
    Guru Singh Is The Master Of Change: Spiritual Tools For Positive Self-Growth

    enJune 08, 2023
    What role do pauses play in personal growth?
    How can mindfulness in eating improve well-being?
    Why is collaboration important in relationship change?
    What does Guru Singh suggest for incremental goals?
    How can individuals find inspiration for self-improvement?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Pauses in Life for Change and GrowthEmbrace pauses in life for deep reflection, reconnect with inner driving forces, and make meaningful progress towards change and growth

      Change and growth in life don't always require drastic actions or outcomes. Instead, it's essential to embrace incremental goals and pauses that allow us to reflect, reconnect with our inner driving forces, and make meaningful progress. The podcast episode features a discussion with spiritual teacher Guru Singh, who emphasizes the importance of pauses in our lives and how they can lead to positive change. These pauses can be as simple as taking a break from our daily routines or as significant as taking a year off to reevaluate our goals. By recognizing the value of pauses and using them as opportunities for deep reflection, we can tap into our inner strengths and make lasting changes in our lives and the world around us.

    • Taking time for reflection and introspectionRegular self-reflection leads to better decisions, understanding values, and saying no to things that don't align. Even a few minutes daily can make a difference.

      Taking regular time for reflection and introspection is crucial for personal growth, happiness, and peace. This can be achieved through practices like taking a month off annually or even taking short breaks daily to check in with oneself. The benefits of this include making better decisions, understanding values, and saying no to things that don't align with them. However, not everyone has the privilege to take extended time off. European nations, for instance, offer a month off as a standard work cycle benefit. This collective practice leads to greater joy, happiness, and friendliness, reducing conflicts and disputes. While taking a month off might not be feasible for everyone, taking even a few minutes each day for self-reflection can have a significant impact. As Buffy Sainte Marie once sang, it's up to individuals to end harmful patterns and practices, starting with taking the time to understand ourselves better.

    • Start with a simple self-improvement practice like mindful eating during breakfastFocus on a consistent self-improvement practice, like mindful eating, for overall well-being. Seek guidance and inspiration from resources to help get started.

      When feeling overwhelmed with the abundance of options for self-improvement practices, it's essential to find one sustainable routine that works for you. The speaker suggests starting with something simple and common, such as mindful eating during breakfast. By focusing on this one practice, individuals can nourish themselves physically and psychologically, and the consistency of the routine can lead to greater overall well-being. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding guidance and inspiration from resources like podcasts, meditations, and daily practices to help individuals get started on their self-improvement journey.

    • Mindful eating as a form of graceMindful eating enhances appreciation for life, fosters gratitude, and promotes health benefits. Practicing it connects us to the importance of social nourishment and positive relationships.

      Turning ordinary acts into mindfulness practices, such as being mindful during meals, can lead to a deeper appreciation of life and connection with others. This practice, which can be as simple as being fully present during the first bite, is a form of "grace" that can bring about a sense of gratitude and nourishment. Chewing food mindfully, as suggested by Bertrand Russell, can enhance this experience and even have health benefits. Furthermore, the act of eating connects us to the concept of the "gut brain," emphasizing the importance of social nourishment and positive relationships in our lives. In the context of personal growth and transformation, focusing on small, practical habits and practices can lead to significant improvements and help individuals live more authentically and in line with their values.

    • Focus on the journey, not just the destinationEmbrace long-term goals, establish routines, forget about the end result, and focus on living in alignment with values for sustainable growth. Reflect weekly to adjust and stay motivated.

      When it comes to personal growth and change, focusing solely on the end result can be detrimental. Instead, it's essential to be present in each moment, trusting that the destination will come with time. This means setting long-term goals and establishing routines to keep you on track, while also forgetting about the destination and focusing on living in alignment with your values. By doing this, the destination becomes less important, and you become the person you want to be. It's important to give yourself enough time and not work under the pressure of urgency, as this can displace agency. Instead, focus on making small changes consistently over time, which will lead to sustainable growth. Additionally, setting aside time each week to reflect on your progress and adjust your goals can help keep you motivated and focused on your long-term objectives.

    • Practicing presence for personal growthBeing present and conscious of experiences promotes personal growth and fulfillment. Focusing on preferences and the future can lead to unhappiness and disconnection. Simple actions like mindful eating and conversations can help bring you back to the present. Regular reflection on goals and plans aligns you with your higher self and authentic life.

      Living in the present moment and being conscious of your experiences is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment. Constantly focusing on preferences and the future can lead to unhappiness and a sense of disconnection from oneself. Practicing presence through simple actions like being aware of your eating or conversations can help bring you back to the present. Additionally, regularly reflecting on your goals and plans can guide you towards living in alignment with your higher self. Avoiding prolonged periods in the "difference" or discontentment can prevent vulnerability to external influences and help lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Focus on incremental goals in the absence of a clear finish lineIn life without a clear purpose, focus on small goals for satisfaction and fulfillment, trust your instincts, and build self-belief.

      In endurance sports, there's a clear sense of direction and progression towards a finish line, which is distinct from the experience of those feeling lost or uncertain about their purpose in life. In the absence of a clear finish line in life, it's essential to focus on incremental goals and achievements to find a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. These goals don't have to be tethered to a larger purpose and can be pursued for their own sake. Trusting your instincts and developing self-belief through practice and repetition are crucial to taking that first step towards personal growth, even if the path ahead is unclear.

    • Find connections and community onlineUse digital resources for self-improvement, find community and learn from others' experiences

      In today's digital world, it's essential to find meaningful connections and community, even if we're physically distant from each other. While we may feel detached due to increased screen time, the access to inspirational voices and mentors online is greater than ever. This access can provide valuable insights and nourishment, but it's up to us to seek it out and use it as a tool for self-improvement rather than a burden. By reframing responsibility as an opportunity, we can see the potential in the resources available to us and make the most of them. So, whether it's through audiobooks, podcasts, or online communities, remember that you're not alone in your experiences, and there are people who have gone through similar challenges and succeeded. Embrace the opportunity to learn from them and find the sense of community that can help guide you forward.

    • Exploring personal growth through intentional breathingIntentional breathing can help access heart's layers of hope, willingness, and courage, changing the meaning of responsibility and revealing deeper layers of purpose

      Personal growth and overcoming obstacles are complex processes influenced by past experiences, psychological blueprints, and intricately linked to emotions and the heart. A practical tool for starting this journey is intentional breathing, which can help access and engage the heart's layers of hope, willingness, and courage. This process changes the connotation of responsibility, turning it into the ability to respond, fostering hope and the willingness to move forward. The concept of purpose is also a journey, with layers of purpose discovered along the way, rather than a singular, mystical destination.

    • Embrace a multilayered and adaptable sense of purposeBe open to a flexible purpose that can evolve with the present moment, rather than clinging to a singular, grandiose goal.

      Having a clear sense of purpose is important, but it's also essential to be flexible and present in the moment. The idea of having a singular, grandiose purpose can be limiting and may prevent us from fully engaging with the present. Instead, we should view our purpose as multilayered and adaptable, allowing us to respond to the needs of the moment and turn our direction as needed. The tension between a goal-oriented, western approach and a more present, eastern approach to life is a paradox that requires balance. While having a strong sense of purpose can be a guiding principle, it's not necessary for everyone, and being present and listening deeply can lead us to truth and the best of what we have to offer.

    • Find balance in doing and being for personal growthTo grow and change, we must be aware and respond to our feelings, messages, and sensations while also taking action and being present and attuned to others' needs

      Finding balance between doing and being is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. According to Grissin, being awake and aware is crucial for effective doing. However, to be, one must do something. It's a continuous dance that requires mastery. The tension between the two can lead to human suffering when it tips too much in one direction. Life is like a pendulum, swinging between action and introspection. To grow and change, we must be aware and respond to our feelings, messages, and sensations. Similarly, to instill change in others, we must be present and attuned to their needs while also taking action. This balance between doing and being is the yin and yang of personal development and life's journey.

    • Seek connectivity through understanding others' perspectivesChange agents should strive for connectivity by empathizing with others' perspectives to foster effective communication and deeper connections.

      Trying to change others can lead to pain and frustration. Instead, teachers and change agents should strive for connectivity by seeking to understand others' perspectives through their eyes. This curiosity and empathy can lead to a deeper connection and effective communication. However, it's important to recognize that change is a process and taking on too much at once can be overwhelming. Additionally, it's essential to consider if the investment of time and energy is worthwhile, as personal relationships and professional connections often warrant such involvement. The why question should be approached with genuine curiosity, rather than accusation or judgment. By fostering a sense of camaraderie and safety, individuals are more open to change and growth.

    • Fostering camaraderie and commonality for effective changeChange is most effective when fostering connection and mutual understanding, rather than imposing rules or trying to control others. Lasting change comes from within, and may involve focusing on self-improvement before trying to change others.

      Effective change in relationships comes from fostering camaraderie and commonality rather than imposing rules or trying to control others. Lasting change only occurs when a person is willing from within, and it may involve first focusing on changing oneself rather than trying to change others. Change can be a collaborative process, but it's important to respect each person's timeline and willingness for growth. The heart of change lies in hope, will, and courage, which can create a harmonious dynamic between individuals as they navigate the 3rd dimension of space and the 4th dimension of time.

    • Connecting with others during difficult timesFinding commonality and connection with others can help heal traumas and make change more manageable. Affirmations and authentic interactions can provide reassurance and reinforce belief in possibilities.

      Finding commonality and connection with others, especially during difficult times, can help dissolve traumas and make change more manageable. The mastery of change is always available, and accepting this fact can help us shorten the distance between our beginning and our goals. Practicing affirmations can be a helpful tool in this process, as they can provide reassurance and reinforce the belief in possibilities and opportunities. Ultimately, being seen and heard authentically by others can have a profound impact on our well-being and ability to make positive changes in our lives.

    • Trusting the universe for guidanceMaintain confidence in the universe's guidance while staying humble and open to change, with a touch of humor and forgiveness.

      Having faith and trust in the universe and affirming that signs or indicators will guide you towards your goals requires a balance of confidence and humility. Confidence comes from believing that there will be some form of guidance, while humility allows us to be open to the possibility that we may need to pivot or change course. Humor and forgiveness are essential in this process, helping us to not take ourselves too seriously and to move forward after making mistakes. Absolute confidence, with its underlying humility, is key to navigating the journey towards achieving our goals.

    • Flexible confidence with humility, forgiveness, and self-loveConfidence is essential for growth, but balance is key. Embrace humility, forgiveness, and self-love to enhance personal development. Find balance in self-criticism and try new approaches.

      Having absolute confidence in your abilities is crucial for growth, but it's equally important to have humility, forgiveness, and self-love when you make mistakes. These components are essential for personal development. Absolute confidence is flexible and can be compared to adding maple syrup to chai tea to round out the sharpness of the spices. While self-criticism is necessary, it's essential to find a balance and not let it consume us. Additionally, there's value in trying new approaches and not always relying on high pain tolerance. The conversation also touched upon the Kundalini University, which offers free 28-day challenges and a globally certified 200-hour training course for those interested in learning Kundalini and Kriya yoga in a modern context.

    • Discovering Practical Solutions through PhilosophyPhilosophies provide guidance for decision-making and practical application. Find frameworks that resonate for a better life.

      Philosophy, whether it's ancient like stoicism or modern, or practiced through disciplines like kundalini yoga, can provide practical solutions for living better lives in the modern age. These philosophies act as a guide for decision-making and practical application. The speaker emphasized the importance of both philosophy and practicality, with philosophy acting as a sweetener to make the practical application smoother. The conversation also touched on the idea of confidence and trusting the infinite to take care of most things, drawing inspiration from holographic and kundalini concepts. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of finding and implementing philosophical frameworks that resonate with us in our daily lives.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SusanNFowler
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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-fowler-955a174/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susannfowler/ 

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    E1 Erin Sadler, Rooted Family; Increase academic potential, self-awareness and resiliency

    E1 Erin Sadler, Rooted Family; Increase academic potential, self-awareness and resiliency

    In episode 1, Tina Paulus-Krause interviews  Erin Sadler, founder of The Rooted Family, who partners with teachers, parents and communities to make mindfulness based stress reduction skills and brain-boosting techniques a part of everyday life.

    Her goal is to increase academic potential, self-awareness and resiliency. She teaches kids and parents to work  together in a connected ways to work through those issue (challenges at school) they are having.

    Erin is making a huge impact with The Rooted Family. Erin shares free resources to help families communicate better that work and she has the success stories to go with it!

    Listen to this episode with Erin Sadler from The Rooted Family to:

    • Learn activities for kids to calm your child' tantrums before they even happen.
    • How to have a growth mindset to overcome challenges at school
    • Success stories
    • How to work together as a family in connected ways
    • How to improve emotional health in children and families
    • Gratitude practice benefits

    Erin Sadler's Leadership Legacy:

    Erin's legacy through the Rooted Family is to bring families closer and propelling the movement of teaching our children growth  success mindset and emotional health so "when we put them out there in the world, there is no stopping them!"

    Erin is a certified life coach, meditation practitioner and health coach. She will help you and the kids in your life find their roots. 

    Find her online, follow her. She is up to big things that are paving the way for a better future for us all.


    Featured book:

    Parenting your frustrated child

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    Your Host:

    Tina Paulus-Krause

    Transformation Speaker, Trainer, Coach

    True You Teams
