
    Birth Education Center Podcast

    My name is Care Messer, I’m an entrepreneur, childbirth educator birth and postpartum doula and the mom of two girls. Birth stories begin before your baby is even conceived and we’re here to talk about it. Join Ashley & I as we create discussions around connection, finding and using your voice and of course, birth stories! We will release an episode each week so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a second!
    en-usCare Messer30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    028b: Doula Mentoring Call, Jeanne Marie

    028b: Doula Mentoring Call, Jeanne Marie

    It’s March! And that means World Doula Week is almost here! This is the first of several Bonus episodes just for doulas that we are releasing this month.

    In today’s show we have our first mentoring call. I welcome Jeanne-Marie Paynel – a doula transitioning from being a volunteer doula in a hospital program to working as a private doula. Jeanne-Marie is no stranger to working with parents, and I have referred to her for years. She has a master’s degree in Montessori education and has her own Podcast called The Art of Parenting. She offers solid birth and parenting education with her doula packages so parents are more prepared for pregnancy and parenting.

    Our discussion includes our personal experiences in the birth room and how our own triggers are reflected to us as we offer support. When we become aware of why these patterns show up – we understand what healing we have to do for ourselves. Like attracts like and if we want a certain type of family to serve, we need to radiate those qualities. I want to thank her for her vulnerability and openness to sharing her doula experiences with us.

    Jeanne Marie and her many offerings, including private mentoring and Parenting School can be found at VoilaMontessori.com.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

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    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    028: Can You Bond With Your Baby Early?

    028: Can You Bond With Your Baby Early?

    This show is all about PRE bonding with your baby. Yes – it is possible! And bonding has many different faces – it’s not all about rubbing your belly and talking to baby(although yes, I want you to do that too).

    Today Ashley and I discuss the importance of intentionally bonding with your baby during pregnancy by fostering a nurturing family environment. Have you had conversations with your partner about establishing family traditions? Have you had open communication about parenting techniques, and creating a warm, loving, and secure home? This is where the bonding extends because you are making your baby a real person in this conversation, and creating THEIR long-term family.

    Ashley and I also share personal experiences as they came up that have impacted our kids. I am far from perfect in this arena and I wish I would have thought things through a bit more. Once again, I am impressed with Ashley being so intentional as a young 25 year old mom, where I was in my 30’s and that stuff didn’t even register for me. The episode highlights the value of intentional bonding before birth and the role of envisioning a positive future for your family.

    The Hypnobirthing meditation we referenced in today’s show is available on my website and is called, “Baby in Nature.”

    All of our meditations have been recorded in the specific wording you need – the Motherhood collection, the Inclusive language collection, and language for multiples. The journal “Conversations With My Baby,” can be found on Amazon with this link.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    027: How To Be The Best Doula

    027: How To Be The Best Doula

    In this show we are talking about our upcoming doula series and what sets it apart from other advanced doula trainings. These are not just doula classes. The Doula Education Series is aimed at deepening doulas' connections with families and enhancing their own self-awareness. This three-month mentored series not only focuses on business, growth and social media, but encourages doulas to focus on emotional intelligence, personal growth, and the understanding of one's value in the profession.

    The journey of a doula is one of continuous learning and reflection. It's about becoming a mirror that reflects the best of what we can be, for ourselves and for the families who invite us into their sacred space. We're here to remind you that the transformative power of self-awareness, coupled with the unity of our community, can elevate the field of birth work to new heights. Our goal is to prevent doula burnout and connect on a deep level with each other so we can model it for the families that we serve.

    Doulas are lifelong learners, compassionate allies, and pillars of support for the birth community. This is more than a profession; it's a calling that touches the very essence of life itself. Join us on this journey, and let's make a difference, one birth, one family, one heart at a time.

    Click this link to learn more about the Doula Education Series and join us April 6th!

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    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/OMG-Im-Pregnant-Course/

    Induction 101: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/Induction-101-Course/

    Mental Health: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/pregnancy-and-postpartum-mental-health/

    Newborn Procedures: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/Newborn-Procedures-Course/

    Epidurals Explained: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/epidurals-explained/

    Meditations/Journal: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/shop/


    For Doulas Only: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/shop/bundles/ebook-bundle/


    026: Do I Need a Postpartum Doula?

