
    Hacking Into Billionaire Discord Groups - Safety Third 92

    enJanuary 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Why weren't Safety Third Podcast hosts on Jeffrey Epstein's list?The hosts joked about the implications of being on Epstein's list, discussing potential activities and the potential for demonetization. They acknowledged the difficulty of knowing the true intentions of invitations from unknown sources and pondered over the idea of a secret society of billionaires.

      The discussion touched on the topic of why the Safety Third Podcast hosts haven't been on Jeffrey Epstein's list, sparking humor and speculation about what might have happened if they had been invited. They joked about the possibility of being scientists on the island, discussing various hypothetical activities. They also pondered over the implications of being on Epstein's list and the potential for demonetization of their content. The conversation then shifted to reminiscing about when they first heard about Epstein, acknowledging the difficulty of knowing the true intentions of invitations from unknown sources. They also mused about the idea of a secret society of billionaires and their potential shared interests. Despite the joking tone, they acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and the inescapable darkness surrounding the topic of Epstein.

    • Exploring the excitement of exclusivity and organic connectionsThe New Year's episode discussed the joy of being part of exclusive groups, the importance of organic connections, and the potential impact of success on access to such circles

      The hosts of this podcast, in their 53rd special New Year's episode without ads, discussed the excitement of being part of something exclusive, like a podcast or a group, even if they weren't personally invited yet. They also shared their experience of celebrating the New Year with champagne and discussed the concept of organic connections and friendships. They also touched upon the topic of wealth and the idea that having a certain level of success or recognition might lead to being part of exclusive circles. The conversation veered off to the topic of open sauce, but they quickly redirected it back to the theme of exclusivity and connections. They also mentioned Jeffrey Epstein's island in passing, but they didn't dwell on it for long. Overall, the conversation revolved around the idea of being part of something exclusive and the organic nature of forming connections.

    • Living life on your own terms with great wealthWealthy individuals have the power to create their own rules and live extravagantly, challenging societal norms

      Wealth and power, whether it be in the form of a king from the past or a billionaire today, allows individuals to bend or even break the rules to suit their desires. This discussion revolves around the concept of having the financial means to create your own island, which represents a level of power and freedom unattainable for most. Kings in the past had the power to travel freely and live extravagantly, while today's billionaires enjoy exclusive experiences and have the means to challenge rules and regulations. The idea is that with great wealth comes the ability to live life on your own terms, even if it means defying societal norms.

    • Managing the logistics of moving wealthy individualsWealthy individuals receive special treatment and privileges, often having their logistics managed by influential figures.

      In Santa Barbara, California, which is known for its wealthy residents like Oprah Winfrey and James Cameron, the local government may limit the number of people passing through an app to maintain exclusivity. This is due to the high concentration of wealthy individuals who have extensive resources, including vast properties and personal assistants, making it an entirely different experience from moving for the average person. Ghislaine Maxwell, who was involved in the trafficking case, was reportedly the one responsible for managing the logistics of moving these wealthy individuals, including procuring all the necessary services and ensuring a seamless transition. This highlights the significant power and influence that wealth can have, often leading to special treatment and privileges.

    • Logistics Expert Beatty's Role in Epstein ConspiracyStephen Hawking's meticulous record-keeping might have uncovered Epstein's conspiracy, while billionaires' access to private jets can make them immune to TSA lines.

      The discussion revolved around the logistics expertise of a woman named Beatty, who was involved in a conspiracy with Jeff Epstein and was sentenced to prison. The nature of her logistics work was unclear, and there were several tangential topics discussed, including Stephen Hawking's potential involvement, private jets, and TSA security. Despite the confusion, it was suggested that Stephen Hawking might have been a hero due to his meticulous record-keeping. The conversation also touched on the idea that billionaires, who can afford private jets, may not care about the inconvenience of TSA lines, and that their mentality might change if they were given such wealth.

    • The subjective nature of wealthRegardless of our financial situation, we may always feel like we don't have enough and compare ourselves to others, creating a subjective view of wealth.

