
    Happy New Year & A Look Back on Traveling Salesman

    en-usDecember 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The History of New Year CelebrationsThe New Year has been celebrated differently throughout history, with the Julian calendar marking January 1st as the start of the year in many parts of the world, and the tradition continuing despite changes in calendars.

      The celebration of the New Year has a rich and varied history, with different civilizations marking the beginning of the year based on agricultural or astronomical events. The Julian calendar, established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC, is the reason why we celebrate the New Year on January 1st in many parts of the world, including the United States. However, the method of spreading the news about the calendar change must have been quite a challenge in ancient times, as communication was not as efficient as it is today. Despite the changes in calendars over the centuries, the tradition of celebrating the New Year continues to be an important cultural practice for many people around the world.

    • The Office Ladies discuss filming the New Year's Eve scene and the history of the Times Square Ball DropThe Office Ladies shared stories about filming the New Year's Eve scene in freezing temperatures and discussed the history of the Times Square Ball Drop tradition. They also encouraged listeners to vote for their podcast in the iHeart Podcast Awards and rewatched the 'Traveling Salesman' episode, which received positive reactions from Fischer's family.

      The Office Ladies, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, shared stories about their experience filming the iconic New Year's Eve scene for the TV show "The Office," where they had to stand outside in freezing temperatures with their hair frozen. They also discussed the history of the Times Square Ball Drop tradition and encouraged listeners to vote for their podcast in the iHeart Podcast Awards. Additionally, they reminisced about their time on the show and rewatched the "Traveling Salesman" episode, which was written and directed by a team of three writers and two directors, and was intended to be watched as a continuation of the previous episode. The episode received positive reactions from Fischer's family, who enjoyed watching it together.

    • Exploring character pairings and development through a two-part Office arcThe 'Traveling Salesman' and 'The Return' episodes of The Office were written and directed as a two-part arc to highlight character relationships and sales abilities, inspired by a branch merger.

      The "Traveling Salesman" and "The Return" episodes of The Office were written and directed as a two-part arc to explore character pairings and development, as well as showcase the sales abilities of various characters. The episodes were inspired by the merger of two branches, leading to conflicts between Dwight and Andy, and allowing for new relationships to form between characters like Jim and Dwight, and Angela and Pam. The production team also utilized crossboarding to shoot both episodes together over a 10-day period due to the numerous locations required. These episodes showcased the unique dynamics between characters and provided insight into their sales skills and interpersonal relationships.

    • Filming multiple scenes at the same location to save moneyThe Office production team saved costs by reusing locations and filming various scenes at the same place, creating the illusion of different office buildings

      The production team of "The Office" saved money by filming multiple scenes at the same location, creating the illusion of various office buildings for the salesmen to visit. For instance, the Panorama Medical Plaza in Van Nuys was used to film five different office spaces. Additionally, real-life locations like Java Groove Coffee and Panorama Presbyterian Church were used for specific scenes. However, an intriguing discrepancy was pointed out by fans Rachel Labish and Rebecca Kelly. The DVD version of certain episodes included a subplot about Pam winning an art contest, which was entirely cut from the Netflix version. The reason for this edit remains unclear.

    • NBC's Two Versions of 'The Office' Episode 'Traveling Salesman'NBC created a new version of 'The Office' episode with added scenes for higher viewership and ad revenue, resulting in two distinct versions.

      NBC created a new version of an episode of "The Office" in 2007 by adding new scenes to boost viewership and ad revenue. This resulted in two different versions of the episode, "Traveling Salesman," existing. In this new version, known as "New Pete," there were additional scenes, including Pam's art contest win and her interaction with Angela over the partition. The DVD version of the episode includes deleted scenes, such as extra driving scenes and a deleted scene of Harvey the talking computer, which was not in the Netflix version. This episode's production history showcases the network's efforts to maximize viewership and revenue.

    • The Office's attention to detail creates humorous disconnects and layers of meaningThe Office's production team intentionally left out lines and added intricate details to create engaging moments for fans, leading to lively discussions and fan theories

      The actors and production team behind "The Office" paid close attention to detail, even in seemingly insignificant moments, to create a rich and engaging viewing experience for fans. For instance, during the scene where Michael talks to Tim about his computer, the team intentionally left some lines out in the editing room, creating a humorous disconnect between what Michael was typing and what was being said. Similarly, Angela's unique hairstyle in a later episode was a deliberate choice made by the hair department to reflect her character's newfound happiness. Fans were quick to notice and appreciate these intricacies, leading to lively discussions and fan theories. Another example is Andy's reference to Willy Wonka's factory, which was a fun callback to a classic children's story, but fans may have forgotten that Andy himself falls into the lake during Beach Games. These details add layers of meaning and depth to the show, making it a beloved and enduring piece of television.

    • Improvised moments added depth to 'The Office'Small improvisations by actors brought authenticity and humor to 'The Office' scenes, enhancing the show's success

      The actors in "The Office" improvised and added small details to their scenes, making the interactions feel more organic and authentic. For instance, Angela's jelly bean scene was improvised, and she came up with various ways to get rid of the jelly beans off-camera. Another example is Phyllis's perfectly timed nose-blowing during Michael's "dream team" speech. These small moments added humor and depth to the scenes and were intentionally included in the final product. Additionally, the actors' real-life experiences influenced their performances, such as Rainn Wilson's long hair in an old photo of Jim and Dwight. Overall, the attention to detail and improvisation in "The Office" contributed to the show's success and made it a beloved classic.

    • Michael draws inspiration from reality TV for team-buildingMichael used 'The Amazing Race' as inspiration for team-building exercises, creating a competitive atmosphere without a prize.

      The Office's Michael Scott drew inspiration from popular reality TV shows, like "The Amazing Race," for his team-building exercises. During a sales call, Michael assigned team names and encouraged a competition-like atmosphere, despite there being no prize. This reference to "The Amazing Race" was an easier visual for the show to incorporate as a reality-based comedy, and Michael, being a fan of pop culture, saw himself as a part of the entertainment industry. The driving scenes in the show were also a production value addition, with the actors actually driving around and lipstick cameras used for filming.

    • Innovative filming techniques used in 'The Office'Unconventional methods like lipstick cameras enhanced efficiency and added depth to 'The Office' filming process, while exploring various character dynamics.

      The production team used innovative filming techniques, such as lipstick cameras mounted in cars, to create various scenes in "The Office." These techniques allowed for real-time direction and feedback, making the filming process more efficient and effective. Additionally, the episode featured various characters, including Andy and Michael, Phyllis and Karen, and Ryan and Stanley, each with their own subplots and developments. A notable scene was Angela inviting Pam for coffee, which provided a rare opportunity for the two characters to interact on location. Overall, the use of unconventional filming methods and the exploration of different character dynamics added depth and intrigue to the episode.

    • The deep friendship between Pam and Angela and Jim and Dwight in 'The Office'The actors' genuine enthusiasm and chemistry bring depth to Pam and Angela's deep friendship and Jim and Dwight's long-standing banter. Behind-the-scenes insights reveal unseen moments and add layers to their interactions.

      The relationship between Pam and Angela in "The Office" goes beyond just being coworkers. They share a deep friendship, and their scenes together bring joy and excitement to both actors. However, there are also moments of disappointment and unrequited love, such as Toby's failed attempts to connect with Pam. Additionally, the dynamic between Jim and Dwight showcases their long-standing friendship and banter, with small moments of surprise and humor. The actors' genuine enthusiasm for their roles and the chemistry between them make these relationships stand out in the show. Furthermore, the discussion also reveals that some scenes don't make it to the final cut, like the deleted scene where Pam takes Toby's coffee order and he doesn't get to talk to her. These behind-the-scenes insights add layers to the characters and their interactions, giving fans a deeper appreciation for the show. Lastly, the fan question about Jim slapping Dwight in the script and Rain's genuine reaction highlights the importance of acting and the ability to bring unexpected emotions to the table, even when it's a scripted moment.

    • Unexpected hits during filming made scenes more authenticRainn Wilson's request for harder hits and improvisational acting created authentic and humorous moments on 'The Office'.

      During the filming of "The Office," Rainn Wilson's character, Dwight Schrute, was intentionally hit harder than scripted by Steve Carell and John Krasinski for a scene in which John's character, Jim Halpert, slaps Dwight. This unexpected and unscripted reaction from Dwight made the scene more authentic and humorous. Rainn Wilson, known for his method acting, requested to be hit harder to make the moment more genuine. The use of stunt coordinators and training in delivering convincing blows added to the authenticity of the scene. The unexpected reaction from the business owner during the DVD commentary adds to the behind-the-scenes humor and further highlights the improvisational nature of the show. Overall, this unexpected event demonstrates the unique dynamic between the cast members and their commitment to creating authentic and entertaining moments on "The Office."

    • Michael's obliviousness and Phyllis's manipulation in salesMichael fails to notice Andy's disrespect towards Dwight, while Phyllis cleverly maneuvers a client interaction. Dwight's persistence and Jim's pitch secure a new customer, and Ryan and Stanley's age difference impacts their sales approach.

      In the Office episode discussed, Michael and Andy's interaction with Warren Sweeney showcases Michael's obliviousness to Andy's attempts to belittle Dwight. Meanwhile, Phyllis and Karen's interaction with a client reveals Phyllis's clever manipulation skills. In another sales call, Dwight's persistence and Jim's pitch result in a customer switching from a larger company. Lastly, Ryan and Stanley's encounter at a church highlights the generation gap between them and their potential clients. Overall, these scenes demonstrate the unique selling styles and dynamics of the Dunder Mifflin sales team.

    • The Importance of Personal Connections in SalesPersonal connections play a crucial role in successful sales calls. Failed attempts to build a connection can lead to amusement, but ultimately, it's essential to establish a rapport with clients to close deals.

      Successful sales calls depend on building a personal connection. In the scene from "The Office," Ryan's attempts to connect with two clients, Stanley and Leon, fail miserably. Stanley ignores him, and Ryan's repetitive introductions only make things worse. In contrast, Stanley finds joy in mocking Ryan, and the scene ends with him and Angela sharing a story at the coffee shop. The story, told in code, reveals that Angela's friend Noel is actually Dwight. The scene highlights the importance of personal connections in sales and the amusement that can be found in failed attempts to make them. Moreover, Ryan's sales calls continue to go awry, with his previous call with Dwight also resulting in no sale. Stanley ultimately saves the sale, and Angela's story adds a lighthearted moment to the episode. The scene also showcases Angela's clever use of code names, with her friend Noel being her middle name. The behind-the-scenes information reveals that the writers pitched different middle names for Angela to use, and she chose Noel due to its fitting nature for her character. Overall, the scene underscores the significance of personal connections in sales and the entertainment value of failed attempts to make them.

    • Improvised pitches and behind-the-scenes stories from 'The Office'From a character's name to subtle details, improvisation and behind-the-scenes stories enriched 'The Office' and added depth to the beloved TV show.

      The production of "The Office" involved a lot of improvisation and behind-the-scenes stories. For instance, the name "Angela Noel Martin" for a character was an improvised pitch during a coffee shop scene. Sarah Rouse noticed a detail in the same scene where Pam held a list of coffee orders, which was actually a real detail from deleted scenes. Another interesting tidbit was the inspiration behind Angela's Babylon 5-inspired hairstyle, which was a fast and easy sci-fi bun. Phyllis' casual revelation of Jim and Pam's relationship progression in the car scene was a powerful moment, and Rashida Jones' reaction was perfectly captured. Lastly, Andy's discovery of Dwight's toll booth receipt was a sneaky move that added tension to the show. Overall, these small details and behind-the-scenes stories add depth and richness to the beloved TV show.

    • Secrets and hidden relationships cause tension and conflictAcknowledging and dealing with painful truths is crucial for healthy workplace relationships, but can lead to uncomfortable confrontations and emotional turmoil.

      Secrets and hidden relationships create tension and conflict in the workplace, as seen in the Office episode with Dwight and Angela's secret love affair and Dwight's mysterious absence. Michael's attempts to uncover the truth lead to uncomfortable confrontations and emotional turmoil. Meanwhile, Karen's denial about Jim's feelings for Pam highlights the difficulty of acknowledging and dealing with painful truths. Ultimately, the characters' struggles to come clean and face the consequences of their actions illustrate the complexities and challenges of interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

    • Dwight's Imagined Funeral at Dunder MifflinDwight's deep dedication to Dunder Mifflin was so strong that he envisioned his funeral taking place at his desk.

      Dwight Schrute's commitment to Dunder Mifflin was so strong that he imagined his funeral being held at his desk, complete with a hummingbird feeder and a glass of rosé. This shows the extent of his dedication to the company. Another memorable moment was Dwight's departure, where he left Michael with a box of his things and a bobblehead, but kept his own Dwight bobblehead. There was also a deleted scene where he gave each character an item from the box. Dwight's farewell line was, "I really believed I was going to die in that chair." In the spirit of Dwight's unique sense of humor, it was suggested that his funeral could feature him staged at his desk, with attendees coming to say their goodbyes. The creators even joked about revealing shocking secrets during the funeral, such as Larry's favorite activity being revealed through a posed image on a computer. Andy's talking head during this scene was a Willy Wonka callback, adding to the overall whimsy and fun of the scene.

    • Angela's Death Stare for DwightAngela shared her experience of giving Dwight an intense death stare upon his request, revealing their unconventional conflict resolution methods.

      Angela's intense death stare was a request from Dwight during an office dispute. Angela recounted the experience in detail, sharing how Dwight kept asking for more intensity until she felt her eyeballs shaking. The discussion also touched on why Angela didn't bring her tax forms to corporate herself, with speculation that she might have had a busy morning routine involving cat care. The episode concluded with a teaser for the upcoming "return" episode. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique dynamic between Angela and Dwight and their unconventional ways of resolving conflicts.

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Here’s a few things you’ll learn in our interview with Chris today:

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    • The story behind his first multifamily deal and what he learned from the experience.
    • How he was able to use the residential bird dogs he already had relationships with to help him find multifamily deals
    • The economic drivers he looks for in markets he invests in
    • Why you need to become an absolute expert in any given market before investing in it
    • Why he invests with a 1-5 year horizon in order to keep momentum going for his business
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    • Why he suggests to always do your due diligence and not take anyone’s word especially the brokers.
    • And much more


    Recommended Resources:

    • Download my free success guide,  “7 habits of highly successful multi-family investors” by going to www.KevinBupp.com/guide
    • Schedule your free 30 minute "no obligation" call directly with Kevin by clicking this link https://www.timetrade.com/book/KV2D2
    • Looking to invest in Mobile Home Parks? Want to JV with me on deals? If so, schedule a call with me and let’s talk. Click here https://www.timetrade.com/book/FGF7S
    • Learn more about Chris and his company, please visit www.URScapitalpartners.com  

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    Dieser Podcast hilft Ihnen mit dem iPad wirklich Ihre Produktivität im Unternehmen zu steigern.

    Mehr Informationen und alle Links zu den vorgestellten Apps erhalten Sie auch unter http://www.ipad4productivity.com

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