    026: Do I Need a Postpartum Doula?

    In this episode of the Birth Education Center podcast, Darla Burns, postpartum doula trainer is back to talk to parents. There are so many ideas of what a postpartum doula is and what is included in their scope of practice. If breastfeeding is your long-term goal, having a postpartum doula would be one of your best ideas.

    Postpartum doulas also get confused with newborn care specialists, baby nurses and nannies. Darla emphasizes one important difference between those professionals in that postpartum doulas focus on supporting parents rather than the baby in the critical fourth trimester. Darla talks about the importance of emotional support, education on newborn care, and the doula's goal to foster parent confidence and work herself out of a job. We also cover practicalities like the cost of doula services, insurance, and creative funding solutions, as well as the importance of finding a doula with the right fit, certifications, and backup plans.

    You can also tune into Darla’s first episode which has a lot of relevant parent information as well. 021: How to Become a Postpartum Doula

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    025: Do I Really Need A Doula? Part 2

    025: Do I Really Need A Doula? Part 2

    Welcome back to Part 2 with our discussion on why you need a doula! Ashley and I have been interviewed hundreds of times over the years. With those experiences, we learned what we are comfortable providing as far as services and what parents are really needing. We want to help you find the level of advocacy you are looking for.

    Advocacy is an important discussion, and you want to understand a few things about informed consent before having that conversation with a doula you are considering. There are also things to think about when finding a doula that aligns with your personal beliefs. The right personality fit is a must but the way a doula may run her business must also align with your expectations of what you are expecting her to provide. There is a right fit!

    We talk about the various ways to search for a doula, including social media and professional networks and offer practical advice on interviewing and how to hire a doula. We cannot stress enough the need for reliability, backup support, and the value of ongoing education over certification from any particular organization. The episode will guide you with things to consider as you find a doula who can advocate for you(if you want that) and support your birth preferences.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    024: Do I Really Need A Doula? Part 1

    024: Do I Really Need A Doula? Part 1

    Today’s show is about why you should add a doula to your birth team and how doing so can cut your risk of cesarean by almost 40%! There is a lot of hesitation sometimes when the idea of a birth doula comes up. While some of it is monetary, we also hear that you are a private person and adding a stranger just seems like a bad idea. Another perspective is that everyone in your birth room(nurses, support staff and most likely the doctor) will all be strangers. Your doula may be the only person besides your partner that you know!

    From an educator perspective and knowing what we know about our hospital system – we want you to go in fully prepared with a professional doula by your side. By meeting with your doula ahead of birth, they will fully know what kind of support you want and need. Join us as we give you more to think about when it comes to hiring a doula. Listen early in pregnancy so you have more time to budget for your doula!

    The “OMG! I’m Pregnant class, the birth meditations (including the Hypnobirthing meditations we use in class) are listed below for you to use or to give as a gift!

    Join us next week for Part 2 of this discussion!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    023: How to Prepare for Birth - Tamra's Hypnobirthing Story

    023: How to Prepare for Birth - Tamra's Hypnobirthing Story

    In today’s show we are talking with Tamra about her birth story and she used the Hypnobirthing techniques to take great care of herself during labor. Tamra started her birth preparation early because she realized that she didn’t want to be dependent on outside elements to “cure” her labor. Her husband Conner did an amazing job and working the techniques calmly through her labor which allowed her to fully trust the process. She also talks about her doulas and how critical they were for support.

    To know more about epidurals and all that they involve, including tricks to pushing successfully with one – check out our Epidurals Explained course on our site. Understanding how medicine may or may not work with your body will give you more options and confidence with your decisions as your labor progresses.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    022: Sex and Intimacy During Pregnancy

    022: Sex and Intimacy During Pregnancy

    Today’s show is a bit spicy! I got up close and personal with Dr. Rose Schlaff– the wizard of physical therapy and a guru of getting your groove back, especially when baby bumps and babies are in the picture! We dive into the nitty-gritty of keeping the sparks flying when you're expecting.

