
    Birth Education Center Podcast

    My name is Care Messer, I’m an entrepreneur, childbirth educator birth and postpartum doula and the mom of two girls. Birth stories begin before your baby is even conceived and we’re here to talk about it. Join Ashley & I as we create discussions around connection, finding and using your voice and of course, birth stories! We will release an episode each week so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a second!
    en-usCare Messer30 Episodes

    Episodes (30)

    009: Using the Power Centers to Explore Connection to Self Identity and Your Role as a Parent, Pt 3/3

    009: Using the Power Centers to Explore Connection to Self Identity and Your Role as a Parent, Pt 3/3

    This podcast episode is the last of a three part foundational series we use in Hypnobirthing and we can now dive into a fascinating discussion about self-awareness, intuition, and connection during the birth and parenting process. Ashley and I explain how we use affirmations and the chakra system or “Power Centers,” as tools for self-reflection, connection and preparation for birth and beyond. These tools that we already have inside of us, can help us connect inwardly by exploring our new identity as a parent and create a positive mindset as we approach this transformative experience.

    It is critical to understand our own beliefs and values as we become parents.

    One key takeaway from this conversation is the incredible power and importance of trusting our instincts. It's a reminder that we have the innate ability to navigate this journey with confidence and strength. You are already “good enough” and you will only get better as you stay conscious and question things along the way.

    We are all in the mindset of doing it better than it was done previously and there is even more strength for you as you tap into likeminded people. Having a support system with healthy boundaries will uplift and empower you and can make all the difference in your birthing and parenting experience.

    Leave your comments, thoughts, and questions!

    Join us next week for another birth story!!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    008: Navigating Pregnancy and Birth: The Power of Informed Consent and Autonomy, Pt 2/3

    008: Navigating Pregnancy and Birth: The Power of Informed Consent and Autonomy, Pt 2/3

    Today’s show is part two of our early education series and Ashley and I dive into the crucial topics of informed consent and autonomy during pregnancy and birth. And honestly, they extend through postpartum. Drawing from our own experiences and perspectives, we want you to join the conversation about the importance of being fully informed and empowered to make decisions about your own care.

    We explore in detail the concept of boundaries and the immense power that comes with saying "no" when it's necessary. We recognize that consent is not just a checkbox on a form but a fundamental aspect of respecting a person's autonomy and bodily integrity.

    Throughout the conversation, we explore the evolving attitudes towards consent within the medical field and the limitations of relying solely on signed consent forms(Yay Gen Z!!). We emphasize the need for a shift in mindset, where supporting individual choices and providing comprehensive information become the norm in appointments and at the hospital.

    Leave your comments, thoughts, and questions!

    Stay tuned for our next episode(Part 3), where we will focus on the topic of Connection.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    007: Choice, Consent & Connection: The Trilogy of Empowered Birth, Pt 1/3

    007: Choice, Consent & Connection: The Trilogy of Empowered Birth, Pt 1/3

    This is the first show of our 3 part series on the Three C’s we cover in Hypnobirthing classes – Choice, Consent & Connection. This is the episode to share with anyone who is thinking of becoming pregnant or who is newly pregnant so they understand of the importance of making choices early on. It is essential to have a good handle on how autonomous you are within our medical system so that you understand what choices are available and how to retain your power in choice.

    Ashley and I discuss the levels of choice available in selecting healthcare providers for birth. We want to emphasize how crucial it is to consider insurance and medical situations before deciding to get pregnant, especially in the United States where the private healthcare system can limit options and be costly. It's important to understand the differences between PPO and HMO insurance plans and how they can impact pregnancy and fertility services.

    We also want to bring to light the importance of choosing the right hospital and healthcare provider for a positive birth experience. It's important to debunk misconceptions about cesarean rates and unnecessary interventions. Educating ourselves and seeking appropriate support is key.

    We delve into the options for birthing in a community setting such as Birth Center, home and even free birthing. It's crucial to have a strong foundation of knowledge and resources, regardless of the chosen birth method or location.

    Leave your comments, thoughts, and questions!

    Stay tuned for our next episode, where we will focus on the topic of consent.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    006: Hypnobirthing: "You can do anything for 3 & 1/2 minutes!"

    006: Hypnobirthing: "You can do anything for 3 & 1/2 minutes!"

    (Full video on YouTube) Introducing Lily! Lily opens up about her a strong determination for an unmedicated birth and explains the extensive Hypnobirthing preparation she undertook to increase her chances of success. She added daily breathing practice, birth affirmations and meditations to shift her mindset.

    Lily vividly describes her experience in the hospital lobby that is not to be missed! She emphasizes the significance of preparation, trust in the birthing process, and self-advocacy. She also mentions a midwife who went above and beyond to support her birth wishes. Lily also highlights the preparation she took to “train” her partner and her mom so she could stay in labor land and let them manage the hospital room. Definitely a birth story to take some notes and ideas from!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization



    005: What is Induction Season?

    005: What is Induction Season?

    During this podcast episode, Ashley and I discuss the topic of induction. This show is meant to get you thinking about what you know about the reality of having an induction. We have an Induction 101 course that we include with our Hypnobirthing classes so parents have a detailed understanding of how induction works and what choices you have as parents to make informed decisions if you choose to have or medically need an induction.

