
    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Paul Conti: How to Build and Maintain Healthy Relationships

    enSeptember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Healthy Relationships Through Self-Awareness and Personal Growth.Understanding ourselves and actively exploring our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions empowers us to approach relationships with agency and gratitude, resulting in healthier connections and improved well-being.

      Healthy relationships are built on the foundation of self-awareness and personal growth. Understanding ourselves and our unconscious thoughts and behaviors is crucial in improving our relationships with others. It is important to actively explore our defense mechanisms, character structure, and emotions to uncover any hidden aspects of ourselves that may be impacting our relationships. By developing agency and gratitude as verbs, we empower ourselves to take control of our actions and express genuine gratitude towards others. This combination of agency and gratitude allows us to approach relationships from a place of empowerment, humility, and a willingness to make positive changes. Ultimately, striving for maximum agency and gratitude in our relationships leads to healthier connections and a better overall well-being.

    • Cultivating gratitude and agency for positive changeEmbodying gratitude and agency leads to peace, contentment, and better overall well-being. Understanding ourselves is crucial in achieving these states.

      By cultivating a sense of gratitude and agency, we can bring positive changes into our lives. It's not about being blissfully unaware or just forgiving ourselves and others without taking action. It's about being present in the world and being aware of our limitations, while still valuing truth, understanding, and exploration. When we embody agency and gratitude, we can reach a state of peace, contentment, and delight. Our generative and assertive drives work together to support our overall well-being. By living in this way, we can have healthier relationships and strive for better health in every aspect of our lives. Taking a deeper look at ourselves and understanding the structure and functions of self is essential in achieving these states of agency and gratitude.

    • Exploring Self and Connections for Personal Growth and FulfillmentUnderstanding ourselves and our relationships is essential for personal growth, and it's important to acknowledge the complexities of being human while fostering healthy connections.

      Our behaviors and strivings play a significant role in shaping our sense of agency and gratitude. We all have elements within us that may hinder our ability to tap into these qualities fully, but we also have the capacity to examine and analyze ourselves. This exploration can be done with the help of a skilled professional or through personal introspection. No one is perfect, and it's okay to acknowledge the complexity of being human. Understanding ourselves and the workings of our conscious and unconscious minds can lead to personal growth and improvement. Additionally, when it comes to relationships, compatibility and shared goals are important factors to consider, but they may not always be immediately apparent or intuitive. It's crucial to recognize what we can and cannot know about each other in order to foster healthy and fulfilling connections.

    • Surface-level factors vs. Generative drivesTrue compatibility in relationships depends on the alignment of generative drives, not just surface-level factors like education or shared interests.

      When it comes to finding compatibility in relationships, we often focus on surface-level factors that don't truly matter. Factors like education, shared interests, and background can mislead us into thinking two people are compatible, when in reality, they have little impact on the success of a relationship. Instead, what truly matters is the compatibility of generative drives – how both individuals approach and interact with the world. When two people have a strong, uplifting generative drive, their maps and perspectives can synergize in beautiful and unpredictable ways. By shifting our focus to these deeper, less tangible qualities, we increase the odds of finding true compatibility and happiness in relationships.

    • Building Healthy Relationships with Generative DriveHealthy relationships focus on embracing individuality, being open-minded, and learning and growing together, rather than just shared interests.

      Healthy relationships are centered around the factors that truly matter within oneself, particularly the Generative Drive. It's not about superficial aspects like shared interests or preferences in music. Instead, it's about having a strong sense of agency and gratitude, allowing for curiosity and open-mindedness towards your partner's interests, even if they don't align with your own. Healthy relationships require individuals to go beyond themselves and appreciate their partner's individuality. It's not about thinking that something isn't for you because you're not an expert in it, but rather approaching it with humility and a willingness to learn and grow together.

    • Embracing Diversity for Meaningful RelationshipsPrioritizing agency and gratitude while embracing diversity and appreciating differences can lead to deeper connections and personal development in relationships, enhancing overall well-being.

      Sameness should not be the focus when looking for meaningful relationships. While many people tend to believe that shared interests and preferences are key, this mindset can limit our potential for growth and fulfillment. Instead, embracing diversity and appreciating differences can lead to deeper connections and personal development. A generative drive, characterized by a desire to continually learn and explore, is crucial for fostering long-lasting and healthy relationships. It is this drive that keeps us engaged, curious, and open-minded, enabling us to find interest in the things that are different from us. By prioritizing agency and gratitude, and valuing the strength of our generative drives, we can create lasting and compatible partnerships that enhance our overall well-being.

    • Meeting Nutritional Needs with AG one: The Key to Optimal Mental and Physical HealthPrioritizing proper nutrition through AG one provides essential vitamins, minerals, and probiotics needed to enhance mental and physical health, supporting the well-being of the mind and body.

      Our foundational nutrition needs are essential for mental and physical health. While it's important to get proper nutrition from whole foods, many people struggle to consume enough servings of fruits, vegetables, prebiotics, and probiotics each day. AG one is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that can help meet these nutritional needs. By taking AG one, you can ensure that you are getting all the vitamins, minerals, and probiotics necessary to enhance mental health, physical health, and performance. The gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in overall health, relies on these nutrients. This takeaway emphasizes the importance of prioritizing proper nutrition to support the well-being of both the mind and body.

    • The Generative Drive: Improving Lives and Relationships Through Self-Belief and PositivityThe Generative Drive is essential in relationships, as it leads to agency, gratitude, and better mental health. Nurturing and developing this drive can help individuals shape their potential for the future.

      The Generative Drive, which consists of a person's desire to improve their own life and the world around them, is a crucial factor in relationships. It can be localized within individuals by assessing their level of generativity, which includes factors such as self-belief, motivation, and positivity. The Generative Drive is dominant when it comes to making decisions and taking action, leading to a sense of agency and gratitude. When individuals have a strong Generative Drive, they prioritize the well-being of themselves and others, resulting in contentment, peace, and overall better mental health. This drive can also foster compatibility in relationships, as long as both individuals share a similar approach of agency and gratitude. By actively nurturing and developing the Generative Drive, individuals can continually build and shape their potential for the future.

    • Nurturing Generative Drives for Healthy RelationshipsPrioritizing generative drives and considering their role in relationships can lead to deeper connections and enhanced personal growth.

      The level and expression of generative drives are important factors in fostering healthy relationships. Watching Netflix or engaging in passive activities is not inherently bad or ungenerative, but it depends on the individual's mindset and intention. It is crucial to consider whether someone is using these activities as an escape or as a way to generate ideas, learn, or create. Additionally, mismatched levels of generative drives can lead to problems in relationships. It is common for people not to prioritize generative drives when seeking or building relationships, but this lack of consideration can create countless problems. Moreover, trauma bonds can be detrimental when the drives for generativity and pleasure are not adequately gratified, resulting in worsened trauma experiences. Overall, understanding and nurturing generative drives can greatly enhance relationships.

    • Building Healthy Relationships through Open Communication and a Strong Generative DriveOpen communication and a strong Generative Drive are essential for healthy relationships, as they allow individuals to understand and empathize with each other's trauma, fostering agency and gratitude for a more fulfilling relationship.