    Rose is gonna spill the beans on how she mixes a blending of intimacy coaching with physical therapy to get your sexy back on track, body and soul. We explore knowing your body like the back of your hand, penciling in some steamy time with your boo, and how your brain wires can totally mess with your mojo.

    Rose has some killer “snacks” up her sleeve! She's talking body-boosting exercises, chill-out breathing techniques, and some brainy tips to get you and your partner back in sync. Plus, she's got the lowdown on how to stay connected through pregnancy so your postpartum is on track.

    As the convo wraps up, it’s a "to be continued..." because your burning questions are gonna get some airtime in a follow-up episode. I have worked with Rose for years and I know you’ll love her. Don't miss this one – and send in your questions for our next episode together.

    Rose also offered a coupon for $150 off if you want to work with her! Coupon Code BIRTH.

    You can find her at BeWellWithRose.com

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization



    021: How to Become a Postpartum Doula

    021: How to Become a Postpartum Doula

    I want to say this show is for doulas and childbirth educators BUT – there is also so much good information for parents in here! In this podcast episode, Darla Burns, a long time CAPPA postpartum doula trainer discusses the multifaceted role of postpartum doulas. I have been in Darla’s training and it was the best thing I could have taken as doula and childbirth educator. I use this education everyday. As a birth doula, you may have some misconceptions about what a postpartum doula does or how they compare to a newborn care specialist or even a baby nurse. Darla clears that up.

    Darla explains the advantages of how taking a postpartum doula training will round out your education even if you never plan on actually doing postpartum work. As educators- this training will give you so much more insight as to help families prepare ahead of time for postpartum. And as a doula you will have more information and confidence as you are seeing families after birth and may be the main resource provider for them.

    Darla covers certification, the teaching aspects of the job, the importance of setting realistic expectations, and also putting in place great boundaries for your work!  Darla has a $50 off code for anyone who wants to jump into her training this year so take advantage of that and let’s get you started! (Care50)

    You can find Darla at DoulaDarla.com

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    020: How to Rank on Google Search

    020: How to Rank on Google Search

    It’s 2024! It’s time to ramp up your website for the new year and bring in those babies! In this show, we are talking with Becky DeGrossa, a business mentor and SEO strategist! Becky is here to offer help into optimizing your website for doulas and birth workers. Becky and I talk about the importance of a strategic online presence to attract clients and grow your business locally. So many doulas are looking for clients and with directed website tweaks – you may have too many clients to handle! That’s a problem we would all like!

    Becky shares the effectiveness of white hat SEO strategies and also explores the evolution of website platforms, and which ones have user-friendly SEO capabilities. Becky encourages birth workers to invest in their online presence because your website can be diligently working in the background as a long-term asset. She shares tips on how to start with simple, focused actions to achieve growth. You want to be found locally – here’s how to do it!

    Becky can be found at CounselingWise.com. The two products we discussed in the show were her Client Calls Forever Training and her Scorecard which is the 33 point diagnostic ranking for your current website. Not only can she build a website for you – but can get it ranking swiftly on the first page of Google!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    019: The Power of Flexibility: Clarisa's Birth Story, Lessons in Embracing the Unexpected

    019: The Power of Flexibility: Clarisa's Birth Story, Lessons in Embracing the Unexpected

    It’s a birth story show! Trigger warning for anyone who prefers not to hear about miscarriage. Clarisa came through our Hypnobirthing series and the vision of her birth only became stronger. Labor and babies however, are a wild card in the equation and her journey to motherhood came with a twist.

