excitement and uncertainty during new experiences and transitions, and learning from setbacks is essential for personal growth.

      Everyone, regardless of age or stage in life, experiences excitement and fear when embarking on new experiences or transitions. For Bella, going off to college represents a new phase of independence and self-discovery, but it also brings some uncertainty about the future. Max's journey in golf involved overcoming challenges and setbacks, including the discovery that he needed glasses and a turning point at a US kids tournament where his mother helped him learn to manage pressure and stay focused. These experiences of growth and learning, whether in college or golf, remind us that it's okay not to have everything figured out and that the journey of trying new things and learning from setbacks is an essential part of personal growth.

    • A father's response to a discouraging comment leads to a shift in approach for his son in a golf tournamentBelieving in a child's potential and instilling a competitive spirit can lead to improved performance and attitude towards competition.

      The power of positive reinforcement and belief in oneself can significantly impact a child's performance and attitude towards competition. In this story, a father's response to a discouraging comment from another parent led him to shift his approach with his son, Max, who was struggling in a golf tournament. Up until that point, the father had encouraged Max to just have fun and not focus too much on winning. However, the father realized that this mindset was hindering Max's competitive spirit and potential. After the father's defensive response to the other parent, he took a different approach with Max. He reassured him that winning was more enjoyable than just having fun and that they were going to win the tournament together. The father then took charge of Max's game, instructing him on which clubs to use and how to approach each shot. Max responded positively to this newfound confidence and focus, hitting better shots and making a birdie to close the gap in the tournament. This experience taught the father the importance of instilling a competitive spirit in his child while also providing support and guidance. It also highlighted the impact of external influences and the importance of standing up for one's child when necessary. Ultimately, the father's shift in mindset and approach led to a more successful outcome for Max in the tournament.

    • One moment can change the course of one's lifeA single experience or victory can lead to personal growth, success, and opportunities for future achievements. Identify positive role models, learn from failures, and maintain a resilient mindset to maximize personal development.

      A single moment or experience can significantly change the course of one's life. The story of Boo and his father's experience at a golf tournament is a prime example of this. That day, Boo made a birdie on the 18th hole to win the tournament, despite their past struggles. This victory led Boo to win numerous tournaments, earn a college golf scholarship, and even compete in professional tournaments. The experience taught Boo the value of winning, competing, and persevering through challenges. Furthermore, having positive role models and a strong support system can greatly impact one's personal growth. Boo identified his father, mother, and close friends as his role models, who taught him the importance of hard work, success, and resilience. The experiences and lessons learned from these individuals helped shape Boo into the person he is today. Additionally, reflecting on failures and learning from them is essential for personal growth. Boo's father mentioned that they don't always succeed, but they pick themselves up and continue to work hard. This mindset is something that Boo has adopted and has helped him navigate pressure situations and recover from setbacks. In summary, a single moment or experience, the support of positive role models, and the ability to learn from failures are all crucial factors in personal growth and development.

    • Staying Calm and Controlled under PressureSlow down, learn from mistakes, and stay focused to succeed. Don't let pressure get to you and remember that failures are opportunities for growth.

      Controlling breathing and staying calm under pressure are crucial for success. The speaker emphasizes that when things get fast-paced, it's essential to slow down and learn from mistakes rather than getting amped up. He shares an example of how persistence and not giving up led him to get a job despite initial setbacks. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of not being too concerned about what others think and being willing to make mistakes as valuable lessons for growth. The Patriots and Tiger Woods are cited as examples of individuals and teams that excel in controlling their emotions and slowing things down under pressure. Overall, the message is to embrace learning from failures and stay calm and focused to achieve success.

    • Parents' role in shaping self-confidence and self-expressionSupportive parents help children develop a strong sense of self and resilience by allowing them to be themselves, even during unconventional moments. They also teach essential life skills by helping children manage anxiety and stay focused during stressful situations.

      Supportive and accepting parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's self-confidence and self-expression. The speakers in this conversation shared how their parents allowed them to be themselves, even when they were unconventional or obnoxious, which helped them develop a strong sense of self and resilience. Another important lesson is the ability to control one's reactions and emotions in challenging situations. The speakers discussed how their parents helped them manage their anxiety and stay focused during stressful moments, allowing them to bounce back and succeed. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of creating an environment where children feel free to be themselves and learn essential life skills.