      Healthy relationships require open communication and a strong Generative Drive. When both individuals recognize their own trauma and communicate about it with understanding and empathy, they can work together towards greater health. The Generative Drive plays a key role in fostering agency and gratitude, allowing for self-inquiry and deeper understanding of oneself and the other person. Friction points in relationships often stem from a lack of communication or a lack of awareness of each other's needs. By developing a strong Generative Drive, individuals can ask the right questions and take proactive steps to meet each other's needs, fostering a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

    • Embracing empathy and open communication for a satisfying intimate relationship.By understanding each other's emotional needs and openly discussing desires, couples can create a loving and fulfilling relationship that prioritizes the happiness of both partners.

      Communication and understanding are essential in maintaining a healthy relationship, especially when it comes to mismatched sexual desires. Instead of blaming or feeling inadequate, partners can approach the topic with empathy and gratitude. By mentalizing each other's emotional states and discussing their needs openly, they can find a middle ground that satisfies both parties. This requires stepping out of comfort zones and challenging societal shame around sexuality. Through this process, couples can foster a loving, caring environment where they can explore and enjoy their intimacy. The key is to prioritize the happiness of both individuals, creating a relationship that is not just tolerable, but actually better and more fulfilling for both partners.

    • Cultivating a Generative Drive for healthier relationships.Giving freely without expecting anything in return strengthens relationships and encourages reciprocity, while expecting something in return creates tension and imbalance.

      Cultivating a Generative Drive in our relationships can lead to greater openness, communication, and acceptance. When individuals have a strong belief in themselves and the strength of the relationship, they feel empowered to broach sensitive topics, even those that might be embarrassing. Instead of expecting equal give and take in relationships, it can be healthy to give freely without expecting anything in return. Giving from a place of abundance and love can strengthen the bond and encourage the other person to reciprocate. On the other hand, expecting something in return or making others feel guilty for not meeting our expectations can create tension and imbalance in relationships. Cultivating a Generative Drive and giving without expectation can lead to more generative and fulfilling relationships.

    • The importance of more than just love in a relationshipLove is important, but a successful and lasting relationship also requires compatibility, shared goals, understanding each other's needs, and a willingness to put in effort.

      Love alone is not enough to sustain a successful and lasting relationship. While love may bring pleasure and joy, it often overlooks important factors like compatibility and shared goals. The Generative Drive, which focuses on growth and building a future together, plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy relationship. When both individuals have a strong Generative Drive and are willing to prioritize the needs and desires of the relationship, they can find compromises and solutions to overcome challenges. Love needs to be supported by a deeper understanding of each other's needs and a willingness to put in the effort to make the relationship work. Ultimately, a healthy and fulfilling relationship requires a balance between pleasure and generativity.

    • Understanding and Addressing Drives in Romantic RelationshipsRecognize and communicate your needs with your partner, exploring defense mechanisms and past experiences, to build a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

      Improving a romantic relationship requires understanding and addressing the various drives and motivations of both partners. For example, if one partner has a high level of proactiveness or aggressiveness, while the other does not, it can cause friction and imbalance. The key is for the proactive partner to recognize their drive and communicate their needs effectively. This requires open and honest discussions about what would make the relationship better and more enjoyable for both partners. It may involve exploring underlying defense mechanisms or past experiences that influence one's comfort level with certain aspects of the relationship. Overall, by actively addressing and understanding each other's drives, couples can strive for a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

    • Letting go of past baggage for healthier relationshipsRecognize the impact of past experiences, let go of old narratives, embrace gratitude and acceptance, reflect on oneself, address mental health issues for personal growth and better relationships.

      Our past experiences and beliefs can greatly impact our present relationships. It is important to recognize that the challenges or negative patterns we faced in the past may not be relevant or applicable to our current situation. By letting go of these old narratives and embracing gratitude and acceptance, we can create a healthier and more fulfilling relationship. This process requires self-reflection and the willingness to step out of our comfort zones. Additionally, it is worth noting that unhealthy pairings in relationships often stem from unresolved mental health issues. These issues need to be acknowledged and addressed in order for personal growth and improvement in relationships to occur.

    • The Impact of Trauma on Relationship ChoicesTrauma can lead to negative emotions and a desire to fix future relationships, but understanding the reasons behind choices and addressing self can lead to change and healthier relationships.

      Trauma can deeply impact a person's mindset and their relationship choices. When someone experiences trauma, especially in the form of abuse, it can create strong negative emotions and trigger feelings of shame. This trauma then becomes a driving force behind their desire to make things right in future relationships, even though it may lead to repeating the same patterns. The limbic system, which controls emotions, doesn't care about time, so the person's past trauma feels immediate in the present. However, by understanding the underlying reasons behind their choices and addressing the structure of self, change is possible. There is hope for breaking the cycle and finding healthier relationships.

    • Recognizing Patterns and Seeking Help in RelationshipsPay attention to patterns of deference and assertiveness in relationships, as they can lead to a decrease in individual's sense of self. Individuals with narcissistic traits can be exploitative, but change is possible with help.

      Extreme circumstances can serve as models for less extreme situations. While not all relationships may be as extreme as abusive ones, it is still important to pay attention to patterns where one person becomes more deferential and seeks someone who is more assertive. These patterns may lead to a decrease in the individual's sense of self over time. Additionally, an understandable desire to prevent the other person from leaving can sometimes result in unhealthy behaviors or sacrifices of personal judgment. It is crucial to acknowledge that individuals with narcissistic traits can be exploitative and seek out vulnerable individuals. However, it is possible for people to change and seek help for their behaviors.

    • Understanding and Overcoming Attachment Insecurity for Healthy RelationshipsRecognizing and addressing attachment insecurity is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. Support and empowerment are essential for individuals in abusive or exploitative situations, as they may feel unable to make necessary changes.

      Attachment insecurity can lead to unhealthy relationships and compromises of self. Attachment insecurity arises from a fear of loss and can manifest as anxious behaviors or over control. It is important to recognize and address attachment insecurity to maintain healthy relationships. However, when someone is stuck in an abusive or exploitative situation, their psychological machinery may be keeping them locked in. This can be due to a sense of inability to change, feeling demoralized, or being disempowered. It is crucial to provide support and empowerment to individuals in such situations, as their circumstances may prevent them from making necessary changes.

    • Unmasking the Dynamics of Unhealthy RelationshipsBreaking free from isolation and recognizing one's worth is essential in both unhealthy and healthy relationships, empowering individuals to choose a happier and fulfilling life.

      The power dynamics in unhealthy relationships are often fueled by isolating the person being oppressed. The oppressor manipulates the situation to prevent the person from realizing that there are better options available. By isolating them from friends, family, and support systems, the oppressor aims to make the person believe that they are unworthy of love, support, and a better life. Darkness always favors the oppressor, as they thrive in an environment where the person feels trapped and unable to see their worth or potential. Cultivating agency and gratitude is crucial not only in unhealthy relationships but also in fostering healthy ones, as it empowers individuals to recognize their value and make choices that lead to a happier life.

    • Breaking the cycle of oppression and abuse: Healing and growth for both the oppressor and the oppressed.Oppression can have damaging effects on individuals, but change is possible through recognition, responsibility, and community support. Creating a supportive society is vital for fostering healing and growth.