    Clarisa discusses her decision to have an unmedicated birth, the importance of being well-informed, and the role of mindset in managing pregnancy fears. Clarisa also shares her birth story, highlighting the importance of flexibility and making decisions based on personal well-being. The conversation also covers postpartum experiences, breastfeeding challenges, and open conversations for new parents. The show concludes with advice for new parents and a shared sense of gratitude. Thank you Clarisa for sharing your birth story!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    018: The Importance of Self-Advocacy and Community Support in Birth Work and Parenting

    018: The Importance of Self-Advocacy and Community Support in Birth Work and Parenting

    This is our end-of-year wrap-up show! Allie Putnam, a former doula and host of The Birth Kweens podcast, joins to interview me! These first few months of podcasting have broken me in as far as doubling my workload and they have also pushed my edges in creating something new. I have loved all of your questions and responses to our early episodes and Ali helps me to deep dive into why we are really here. 

    We discuss the importance of self-advocacy in healthcare, and the value of community in birth work and parenting and how these go hand in hand. Ali and I share our self-care practices and the role of community in personal growth. And of course we bring up the need for continuous learning, setting boundaries, and how that provides us with resilience in the doula profession as well as in parenting.

    Our doula program is coming up in April and we hope many more of you can join us in advanced training and education in becoming an even better doula!

    For our Doula Education Series - Click Here 

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    017: How to Become a Doula: Balancing Your Passion and Self Care

    017: How to Become a Doula: Balancing Your Passion and Self Care

    So, if you're curious about the realities of being a doula and want some idea of what your life will look like, this podcast episode is a must-listen! Ashley and I talk frankly about the on-call life and keeping your family the first priority. Work life balance is one of the biggest challenges of doula life.

    This work attracts people that have a heart of service and sometimes not the strongest boundaries. Doula work requires solid self-care and work on yourself to maintain healthy mental health and a long career. Self-work and self discovery is one of the largest topics we cover in our Doula Education Series(coming again in Spring of 2024). If you are living as a balanced doula, then the families you serve will be fully supported.

    We go over the tools to make this a reality for you and share things you may want to get in place before beginning your career. We need more doulas and childbirth educators and we want you here for a long time! There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else – you are right where you need to be! We are here to help you get started so reach out if you have any questions!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    016: From Fear to Confidence: Overcoming anxieties in pregnancy and childbirth

    016: From Fear to Confidence: Overcoming anxieties in pregnancy and childbirth

    This podcast episode kicks off our series called Tips from a Birth Educator. I met our guest Latoya Murray Johnson, founder of The Birth Impact, online a few years ago and she is one of my favorite people! I hope you stay around until the end to hear the best birth story a childbirth educator can hope for!

    Latoya is a Lamaze childbirth educator in Georgia and is also a doula and doula trainer for the Birth Impact – and international, collaborative birth worker movement.

    We discuss the state of birth work in Georgia, the importance of choosing the right hospital, and the need for respect and autonomy in the medical arena. She instills confidence and advocacy in her parents and believes that no one can take away your destiny to birth how you wish. LaToya discusses the challenges and rewards of being a birth worker and how she wants parents in class earlier. This show highlights the transformative impact of childbirth education and the value of community in the birth worker field.

    Find LaToya here:   Doula View, LLC      The Birth Impact

    Here's the "OMG! I'm Pregnant Course," to get you started EARLY with all things birth! Let us help you chill out and get things in order to keep the fears down and the excitement up!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    015: The Unique Perspective of Childless Doulas: Supporting Birth Without Personal Experience

    015: The Unique Perspective of Childless Doulas: Supporting Birth Without Personal Experience

    Today’s show is a mentoring call for doulas but ALSO provides great information for parents considering hiring a doula without kids. Ali Feroah, the former host of Birth Kweens joins us today along with Ellie Oberg, a fellow doula without kids!  Sometimes parents are hesitant to hire a doula who doesn’t have her own children but at the same time - she was the doula they liked the most in the interview process! I hope this episode helps you feel confident in going with your gut!

    Ali, a long time doula, shares her journey into birth work and the value she believes childless doulas bring to the field. Ellie, who also became a doula without having children, discusses overcoming her initial hesitation and how she is grateful it didn’t stop her in her career goals. Both women emphasize the importance of education, community, and mentorship in their roles.

