
    Podcast Summary

    • Creating reusable SEO components in GatsbyReusable SEO components save time and ensure consistency by setting default metadata using React Helmet, avoiding repetition and ensuring proper SEO for all pages.

      Creating reusable components, specifically for SEO purposes, can save time and ensure consistency across multiple pages in a Gatsby website. Wes and Scott discussed the benefits of creating an SEO component that sets all default metadata using React Helmet. This component can include title templates, Open Graph meta tags, Twitter specific meta tags, and other SEO meta tags. By doing this, developers can avoid repeating the same code on each page and ensure that all pages have proper SEO metadata, even if they don't have any unique metadata other than the page title. Additionally, LogRocket was mentioned as a sponsor and a useful tool for debugging issues in web development projects by providing video session replays of bugs and errors.

    • Optimizing Gatsby's SEO and development experienceUse React Helmet for proper SEO, stop and restart build for issue resolution, and implement ES modules for easier development

      Using React Helmet is a crucial component for managing SEO in a React-based project like Gatsby. By setting defaults and passing in titles, images, and meta tags, you can ensure proper SEO for your entire application. React Helmet allows for both app-level and specific meta tags, with the latter overriding the former. This flexibility enables you to make your meta tags as specific as needed for different parts of your application. Another essential tip is to stop the build and restart when encountering issues with Gatsby. This approach can help resolve various problems, including plugin recognition issues or config mishaps. In some cases, running `gatsby clean` or even deleting the node modules folder, package lock file, and reinstalling dependencies may be necessary. Lastly, using ES modules everywhere in your Gatsby project is a recommended practice. Although Gatsby Node, Gatsby Config, and Gatsby SSR are written in CommonJS, using ES modules can simplify the development process by allowing you to mix and match both CommonJS and ES modules. This approach can make your code more organized and easier to manage. In summary, mastering the use of React Helmet, knowing when to stop and restart the build, and implementing ES modules everywhere are crucial practices for optimizing your Gatsby project's SEO and overall development experience.

    • Running the build locally before deploying is crucial for Gatsby developmentRunning the build locally identifies potential issues, saves time, and improves overall development experience. Use Gatsby's SSR and browser APIs for automatic layout wrapping.

      Running the build locally before deploying is an essential step in Gatsby development. This process ensures that any potential issues are identified and resolved on your local machine, rather than encountering unexpected problems on production. Sometimes, developers might overlook this step, assuming that any issues will be with the hosting platform. However, since Gatsby generates static HTML files from Node.js, running the build locally is crucial for testing the entire application. Another important tip is learning how to use Gatsby's SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and browser APIs, specifically the wrapPageElement and wrapRootElement. These tools can help you automatically wrap your entire application in a specific layout, eliminating the need to manually wrap each page. While these topics might initially seem intimidating, they are valuable skills for any Gatsby developer. Gatsby's documentation is an excellent resource for learning more about these and other APIs. By familiarizing yourself with the available methods, you'll expand your understanding of the platform and be better equipped to handle more complex projects. In summary, running the build locally before deploying, and utilizing Gatsby's SSR and browser APIs for automatic layout wrapping, are two critical takeaways for Gatsby developers. These practices can save time, reduce frustration, and improve the overall development experience.

    • Customizing page layouts in GatsbyGatsby allows for flexible layout customization, enabling manual addition of components to specific pages without the need for a global layout. However, for animations and transitions, careful planning and orchestration from the root or page element layout wrapper is necessary.

      With Gatsby, you have the flexibility to manually add layout components to specific pages instead of using a global layout. This comes in handy when you want to create a microsite or custom URL within your Gatsby site that doesn't require the entire nav, footer, or other layout elements. While this might seem unconventional, it's a positive aspect of Gatsby as it allows for more control and customization. However, when it comes to animations and interface transitions, you need to be more deliberate and orchestrate them from the root element or page element layout wrapper to ensure a smooth transition experience. This is due to the way Gatsby handles routing, which requires most of the page to mount and unmount on page change. By following these guidelines, you can effectively add animations and transitions to your interior pages or elements in Gatsby.

    • Utilizing Gatsby's onCreatePage hook for advanced functionalityMaximize Gatsby's potential by using the onCreatePage hook to pass context to components, keep output-only data in code instead of relying on APIs, and optimize image processing with tools like Gatsby Parallel Runner or cloud-based services.

      Gatsby offers various hooks like the onCreatePage hook, which can be used to pass additional context to components. This hook is underutilized and can help accomplish advanced functionality with ease. Another key takeaway is that not everything needs to be queried or fetched from an API. If the data is output-only and doesn't change frequently, it's beneficial to keep it in code instead of relying on a CMS back end. Lastly, for sites with numerous images causing long build times, consider using tools like Gatsby Parallel Runner or cloud-based image services to offload image generation and make the build process faster.

    • Exploring the Power of Gatsby for Website DevelopmentGatsby is a fast and feature-rich platform for building websites with quick page changes and additional features, making it an excellent choice for website development projects.

      Gatsby is a powerful JavaScript platform that allows for the creation of fast and feature-rich websites, even for those with limited React knowledge. The speaker expresses his admiration for Gatsby, highlighting its ability to deliver quick page changes without a full refresh and the additional features it offers beyond HTML. He also mentions the speed at which Gatsby sites can be built, making it a strong contender for website development projects. If you're considering building a website, the speaker encourages you to give Gatsby a try and experience the benefits for yourself. Don't hesitate to share your own tips or join the conversation by tweeting @SyntaxFM. For more information and past episodes, visit syntax.fm and don't forget to subscribe or leave a review if you enjoy the show.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    3:20 - What is SSR?

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    8:39 - Platforms that do SSR out of the box

    11:18 - Gotchas

    • useLayoutEffect
      import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect } from 'react'
      const useIsoLayoutEffect =
      typeof window !== 'undefined' ? useLayoutEffect : useEffect
      export default useIsoLayoutEffect

    18:20 - Tools


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    Consejos para emprendedores con Juanma Romero | Episodio 146

    Consejos para emprendedores con Juanma Romero | Episodio 146

    Nuestro invitado de hoy en La Academia de Marketing Online es una personalidad televisiva, pero sobre todo es un reconocido emprendedor y uno de los profesionales que más saben sobre la creación de nuevos negocios. Juanma Romero es uno de los profesionales de la comunicación más influyentes en España y Latinoamérica, y lleva vinculado a Televisión Española desde 1985. Ha sido editor de informativos de la cadena, director de Los Desayunos de TVE, responsable de contenidos para la web de RTVE y en la actualidad dirige y presenta los programas Emprende y Emprende Digital que se emiten semanalmente en el Canal 24 Horas, La 1 y todos los canales internacionales de TVE. Juanma ha sido experto de referencia en materia de nuevas tecnologías para distintas multinacionales, ha formado parte del Consejo de Expertos que asesoró al Gobierno español sobre las necesidades de la Sociedad de la Información y desde 1997 imparte seminarios, talleres, charlas y conferencias sobre magnetismo personal, carisma, visibilidad, emprendimiento y tecnología. Nuestro invitado, además, es coautor de varios libros incluyendo "Píldoras Para Emprender" (un manual de referencia para emprendedores con información práctica para lanzar y consolidar un negocio de éxito) y ha recibido numerosos premios y reconocimientos que puedes ver en su web www.juanmaromero.com. Juanma vive y respira el emprendimiento durante prácticamente las 24 horas del día, y hay pocas personas que estén tan en contacto con el ecosistema empresarial. Así que, en nuestro programa de hoy, aprovecharemos su dilatada experiencia para averiguar lo que realmente importa a la hora de construir un negocio de éxito, dentro o fuera de Internet. Visita www.oscarfeito.com para acceder a más contenidos, recursos útiles y formación de marketing digital para consolidar tu negocio en Internet. Si quieres que yo te ayude personalmente a validar tu proyecto de marketing online o impulsar tu negocio en Internet, envíame un e-mail a contacto@oscarfeito.com y explícame cómo puedo ayudarte. Si te gusta La Academia de Marketing Online, por favor házmelo saber dejando 5 estrellas en iTunes o un Me Gusta en iVoox. El episodio de hoy está patrocinado por Webempresa. Contrata tu alojamiento web con un descuento del 20% en www.oscarfeito.com/webempresa y llévate un dominio gratis. ¡Gracias por escuchar!

    020: How to Rank on Google Search

    020: How to Rank on Google Search

    It’s 2024! It’s time to ramp up your website for the new year and bring in those babies! In this show, we are talking with Becky DeGrossa, a business mentor and SEO strategist! Becky is here to offer help into optimizing your website for doulas and birth workers. Becky and I talk about the importance of a strategic online presence to attract clients and grow your business locally. So many doulas are looking for clients and with directed website tweaks – you may have too many clients to handle! That’s a problem we would all like!

    Becky shares the effectiveness of white hat SEO strategies and also explores the evolution of website platforms, and which ones have user-friendly SEO capabilities. Becky encourages birth workers to invest in their online presence because your website can be diligently working in the background as a long-term asset. She shares tips on how to start with simple, focused actions to achieve growth. You want to be found locally – here’s how to do it!

    Becky can be found at CounselingWise.com. The two products we discussed in the show were her Client Calls Forever Training and her Scorecard which is the 33 point diagnostic ranking for your current website. Not only can she build a website for you – but can get it ranking swiftly on the first page of Google!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



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