
    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of individuality and sentimental value in possessionsOld cars may have quirks and issues, but their unique character and sentimental value make them cherished possessions. Human connection in the workplace also brings warmth and positivity, improving motivation and productivity.

      While modern, affordable options like Carvana may offer a large selection of cars, they may lack the unique personality and character that comes with older vehicles. The speaker's attachment to his car, "old Betsy," despite its quirks and issues, highlights the importance of individuality and sentimental value in our possessions. Additionally, the speaker's office environment, described as bleak and uninspiring, contrasts with the warmth and positivity he experiences from his receptionists. These interactions provide him with much-needed motivation and support, demonstrating the importance of human connection in the workplace.

    • Encouragement from colleagues during setbacksSetbacks and rejections are common in creative fields, but seeking advice and support from colleagues can help boost morale and motivate us to keep trying.

      Setbacks and rejections are a normal part of the creative process, and seeking advice and support from colleagues can help boost morale and motivate us to keep trying. Greg shared his experience of writing a treatment for the BBC that took months to complete, only to receive a rejection. He felt disheartened and considered giving up, but was encouraged by his colleagues Tina and Donna who offered him words of encouragement and advice. They reminded him that setbacks are common and that it's important to keep going. Greg also discussed the increasing length and complexity of audition scripts, which can be stressful but also seen as a challenge and an opportunity to grow as an actor. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of resilience, collaboration, and the value of seeking advice from colleagues in the face of setbacks and rejections.

    • Learning Lines vs. Embodying a CharacterActors should thoroughly learn their lines for auditions, but opinions differ on whether to fully embody a character or rely on their own personality. Successful actors like Michael Caine and Tom Hanks have had careers by being themselves on screen. Understanding the role's requirements and enjoying the process are crucial.

      Actors need to learn their lines thoroughly for auditions, as not doing so may be perceived as a lack of commitment. However, opinions vary on whether an actor should fully embody a character or rely on their own personality. Some argue that an actor can convincingly portray different characters, while others believe that one's true self is the only acting tool. Michael Caine and Tom Hanks are examples of actors who have had successful careers by being themselves on screen. Ultimately, it's essential to understand the role's requirements and adapt accordingly. Additionally, enjoying the process and finding inspiration in the scenery can enhance the experience of watching and performing in a production.

    • Fear of being judged on setCommunication and trust between cast and crew can help alleviate anxiety and improve performance on set. Seeking advice from experienced professionals can also provide valuable insights.

      The fear of being judged or perceived as not knowing what we're doing can significantly impact our nerves and performance when working on a film set. This fear can stem from various sources, such as a director repeatedly going over the script with us or a quick glance from the director during a take. It's essential to remember that these actions might not always be a reflection of our performance, but rather their own concerns or distractions. Communication and trust between cast and crew members are crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. Additionally, seeking advice and support from experienced professionals can help alleviate anxiety and provide valuable insights.

    • Overcoming challenges in acting and trying new foodsPreparation, confidence, and a positive attitude can help you overcome unexpected challenges in both acting and trying new food items.

      Preparation and confidence are key to overcoming challenges, whether it's acting in a new role or trying a new food item. The new KFC chicken nuggets are a great example of something delicious and familiar, but with a new and exciting twist. Meanwhile, in the world of acting, even the most experienced actors can face unexpected challenges and need to adapt quickly. In the story shared, the actor had to deal with a narrow platform, long waiting times, and the presence of a renowned co-star like Rowan Atkinson. But with a positive attitude and the help of his colleagues, he was able to overcome these challenges and deliver a successful performance. Similarly, when trying something new, like the new KFC nuggets, it's important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt. So whether it's acting or trying a new food item, remember that preparation, confidence, and a positive attitude can help you overcome challenges and enjoy the experience.

    • Working with Rowan Atkinson on 'The Trial of the Chicago 7'Greg Kinnear shares stories of collaborating with Rowan Atkinson, including Atkinson's loud scream to help Kinnear react and Atkinson's subtle decisions in their scenes. Kinnear also discusses the importance of being present and focused on set.

      Working on a film set can be an unforgettable experience, filled with unexpected moments and the opportunity to learn from fellow actors. During the production of "The Trial of the Chicago 7," Greg Kinnear shared an anecdote about working with Rowan Atkinson. They acted opposite each other in a scene where Atkinson gave a shockingly loud scream to help Kinnear react authentically. Although Kinnear was initially nervous around Atkinson, he appreciated the collaboration and the unique moment they created together. Moreover, Kinnear discussed his love for being on a happy set surrounded by good people. He shared an amusing story about Mr. Bean's reluctance to fame in Italy. Although they didn't share many scenes together, Kinnear admired Atkinson's ability to make subtle yet effective decisions in their mowing scene. Furthermore, Kinnear spoke about the challenges of acting, specifically the importance of being present and focused on set. He shared a personal experience of having to perform a double take for a reaction shot, which required luck and precision. Overall, the experience of working on a film set, with its unpredictable moments and collaborative nature, is a valuable and rewarding one.

    • Unintentional microaggressions can impact individualsMicroaggressions, whether intentional or unintentional, can undermine individuals' confidence and performance in professional settings. Avoid them to create a positive work environment.

      Experiencing microaggressions, even if they are unintentional or in the form of jokes, can have a significant impact on individuals, particularly in professional settings. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience of feeling undermined and unsure of her abilities due to subtle comments from a director. This pattern went unnoticed by her until she was made aware of it by someone else. The incident left her feeling unconfident and questioning her performance. It's important to remember that seemingly harmless comments can have a profound effect on people and should be avoided to create a positive and inclusive work environment.

    • From injury to success: Comedian Greg McHugh's journey to perform at the Glasgow HydroUnexpected challenges, such as injury, can derail plans but with resilience and preparation, one can still achieve success.

      Agreeing to take on a large project, especially when it involves performing live in front of a large audience, can be both exciting and terrifying. For comedian Greg McHugh, the opportunity to bring his sitcom "Gary Tank Commander" to the Hydro in Glasgow, with a capacity of 10,000-12,000 people, was a dream come true. But the excitement was short-lived when he broke his ankle just three months after agreeing to the gig. This unexpected turn of events meant that he had to undergo surgery and rehabilitation, all while writing and preparing for the show. Despite the challenges, McHugh persevered and managed to put on a successful performance. This experience highlights the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and having the resilience to overcome obstacles when they arise. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of welcoming and respectful interactions with others, as well as the benefits of community and support through platforms like Patreon.

    • Creating a comedy show: Overcoming injuries, financial burdens, and venue pressureProducing a comedy show involves numerous challenges and requires resilience, preparation, and good health. Unexpected injuries, financial risks, and venue pressures can add to the stress, but refusing to cancel and pushing through can lead to a successful performance.

      Creating a comedy show comes with numerous challenges and unexpected obstacles. Kayla Ewell, from the podcast Directionally Challenged, shared her experience of producing a show despite a broken ankle, venue pressure, financial burden, and lack of previews. The producer, Mick Perron, took on the financial risk, but the lack of rehearsals and the worsening ankle injury made the situation even more challenging. To add to her troubles, a consultant diagnosed her with potential diabetes based on her x-rays, causing further stress and anxiety. Despite all these challenges, Ewell refused to cancel the show, leading to a nerve-wracking experience with a snapped pin in her ankle just a month before the performance. The experience taught her the importance of preparation, taking care of one's health, and the resilience required to succeed in the entertainment industry.

    • Overcoming personal challenges, determination leads to a successful show2 speakers shared their experiences of pushing through personal issues and producing a successful show, highlighting the importance of perseverance, a deep understanding of characters, and a talented cast.

      Creating a successful show, especially under challenging circumstances, requires determination, hard work, and a great team. The speaker, who had an anomaly on his arterial walls but no diabetes, shared his experience of writing and producing a show while dealing with personal issues and a long wait to see a specialist. He revealed that he reached a point of exhaustion and uncertainty, but ultimately, the show went well due to his deep understanding of the characters and the talent of the cast. He admitted that he wouldn't put himself through that experience again, but acknowledged the importance of perseverance and trusting in the process. Despite the size of the venue and the pressure to perform, he managed to deliver a successful show.

    • Overcoming fears and challenges in large performancesPreparation and support from a cast can help conquer fears and doubts during large performances.

      Performing in front of a large audience, such as 10,000 people, can be an intimidating experience. The speaker shared his personal experience of preparing for and performing in a stage show at a large venue, where he had to overcome his fear of heights and the size of the venue, as well as deal with various personal challenges. He noted that the experience was different from stand-up comedy, where the performer stands alone, and having the support of the cast can help alleviate some of the anxiety. He also mentioned that rehearsals and preparation are crucial to feeling confident on stage. Despite his initial fears and doubts, the speaker ultimately performed successfully, demonstrating that with preparation and support, even the most daunting performances can be conquered.

    • Creating a Memorable Entrance and Performing in a Great VenueA memorable entrance and performing in a venue with excellent sound quality can significantly enhance a live show's impact and success. Unexpected elements and the ability to gauge audience response contribute to a brilliant performance.

      Creating an unforgettable entrance and performing in a venue with excellent sound quality can significantly enhance the impact and success of a live show. The speaker described an experience where they entered the stage via a helicopter and received instant feedback from the audience due to the venue's superior sound system. This allowed them to gauge the audience's response and adjust their performance accordingly. The freedom to include unexpected elements, such as a dream sequence, also contributed to the show's success. However, even with a successful first night, the second night can present challenges as performers may start to second-guess themselves and the audience's reaction. Overall, the combination of a memorable entrance, a responsive audience, and the ability to incorporate surprises can lead to a brilliant live show experience.

    • The mental and emotional toll of creating and performing in a live stage showCreating and performing in a live stage show can lead to immense mental and emotional pressure, especially when it involves a large cast and high production costs. The responsibility of delivering a successful show for an audience and for the other actors involved can add to the stress, potentially requiring a significant break afterwards.

      Creating and performing in a live stage show, despite the initial excitement and success, can come with immense mental and emotional pressure, especially when it involves a large cast and high production costs. The pressure of having a large project on the horizon for an extended period can be overwhelming, leading to the need for a significant break afterwards. Additionally, the responsibility of delivering a successful show for an audience and for the other actors involved can add to the stress. This was the experience of the speaker, who after a successful run of a sitcom live show, needed to take six months off due to the mental toll it took on him. Despite the enjoyment and success of the project, the speaker expressed that he wouldn't be able to go through the experience again, even for a much larger fee. It's interesting to note that the speaker felt more nervous about letting someone else down when working on someone else's project, compared to his own. This insight sheds light on the unique pressures and responsibilities that come with collaborative projects.

    • Sharing stories of adversity and empathizing with othersEmpathize with others during tough times, acknowledge mental health struggles, and seek support when needed. Understanding different perspectives and listening to others' stories can help us grow.

      Everyone goes through challenging times, and it's important to remember that we all have the ability to overcome adversity. During a conversation, the speaker shared an experience of witnessing a friend's termination from a job and how they were able to empathize with him after hearing his side of the story. They also discussed how they had both faced difficult times and were currently seeking help from therapists. The speaker emphasized that it's essential to acknowledge and address mental health struggles, and it's okay to ask for support when needed. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding different perspectives and being open to listening to others' stories. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, resilience, and seeking help during tough times.

    • Comparing brains to a saturated spongeRecognize when brains are overwhelmed, share experiences, and support each other during challenging times.

      Our brains can be compared to a sponge that absorbs information and experiences. When it becomes overloaded, it may lead to emotional or mental instability, much like water leaking out of the sides of a saturated sponge. This analogy was shared during a conversation about managing mental health, specifically in relation to bipolar episodes. Another memorable moment from the discussion was the shared experience of going through COVID-19 together. One person received a negative test result before the other, and they used technology to provide real-time updates on their symptoms and recovery process. This experience of mutual support and anticipating the timeline of the illness added a sense of comfort and connection during a challenging time. In essence, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing when our brains are overwhelmed and the value of sharing experiences and supporting one another during difficult times.

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    Show Notes:

    Now AI Takes on Writing Death Metal, Country Music Hits, More - CDM article about music written with artificial intelligence.

    Hazel Savage on the Music Production Podcast - Hazel talks about how her company Musiio is intelligently categorizing music.

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    GLITCH DRUMS - Ableton Live and Sample Pack featured in the intro music to this episode.

    Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at the My Store with the code: PODCAST

    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

    Brian Funk

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