
    Radical Trans Ideology Hurting Kids and Female Athletes, with April Hutchinson, Robby Starbuck, Isabelle Ayala, and Jordan Campbell | Ep. 741

    enMarch 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Transgender ideology in sports: A complex issueThe intersection of transgender identity and sports raises questions about fairness and potential advantages, requiring ongoing dialogue and understanding.

      The issue of radical transgender ideology and its impact on various aspects of society, including sports, is a complex and controversial topic. April Hutchinson, a powerlifter from Canada, shared her experience of competing against a biological male, Anne, who she did not know was transgender until he revealed it to her. Initially, Anne was not doing well in the sport, but after revealing his gender identity, he saw significant improvements in his performance, raising questions about fairness and the potential for an unfair advantage. Hutchinson's stance against this led to a confrontation and the end of their online friendship. The conversation highlights the need for ongoing dialogue and understanding around gender identity and its intersection with sports and other areas of life.

    • Transgender Athlete Policy Controversy in PowerliftingTrans inclusion policies are essential, but fairness and transparency are also crucial in competitive sports, as demonstrated by the powerlifting union's controversial transgender athlete policy and its eventual change due to legal intervention.

      The Canadian Powerlifting Union had a controversial policy allowing male-to-female trans athletes to compete without disclosing their past gender or undergoing hormone therapy or surgical alteration. This raised concerns about fairness in women's sports, as Anne, a top-ranked powerlifter, was found to be a man. Despite protests and pressure from athletes, it took a lawyer's involvement and international governing body intervention to change the policy to require testosterone monitoring and record submissions. The controversy highlights the importance of trans inclusion policies, but also the need for fairness and transparency in competitive sports.

    • Federation's bias towards individuals over community fairnessThe federation's focus on a few individuals' feelings disregards community fairness and inclusivity, as seen in the case of April's suspension for using accurate pronouns for a harasser.

      The federation's policies prioritize the feelings and actions of a few individuals over the well-being and fairness towards the larger community. April, a powerlifter, has been suspended from competing due to her use of accurate gender pronouns for another competitor, Anne, who has a history of harassing women and making threats. Despite Anne's own offensive behavior, the federation has allowed Anne to continue competing as a woman. April's suspension remains in place, and she feels silenced and disregarded by the federation's decisions. The situation highlights the importance of addressing harmful behaviors and ensuring fairness and inclusivity for all members of a community.

    • Weightlifter speaks out against transgender competitorA weightlifter faces harassment and threats from a transgender man competing in women's events, but feels unsupported by authorities and federations. She advocates for a separate category for transgender athletes and continues to speak out.

      The speaker, a weightlifter, has faced harassment and threats from an individual named Anne, who is a transgender man competing in women's weightlifting events. The speaker has reported these incidents to the police and her federation, but has not received adequate support. She believes Anne is unfairly competing in the women's category and has spoken out about it publicly. The speaker emphasizes her right to freedom of speech and her personal belief that Anne is a man. She also criticizes the Canadian government and her federation for limiting free speech and not supporting her. The speaker hopes for a separate category for transgender athletes in weightlifting and continues to speak out against what she believes is unfair competition.

    • Transgender athletes in women's sports: Fairness and individual rights clashThe debate over transgender athletes in women's sports raises complex questions about fairness and individual rights, with opinions varying widely. Some argue for the protection of women's sports and rights, while others advocate for transgender inclusivity and access to healthcare.

      The debate surrounding transgender athletes in women's sports continues to be a contentious issue. Caitlyn Jenner, a well-known transgender woman and former Olympic athlete, has spoken out about the unfairness of the situation, emphasizing that it's not about trans people in general but rather those who try to take advantage of the system. The conversation often centers around male-to-female trans athletes due to the perceived potential for an unfair advantage. Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, recently announced plans to restrict health care options for trans and non-binary youth, including banning certain surgeries and hormone therapies for minors. This legislation has sparked controversy, with some arguing it infringes on individual rights and others believing it is necessary to protect women's sports and women's rights. The issue remains complex, with opinions varying widely, and the conversation is ongoing.

    • Canadian politician's stance against gender-affirming policies and personal experiences of gender fairness in sportsCanadian politician opposes gender-affirming policies in sports, an advocate shares her struggle for fairness, and the importance of honesty and integrity in personal journeys and advocacy; ongoing legal battle over irreversible effects of gender transitioning treatments on minors highlights complexity and emotional issues.

      Pierre Poilievre, a Canadian politician, has expressed his stance against gender-affirming policies, particularly in regards to biological men participating in women's spaces and sports. April, a powerlifter and advocate, shares her personal experience with the stress and challenges she faced during her fight for gender fairness in sports, which affected her sobriety and mental health. She emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in her AA program and her commitment to speaking out for future generations. The conversation also touches on the ongoing legal battle between Isabel Ayala, a detransitioner, and the doctors and healthcare providers who prescribed her testosterone, as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics, over the irreversible effects of gender transitioning treatments on minors. Overall, the discussion highlights the complex and emotional issues surrounding gender identity and the importance of advocacy and accountability in healthcare.

    • The Role of Social Media in Radicalizing Young People into Gender IdeologiesSocial media, especially Tumblr, can significantly influence young people, particularly girls, into adopting gender ideologies. A supportive online community and self-reported feelings can lead to a diagnosis and hormone therapy, potentially overlooking underlying mental health issues.

      Social media, particularly Tumblr, can play a significant role in radicalizing young people, particularly girls, into gender ideologies. Isabel, a 21-year-old woman, shared her story of being drawn into the transgender community online after experiencing trauma in her childhood and being diagnosed with autism. She spent hours on Tumblr consuming trans activism content, which led her to identify as transgender. Her parents were initially supportive but eventually pressured into allowing her to start hormone therapy due to concerns about her mental health and potential suicide. The turning point came when she met a doctor, Jason Rafferty, who diagnosed her as transgender based on her self-reported feelings and recommended hormone therapy without fully understanding her underlying issues. This case highlights the importance of a thorough assessment of a child's mental health and the potential risks of social media and online communities in shaping their identities.

    • Pressure to Transition: Young Girl's ExperienceThorough evaluations, open communication, and parental involvement are crucial for young people's well-being when considering hormone therapy.

      The pressure to transition, sometimes driven by medical professionals, can lead young people to make drastic decisions, including lying or feigning suicidality, to get the hormones they desire. In this case, a 12-year-old girl, Isabelle, was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and prescribed testosterone by a doctor who was also the lead author of the AAP's policy statement on this type of medicalization. Isabelle, feeling unsupported and misunderstood, felt pressured to conform to the trans identity and continue the treatment despite experiencing worsening mental health and physical side effects. The situation highlights the importance of thorough evaluations, open communication, and parental involvement in the decision-making process for young people considering hormone therapy.

    • Isabelle's Detransition Experience and Legal ActionDetransitioners may face resistance from medical professionals and organizations when seeking help to stop gender affirming care, potentially leading to health complications and legal action.

      Isabelle's experience with gender affirming care, including the involvement of medical professionals and organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics, led her to detransition and face significant challenges in seeking help. She attempted to stop taking testosterone but faced resistance from doctors, leading some detransitioners to lie about their reasons for wanting to stop. Isabelle's own health issues, including the development of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease, compounded her struggles. She eventually found support and decided to speak out against her experiences, taking legal action against the involved medical professionals and the American Academy of Pediatrics. This case highlights the importance of considering the potential risks and long-term consequences of gender affirming care, especially for young people.

    • The gender reassignment industry's growth to $5 billion by 2030The gender reassignment industry, driven by profits from surgical procedures, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers, is predicted to reach $5 billion by 2030, with potential pushback from hospitals and insurance companies due to concerns over patient well-being and legal challenges.

      The gender reassignment industry, fueled by both true believers and opportunists in the medical profession, has grown into a multibillion-dollar business in the United States alone. This industry, which includes surgeons, endocrinologists, primary care physicians, and organizations like Planned Parenthood, is predicted to reach $5 billion by 2030, with significant profits coming from surgical procedures, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers. The industry's growth has led to increased coverage by insurance companies, but recent anecdotal evidence suggests that some hospitals and insurance companies are starting to reconsider offering these procedures. Lawsuits and litigation may play a role in this shift, as lawyers aim to rein in out-of-control professionals who prioritize profits over patient well-being. Ultimately, the true heroes in this story are the victims of trauma and abuse, who bravely share their stories and pursue justice despite the risks to their reputations and emotional well-being.

    • Investigation into WPATH raises concerns about informed consent and evidence-based practices for transgender youthAn investigation uncovered discussions among WPATH professionals about young people's ability to give informed consent for hormone treatments and surgeries, and questioned the evidence-base of their recommendations, potentially leading to legal actions and larger changes in the medical community.

      The individuals involved in these cases are driven not by monetary gains, but by a deep desire to prevent similar experiences from happening to other vulnerable young people. However, it has been suggested that a few significant legal victories could potentially bring about larger changes in the medical community, as seen in past medical scandals. A journalist's investigation into WPATH, the World Professional Association For Transgender Health, has revealed concerning discussions among medical professionals about the ability of young people to give informed consent for hormone treatments and surgeries. The WPATH files also call into question the evidence-based nature of their recommendations, as well as their continued promotion of these practices despite known risks and complications. It's important to note that WPATH is made up of both medical professionals and activists.

    • WPATH functions more as an activist group than a medical organizationConcerns about expertise and understanding of complex medical interventions for children, lack of comprehensive understanding among youth and parents, and potential issues with informed consent in gender affirmative model of care

      WPATH, while presenting itself as a medical organization, functions more as an activist group with open membership, including non-medical professionals and activists. This raises concerns about the expertise and understanding of the complex medical interventions being administered to children and adolescents. The lack of comprehensive understanding among both the youth and their parents about the long-term implications of these interventions is troubling. The American Academy of Pediatrics, once considered a gold standard, has also shown red flags in recent years. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they recommended vaccines without sufficient warnings, leading to concerns about their decision-making process. The gender affirmative model of care, which prioritizes validating each person's experience, is a contentious issue, with some experts arguing that young children may not fully grasp the implications of their gender identity. It is crucial to ensure that informed consent is given, and parents are adequately informed about the medical interventions their children are undergoing.

    • AAP's Gender Identity Policy Lacks Scientific EvidenceThe AAP's support for cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for children lacks solid scientific evidence, and parents should be aware of their pediatricians' views and consider seeking alternative care if needed.

      The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement on gender identity and its support for the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for children is not based on solid scientific evidence. A peer-reviewed article by Dr. James Kantor exposes the lack of evidence underlying these recommendations. Parents should be aware of their pediatricians' views on gender identity issues and should not hesitate to seek alternative care if they disagree. The law firm, Campbell Mueller Panepinto, was founded specifically to represent detransitioners and others harmed by radical gender ideology. They are currently involved in several high-profile cases challenging gender identity policies, and are accepting donations to help cover the significant costs associated with these lawsuits.

    • Exploring the complexities of gender identity and its impact on childrenSupport individual experiences, ensure informed consent, and respect the potential long-term effects of gender reassignment decisions, especially for children.

      The conversation on gender identity and its impact on individuals, particularly children, is a complex and nuanced issue that requires open-mindedness and education. During the podcast episode, Megyn Kelly interviewed Isabelle and Jordan, advocates for children's rights, who shared their experiences and the challenges they face due to their stance against radical experimentation on minors. The discussion also touched upon the importance of supporting those who have undergone gender transitions and dealing with the physical and emotional consequences. The podcast also highlighted the need for informed consent and transparency in medical procedures, particularly those related to gender reassignment. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting individual experiences while also considering the potential long-term effects of certain decisions, especially when it comes to children.

    • The War on Children documentary sheds light on media's role in lying about transgender issuesThe documentary reveals the harm of transgender transitions on minors, media's role in misinformation, and the celebration of sexual harassment in the name of transgender ideology

      The documentary "The War on Children" exposes the inappropriate sexualization and indoctrination of minors through transgender transitions, but it also sheds light on the mainstream media's role in lying to the public about the issue. The film features survivors like Leila Jane and Riley Gaines, who share their experiences of being subjected to surgeries and competing against biological males in sports. The documentary also highlights the case of Jessica Tapia, a teacher who was fired for refusing to conform to transgender ideology in her classroom. The filmmakers believe that the evidence presented in the documentary can change the minds of sensible, center-left individuals who have been misinformed by the media. The documentary also exposes how people are being encouraged and celebrated for exposing themselves to women in locker rooms, which would be considered sexual harassment if committed by a non-transgender person. The film aims to show the truth and hold accountable those who are lying to the public and promoting harmful practices to minors.

    • Policies based on deceit and manipulationBe aware of hidden agendas in education policies, including asking educators to lie, social emotional learning, and potential harm to moral values

      The policies being pushed in various sectors, including education, are based on deceit and the manipulation of language and reality. This includes asking educators to lie to students about their preferred pronouns, which the speaker argues is a form of cultural Marxism leading to political Marxism and a modern form of communism. The speaker also warns about seemingly harmless initiatives like social emotional learning, which in practice can remove the lines between right and wrong and open the door for teachers to impose their political ideology. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of these hidden agendas and the potential harm they can cause.

    • Exposing the manipulation and control of societal institutions by modern-day communists and big tech companiesModern-day communists and tech companies are colluding to push a far-left, authoritarian ideology, censoring and indoctrinating children, and answering to political parties. The consequences could be devastating for our country's future.

      Modern-day communists and big tech companies are manipulating and controlling societal institutions to push a far-left, authoritarian ideology. This includes censorship and ideological indoctrination, particularly targeting children. The film "The War on Children" aims to expose this reality and awaken people to the dangers of this ideology. The filmmakers, Robbie and Charlie Kirk, have faced censorship themselves, leading them to file an amicus brief at the Supreme Court. The film reveals how governments and tech companies collude, with tech companies answering to political parties. The consequences of this ideology, if not stopped, could lead to the destruction of our country. It's essential to understand the totality of this issue and take action to protect children's minds and the future of our country.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Jeanne Marie and her many offerings, including private mentoring and Parenting School can be found at VoilaMontessori.com.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



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    007: Choice, Consent & Connection: The Trilogy of Empowered Birth, Pt 1/3

    This is the first show of our 3 part series on the Three C’s we cover in Hypnobirthing classes – Choice, Consent & Connection. This is the episode to share with anyone who is thinking of becoming pregnant or who is newly pregnant so they understand of the importance of making choices early on. It is essential to have a good handle on how autonomous you are within our medical system so that you understand what choices are available and how to retain your power in choice.

    Ashley and I discuss the levels of choice available in selecting healthcare providers for birth. We want to emphasize how crucial it is to consider insurance and medical situations before deciding to get pregnant, especially in the United States where the private healthcare system can limit options and be costly. It's important to understand the differences between PPO and HMO insurance plans and how they can impact pregnancy and fertility services.

    We also want to bring to light the importance of choosing the right hospital and healthcare provider for a positive birth experience. It's important to debunk misconceptions about cesarean rates and unnecessary interventions. Educating ourselves and seeking appropriate support is key.

    We delve into the options for birthing in a community setting such as Birth Center, home and even free birthing. It's crucial to have a strong foundation of knowledge and resources, regardless of the chosen birth method or location.

    Leave your comments, thoughts, and questions!

    Stay tuned for our next episode, where we will focus on the topic of consent.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?



    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204


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    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

    Ep. 1055 - Dwyane Wade Exposed For Exploiting His ‘Trans’ Kid

    Ep. 1055 - Dwyane Wade Exposed For Exploiting His ‘Trans’ Kid

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    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, former NBA star Dwyane Wade has been parading his "trans kid" around like a pet for two years now. But a new report reveals that the boy's mother is not on board with this transition and she believes that Wade is doing it for money and attention. Imagine that. Also, the media comes up with its most absurd argument against voter ID yet. The White House tries to defend its secret social media censorship campaign. Caitlin Jenner and Dylan Mulvaney get into a fight and nobody wins. And a priest in Ireland is thrown under the bus by his own bishop when he dares to defend Catholic teaching during mass. 

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