      No matter how much money we have, we may always feel like we don't have enough. The speaker in this conversation reflected on their past self, who had $35,100 in 2014, and how they would have perceived themselves as rich if they could see their present self with $45,100 in the bank. However, the present self feels financially strained despite having more money than before. The conversation also touched upon the idea that becoming rich doesn't necessarily mean having an easy life, as there are complexities and stresses that come with wealth. The speaker expressed curiosity about how billionaires pay their taxes and wondered if they use the same methods as regular taxpayers. Overall, the conversation highlights the subjective nature of wealth and the human tendency to constantly compare ourselves to others, regardless of our financial situation.

    • Using islands as tax write-offs or business expensesIndividuals may attempt to minimize tax liability by using islands for business or personal activities, potentially including controversial purposes, and these properties can offer various opportunities for investment or development.

      Individuals, even those with significant wealth, may try to minimize their tax liability by writing off expenses related to their business or personal activities. Jeffrey Epstein's island, which was used for controversial purposes, could potentially have been used as a tax write-off or business expense. Stephen Hawking's presence on the island was speculated to be for scientific research or evidence collection. The island, now a luxury resort, was previously in the news for its association with Epstein and a potential victims' fund. The idea of purchasing the island for various purposes, such as a Call of Duty venue or a tech conference, was also discussed. The conversation showcased the complexities and potential opportunities that come with owning an island, even one with a controversial past.

    • Unexpected complications in selling Epstein's islandsWhile the sale of Jeffrey Epstein's islands might seem like a straightforward solution, it comes with significant legal fees, ethical concerns, and potential risks. Considering all possible consequences before making decisions is crucial.

      The distribution of funds from the sale of Jeffrey Epstein's islands, if it were to happen, would likely not go to the victims as one might expect. Instead, a significant portion would likely go to legal fees and other expenses. Furthermore, the idea of owning such an infamous piece of property raises ethical concerns and potential risks. Elon Musk's hypothetical purchase of Twitter instead of the islands is an example of the allure of avoiding such complications. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the potential curse or haunting of the islands, adding another layer of intrigue. The conversation also touched upon the airplane incident, highlighting the unexpectedness and danger of certain situations. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complexity and uncertainty of various situations, and the importance of considering all potential consequences before making decisions.

    • Importance of Proper Maintenance and Safety ChecksProper maintenance and safety checks are crucial in preventing potential accidents, even in seemingly minor aspects of life like air travel.

      Safety concerns and unexpected incidents can arise in various aspects of life, including air travel. During the discussion, the topic of an emergency exit door on a plane that popped open mid-flight was brought up. The door was designed to look like a normal window on the inside, but it wasn't screwed in all the way and ended up causing alarm. The speaker mentioned that they would rather stay on the same plane with an exploded door than deal with the hassle of getting on a new one. This incident highlights the importance of proper maintenance and safety checks in preventing potential accidents. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of Epstein's Island and the speaker jokingly pondered if they would have been invited if they were rich or famous. Overall, the conversation served as a reminder to prioritize safety and maintenance in everyday life and to approach unexpected situations with a calm and pragmatic perspective.

    • A humorous podcast episode with tales of mistaken identities and unused resourcesUnexpected discoveries can lead to awe-inspiring moments, whether it's debunking misconceptions or stumbling upon unused resources

      Mark Roberge, a Crunch Labs alumnus, was not present on Jeffrey Epstein's island, as jokingly suggested during a podcast episode. The hosts also shared a humorous story about the creator of a viral YouTube video mistakenly announcing his grandfather's death, leading to a wave of condolences from viewers. During a visit to buy an item from a retired special effects guy on Facebook Marketplace, they discovered a vast collection of unused tools, including a portable water heater and large mortars for creating explosions. Despite the man's intent to sell everything, the hosts were surprised to find the tools in pristine condition, suggesting they had been barely used. The encounter left them with a sense of awe at the abundance of unused resources and the unique collection of tools.

    • Seller's attachment to possessions hindered saleRespecting someone's decision to keep their belongings is important, even if it means missing out on a potential deal.

      Buying a large quantity of items from someone can be a good deal for the buyer, but it can also be emotionally challenging for the seller. In this case, the seller was not ready to part with his belongings, which felt like a part of his identity. The buyer, despite his best efforts, was unable to purchase all the items he wanted due to the seller's change of heart. The experience was frustrating for the buyer, but it also taught him the importance of respecting someone's decision to keep their possessions. Additionally, the buyer was able to acquire some useful tools for his projects, including a sheet metal bender and a foot-powered sheet metal shear.