      Oppression and abuse, whether conscious or unconscious, can lead to a decrease in a person's agency, assertiveness, and overall sense of self-worth. This can result in demoralization and a state of darkness within individuals. However, it is not impossible for both the oppressor and the oppressed to change and find healing. The oppressor has the potential to recognize their behavior, take responsibility, and make positive changes. On the other hand, the oppressed may face difficulties in escaping their abusive situations due to isolation and lack of resources. Therefore, community support systems and societal structures play a crucial role in offering help and fostering a healthier environment for individuals. By promoting interconnectedness and offering support, we can create a society that encourages growth and well-being for everyone, beyond just the individual relationships.

    • The Importance of Accountability in All SystemsAccountability is crucial in maintaining a healthy and productive environment, as it prevents harm and fosters creativity. Without it, the system deteriorates and leads to detrimental consequences. Envy plays a destructive role in perpetuating oppression.

      Accountability is vital in any system. Whether it's in laboratories, law firms, companies, or even families and friendship circles, a lack of accountability can lead to toxic environments and oppression. When individuals in positions of power face no consequences for their actions, it perpetuates a cycle of harm. On the other hand, excessive control from top-down authority can stifle creativity and innovation. To strike a balance, there needs to be a higher order of accountability that is reasonable and rational, allowing individuals to speak up and challenge harmful behaviors. Without accountability, the system fails, and everyone suffers. Envy is often the driving force behind oppression, and it only breeds destruction.

    • The Destructive Nature of Envy and JealousyEnvy seeks to bring others down while jealousy can motivate us, but both ultimately lead to unhappiness and destructive behavior.

      Envy and jealousy are not the same thing. Jealousy can be benign, motivating us to work harder and improve ourselves. However, envy is destructive as it seeks to bring down others rather than uplift oneself. Envious individuals may resort to harming and humiliating others, driven by their own feelings of inadequacy. This destructive nature of envy can be seen throughout history, from conflicts and wars to personal relationships. Envious people often possess a narcissistic character structure, constantly seeking validation and happiness through comparison and greed. However, this pursuit of material gain or superiority never leads to true happiness. Envious individuals lack security and resort to unhealthy defense mechanisms, ultimately perpetuating a cycle of destruction. Power dynamics in relationships, including romantic relationships, should also be considered, as all relationships have inherent power dynamics.

    • Understanding and Addressing Power Dynamics in RelationshipsBeing aware of and addressing power dynamics in relationships can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections with others.

      Power dynamics exist in every relationship, but they are often covert and non-obvious. It's not just about who has overt power over whom, but also about the unstated dynamics that occur beneath the surface. These power dynamics can range from small issues, like who takes out the garbage, to more serious situations where one person feels threatened by the other. It's important to be aware of these dynamics and look for the non-obvious signs of imbalance. Additionally, a healthy relationship is characterized by give and take, where both parties have a voice and their needs are acknowledged. Paying attention to these aspects can lead to more understanding and fulfillment in relationships.

    • The Power of Generosity and Balance in RelationshipsA healthy relationship is built on a mutual give and take, with a generosity of spirit from both individuals. Imbalances can strengthen the bond as long as both parties feel goodness from the relationship.

      A healthy relationship involves both giving and taking. There needs to be a generosity of spirit from both individuals, which leads to them being stronger together. Imbalances in giving and taking are inevitable, but in a healthy relationship with high Generative Drive, these imbalances can actually strengthen the bond. Whether it's in romantic relationships or friendships, the give and take should be mutual, even if it's not always equal. As long as both parties feel goodness from the relationship, it contributes to a high generative place. Ultimately, the happiest people are those who derive joy from giving rather than receiving. Being generous and fostering goodness in oneself can lead to success and happiness, independent of external achievements.

    • Going Beyond Transactions in RelationshipsRelationships involve more than just tasks and responsibilities; they require a deeper level of understanding, empathy, and reciprocity that goes beyond simple give and take.

      Relationships involve transactions, but they are not solely transactional. Transactions in relationships can be the division of tasks or responsibilities, such as who does the dishes or who raises the children. However, there is more to relationships than these obvious transactions. There is a deeper level of interaction where individuals exchange thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This exchange is not purely transactional either, as it goes beyond a simple give and take. It is about understanding, processing, and reciprocating. While some may argue that everything in relationships is transactional, human experience and psychological theories suggest otherwise. Relationships are complex and involve a deeper, more meaningful connection that transcends mere transactions.

    • The Deeper Meaning of Human RelationshipsHuman relationships go beyond transactions, as they involve learning, kindness, and the joy of giving. Relationships create a greater unity, driven by love, nurturing, and the desire to create something better together.

      Human relationships are not purely transactional. There is something deeper and more meaningful going on beyond simple exchanges of goods or services. We have the capacity for learning and kindness that brings us joy for its own sake. Giving to others can also bring us great satisfaction because it feels good to help others. Our experiences as human beings show that there is more to our interactions than just individual self-interest. Relationships, whether they are friendships, family connections, or work partnerships, create a "we" that is greater than the sum of its parts. These relationships are based on love, nurturing, and a desire to create something better together. Generative drives allow for flexibility and compromise, where both individuals can find a balance that meets their needs and supports their growth.

    • Building Stronger Relationships Through Simplicity and KindnessBy embracing the basic principles of communication, listening, generosity, and kindness, we can create a healthy and generative environment that fosters true connections and cultivates a culture of generosity.

      The key to building strong and generative relationships is simplicity. We can learn a lot from the basic principles we were taught in Kindergarten: communication, listening, generosity, and kindness. These simple qualities form the foundation of a healthy and generative environment. In a Kindergarten classroom, we see support, self-confidence, strivings, and hopefulness. However, anxiety often gets in the way of asking for what we want and hearing requests from others. It's important to recognize that anxiety serves a functional role in modern life, but we must not let it hinder our ability to engage in open and meaningful conversations. By simplifying our relationships and embracing kindness, we can cultivate a culture of generosity and foster true connection.

    • The Impact of Anxiety on Communication and MotivationFinding a healthy balance of anxiety is crucial for maintaining motivation and clear thinking, while projecting our anxieties onto others can harm relationships and hinder personal growth.

      Anxiety can significantly impact our ability to ask for what we need and want, as well as hinder our motivation to make changes in our lives. While it's natural to experience some level of anxiety, too little or too much can be detrimental. Low levels of anxiety can result in a lack of drive and motivation, while high levels can narrow our cognitive spectrum and hinder our ability to think clearly. It's important to recognize that everyone experiences anxiety to some extent, and finding a healthy balance is key. Additionally, it's crucial to address our own anxieties before projecting them onto others, as it can negatively impact our relationships and generative drives.

    • The Importance of Self-Reflection in Building EmpathyUnderstanding our own anxieties and motivations is the first step towards empathizing with others, as it helps us build connections, foster empathy, and navigate the complexities of human dynamics.

      Understanding our own anxiety and motivations is crucial before trying to understand and empathize with others. We need to take a step back and reflect on ourselves first. By examining our own feelings and behaviors, we can gain insights into why we might feel anxious or demoralized. Once we have this self-awareness, we can begin to consider the perspective of others. This process of inquiry helps us build connections and bridge the gap between ourselves and others. Whether it's in relationships or any human interaction, this ability to navigate between self-reflection and understanding others is essential. It allows us to foster empathy, make positive changes, and navigate the complexities of human dynamics.

    • The Power of the "Us" in a RelationshipUnderstanding the impact we have on our partner and vice versa is crucial for creating a positive and fulfilling relationship. Empathy and a healthy mindset are key to utilizing this knowledge effectively.

      The "Us" in a relationship is incredibly powerful and influential. It is not just about how we individually feel, but how we impact and are impacted by the other person. The shared bond in the "Us" can either build anxiety or strengthen us. When both individuals feel supported and gratified in the relationship, it creates a positive reinforcing experience, building confidence, agency, and pleasure. It is important to understand the other person's emotions and intentions, as this knowledge allows for empathy and learning. Putting ourselves in their shoes can provide valuable insight, but it is crucial to approach it with a healthy mindset in order to effectively use that information.

    • Improving Understanding and Communication for Positive SolutionsBy actively working on improving self-awareness and understanding unconscious processes, we can align with others, enhance relationships, and contribute to a more harmonious and generative culture.

      Clear understanding and effective communication are crucial in navigating arguments and disagreements. We often misinterpret others' intentions due to our own biases and defense mechanisms, leading to distorted perceptions. However, by actively working on ourselves and improving our self-awareness, we can better interpret the thoughts and actions of others. This allows us to align with them and work together to find positive solutions. Our unconscious mind constantly influences our conscious mind, impacting our relationships and interactions. Therefore, acknowledging and understanding these unconscious processes is essential. By doing so, we can enhance our relationships, set ourselves up for success, and contribute to a more harmonious and generative culture.

    • The Power of Mentalizing: Understanding and Improving RelationshipsBy taking the time to understand our own emotions and motivations, as well as those of others, we can foster healthier interactions, set boundaries, and make more thoughtful decisions in our relationships.

      Mentalizing is a crucial skill in understanding ourselves and others in relationships. It involves taking the time to consider our own emotions and motivations, as well as those of the people around us. By mentalizing, we can avoid falling into defensive or aggressive behaviors and instead foster healthier interactions. Mentalizing allows us to ask ourselves, "Is it me? Is it you? Is it us?" and work together to find a resolution. It also helps us set and communicate healthy boundaries, starting with understanding and respecting our own needs before projecting them onto others. By practicing mentalizing, we can make more thoughtful and grateful decisions in our relationships.

    • The importance of setting boundaries in relationshipsSetting boundaries is necessary for maintaining healthy relationships. It's important to communicate them effectively and assess whether the other person respects and values your boundaries.

      Setting boundaries is essential for healthy relationships. It's important to recognize that it's okay to establish boundaries and that it doesn't make you a bad person or friend. By understanding and acknowledging your own needs and comfort levels, you can communicate your boundaries effectively. It's crucial to find a respectful and considerate way to express your boundaries to others, taking into account their feelings and maintaining the friendship. However, if someone reacts negatively or disregards your boundaries, it may indicate signs of unhealthiness or lack of consideration. It's essential to assess whether the relationship is truly beneficial and if the other person respects your boundaries. Ultimately, understanding yourself and practicing self-care and self-protection are powerful tools for healthy relationships.

    • The Importance of Self-Awareness in Relationships and Personal GrowthBy prioritizing self-understanding, we can navigate relationships and conflicts more effectively, prevent reliance on unhealthy maps from others, and foster healthier relationships with others.

      Self-awareness and understanding our own internal processes is crucial for healthy relationships and personal growth. By starting with self, exploring our own maps, and recognizing our own emotional states, we can navigate relationships and conflicts more effectively. It's important to acknowledge that there are things we may not know about ourselves and that certain triggers can impact our ability to communicate and mentalize. By prioritizing self-understanding, we can prevent our own maps from becoming blurry or relying on unhealthy maps from others. Building a healthy map requires continuous exploration and reflection. Ultimately, by understanding ourselves better, we can seek out and foster healthier relationships with others.

    • The Power of Self-Understanding for Personal Growth and RelationshipsReal understanding of oneself comes from introspection and self-reflection, leading to personal transformation, improved relationships, and finding goodness within ourselves and our connections with others.

      Understanding ourselves is crucial for personal growth and improving our relationships. Labels and numerical diagnoses in psychology may help categorize certain aspects, but they don't provide true understanding. It's through introspection and self-reflection that we can gain genuine insight into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. This understanding allows us to cultivate agency, gratitude, and clear mentalization, leading to positive changes in our lives. The journey of self-discovery may not be simple or quick, but it is a powerful tool for personal transformation. By embracing this process, we can navigate the complexities and pitfalls of life and find goodness within ourselves and our connections with others.

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    Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: How to Exercise & Eat for Optimal Health & Longevity

    Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: How to Exercise & Eat for Optimal Health & Longevity
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, D.O., a board-certified physician who did her clinical and research training at Washington University in geriatrics and nutrition. She is also an expert in how diet and exercise impact muscle and whole-body health and longevity. Dr. Lyon is a bestselling author and public educator. We discuss how healthy skeletal muscle promotes longevity, brain health, disease prevention, ideal body composition, and the health of other organs and bodily systems. She makes specific nutritional recommendations for optimal health: what to eat, how much to eat, the timing of meals, the essential need for adequate quality protein (including animal and plant-based options), supplementation, and how our dietary requirements change with age. She explains why specific types of resistance training are essential to build and maintain muscle and overall metabolic health. She also describes how to include resistance training as part of your exercise regimen — regardless of age or sex.  She also provides specific mindset tools to encourage sustained adherence to healthy eating and exercise practices. Women and men of all ages will benefit from Dr. Lyon’s practical, evidence-based protocols to improve muscle and whole-body appearance, function, and health. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at hubermanlab.com. Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: https://protocolsbook.com Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Maui Nui Venison: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman  Levels: https://levels.link/huberman  Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Protocols Book; Dr. Gabrielle Lyon 00:03:23 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Levels & Helix Sleep 00:07:40 Skeletal Muscle & Longevity 00:11:25 “Under-muscled”, Leucine & Muscle Health 00:15:55 Muscle Health 00:19:45 Tool: Carbohydrate Consumption & Activity, Glycogen 00:25:14 Tools: Nutrition for Healthy Skeletal Muscle, First Meal 00:31:57 Sponsor: AG1 00:33:46 Quality Protein, Animal & Plant-Based Proteins 00:37:36 Dietary Protein Recommendations, Meal Threshold 00:41:19 Muscle Health & Aging 00:46:02 Supplements & Creatine; Dietary Protein 00:50:07 Tool: Dietary Protein Recommendation; Gout & Cancer Risk 00:52:43 Effects of Dietary Protein & Exercise on Body Composition 01:03:06 Thermic Effects, Protein  01:05:02 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:06:14 Protein & Satiety, Insulin & Glucose 01:12:04 Tool: Older Adults, Resistance Training & Dietary Protein 01:17:48 Dietary Protein, mTOR & Cancer Risk 01:21:36 Muscle Span & Aging, Sedentary Behaviors 01:24:00 Mixed Meals, Protein Quality, Fiber 01:29:21 Inactivity & Insulin Resistance, Inflammation 01:38:43 Exercise & Myokines, Brain Health & BDNF 01:44:11 Tool: Resistance Training Protocols, Hypertrophy, “High Ground” 01:52:51 High Ground Exercises; Tendon Strength; Training Duration, Blue Zones 01:58:19 Movement, Exercise & Older Adults 02:04:25 Tool: Protein Timing & Resistance Training; VO2 Max, Aging, Blood Work 02:11:13 Supplements: Creatine, Urolithin A, Whey Protein, Fish Oil, Collagen 02:20:18 Fasting, Older Adults; Tool: Meal Timing 02:25:18 Animal Proteins & Dairy; Organ Meats, Vegan; Magnesium, Zinc 02:30:59 Medications & Muscle Health 02:32:49 Obesity & GLP-1 Analogs, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Skeletal Muscle 02:40:48 Benefits of Skeletal Muscle & Aging 02:42:16 Tools: Nutrition & Resistance Training for Muscle Health 02:45:44 Mindset Tools: Standards vs. Goals; Vulnerability Points 02:52:00 Mindset Tools: Neutrality; Health & Worth 03:01:14 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter, Protocols Book Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 24, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Why Muscle Matters & How to Build It

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Why Muscle Matters & How to Build It
    I'm honored to share Episode 2 of the first season of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 features 10 episodes, airing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Dr. Galpin will cover everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 2 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to subscribe and follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:06 Skeletal Muscle 00:04:06 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Momentous 00:07:20 Quantity & Quality; Organ System; Health & Performance 00:12:58 Plasticity, “Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good”; Muscle Types 00:15:46 What is Muscle?, Muscle Fibers, Tendon 00:21:37 Muscle Fiber Number, Hyperplasia, Anabolic Steroids, Age 00:24:03 Myonuclei & Adaptability 00:26:27 Muscle Fiber Types, Variable Muscle Functions 00:32:24 Fiber Type & Lifestyle Factors 00:34:54 Sponsors: David Protein & AG1 00:37:37 Age & Muscle Loss, Slow vs. Fast-Twitch Fibers; Motor Units 00:46:36 Muscle Size vs. Muscle Strength, Quantity vs. Quality 00:50:56 Investigate: Muscle Quantity, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) 00:56:21 FFMI, Elite Athletes, Muscle Mass 01:00:59 Muscle Asymmetry; Too Much Muscle Possible? 01:03:49 Interpret: Muscle Mass, FFMI Calculations & Percentiles 01:09:28 Tool: Intervene - Increase Muscle Mass, 72-Hour Rule 01:15:27 Sponsors: Maui Nui & Renaissance Periodization 01:17:51 Investigate: Muscle Quality & 4 Movement Principles 01:23:34 Muscle Quality & 3 Performance Principles  01:26:42 Interpret: Muscle Speed, Age 01:32:45 Muscle Power, Vertical Jump, Broad Jump 01:36:17 Muscle Strength, Powerlifting Elite, Bench Press, Leg Press, Grip Strength 01:44:05 Increasing Strength, Improve Health & Longevity 01:46:44 Tool: Intervene - Improve Muscle Quality, 4 Training Principles, 3-to-5 Rule 01:53:56 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media 01:56:10 Conclusion from Dr. Andrew Huberman Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 19, 2024

    Dr. Zachary Knight: The Science of Hunger & Medications to Combat Obesity

    Dr. Zachary Knight: The Science of Hunger & Medications to Combat Obesity
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Zachary Knight, Ph.D., a professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator. We discuss how the brain controls our sense of hunger, satiety, and thirst. He explains how dopamine levels impact our cravings and eating behavior (amount, food choices, etc) and how we develop and can change our food preferences and adjust how much we need to eat to feel satisfied. We discuss factors that have led to the recent rise in obesity, such as interactions between our genes and the environment and the role of processed foods and food combinations. We also discuss the new class of medications developed for the treatment of obesity and diabetes, including the GLP-1 agonists semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro). We discuss how these medications work to promote weight loss, the source of their side effects, and the newer compounds soon to overcome some of those side effects, such as muscle loss. Dr. Knight provides an exceptionally clear explanation for our sense of hunger, thirst, and food cravings that translates to practical knowledge to help listeners better understand their relationship to food, food choices, and meal size to improve their diet and overall health. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Zachary Knight 00:02:38 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & Waking Up 00:07:07 Hunger & Timescales 00:11:28 Body Fat, Leptin, Hunger 00:17:51 Leptin Resistance & Obesity 00:20:52 Hunger, Food Foraging & Feeding Behaviors, AgRP Neurons 00:30:26 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:15 Body Weight & Obesity, Genes & POMC Neurons 00:39:54 Obesity, Genetics & Environmental Factors 00:46:05 Whole Foods, Ultra-Processed Foods & Palatability 00:49:32 Increasing Whole Food Consumption, Sensory Specific Satiety & Learning 00:58:55 Calories vs. Macronutrients, Protein & Salt 01:02:23 Sponsor: LMNT 01:03:58 Challenges of Weight Loss: Hunger & Energy Expenditure 01:09:50 GLP-1 Drug Development, Semaglutide, Ozempic, Wegovy 01:19:03 GLP-1 Drugs: Muscle Loss, Appetite Reduction, Nausea 01:23:24 Pharmacologic & Physiologic Effects; GLP-1 Drugs, Additional Positive Effects 01:30:14 GLP-1-Plus Development, Tirzepatide, Mounjaro, AMG 133 01:34:49 Alpha-MSH & Pharmacology 01:40:41 Dopamine, Eating & Context 01:46:01 Dopamine & Learning, Water Content & Food 01:53:23 Salt, Water & Thirst 02:03:27 Hunger vs. Thirst 02:05:46 Dieting, Nutrition & Mindset 02:09:39 Tools: Improving Diet & Limiting Food Intake 02:14:15 Anti-Obesity Drug Development 02:17:03 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 17, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: How & Why to Strengthen Your Heart & Cardiovascular Fitness

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: How & Why to Strengthen Your Heart & Cardiovascular Fitness
    I'm honored to share the first episode of the new podcast, Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I’m delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 features 10 episodes, airing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Dr. Galpin will cover everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to subscribe and follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:07 Heart 00:03:55 Sponsors: Vitality Blueprint & Rhone 00:07:27 Muscle Types 00:09:54 VO2 max, Health & Mortality 00:15:49 Overall Health, Cardiorespiratory Fitness & All-Cause Mortality 00:25:23 Sponsor: AG1 00:26:54 Disease, Health & Mortality 00:30:02 Cardiac Muscle & Heart 00:38:29 Cardiac Muscle vs. Skeletal Muscle, Cardiac Advantages 00:43:53 Pacemakers & Heart Rate, Vagus Nerve 00:50:35 Why Doesn’t the Heart Get Sore? 00:54:32 Heart & Exercise, Stroke Volume, Ejection Fraction, Cardiac Output 00:59:21 Heart Rate Variability 01:02:41 Sponsors: Momentous & LMNT 01:06:54 Why Do You Breathe?: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide & Respiratory Rate 01:13:37 Respiratory Rate & Stress 01:15:08 Tool: The “Three I’s”, Investigate: Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, VO2 Max 01:19:53 Tool: Interpretation, Resting Heart Rate & Ranges 01:23:16 Tool: Interpretation: VO2 Max & Ranges 01:30:45 Athletes & Highest VO2 Max Scores 01:35:53 Elite Athletes & Context for VO2 Max Scores 01:41:42 Tool: Intervention, VO2 Max, Varying Exercise Intensities, SAID Principle 01:48:20 Tool: Varying Exercise Intensity; Intervals & Continuous Training; Frequency 01:58:18 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media 01:59:55 Conclusion from Dr. Andrew Huberman Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 12, 2024

    Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media Impact Mental Health & the Realistic Solutions

    Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media Impact Mental Health & the Realistic Solutions
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., professor of social psychology at New York University and bestselling author on how technology and culture impact the psychology and health of kids, teens, and adults. We discuss the dramatic rise of suicide, depression, and anxiety as a result of replacing a play-based childhood with smartphones, social media, and video games. He explains how a screen-filled childhood leads to challenges in psychological development that negatively impact learning, resilience, identity, cooperation, and conflict resolution — all of which are crucial skills for future adult relationships and career success. We also discuss how phones and social media impact boys and girls differently and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of how smartphones alter basic brain plasticity and function.  Dr. Haidt explains his four recommendations for healthier smartphone use in kids, and we discuss how to restore childhood independence and play in the current generation.  This is an important topic for everyone, young or old, parents and teachers, students and families, to be aware of in order to understand the potential mental health toll of smartphone use and to apply tools to foster skill-building and reestablish healthy norms for our kids. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman AeroPress: https://aeropress.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Jonathan Haidt 00:02:01 Sponsors: Helix Sleep, AeroPress & Joovv 00:06:23 Great Rewiring of Childhood: Technology, Smartphones & Social Media 00:12:48 Mental Health Trends: Boys, Girls & Smartphones 00:16:26 Smartphone Usage, Play-Based to Phone-Based Childhood 00:20:40 The Tragedy of Losing Play-Based Childhood 00:28:13 Sponsor: AG1 00:30:02 Girls vs. Boys, Interests & Trapping Kids 00:37:31 “Effectance,” Systems & Relationships, Animals 00:41:47 Boys Sexual Development, Dopamine Reinforcement & Pornography 00:49:19 Boys, Courtship, Chivalry & Technology; Gen Z Development 00:55:24 Play & Low-Stakes Mistakes, Video Games & Social Media, Conflict Resolution 00:59:48 Sponsor: LMNT 01:01:23 Social Media, Trolls, Performance 01:06:47 Dynamic Subordination, Hierarchy, Boys 01:10:15 Girls & Perfectionism, Social Media & Performance 01:14:00 Phone-Based Childhood & Brain Development, Critical Periods 01:21:15 Puberty & Sensitive Periods, Culture & Identity 01:23:55 Brain Development & Puberty; Identity; Social Media, Learning & Reward 01:33:37 Tool: 4 Recommendations for Smartphone Use in Kids 01:41:48 Changing Childhood Norms, Policies & Legislature 01:49:13 Summer Camp, Team Sports, Religion, Music 01:54:36 Boredom, Addiction & Smartphones; Tool: “Awe Walks” 02:03:14 Casino Analogy & Ceding Childhood; Social Media Content 02:09:33 Adult Behavior; Tool: Meals & Phones 02:11:45 Regaining Childhood Independence; Tool: Family Groups & Phones 02:16:09 Screens & Future Optimism, Collective Action, KOSA Bill 02:24:52 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 10, 2024

    LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

    LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
    Recently I had the pleasure of hosting a live event in Brisbane, Australia. This event was part of a lecture series called The Brain Body Contract. My favorite part of the evening was the question and answer period, where I had the opportunity to answer questions from the attendees of each event. Included here is the Q&A from our event at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. Sign up to get notified about future events: https://www.hubermanlab.com/events Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Resources Mentioned Huberman Lab Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocols Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Matt Walker Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Paul Conti Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Andy Galpin Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 00:31 Sponsors: AG1 & Eight Sleep 03:48 Nicotine Discussion 07:42 ADHD Management: Tools & Medications 12:43 Sleep Deprivation & Recovery 18:54 Understanding & Addressing Burnout 22:12 Daily Nutrition & Eating Habits 24:40 Understanding Food & Neural Pathways 26:21 The Benefits of Elimination Diets 27:21 Intermittent Fasting & Personal Diet Choices 28:23 Top Health & Fitness Recommendations 30:50 The Value of Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) 33:08 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Insights 38:02 Breathing Techniques for Stress & Focus 41:46 Morning Sunlight & Circadian Rhythms 43:18 Parenting Tips for a Healthy Start 49:03 Final Thoughts & Gratitude Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 07, 2024

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver: How to Navigate Menopause & Perimenopause for Maximum Health & Vitality

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver: How to Navigate Menopause & Perimenopause for Maximum Health & Vitality
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Mary Claire Haver, M.D., a board-certified OB/GYN and an expert on women’s health and menopause. We discuss the biology and symptoms of perimenopause and menopause and their effects on body composition, cardiometabolic health, mental health, and longevity. She explains the lifestyle factors, including nutrition, resistance training, sleep, and supplements, that can better prepare women for and improve symptoms of both perimenopause and menopause. We also discuss hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and whether HRT impacts the incidence of breast cancer or can affect cardiovascular health. We also discuss contraception, cellulite, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This episode is rich in actionable information related to what is known about menopause and perimenopause and the stages before, allowing women of all ages to best navigate these life stages. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  AeroPress: https://aeropress.com/huberman  Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman  BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman  InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Mary Claire Haver 00:02:04 Sponsors: AeroPress, Eight Sleep & BetterHelp 00:06:26 Menopause, Age of Onset 00:09:50 Perimenopause, Hormones & “Zone of Chaos” 00:14:42 Perimenopause, Estrogen & Mental Health 00:20:04 Perimenopause Symptoms; Tool: Lifestyle Factors & Ovarian Health 00:25:26 Early Menopause, Premature Ovarian Failure; Estrogen Therapy 00:29:42 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:31 Contraception, Transdermal, IUDs; Menopause Onset, Freezing Eggs 00:38:18 Women’s Health: Misconceptions & Research 00:45:01 Tool: Diet, Preparing for Peri-/Menopause; Visceral Fat 00:48:31 Tools: Body Composition, Muscle & Menopause, Protein Intake 00:51:42 Menopause: Genetics, Symptoms; Tools: Waist-to-Hip Ratio; Gut Microbiome 00:58:22 Galveston vs. Mediterranean Diet, Fasting, Tool: Building Muscle 01:05:18 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:06:29 Hot Flashes; Estrogen Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Breast Cancer Risk & Cognition 01:15:36 Estrogen HRT, Cardiovascular Disease, Blood Clotting; “Meno-posse” 01:24:00 Estrogen & Testosterone: Starting HRT & Ranges 01:30:36 Other Hormones, Thyroid & DHEA; Local Treatment, Urinary Symptoms 01:37:57 OB/GYN Medical Education & Menopause 01:41:30 Supplements, Fiber, Tools: Osteoporosis “Prevention Pack” 01:46:53 Collagen, Cellulite, Bone Density 01:51:42 HRT, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Dry Eye; Conditions Precluding HRT  01:55:27 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) & Treatment; GLP-1, Addictive Behaviors 02:01:55 Post-menopause & HRT, Sustained HRT Usage 02:04:58 Mental Health, Perimenopause vs. Menopause; Sleep Disruptions, Alcohol 02:09:09 Male Support; Rekindle Libido 02:12:46 HRT Rash Side-Effect; Acupuncture; Visceral Fat 02:16:24 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 03, 2024

    Dr. Diego Bohórquez: The Science of Your Gut Sense & the Gut-Brain Axis

    Dr. Diego Bohórquez: The Science of Your Gut Sense & the Gut-Brain Axis
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Diego Bohórquez, PhD, professor of medicine and neurobiology at Duke University and a pioneering researcher into how we use our ‘gut sense.’ He describes how your gut communicates to your brain and the rest of your body through hormones and neural connections to shape your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. He explains how your gut senses a range of features such as temperature, pH, the macro- and micronutrients in our foods, and much more and signals that information to the brain to affect our food preferences, aversions, and cravings. Dr. Bohórquez describes his early life in the Amazon jungle and how exposure to traditional agriculture inspired his unique expertise combining nutrition, gastrointestinal physiology, and neuroscience. We discuss how the gut and brain integrate sensory cues, leading to our intuitive “gut sense” about food, people, and situations. This episode provides a scientific perspective into your gut sense to help you make better food choices and, indeed, to support better decision-making in all of life. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Diego Bohórquez 00:02:37 Sponsors: Joovv, LMNT & Helix Sleep; YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe 00:06:49 Gut-Brain Axis 00:11:35 Gut Sensing, Hormones 00:15:26 Green Fluorescent Protein; Neuropod Cells & Environment Sensing 00:26:57 Brain & Gut Connection, Experimental Tools & Rabies Virus 00:35:28 Sponsor: AG1 00:37:00 Neuropod Cells & Nutrient Sensing 00:43:55 Gastric Bypass Surgery, Cravings & Food Choice 00:51:14 Optogenetics; Sugar Preference & Neuropod Cells 01:00:29 Gut-Brain Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome 01:03:03 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:04:04 Gut & Behavior; Gastric Bypass, Cravings & Alcohol 01:07:38 GLP-1, Ozempic, Neuropod Cells 01:11:46 Food Preference & Gut-Brain Axis, Protein 01:21:35 Protein & Sugar, Agriculture & ‘Three Sisters’ 01:25:16 Childhood, Military School; Academics, Nutrition & Nervous System 01:36:15 Plant Wisdom, Agriculture, Indigenous People 01:41:48 Evolution of Food Choices; Learning from Plants 01:48:15 Plant-Based Medicines; Amazonia, Guayusa Ritual & Chonta Palm 01:56:58 Yerba Mate, Chocolate, Guayusa 02:00:22 Brain, Gut & Sensory Integration; Variability 02:06:01 Electrical Patterns in Gut & Brain, “Hangry” 02:12:43 Gut Intuition, Food & Bonding; Subconscious & Superstition 02:22:00 Vagus Nerve & Learning, Humming 02:26:46 Digestive System & Memory; Body Sensing 02:32:51 Listening to the Body, Meditation 02:40:12 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Sponsors, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enMay 27, 2024

    Dr. Gary Steinberg: How to Improve Brain Health & Offset Neurodegeneration

    Dr. Gary Steinberg: How to Improve Brain Health & Offset Neurodegeneration
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD, a neurosurgeon and a professor of neurosciences, neurosurgery, and neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine. We discuss brain health and brain injuries, including concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, aneurysm, and transient ischemic attacks (TIA). We discuss key and lesser-known risk factors for brain health and explain how certain treatments and medications can improve brain health and cognitive function. We also cover novel mechanisms to improve recovery after concussions and brain injury, including the use of stem cells, temperature (mild hypothermia), and vagus nerve stimulation. Dr. Steinberg also describes new advances in neurosurgery and minimally invasive brain augmentation. This episode ought to be of interest to anyone seeking actionable tools to improve their brain health and for those seeking to improve recovery after a brain injury such as concussion, stroke, aneurysm, or TBI. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman ROKA: https://roka.com/huberman AeroPress: https://aeropress.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Gary Steinberg 00:01:44 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, ROKA & AeroPress; Subscribe on YouTube, Spotify & Apple 00:06:16 Stroke, Hemorrhage & Blood Clot 00:10:25 Blood Clots & Risk Factors, Medications, Smoking, Cholesterol 00:16:19 Heart & Brain Health; Neurosurgery & Brain Function 00:23:27 Current Technology & Neurosurgery, Minimally Invasive Techniques 00:28:13 Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA); Spinal Cord Strokes 00:33:23 Stroke Risk: Alcohol, Cocaine & Other Drugs 00:38:24 Sponsor: AG1 00:39:55 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion: Sports, Testing & Recovery 00:46:45 Statins; TBI & Aspirin; Caffeine & Stroke Risk 00:48:31 Exploratory MRI: Benefits & Risks 00:51:53 Blood Pressure, Lifestyle Factors; Tool: Feeling Faint, Hydration; Sleep 00:59:52 Sponsor: LMNT 01:01:27 Chiropractic Neck Adjustment & Arterial Obstruction; Inversion Tables 01:05:16 Kids, Tackle Football, Soccer, Boxing; Mild Concussion 01:10:49 Nerve Regeneration, Stem Cells, Stroke Recovery 01:17:36 Stem Cells, Immune System, Activity 01:21:27 Injury & Recovery, Restraint Therapy 01:23:46 Neuroprotection After Injury; Mild Hypothermia 01:34:59 Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Stem Cell Therapy 01:42:27 Scientific Advancements & Clinical Translation, FDA & Industry 01:47:40 Vagal Stimulation 01:53:17 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enMay 20, 2024

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    3120 Nurture Individuality

    3120 Nurture Individuality

    With the new school year fast approaching, it's important for parents to not only help their children adapt to the changes academically, but also to support their emotional and social well-being. Nurture their individuality.

    What this really means is that you're helping them be who they are feeling. And being able to do it where they aren't wrecking their family, or even themselves.

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co 

    This takes a lot of patience for us parents. Because what we say can be taken the wrong way, and then we are dealing with some hurt feelings that we induced.

    Do we ever get a break?

    No! So we just keep moving forward. 

    One significant aspect of a child's development is nurturing their individuality – allowing them to embrace and express their true selves. 

    As seasons change, like going to a new school or changing grades, it really takes a toll on what the kiddos are feeling. So we gotta keep this all in mind as we transition from summer to the new school year.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Nurture individuality!

    This comes with taking each child, not comparing, and focusing on what they are needing as who they are.

    1. Encourage Self-Expression:

    One crucial factor in allowing children to be themselves is encouraging self-expression. Provide them with a safe and non-judgmental environment where they can freely express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Actively listen to their opinions and encourage open dialogue, as this will not only build their confidence, but also enable them to develop their own unique personality. Encourage creative activities such as drawing, writing, dance, theatre, or role-playing, which allow them to explore their imagination and interests.

    2. Foster a Growth Mindset:

    Transitioning to a new school setting or grade can be intimidating and challenging for children. As parents, we can help our kids by fostering a growth mindset. Teach them that their abilities and skills can be developed through effort and dedication. Encourage them to see setbacks and failures not as roadblocks but as opportunities to learn and grow. By instilling this mindset, children will be more open-minded, resilient, and willing to embrace new experiences and challenges in the classroom and beyond.

    3. Emphasize Authenticity and Embrace Differences:

    In a world that often promotes conformity, it is vital for parents to emphasize the importance of authenticity and embrace differences. Remind your child that being true to oneself is more important than fitting into societal expectations. Encourage them to embrace their unique qualities and talents, and teach them to respect and appreciate the differences in others as well. By nurturing their self-esteem and self-acceptance, you will help them build long-lasting confidence and resilience.

    As parents, one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is the freedom to be themselves. By implementing these three strategies, parents can effectively support their child's individuality and help them navigate the transition into a new school year with confidence and authenticity. Encouraging self-expression, fostering a growth mindset, and celebrating differences will empower our children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, promoting their overall well-being and happiness.

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


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    🎶  Create Your Now on iHeart Radio (http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/)

    ✍️  YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com 





    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    3120 Nurture Individuality

    3120 Nurture Individuality
    With the new school year fast approaching, it's important for parents to not only help their children adapt to the changes academically, but also to support their emotional and social well-being. Nurture their individuality. What this really means is that you're helping them be who they are feeling. And being able to do it where they aren't wrecking their family, or even themselves. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co  This takes a lot of patience for us parents. Because what we say can be taken the wrong way, and then we are dealing with some hurt feelings that we induced. Do we ever get a break? No! So we just keep moving forward.  One significant aspect of a child's development is nurturing their individuality – allowing them to embrace and express their true selves.  As seasons change, like going to a new school or changing grades, it really takes a toll on what the kiddos are feeling. So we gotta keep this all in mind as we transition from summer to the new school year. The K.I.S.S. ~ Nurture individuality! This comes with taking each child, not comparing, and focusing on what they are needing as who they are. 1. Encourage Self-Expression: One crucial factor in allowing children to be themselves is encouraging self-expression. Provide them with a safe and non-judgmental environment where they can freely express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Actively listen to their opinions and encourage open dialogue, as this will not only build their confidence, but also enable them to develop their own unique personality. Encourage creative activities such as drawing, writing, dance, theatre, or role-playing, which allow them to explore their imagination and interests. 2. Foster a Growth Mindset: Transitioning to a new school setting or grade can be intimidating and challenging for children. As parents, we can help our kids by fostering a growth mindset. Teach them that their abilities and skills can be developed through effort and dedication. Encourage them to see setbacks and failures not as roadblocks but as opportunities to learn and grow. By instilling this mindset, children will be more open-minded, resilient, and willing to embrace new experiences and challenges in the classroom and beyond. 3. Emphasize Authenticity and Embrace Differences: In a world that often promotes conformity, it is vital for parents to emphasize the importance of authenticity and embrace differences. Remind your child that being true to oneself is more important than fitting into societal expectations. Encourage them to embrace their unique qualities and talents, and teach them to respect and appreciate the differences in others as well. By nurturing their self-esteem and self-acceptance, you will help them build long-lasting confidence and resilience. As parents, one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is the freedom to be themselves. By implementing these three strategies, parents can effectively support their child's individuality and help them navigate the transition into a new school year with confidence and authenticity. Encouraging self-expression, fostering a growth mindset, and celebrating differences will empower our children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, promoting their overall well-being and happiness. "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"   #ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #TodaysParent 🔔 Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward. (https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163) 🙏  Create Your Now TV on Pray.com (https://pray.com) 🎥  Create Your Now on YouTube (https://youtube.com/createyournow) 🎧 Create Your Now on Spotify, Pandora, and Audible. 🎶  Create Your Now on iHeart Radio (http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/) ✍️  YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com  Instagram
    @KristianneWargo Twitter
    @CreateYourNow Facebook
    www.facebook.com/CreateYourNow   Cover Art by Jenny Hamson Photo by Canva.com   Music by Mandisa - Overcomer http://www.mandisaofficial.com Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    The Love Doctor's Secrets to Fulfillment in Life & Relationships

    The Love Doctor's Secrets to Fulfillment in Life & Relationships

    The Love Doctor's Secrets to Fulfillment in Life & Relationships 🎤

    In this inspiring podcast episode, renowned host Vinney Chopra has an enlightening conversation with world-famous Love Doctor Anil Gupta. Anil shares golden nuggets on creating happy and fulfilling relationships through love, respect and communication. He provides amazing insights into understanding your partner's needs, performing acts of kindness, being grateful, and showing up fully in life. ✨

    Anil reveals his simple formula for happiness - Giving, Gratitude, and Growth. He encourages everyone to be the most amazing version of themselves. ❤️

    Don't miss Anil's incredible story about how he became the Love Doctor after losing everything in the 2008 recession. He teaches people around the world how to revive relationships and find the right life partner.

    About Anil Gupta:

    Known worldwide as the Love Doctor, Anil Gupta helps couples and singles improve their relationships. His proudest accomplishment is his 35-year marriage and raising two happy, successful kids.

    Anil created "The Perfect Partner Program" to help couples overcome issues destroying their marriages and restore love.

    He's been featured on major media like Fox News, Harvard, Sky TV, and TEDx. He wrote the bestseller "Immediate Happiness" and founded The Happiness Score.

    He's given workshops in 18+ countries in 8 languages with 10,000+ attendees. Anil has a gift for quickly removing barriers blocking fulfilled lives.

    After becoming suicidal in 2008, he developed the Happiness Formula and Test. Anil's met with world leaders, celebrities, billionaires and athletes including the Dalai Lama and Mike Tyson.

    Richard Branson attended Anil's event on Necker Island. His energy and wisdom uplift relationships worldwide. Watch this video with Mike Tyson at Necker Island: https://youtu.be/e4jKowEIsWs?si=xiaH1B6cSoEqHwtF

     #relationships #love #communication #happiness #gratitude #growth #positivity #inspiration #podcast #love #relationships #podcast #communication #respect #understanding #kindness #gratitude #happiness #growth

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    Feel free to connect with Vinney on these platforms! 📱💼👍

    Esther Perel (Love & Sex Expert): Why Men Love Porn More Than Their Partner! It's Time To Enjoy Sex Again! The Real Reason Men & Women Cheat!

    Esther Perel (Love & Sex Expert):  Why Men Love Porn More Than Their Partner! It's Time To Enjoy Sex Again! The Real Reason Men & Women Cheat!
    Why do people have affairs in happy relationships? Why does sex decline in some long term relationships and not others? Esther Perel is here to answer all of the biggest questions in sex and relationships. Esther Perel is a world-leading Belgian-American psychotherapist and relationship expert, best known for her work in human relationships and ‘erotic intelligence’. She is the New York Times best-selling author of, ‘Mating in Captivity’ and ‘The State of Affairs’, as well as the host of the podcast, ‘Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel’. Follow Esther: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Gx63qy Twitter: https://bit.ly/3T7vN4k Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZ Twitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHm Linkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95Q Telegram: http://bit.ly/3nJYxST Sponsors: Huel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsb Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/uk/steven/ CODE: STEVEN (save $150 on the Pod Cover) ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO50 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices