
    informed consent

    Explore "informed consent" with insightful episodes like "Radical Trans Ideology Hurting Kids and Female Athletes, with April Hutchinson, Robby Starbuck, Isabelle Ayala, and Jordan Campbell | Ep. 741", "#119 - Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Words Can Never Hurt Me - Debbi Evans Interviews Me", "Dr Jayne Donegan Talks About Her Career And Why She Is Delighted To Be Rid Of The GMC", "After Hearing This You Won't Ever Want To Vaccinate Yourself Or Your Kids Ever Again" and "Elizabeth Hart Talks About Over-Vaccination Of Pets And Kids" from podcasts like ""The Megyn Kelly Show", "Doc Malik", "Doc Malik", "Doc Malik" and "Doc Malik"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Radical Trans Ideology Hurting Kids and Female Athletes, with April Hutchinson, Robby Starbuck, Isabelle Ayala, and Jordan Campbell | Ep. 741

    Radical Trans Ideology Hurting Kids and Female Athletes, with April Hutchinson, Robby Starbuck, Isabelle Ayala, and Jordan Campbell | Ep. 741

    Megyn Kelly dives deep into the issue of radical trans ideology in our society today. First, April Hutchinson, record-breaking female powerlifter, joins to talk about the biological man who began taking over her sport, the shocking rules in Canada when it comes to biological males in women's sports, the money women are losing by the "trans" sports revolution, how she was suspended for calling a "biological male" a "biological male" in her sport, the "trans" athlete then harassing and threatening her over social media, the value of free speech and freedom of thought, and more. Then detransitioner Isabelle Ayala and her lawyer Jordan Campbell join to talk about Isabelle's story that led her to begin "transitioning" at the age of 14, the lawsuit she has filed taking action on those who pushed this, the major revelations in the "WPATH Files," who the "medical professionals and activists" in WPATH really are, how they are saying one thing privately and another publicly, their continued push toward "affirmation" despite clear evidence of major complications and consequences that they acknowledge privately, and more. Then Robby Starbuck, filmmaker of "The War on Children," joins to discuss the way radical trans ideology demands lying about reality, how "social emotional learning" has been co-opted now, race essentialism in our schools, how parents can fight back, and more.

    Hutchinson- https://www.aprilhutchinson.com/

    Campbell- https://cmppllc.com/

    Starbuck- https://thewaronchildren.com/


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    #119 - Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Words Can Never Hurt Me - Debbi Evans Interviews Me

    #119 - Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Words Can Never Hurt Me - Debbi Evans Interviews Me

    IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. Less than 1% of my listeners support me, please if you love my work, spare a few coins. Are you listening and enjoying my podcasts? Then please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or more of the following options -

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    About this conversation: Some of you may know my story, some of you may not. Either way, maybe you will learn something new about me in this interview that Debbi Evans did for UK Column. The interview considers whether medical ethics exist any more, and what ‘informed consent’ is when it comes to injections. Did it ever exist in the first place? Links - Website ⁠Doc Malik Twitter/X ⁠Doc Malik X Substack Doc Malik Substack

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: ⁠⁠Twitter Ahmad⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Twitter Podcast⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Instagram Ahmad⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Instagram Podcast

    Dr Jayne Donegan Talks About Her Career And Why She Is Delighted To Be Rid Of The GMC

    Dr Jayne Donegan Talks About Her Career And Why She Is Delighted To Be Rid Of The GMC

    About this interview: Dr Jayne Donegan qualified in medicine at St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, in 1983. She no longer practices as a medical doctor as the requirement to put NHS policy before the best interest of the patient is not why she chose medicine as a vocation. Repeated applications to deregister from the General Medical Council were rejected by the Council over a period of four years but eventually, in July 2023, her name was, at last, erased from the register, leaving her free to continue her holistic work without interference. Jayne is a Homeopathic and Naturopathic Practitioner registered with the Homeopathic Medical Association, Homeopathy International and the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners. She is a member of the British Society of Ecological Medicine and a patron of the College of Naturopathic Medicine. In this conversation she talks to me about her career and why she left mainstream medicine. She also tells me why she is delighted to no longer be GMC registered. I found Jayne to be a warm, intelligent, kind, empathic and caring soul. The legacy media would like to make her out to be some crazy witch doctor, but the reality couldn't be further from this. Jayne is everything a good doctor should be, someone who puts the interest and welfare in front of all other considerations. Jayne gives a range of lectures, the most important of which is "Supportive Management of Fevers". It is crucial to adult snd particularly child heath, whether you vaccinate or not and especially if you jave had the covid jab. Other lectures She gives are on the information you need to give informed consent, vaccines fertility and how they are licenced: what constitutes vaccine Science: deep looks at natural immunity regarding meningitis and so on. There will be a FREE lecture on Tuesday 19 December 'David & Goliath - My GMC Story....see what happens when the Government Expert has to produce evidence for his opinion, as opposed to relying on unchallenged sound bites. Details on her website. Links - Website
    Jayne Donegan Website

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: 
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    After Hearing This You Won't Ever Want To Vaccinate Yourself Or Your Kids Ever Again

    After Hearing This You Won't Ever Want To Vaccinate Yourself Or Your Kids Ever Again

    Please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or all of the following options -

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    About this interview:

    Aaron Siri is the Managing Partner of Siri & Glimstad LLP and has extensive experience in a wide range of complex civil litigation matters, with a focus on civil rights related to mandated medicine, class actions, and complex civil litigation, including handling multi-billion-dollar disputes. Siri & Glimstad LLP has over sixty professionals and robust practices in the areas of complex civil litigation, vaccine injury, vaccine exemptions, civil rights, immigration, multi-district litigations, and class actions. Regarding vaccines, Mr. Siri has, for over a decade, practiced in the area of vaccine injury and policy, and related litigation, has been involved in numerous high-profile cases related to mandated medicine, including challenging mandates for air travel, companies with over 100 employees, and members of the air force and army, as well as suing the FDA for release of the documents it relied upon to license Pfizer and Moderna’s covid vaccines. Aaron has also deposed numerous vaccinologists, infectious disease experts, and pediatricians about the safety and efficacy of various vaccines, including the world’s leading vaccinologist Stanley Plotkin. Prior to Siri & Glimstad, Mr. Siri was a litigation attorney at Latham & Watkins and clerked for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel. Mr. Siri earned his law degree at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law. Mr. Siri is regularly interviewed on national television for his expertise regarding various legal issues related to mandated medicine and has been published in numerous national print media outlets. In this conversation we cover a whole range of topics regarding vaccines, and most people will be shocked to learn about the truth behind the vaccine industry and their products. I truly doubt anyone will ever want to vaccinate themselves or their loved ones again. Please share this as widely as possible. Let's end this industry as soon as possible. For that I need your help to spread the word. To support Aarons work you can donate
    Here Links - Website
    Aaron Siri Twitter
    Aaron Siri Twitter

    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: 
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    Elizabeth Hart Talks About Over-Vaccination Of Pets And Kids

    Elizabeth Hart Talks About Over-Vaccination Of Pets And Kids

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    About this interview:

    Elizabeth Hart is from Adelaide, South Australia, and has been investigating vaccination policy for 15 years, starting with pet vaccination after one of her dogs was put down in 2008 due to a vaccine complication. Elizabeth subsequently discovered gross over-vaccination of pets, a problem which was taken up by consumer advocate Choice magazine in 2010. Elizabeth is now investigating over-vaccination of humans with ever-increasing taxpayer-funded 'womb to tomb' vaccination schedules, reaching a crescendo with the insane situation of people being pressed to have Covid vaccine products every few months. Elizabeth is an independent researcher campaigning for the medical profession to fulfil its legal and ethical duty to properly inform people about vaccination, and obtain valid voluntary informed consent for this medical intervention. This is coming to the fore with the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid response, see for example Elizabeth's BMJ rapid response published in March 2020
    Here In this conversation with Elizabeth I talk about her journey from a pet owner who never questioned vaccines of any sort to the campaigner that she is today. I hope a lot of people will listen to this podcast and follow her work. Links - Twitter
    Elizabeth Hart Website
    Vaccination is political Website

    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: 
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    Dr Clayton Baker MD Explains Why The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics Were Destroyed In The Covid Response

    Dr Clayton Baker MD Explains Why The Four Pillars of Medical Ethics Were Destroyed In The Covid Response

    Every person on the planet should understand the 4 pillars of medical ethics, which in turn will protect them from Governments and the Medical System from exploitation and harm. In this incredible interview we talk through what the 4 pillars of medical ethics in detail, and how these were systematically destroyed by the Covid response led by Governments across the world. Dr Clayton J. Baker, M.D. is an American internal medicine physician with a quarter century in clinical practice. Trained at Harvard and McGill universities, he has held numerous academic medical appointments, and his work has appeared in many journals, including the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine. From 2012 to 2018 he was Clinical Associate Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics at the University of Rochester. Since the start of the COVID-19 era, Dr. Baker has become an outspoken advocate for medical freedom, civil liberties, and the protection of children. He writes for Brownstone Institute and American Thinker, he has provided expert witness opinions on multiple COVID-19 related lawsuits, and he has spoken out publicly against COVID-19 related abuses of patients’ and children’s rights in numerous venues, including legislatures, school boards, and crowds of over 1000 people. Dr Clayton Baker is currently writing a book about how individuals can protect their rights as patients in the era of Big Medicine. Please follow him on twitter: 
    ⁠Clayton Baker

    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

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    Transgender Regret | Sunday Special | 6.18.23

    Transgender Regret | Sunday Special | 6.18.23

    Proponents of transgender surgeries and treatments for minors and young adults claim such medical interventions are necessary and even “life-saving,” but as the procedures become more common, an increasing number of young people are expressing regret over the permanent changes made to their bodies. In this episode of Morning Wire, we hear first-hand accounts from two individuals who underwent these gender treatments and now regret it. Both appear in the documentary “No Way Back: The Reality of Gender Affirming Care”. You can learn more at NoWayBackFilm.com.


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    Ep. 58: Dr. Paul Thomas: Warrior of Truth

    Ep. 58: Dr. Paul Thomas: Warrior of Truth
    On this weeks episode, I am joined by Integrative Pediatrician and author of the Best Selling Book "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan," Dr. Paul Thomas.  On This Episode We Cover: 2:04 - Why Dr. Paul moved away from the allopathic medical model 9:21 - Dr. Paul talks about his book “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” and his motivation to write it 14:34 - Dr. Paul shares data he found between vaccinated and unvaccinated children in his practice and the response he got from the medical board 35:18 - Dr. Paul shares his thoughts on the COVID vaccines 40:59 - Dr. Tyna and Dr. Paul discuss risk tolerance when it comes to vaccines Dr. Pauls Website The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years Follow Dr. Tyna on Instagram Download my FREE BOOK and get on my email list. Sponsored by: The Dr. Tyna Store Get 10% OFF my Main Store and my CBD Store here. Further Listening: Wash Your Nose Get full access to Dr. Tyna Show Podcast & Censorship-Free Blog at drtyna.substack.com/subscribe

    Mandates and Transmission with Dr Christina Parks

    Mandates and Transmission with Dr Christina Parks

    Impending mandates and problems with transmission are discussed in this episode. 

    Dr. Christina Parks received her Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan in 1999 where her research focused on cytokine signaling. (Cytokines are the chemicals that the immune system uses to communicate.) Dr. Parks, recently testified in support of HB4471, a bill proposed in Michigan against vaccine mandates.

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    How To Start Hormone Replacement Therapy

    How To Start Hormone Replacement Therapy
    Medical transition-related treatments like hormone replacement therapy are associated with overwhelmingly positive outcomes in terms of both physical and mental health for transgender people. But, it can be hard to know exactly how to get started.

    In this episode of NPR's Short Wave, reporter James Factora explains where to start, common misconceptions about HRT, and the importance of finding community through the process.

    You can read James' full reporting for VICE here.

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    Ep 70 Henrietta Lacks: HeLa, There, & Everywhere

    Ep 70 Henrietta Lacks: HeLa, There, & Everywhere
    Of the many topics our podcast has covered in the past, from smallpox to scurvy, vaccines to birth control and beyond, one factor has linked nearly all of them: HeLa cells. These cells and the woman from whom they were taken have often remained behind the scenes in the coverage of these topics, but they have nevertheless been absolutely fundamental in the development of technologies, the advancement of knowledge, and the discussions of ethics, ownership, and informed consent. In this week’s episode, we want to do more than acknowledge the contribution of Henrietta Lacks and her cells to the field of biomedical science. We want to explore what it is about HeLa cells and other cell lines that makes them ‘immortal’. We want to learn what Henrietta was like as a person. We want to ask how it was possible for her cells to be taken from her without her consent or knowledge. And we want to share the tremendous impact Henrietta and her cells have made and continue to make on our world in so many ways. For more information about the Henrietta Lacks Foundation, check out the website. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    SYSK Selects: How HeLa Cells Work

    SYSK Selects: How HeLa Cells Work

    In this week's SYSK Select episode, after she was diagnosed with the cervical cancer that shortly killed her, a tissue sample was taken from Henrietta Lacks in 1951 without her knowledge. Those cells would go on to become the first immortal line of human cells, something of enormous benefit to science and humanity as a whole. But while the line, called HeLa cells, became a multi-billion-dollar industry, her family languished without health care insurance. Learn about this complex case of private rights and scientific advancement in this episode.

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