    • Dealing with disorganized sellers can hinder tool purchasesSmooth buying experience: deal with organized sellers, understand tool functionality and value.

      Purchasing used tools from sellers who are disorganized and unwilling to prepare the items for sale can lead to a frustrating and time-consuming experience. The discussion revolves around the acquisition of various tools, including an oxy acetylene setup, a cold saw, and a lathe. The seller, who was asking for an exorbitant price, had the tools cluttered in a mess, making it difficult for potential buyers to assess and purchase them. The experience highlights the importance of sellers preparing their items for sale, including cleaning, organizing, and pricing them reasonably to attract serious buyers. Additionally, the conversation touched on various tools and their uses, such as oxy acetylene sets for welding and cutting, and cold saws for metal cutting without sparks. Overall, the key takeaway is to ensure a smooth buying experience by dealing with organized sellers and understanding the functionality and value of the tools being purchased.

    • The Relief of Letting GoLetting go of unwanted items, even with challenges, can lead to a sense of freedom and a simpler life.

      Letting go of things, even if they hold value or are difficult to part with, can bring relief and simplify one's life. The speaker shared an experience of listing unwanted items on Facebook Marketplace and even giving them away for free, only to realize the importance of letting go. The process made her reflect on the value of owning things and the potential regret of holding onto items unnecessarily. The conversation also touched upon the quirks of buyers and sellers, and the unexpected twists that can come with giving or selling things. Ultimately, the speaker learned that letting go of things, even with some challenges, can lead to a sense of freedom and a simpler life.

    • The importance of decluttering and organizing possessionsDecluttering and getting rid of unnecessary items can bring peace of mind, but it's important to do so before it's too late.

      Decluttering and getting rid of unnecessary items can bring peace of mind, even if it's a difficult process. The story revolves around an old man selling his tools, but his inability to find the necessary items despite having everything demonstrates the importance of organizing possessions. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when he tried to buy a variac from the old man and discovered he had given it away during a move. The old man's daughter listed the tools for sale, but the speaker hesitated to buy them due to the old man's indecisiveness. The encounter made the speaker reflect on the importance of getting rid of things before it's too late and emphasized the value of having peace of mind. The old man's situation served as a reminder that having too much stuff can hinder access to essential items and cause unnecessary stress.

    • Considering the burden of valuable itemsSometimes, evaluating the value and potential consequences of items is important before making a decision, and letting go of burdensome items can bring peace of mind.

      Sometimes, letting go of things, even if they seem valuable or unique, can be a relief. In the discussion, a woman was considering buying a large collection of used machinery for $15,000, but ultimately decided against it due to the inconvenience and cost. She compared it to an estate sale where one could quickly sell items for a lower price and be free of the burden. The conversation also touched upon the idea of trying to interest someone in extreme sports as a gift, but the speaker expressed concerns about potential danger. The discussion ended with the speaker admitting to leaving behind some items during a move, including a dangerous 12-volt power supply that was accidentally left behind and resulted in a $50 charge. In short, the takeaway is that sometimes, it's important to evaluate the value of things and consider the potential consequences before making a decision, and that letting go of burdensome items, even if they have potential value, can bring peace of mind.

    • Finding creative solutions to unexpected expensesUnexpected expenses can be frustrating, but finding creative solutions can bring a sense of satisfaction.

      Sometimes unexpected expenses can lead to frustration, but finding creative solutions can bring a sense of satisfaction. The speaker in this conversation was disappointed about having to pay $300 for a new light fixture and cleaning costs after not maintaining his rental property. He expressed his dislike for landlords and joked about potential alternatives, such as using a vehicle headlight or nitro wire. However, he ultimately accepted the situation and saw the humor in it. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of Patreon and potential rewards for subscribers, such as having their names mentioned in future episodes. The speaker jokingly suggested that a name might fall out of an Alaska Airlines 737 plane, but admitted that it was unlikely. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's sense of humor and his ability to find the bright side in a frustrating situation.

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