    • Unexpected sources of learning and growthReflect on everyday moments and learn from unexpected experiences. Embrace failure as an opportunity to grow.

      Learning and growth can come from unexpected sources and experiences, even in the most introverted moments. The speaker shared how they learned valuable lessons from their father by pausing to reflect on everyday moments, like watching TV or reading books. They also revealed an unexpected side of themselves, sharing their obsession with food reviews. The importance of failure was also discussed, with the speaker reflecting on how they had seen their father handle setbacks and how it shaped their own perspective on the value of learning from mistakes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being present and open to learning, even in the most seemingly mundane moments.

    • Being proactive in addressing problemsCheck in on others during tough times, reflect on past experiences, and maintain a positive attitude to overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth.

      Being proactive in addressing problems, whether small or large, is an important trait for personal growth. The speaker's father, Gump, was a role model for this behavior, as he stuck to his goals and faced challenges head-on. Even when dealing with a serious illness, he attended his grandson's golf tournament and walked the entire course. This persistence and determination to overcome obstacles can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal relationships and career goals. Additionally, the importance of checking in on others during difficult times and reflecting on past experiences to learn and improve was also emphasized. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of taking action and maintaining a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

    • The Absence of a Busy Parent Can Bring GrowthA busy parent's absence can lead to personal growth and understanding, but quality time is essential. Different types of intelligence exist beyond academics.

      Having a busy parent can be challenging for children, but it can also bring about growth and understanding. The speaker acknowledges that she felt the absence of her father during middle school, but came to terms with it knowing that he was making a positive impact on others. She also mentions that when he was home, she appreciated the quality time they spent together. The speaker emphasizes the importance of balance and acknowledges that her father has made improvements in this area in recent years. The conversation also touched on the topic of intelligence, with the speaker expressing uncertainty about ranking family members based on IQ tests, but acknowledging that different types of intelligence exist beyond academic achievements. The overall message is one of resilience and adaptation to circumstances beyond one's control.

    • The importance of being present as a parentHard work and being present are crucial for a good family life. Money is a tool, not the key to happiness.

      Being present and hard work are essential qualities for being a good parent. The speaker acknowledges that the father was a successful and hardworking individual, but also emphasizes the importance of being present when at home with your children. Money was not a frequent topic of discussion in their family, but the father's hard work allowed the mother to stay home and be fully supportive of the family. The speaker believes that money can be used as a tool to help the rest of the family, but it's not the key to happiness. The father's dedication to his work and the mother's ability to be present for their children is what made their family great and supportive.

    • The importance of financial responsibilityFocus on saving and getting value from purchases, not wasting on depreciating items. Mindful financial decisions lead to happiness and security.

      Money is important, but it's not the only factor in happiness. Saving money and spending it wisely on assets is key. Our upbringing and family culture play a significant role in our financial habits. While some families prioritize spending, others prioritize saving. It's essential to be mindful of our financial decisions and focus on getting value from our purchases rather than wasting money on depreciating items. The speaker emphasized the importance of this lesson, having grown up with a lack of money and recognizing the importance of it in adulthood. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of financial responsibility and making thoughtful decisions with our money.

    • Growing up with faith, building a worldview, and finding ways to practice it on the roadDespite diverse expressions of faith, a strong foundation and individual worldview are built through education and upbringing, enabling travelers to maintain spiritual practices despite their nomadic lifestyle.

      Faith plays a significant role in the speakers' lives, but it looks different for each family member. They grew up with a strong foundation of faith that was present in their everyday life, but not forced upon them. They attended a Christian college where they learned to build a worldview around their faith, and they appreciate the individual ways they express their faith. Despite not being able to attend church every Sunday due to their traveling lifestyle, they found ways to incorporate religious practices into their lives, such as watching sermons online. They are proud of their unique family dynamic and hope that others can learn from their experiences. Faith has been a consistent presence in their lives, shaping their morals and values, but they have each developed their own personal relationship with it.

    • Embracing Individuality and Cherishing ConnectionsExpressing ourselves uniquely shapes experiences of success, love, and family. Christian music aligns reality with vision, kindness and generosity impact lives, and family brings love and positivity.

      Our unique ways of expressing ourselves and the people and things we hold dear shape our experiences and understanding of success, love, and family. The speaker shared that Christian music is a significant part of their morning routine, and success to them is when their life vision aligns with reality. They also highlighted the importance of kindness and generosity, represented by a friend named Richard, and the impact of books like "The Power of One" on their perspective. Family was described as a source of love and positivity, and they expressed pride in their children and the lessons they've learned together. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing individuality and cherishing the people and experiences that bring meaning to our lives.

    • Expressing Love and Appreciation to FamiliesPrioritize and express love to families, seek knowledge and growth through resources like books.

      Expressing love and appreciation towards our families is essential. The speaker emphasizes the importance of telling our loved ones how much we care for them. He also expresses his own love for their families and encourages everyone to share the message. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to get his book, "Max Out Your Life," for additional insights and inspiration. He ends the show by wishing everyone blessings and encouraging them to share the message. Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize and express love to our families, and continue to seek knowledge and growth through resources like the speaker's book.

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    Ed Mylett on What Everyone Struggling Needs to Know Right Now (Replay)

    Ed Mylett on What Everyone Struggling Needs to Know Right Now (Replay)
    Ed Mylett went from showering at public pools because he was beyond broke to becoming one of the youngest CEO MD’s in World Financial Group’s history. And unlike most rags to riches stories he has tangible, step by step advice on how to recognize that better version of yourself you think about every day and actually become it. Master motivator Ed Mylett discusses the keys to manifesting your dream life on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. [Original air date: July 10, 2018]. SHOW NOTES: Ed explains the role pain and dissatisfaction play in motivating change. [2:52] Ed on self-confidence and rebuilding it in your lowest moments. [6:43] Ed talks about the power working out and other factors that impact your emotions. [14:11] Ed and Tom discuss how constantly raising standards keeps your hunger alive. [24:26] Ed breaks down the process of overcoming his paralyzing stage fright. [31:35] Ed and Tom discuss the importance of tasting your dream while you’re chasing it. [35:55] Ed reveals the impact he wants to have on the world. [39:12] FOLLOW ED MYLETT: TWITTER - https://bit.ly/2z0gfI3 WEBSITE - https://bit.ly/2KHalgg FACEBOOK - https://bit.ly/2KxblHj INSTAGRAM - https://bit.ly/2lMmgP5 YOUTUBE - https://bit.ly/2KoGcGK LINKEDIN - https://bit.ly/2tMROZA FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu SPONSORS: For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit the brand behind every great investor, https://yahoofinance.com. save on the perfect gift by visiting https://auraframes.com/IMPACT to get $30-off plus free shipping on their best-selling frame.   Use this link and Hartford Gold will give you up to $15,000 dollars of FREE silver on your first qualifying: order.offers.americanhartfordgold.com/content-affiliate/?&leadsource=affiliate&utm_sfcampaign=701Rb000009EnmrIAC Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/impact  Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://landroverusa.com. Go to https://ground.news/tom and you can get 40% off unlimited access this month.  https://bit.ly/GroundImpact Go to https://go.lumen.me/impact and get $50 off your Lumen! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Sexiest Quality in a Woman

    The Sexiest Quality in a Woman

    What is the sexiest quality in a woman, or in a man for that matter?  If you said “confidence,” that’s a good guess…but it’s not the right answer.  In today’s episode of LOVE Life I’m going to reveal what this rare – but easily attainable – quality is, and explain the 3 ways you can approach life (hint: you want to choose #3).  When you do this, you’ll be more interesting, engaging, fascinating and attractive to everyone you meet.

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    #478: Self-Belief To Build a Social Circle

    In this episode, we discuss how building self-belief can help us grow our social circle. Names & some details have been changed to protect client confidentiality, everything else...is true.

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    How do You Encash Your Currency of Confidence?

    How do You Encash Your Currency of Confidence?

    Confidence is perhaps the most valuable currency you possess; for, you may lose everything, but if you safeguard your confidence, you can regain all of it back and much more!

    Confidence is a result of self-belief and knowledge of self-worth; a belief in yourself, honing the conviction that you have the ability to meet life's challenges and can succeed by putting in the work needed. Being secure in this knowledge equips you to take on anything & win!

    Learn to win using this weapon of choice!