    Induction 101: https://www.birtheducationcenter.com/Induction-101-Course/

    When it seems like everyone you know has been induced – has it messed with you trusting that your body actually knows how to go into labor? Let us debunk the myth that your body will never go into labor on its own and emphasize that eventually, your body will give birth.

    As educators, we are concerned about the lack of accurate and unbiased information provided to families about the risks and benefits of induction. We see first-hand the pressure or coercion parents experience in making the decision to induce or say no to the suggestion. Autonomy in decision-making and the need for comprehensive information will help parents possibly avoid birth trauma or regrets with their birth experience. Our Induction 101 course is a great addition to any birth education, whether your birth class was taken in or out of the hospital.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization



    004: Meet Ashley, our multiples expert. How surprise triplets brought me into birthwork!

    004: Meet Ashley, our multiples expert. How surprise triplets brought me into birthwork!

    In this podcast episode, I am introducing you to my co-host Ashley, a Hypnobirthing educator and doula. Ashley shares her personal journey into birth work, including her experience of having triplets and how it influenced her perspective on childbirth. Ashley is detail oriented educator who is able to combine the science with the spiritual aspects of birth and parenting - she's amazing. Ashley emphasizes the importance of education and preparation for birth, as well as the need to let go of expectations and embrace the transformative journey. We also discuss the challenges and complexities of motherhood, including having children with special needs(more to come in a future episode on that). We highlight the importance of finding support and creating positive and healing experiences for both parents and babies.


    Find Ashley on IG: @AshleyStetsonBirth


    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization


    003: Birth Story, Matt & Janet "We Knew We Could Do It."

    003: Birth Story, Matt & Janet "We Knew We Could Do It."

    In this podcast episode, I interview former students Matt and Janet about their birth story. Matt and Janet share their fears and how they prepared for birth, including taking a Hypnobirthing class. They also talk about their experience with hiring a doula and giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Janet shares her determination to have a natural birth without an epidural, inspired by her mother's experience. Matt also opens up with a vulnerable topic that all partners should hear about before having a baby. They open up about the importance of communication and therapy in maintaining a strong relationship after having a baby.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    002: Care's Birth Story with the Birth Kweens

    002: Care's Birth Story with the Birth Kweens

    In this podcast episode, I travel back in time to join Karly and Ali, hosts of the Birth Kweens podcast. We discussed a range of topics, including my birth story with my daughter Finnley, my journey into being a doula and a childbirth educator. We also delve into the importance of sex in relation to birth and pregnancy.

    I share my personal experiences with childbirth, including my decision to give birth at a birthing center and the differences I noticed between the midwifery and medical models of care. We also discuss the transformative power of birth and the importance of processing and learning from previous birth experiences. The episode concludes with a discussion on the significance of sharing birth stories and experiences, the need for community and support within the birth community, and the importance of human connection and touch. Huge shout out to Karly and Ali for allowing us to republish this episode - -

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    001: Challenging Beginnings to Empowered Births: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

    001: Challenging Beginnings to Empowered Births: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

    In this episode of our Birth Education Center podcast, I'm here to introduce myself, Care Messer, and my amazing team. We're so excited to be restarting the podcast after a long pandemic break! Our goal with this podcast is to provide valuable information and support to all future and expecting parents out there.

    Throughout the episodes, we'll be covering a wide range of topics. We'll share inspiring birth stories, dive into educational topics, discuss doula training, explore effective communication, advocate for informed decision-making, and encourage taking ownership of your birth and life.

    I want this introductory show to be a bit more personal, so I'll be sharing my own stories and experiences related to birth and parenting. I come from a challenging family background, and I've had my own unique(and hard) birth experience with my own mother. By sharing these personal moments, I hope to connect with you on a deeper level.

    Connection is a key theme for us at the Center. We believe in the power of creating a strong bond with your baby and yourself before your baby is ever born. Through this podcast, we aim to be a bridge that helps you connect with your little one and find a deeper connection within yourself.

    So, get ready for an incredible journey with us on the Birth Education Center podcast. We can't wait to share our ideas, education, stories, and support with all of you. We also can’t wait to hear your comments, suggestions and unique backgrounds and stories. Here’s to embarking on this beautiful adventure together!


    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser


    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health 

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained



    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    Birth Education Center Trailer

    Birth Education Center Trailer

    Welcome to the Birth Education Center Podcast!

    My name is Care Messer, I’m an entrepreneur, childbirth educator birth and postpartum doula and the mom of two girls. I also have two, sweet Pomeranians who happen to run my life!

    I’m so glad you’re here. This podcast is more than just birth education. Hypnobirthing and becoming a doula started my advocacy teaching but I quickly realized that our patriarchal, maternal health care system is not set up for us. Our nations cesarean rate grows each year as does our maternal and infant death rate. The only way to change this is for consumers(you and I) to become more educated and choose what works for us, as individuals – not the masses. Birth is big business for these corporations and keeping us uninformed and afraid is how they make more money at our family’s expense. 

    Birth stories begin before your baby is even conceived and we’re here to talk about it.

    Join us as we create discussions around connection, finding and using your voice and of course, birth stories! We will release an episode each week so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a second!