    We need more doulas to support birthing families. You have a full community for support and we want you here! For early support in helping you touch base into the gifts you’ll offer as a doula, follow the link below to our Doula Ebook and Meditations/Affirmations: Building Connection and Confidence.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    014: Commit and Submit: The Key to a Transformative Birth Experience

    014: Commit and Submit: The Key to a Transformative Birth Experience

    In this episode, Caitline, a single mother, shares her Hypnobirthing story, discussing her fears, preparations, and the support she received from her sister Chaylah. She also discusses her decision to have a natural birth, do motherhood on her own and the challenges she faced during labor. Caitline emphasizes the importance of slowing down, connecting with her baby, and preparing way ahead for postpartum. Her sister joins us and gives us the inside scoop on how she Doula’d her sister. The episode concludes with both sisters sharing advice for new parents and emphasizing the importance of commitment and submission in the birthing process.


    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization



    013: Facing the Fear of Having a Special Needs Child

    013: Facing the Fear of Having a Special Needs Child

    This podcast episode holds some vulnerable shares from myself and Ashley. If you aren’t ok with crying along with me – this show may not be for you. One of the biggest fears parents come into birth class with is the fear of having a special needs child. Ashley and I both have special needs children and today we talk frankly about how that impacts us as a family and as individual women. We delve into the importance of early diagnosis, and the need for advocacy and societal understanding.

    We also address the stigma surrounding special needs and the difficulties of balancing our children's needs with our personal and professional lives. We also want to shed light on the support that is available and how it has gotten us through some challenging days. The episode aims to provide reassurance and support to all families so you can face this fear and let it go during your pregnancy. We are the minority AND if you do have a child with special needs, you won’t be alone and we parents like us will be here for support. As always we welcome you comments and questions.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization



    012: Birth Education Takeaways from Ashley’s Triplet Birth Experience

    012: Birth Education Takeaways from Ashley’s Triplet Birth Experience

    TRIGGER WARNING: Ashley talks very candidly about the interventions in her triplet birth that caused things to go sideways. If you are wanting to only intake positive media, this show is not sugar coated. In this podcast episode, Ashley, my cohost and fellow Hypnobirthing educator shares her unique triplet birth story and the lessons she learned about adaptation, acceptance, and surrender. She discusses her initial shock upon discovering she was pregnant with triplets, her journey through a high-risk pregnancy, and the importance of comprehensive care.

    Ashley also highlights the need for informed decision-making and open conversations about medical interventions. Ashley was well versed on all things triplets but not on induction and what labor and birth could look like. Drawing from her experiences, this is why Ashley is so passionate about empowering families to advocate for themselves and make informed choices to reduce the chances of traumatic birth experiences. DM us with any questions or comments that you have so we can answer whatever you are curious about!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    011: The Science Behind a Positive Birth: Understanding the Five Elements

    011: The Science Behind a Positive Birth: Understanding the Five Elements

    Today Ashley and I discuss the five universal elements of birth. After watching these tools work so well for our Hypnobirthing students and doula clients - we need to talk about it! The use of setting yourself with these 5 things will create an optimal birth experience regardless of whether the birth is medicated, unmedicated or surgical. The work of obstetrician Michel Odent has truly taken us back to our roots. At the end of the show, we will give you practical tips on how to use them in your labor and even postpartum. This is the link for the eye mask we use in our classes and with our clients.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    010: Birth Story, Andrea: "How Trusting Your Intuition Impacts Your Birth Experience."

    010: Birth Story, Andrea: "How Trusting Your Intuition Impacts Your Birth Experience."

    In this episode of the Birth Education Center podcast, I welcome Andrea, a former Hypnobirthing student to share her birth story. Having a baby towards the end of the pandemic had its challenges, one of them being her doula could not physically attend her birth. Andrea discusses her preparation for labor, including practicing mindfulness and Hypnobirthing techniques. She recounts going into labor and not feeling fearful.

    Andrea also shares a frank discussion she had with her nurse at the end of her hospital stay and it shines a big light on where our birthing system is lacking. The conversation then shifts to postpartum experiences and the importance of staying connected and seeking support. The episode concludes with encouragement and reflection on the power of trust and connection.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization