
    Hakka Dialogue EP.20-王詩鈺 & Alyssa 聊客家美食 in「第2屆 浪漫台三線藝術季 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival」

    enAugust 14, 2023
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    還記得我在第18集中介紹了「 浪漫台三線藝術季」嗎?這是一個有趣且充滿客家文化的活動,當時邀請了客家公共傳播基金會董事長-陳邦軫分享此藝術季。藝術節主要分為3大計畫:飲食實驗計畫、藝術策展、設計導入。在這一集中,很高興邀請到「浪漫台三線藝術季」飲食實驗計畫的策展人王詩鈺以及專案經理Alyssa,分享在藝術節期間可以品嚐到的美味客家菜餚。您可以透過味蕾來探索客家文化!不論是傳統的客家風味還是創新的菜餚,都可以在這裡找到您喜愛的客家料理。 Do you remember that I introduced the 'Romantic Route 3 Art Festival,' an interesting and culturally rich Hakka event, in the 18th episode with Chén Bāng Zhěn, the chairman of the Hakka Public Communication Foundation? The festival is comprised of three main projects: the Food and Beverage Experiment Project, Art Curation, and Design Integration. In this episode, we are pleased to have Wang-Shih-Yu, the curator of the 'Food and Beverage Experiment Project' of the 'Romantic Route 3 Art Festival,' along with project manager Alyssa, to share some delicious Hakka dishes that will be available during the art festival. You can explore Hakka culture at here with your taste buds! Whether it's traditional Hakka flavors or innovative ones, you can find the Hakka taste you love here.

    Recent Episodes from Hakka Dialogue

    Hakka Dialogue EP.24-藝術家 楊登棋(登曼波)Manbo Key

    Hakka Dialogue EP.24-藝術家 楊登棋(登曼波)Manbo Key
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    Hakka Dialogue EP.23- 作曲家 馬定一 談傳統藝術金曲獎 入圍作品

    Hakka Dialogue EP.23- 作曲家 馬定一 談傳統藝術金曲獎 入圍作品
    說到歌曲、樂曲,大家會想到什麼?歌手?演奏樂器的演奏家?你曾經想過樂曲本身究竟是如何完成的嗎?除了編曲師、混音師,最原始的還是來自於作曲家,作曲家在音樂製作過程中的扮演關鍵角色,他們要先了解樂理、和聲與旋律編排、樂章結構、樂器特性,進而作曲為樂譜,最後讓演奏家演出成悅耳的樂曲。這是多麼amazing的職業啊! 今天我們將訪問這個神聖的職業─作曲家 馬定一 先生 (Mr. Ting-Yi Ma),他的作品有《謐》長笛組曲 ("Still" for Solo Flute)、《笙響》為箏與絃樂四重奏(Sound of Sheng for Zheng and String Quartet)、《客家山歌輯》(Hakka Folk Songs)等,今年更以《幻想曲 – 新作白衫白雪雪》(Fantasie for Flute with Piano Accompaniment based on Hakka)一曲入圍第34屆傳藝金曲最佳作曲獎項目。

    Hakka Dialogue EP.22- 徐仲 談 慢食文化 (Slow Food)

    Hakka Dialogue EP.22- 徐仲 談 慢食文化 (Slow Food)
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    Hakka Dialogue EP.21-達美樂 行銷長-李嘉惠 Charlotte 談 客家風味Pizza

    Hakka Dialogue EP.21-達美樂 行銷長-李嘉惠 Charlotte 談 客家風味Pizza
    你對於客家傳統美食有什麼想像?桔醬奶茶?或者酸菜筍乾熱壓吐司? 現在,達美樂打破傳統美食與西方美食的疆界,推出三款客家風味披薩,分別是「客家小炒Pizza」、「梅干扣肉Pizza」、「雙喜Pizza」!這一集,邀請達美樂 行銷長-李嘉惠 Charlotte跟我們分享這三款客家風味披薩喔! What is your imagination of traditional Hakka food? Ice cream with hakka kumquat marmalade? Hakka pickled radish with scrambled egg sandwich? In this episode, Domino's Pizza breaks the boundaries between Hakka traditional cuisine and Western cuisine by introducing three Hakka-flavored pizzas: "Hakka Stir Fry Pizza", "Stewed Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables Pizza" and "Half 'n' Half Pizza"! We have invited Charlotte Lee, the Chief Marketing Officer of Domino's Pizza Taiwan, to introduce these unique pizzas!

    Hakka Dialogue EP.20-王詩鈺 & Alyssa 聊客家美食 in「第2屆 浪漫台三線藝術季 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival」

    Hakka Dialogue EP.20-王詩鈺 & Alyssa 聊客家美食 in「第2屆 浪漫台三線藝術季 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival」
    還記得我在第18集中介紹了「 浪漫台三線藝術季」嗎?這是一個有趣且充滿客家文化的活動,當時邀請了客家公共傳播基金會董事長-陳邦軫分享此藝術季。藝術節主要分為3大計畫:飲食實驗計畫、藝術策展、設計導入。在這一集中,很高興邀請到「浪漫台三線藝術季」飲食實驗計畫的策展人王詩鈺以及專案經理Alyssa,分享在藝術節期間可以品嚐到的美味客家菜餚。您可以透過味蕾來探索客家文化!不論是傳統的客家風味還是創新的菜餚,都可以在這裡找到您喜愛的客家料理。 Do you remember that I introduced the 'Romantic Route 3 Art Festival,' an interesting and culturally rich Hakka event, in the 18th episode with Chén Bāng Zhěn, the chairman of the Hakka Public Communication Foundation? The festival is comprised of three main projects: the Food and Beverage Experiment Project, Art Curation, and Design Integration. In this episode, we are pleased to have Wang-Shih-Yu, the curator of the 'Food and Beverage Experiment Project' of the 'Romantic Route 3 Art Festival,' along with project manager Alyssa, to share some delicious Hakka dishes that will be available during the art festival. You can explore Hakka culture at here with your taste buds! Whether it's traditional Hakka flavors or innovative ones, you can find the Hakka taste you love here.

    Hakka Dialogue EP.19-彭峻暘「佐京茶陶」主理人

    Hakka Dialogue EP.19-彭峻暘「佐京茶陶」主理人
    彭峻暘,又稱佐京,是位新竹北埔客家人,自小就於北埔長大的他,生活中總離不開與他習習相關的客家文化。不論是陶藝、茶品、甚至是客家八音,都填滿在佐京的日常裡。這一集,就讓佐京以新竹北埔在地人的身分來介紹新竹北埔,更要帶你認識他的陶藝品、如何品嘗一盅好茶,以及佐京熱愛的客家八音。 Peng Jun yang. also known as Sakyou. is a young Hakka people from Beipu Township, Hsinchu County and he has always been deeply immersed in Hakka culture. Whether it's pottery, tea, or even the traditional Hakka music - Hakka Eight Tones, all of these are all an integral part of his daily life. In this episode, let Sakyou introduce Beipu from the perspective of locals, and take you on a journey to discover his beauty of pottery, how to savor a good cup of tea, and his passion for Hakka Eight Tone.

    Hakka Dialogue EP.18-陳邦畛 (客家公共傳播基金會 董事長) 聊「第2屆 浪漫台三線藝術季 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival」

    Hakka Dialogue EP.18-陳邦畛 (客家公共傳播基金會 董事長) 聊「第2屆 浪漫台三線藝術季 Romantic Route 3 Art Festival」
    臺三線客庄浪漫大道,貫穿臺北、桃園、新竹、苗栗、臺中5縣市,是一條具有歷史人文、自然生態與產業故事的文化廊道。而6月24號開始的「第2屆 浪漫台三線藝術季」將引領大眾穿梭在台三線上的客家庄,透過藝術、飲食、旅遊還有文化活動,帶你認識不同以往樣貌的客家! The Romantic Route 3 is a Renaissance movement for the Hakka culture in the name of art. With vision to promote the Hakka culture, it breaks free from the traditional stereotypes and brings the general public closer. During the ‘Romantic Route 3 Art Festival’, exhibitions featuring contemporary art celebrate and life in the countryside. Walk through beautiful artworks and explore Hakka culture as never before! Experience local Hakka culture and feel the amazing charm by visiting Romantic Route 3 Festival. And for the upcoming “The 2nd Romantic Route 3 Arts Festival” is a social movement centered around the revival of Hakka culture and a country trip filled with sentiments and flavors.

    Hakka Dialogue EP.17-鄒宗翰 Tsou Tzung-Han-性別平權(gender equality)、同性婚姻(same-sex marriage)

    Hakka Dialogue EP.17-鄒宗翰 Tsou Tzung-Han-性別平權(gender equality)、同性婚姻(same-sex marriage)
    鄒宗翰目前是德國之聲台北辦事處主任,也是「彩虹平權大平台」理事長、「同志家庭權益促進會」理事。 2016年,在同婚還未通過時,與當時交往6年的另一半決定參與臺北市聯合婚禮,並在當天舉行婚宴。鄒宗翰覺得能受到家人的支持是很幸福也幸運的事,因此非常關心同志平權相關議題,之後主持了多場同志遊行及同志平權相關活動。2019年同婚合法之後,鄒宗翰和先生在苗栗登記結婚。 Tsou Tzung-Han is the Chief of Deutsche Welle’s Taipei office, Chairman of Taiwan Equality Campaign and Director of Taiwan LGBTQ Family Rights Advocacy. In November 2016, Tsou Tzung-Han and his boyfriend of 6 years tied the knot in a mass wedding ceremony in Taipei, long before same-sex marriage was legalised in Taiwan. They held a wedding reception that same day and Tsou feels very happy and lucky to be supported by his family. Thus, Tsou Tzung-Han hosted LGBT Pride and other events in Taiwan, thanks to his commitment to LGBT and gender equality issues. In 2019, their marriage was formally recognized after Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage.

    Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人

    Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人
    人稱「Mr.One小萬」的王萬沂,在2015年創立自己的木箱鼓品牌「Mr.One Cajon」。小萬不僅精通木箱鼓,也擅長爵士鼓以及編曲, 他曾經跟多位音樂人合作,例如:黃子軒(Huáng-Zǐ-Xuān)、曾仲瑋(Robin Tseng)、魏士翔(Wèi-Shì-Xiáng)。除此之外,小萬更受邀多場音樂會演出,擁有豐富的演出經驗。 同時,他也熱衷於木箱鼓的教學,曾在多個學校、公益團體等地方舉行講座,在社會上不遺餘力的推廣木箱鼓,希望讓更多人認識木箱鼓有趣的地方。 Mr. Wáng-Wàn-Yí, otherwise known as “Mr. One, Xiǎo-Wàn”, he actually founded cajon brand called "Mr.One Cajon" in 2015. Xiǎo-Wàn collaborated with many hakka musicians, like: Huáng-Zǐ-Xuān, Robin Tseng, Wèi-Shì-Xiáng. In addition, Xiǎo-Wàn has been invited to perform cajon in concerts and has a rich performance experience. At the same time, Xiǎo-Wàn is also enthusiastic about the teaching of cajon and has held workshops in schools and NGOs. He promotes cajon to the public, making people interested in the cajon.

    Hakka Dialogue EP.15-2023桐花祭主辦單位-洄游創生 邱子軒

    Hakka Dialogue EP.15-2023桐花祭主辦單位-洄游創生 邱子軒
    本集DJ Caitlin將訪問 洄游創生 邱子軒執行長,來聊聊今年「2023桐花祭」究竟有哪些好去處?有哪些有趣活動可以參加?讓我們在或白、或黃的桐花瓣紛紛飄落的浪漫季節裡,一起探訪桐花秘境吧! In April and May forests in the country turn white with the popular Tung Blossoms that line mountains and hillsides around the country. The Tung blossom season comes shortly after the cherry blossom season, and the white flowers are often referred to as "April Snow" or "May Snow" depending on when they are in full bloom. Moreover, the floral event is closely related to Hakka culture and lifestyle as many Tung trees were mainly planted at places where Hakka people live. This episode, our guest Chiu-Zǐ-Shiuan, CEO of Migratory Creation, will share the best places to see flowers, activities are held and more others fun to do during "2023 The Tung Blossom Festival".

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