
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing a new project with a long-time friend and comedianExcitement of new projects, challenges of making big decisions, and the importance of friendship

      The hosts of the podcast are excited to welcome Colin Holt on the show, who is a comedian they've known for years and have a new project of his to discuss. Dave, one of the hosts, has recently made a significant life event by putting down a deposit on his first house in Brighton, which has caused him some stress and anxiety. The hosts reminisce about their own experiences of buying homes and the financial responsibility that comes with it. The conversation also touches on their admiration for Colin's comedy and their long-standing friendship with him. Despite the excitement and anticipation, the podcast recording starts off with some technical difficulties as Colin's Zoom connection takes a while to join. The hosts share their recent experiences, with Dave expressing his anxiety about the house purchase and the financial implications, while also expressing his excitement about the upcoming podcast episode with Colin. The conversation then shifts to discussing the challenges and anxieties that come with making big financial decisions and the sense of responsibility that comes with it. Overall, the takeaway is the excitement of new projects, the challenges of making big decisions, and the importance of friendship.

    • Trusting the process and leaning on othersTrusting the guidance of others and staying focused on your goals can lead to unexpected positive outcomes.

      Sometimes taking a leap of faith and trusting the guidance of others can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes. Joe's cluelessness about buying a flat turned into a reality with the help of his friends, and the experience brought him full circle back to the advice Joe had given him in South Africa. This unexpected journey highlights the importance of leaning on others and trusting the process, even when it seems uncertain or unattainable. Additionally, having a clear mission or focus can bring joy and fulfillment, as seen in Joe's experience of touring and performing.

    • Performer's complicated relationship with alcohol during showsDespite initial benefits, performer recognized negative consequences of alcohol use during shows and decided to try performing sober to prioritize health and well-being.

      The performer's experience with alcohol during a run of their show led them to realize that while it helped them get into character and perform better in the moment, the negative consequences outweighed the benefits. They shared how they started drinking before shows due to late starts and long setups, and how it became a habit that continued even after the performance. They acknowledged the dangers of being on the road and the constant availability of alcohol, which made it harder to resist. The performer also mentioned their ADHD diagnosis and how it contributed to their impulsivity and restlessness, leading them to drink as a way to calm down. However, they recognized the negative impact on their health and performance and decided to try and perform sober during their upcoming run in Soho. They also shared how they could relate to other performers, like Richard Pryor, who struggled with similar issues. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between performing, alcohol, and personal well-being.

    • Sharing experiences with Malbec and ecstasyBe mindful of potential risks and dangers when using substances, even during moments of euphoria or heightened emotions.

      The discussion revolved around the experiences with different substances, specifically Malbec and ecstasy, and the potential dangers and consequences they can have. One person shared a tragic story about a friend who set himself on fire while using a drug similar to crack cocaine. Another person recalled an experience with ecstasy where they accidentally set their friend's shirt on fire. Both conversations led to sharing memories of the effects of these substances and the potential for paranoia and erratic behavior. It's important to note that these experiences are not representative of everyone who uses these substances, but serve as a reminder of the potential risks involved. The conversations also highlighted the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and being mindful of the potential dangers, even during moments of euphoria or heightened emotions.

    • The stress and anxiety of waiting for a nominationRecognition is important but not worth the excessive stress and anxiety it can bring. Focus on the present and find support from loved ones to manage pressure.

      The pressure and anticipation of receiving recognition, such as a nomination, can be overwhelming and stressful, even for those who have achieved success before. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of waiting for a nomination, the anxiety it brought her, and how she was comforted by her agent's support during that time. She also mentions how quickly nicotine addiction can creep up on someone, which she had experienced during her time in Edinburgh. Despite her past accomplishments and the unhelpful comments from others, the stress of the nomination process became a significant burden for her. Ultimately, the speaker learned that recognition is important but not worth the excessive stress and anxiety it can bring. Instead, focusing on the present and finding support from loved ones can help manage the pressure and maintain well-being.

    • The excitement and stress of award nominations for performersNominations bring validation and freedom, but anticipation and pressure can be overwhelming. Adapting to audiences and criticism, facing interruptions, and connecting with fans help performers grow.

      The experience of being nominated for an award can be both exciting and stressful for performers. The nomination itself can bring a sense of validation and freedom, but the anticipation and pressure leading up to the event can be overwhelming. Performers may learn to adapt to different audiences and criticism, and even face challenges such as unexpected interruptions during their performances. Despite these challenges, the experience of performing and connecting with audiences remains a rewarding and essential part of their craft. The support and feedback from critics and fans can help performers grow and improve, making the journey worthwhile.

    • Navigating the ups and downs of creative pursuitsStay true to your art, draw inspiration from others, and adapt to unexpected situations to overcome adversity and find joy in creative expression

      Creative expression, even in the face of adversity and negativity, can lead to unexpected and wonderful outcomes. The speaker shared stories of uncomfortable experiences during comedy performances, but also highlighted the importance of perseverance and staying true to one's art. They spoke of the inspiration they drew from other performers, like Greg Davis, who turned lemons into lemonade by finding joy in the midst of cancellations and setbacks. The speaker also emphasized the importance of staying open-minded and adaptable, using examples of impromptu costume choices and improvisational interactions with audience members. Ultimately, the speaker's reflections underscored the resilience and resourcefulness required to navigate the ups and downs of creative pursuits.

    • Encounter with Dave influenced the speaker's comedyThe speaker's experiences and feedback from others, including comedian Dave, have shaped his comedic style and self-perception.

      The speaker's experiences and feedback from others, including comedian Dave, have significantly influenced his comedic performances and self-perception. The speaker mentioned an early encounter with Dave that left him questioning his identity as a woman in comedy and feeling uncertain about his act. This experience stayed with him and influenced his later work, which explores his identity and deals with personal topics like death and diagnosis of ADHD. The speaker also shared his dislike for audience members who disrupt shows by coming to the front to promote their own work, finding it oppressive and disruptive for the audience's experience.

    • Interacting with the Audience After a ShowPerformers may feel uncomfortable with audience interaction after a show, but it's important for self-promotion. Some find it intrusive, while others use it to build a fanbase. The speaker shared their unease with selling merchandise and felt awkward during a sketch group's self-promotion attempt.

      Performing artists face a unique challenge when it comes to interacting with their audience after a show. While some may view it as an opportunity to connect and build a fanbase, others find it uncomfortable and intrusive. The speaker shared their personal experience of disliking the experience of selling merchandise and feeling like they were betraying their audience's expectations. They also recalled an incident where a sketch group seemed to use the audience interaction as an opportunity to promote themselves, leaving the speaker feeling awkward and unsure if it was a joke or not. Despite their discomfort, the speaker acknowledged the importance of self-promotion and admired those who could do it effectively. Ultimately, the speaker expressed a desire to focus on their craft rather than selling themselves to their audience.

    • The unpredictability of recognition in the entertainment industryTalented individuals may not always receive recognition, but having a solid structure in a performance and a supportive network can help navigate the ups and downs of a career.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable, and recognition through nominations and awards can be subjective. The speaker shares his personal experience of observing talented individuals not being recognized despite putting on excellent shows year after year. He also acknowledges the importance of having a solid structure in a performance, even if it means bringing in external help. Despite the frustration and disappointment, the speaker cherishes the moments of recognition and validation when they come. The conversation also highlights the importance of having a supportive network of friends and colleagues who encourage and uplift each other through the ups and downs of their careers.

    • The Audience is the Director for a ComedianConnecting with the audience and having a stand-up element in sketch comedy are crucial for success. The sketch scene has evolved, with more content moving online and performing for diverse audiences beneficial for touring. Early exposure to influential comedians can impact one's career.

      According to the conversation, the audience plays a crucial role in the success of a comedy performance. Harry Hill believes that the director for him is the audience. Anna's experience of performing in Glee clubs and other paid gigs outside of Edinburgh reveals the importance of connecting with the audience and having a stand-up element in sketch comedy. The conversation also suggests that the sketch scene has evolved, with more content moving online, and performing for diverse audiences, such as stag dos, can be beneficial for touring. Additionally, the conversation highlights the influence of comedians like Steve Coogan and the importance of seeing and learning from other performers early in one's career.

    • From mother-daughter to Anna's self-realizationAnna's play evolved from focusing on her relationship with her daughter to becoming a journey of self-discovery and acknowledging her own needs and connections.

      The play "Anna Man" by Colin Hoult evolved from being about a mother-daughter relationship to becoming more about the protagonist's self-realization and connection with her daughter. The initial concept was about Anna and her daughter Mahogany, but as the writer learned more about Anna's husband, the focus shifted, leading to a pivotal moment where Anna acknowledges her obsession with men. Despite initial challenges in making the ending about the daughter feel impactful, the play ultimately became a heartfelt exploration of Anna's journey towards understanding her own needs and connections. The play has received positive reception and Colin is currently touring with it, performing in various locations including SoHo and Maidenhead.

    • Discussing the challenge of securing special event tickets, especially for West End performancesSecuring West End tickets involves selling a certain number to avoid financial loss, with plans for supports and potential sponsors for broadcasting.

      Securing tickets for special events, especially in the entertainment industry, can be challenging and uncertain. A friend was inquiring about obtaining a special friend ticket for an upcoming comedy show in London, but the host had previously tried and failed to secure tickets for others. They discussed various upcoming shows in different cities and even reminisced about a past experience in Plymouth. The big announcement was that the comedy show "At the Death of Adam" would be performing at the West End's Fortune Theatre for one night only. The host explained that securing a West End performance requires selling a certain number of tickets to avoid losing money. They plan to make it a proper night with supports and are looking for sponsors for broadcasting. The host expressed excitement about the opportunity and the lovely theater, but also acknowledged the exhaustion of the process. They reminisced about past West End shows they had attended and the nominees performing there in the past.

    • Reminiscing about past experiences at the GarrickSpeakers shared stories of missed invitations, unfair reviews, and camaraderie while reflecting on their experiences in the entertainment industry

      The speakers were reminiscing about past experiences at the Garrick, sharing stories of missed invitations to events and receiving varying reviews for their shows. Penny and Pete had not been invited to a big party held at the Garrick two years in a row when they were nominated for awards. Pete received a 3.5-star review from Steve, which he felt was unfair and wanted to discuss with him. They spoke fondly of their experiences working with Joe, who was in a similar bracket in terms of audience size and had supported Pete on tour. They discussed the stresses of performing at the Edinburgh Festival and the excitement of upcoming tours. The conversation also touched on Pete's upcoming move and his son's fascination with dinosaurs. Overall, the conversation was filled with nostalgia and camaraderie as they reflected on their experiences in the entertainment industry.

    • People's attachment to the past and the challenges of adapting to new experiencesChange can be difficult, but with patience, understanding, and a sense of humor, people can adapt and find joy in new experiences, even when they're attached to the past.

      Even though people may have valid reasons to be attached to the past, it doesn't necessarily mean they can't adapt and find joy in new experiences. However, some individuals may take longer than others to adjust, and it's important to be patient and understanding. During the conversation, it became clear that some people have a strong emotional connection to their old homes, even when presented with an upgrade. One person shared his frustration about moving, despite the new house being an improvement. He kept comparing the old and new houses, expressing his preference for the former. His friends acknowledged his feelings and shared similar experiences. Some people even held onto memories for years after moving on. Despite the challenges, it's essential to remember that change is a part of life. One friend shared a joke to lighten the mood, and everyone laughed, demonstrating the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. Another friend revealed that he incorporates humor into his storytelling, using Brian Gittins' voice to bring characters to life for his children. This shows that even in the face of change, people can find joy and comfort in familiar things. In conclusion, it's natural for people to feel attached to the past, but it's essential to remember that new experiences can bring their own rewards. Change may not always be easy, but with patience, understanding, and a sense of humor, we can adapt and find happiness in the present.

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