
    Hasty Treat - Old Browsers, Fallbacks and Polyfills - Part 2

    enOctober 22, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenges of implementing new CSS features while maintaining browser compatibilityConsider browser compatibility with tools like Can I Use, adapt with fallback strategies, and leverage resources like Vue School for comprehensive training and discounts.

      When it comes to implementing new CSS features, it's important to consider old browser support and fallbacks. In this episode of Syntax, Wes Bos and Scott Tawinski discuss the challenges of implementing CSS Grid, Flexbox, and other new features while maintaining compatibility with older browsers. They emphasize the importance of using tools like Can I Use to check browser compatibility and considering different fallback strategies. They also mention the value of resources like Vue School, which offers comprehensive Vue.js training and offers discounts for users from countries with lower than average purchasing power. Overall, the episode underscores the importance of staying informed about browser compatibility and being prepared to adapt to different development scenarios.

    • Checking CSS Grid browser compatibilityMajor browsers support CSS Grid, but Internet Explorer does not. No reliable polyfill exists for full capabilities, but simple layouts can be recreated with Flexbox as a fallback or use old Grid spec with prefixes.

      If you're looking to use CSS Grid for your website but are concerned about browser compatibility, it's important to check the support at caniuse.com. As of now, major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera have full support for CSS Grid, while Internet Explorer is the notable exception. Unfortunately, there isn't a reliable polyfill or JavaScript library to recreate the full capabilities of CSS Grid or Flexbox, which are also massive in terms of what they offer. However, for simple grid layouts, you might be able to recreate them using Flexbox as a fallback. For older browsers, particularly Internet Explorer, you can use the old Grid spec with browser prefixes, which can provide some level of support. Tools like Auto-prefixer can help convert new syntax to the old prefixes. Overall, it's crucial to understand the limitations of browser compatibility and plan accordingly when using advanced CSS features like Grid and Flexbox.

    • Supporting Grid and Flexbox in Older BrowsersUse JavaScript to detect unsupported browsers and serve compatible layouts. Don't punish users on older browsers, focus on functionality over pixel-perfection.

      When it comes to supporting modern web technologies like Grid and Flexbox in older browsers, there are several options. However, it's important to remember that users should not be punished for using outdated browsers. Instead, developers can create a separate layout for unsupported browsers or use JavaScript to detect the browser and serve a compatible layout. It's also essential to understand that websites don't need to look exactly the same in every browser, and users coming in on older browsers are likely used to the web not working perfectly. Ultimately, if you're not ready to fully support Grid and Flexbox, it might be best to hold off until you can provide a consistent experience across all browsers. Another key point discussed was the use of JavaScript to detect unsupported browsers. While it may be tempting to write specific code for Internet Explorer, it's more effective to use a JavaScript library to detect the browser and serve a compatible layout. Lastly, it's important to remember that websites don't need to look pixel-perfect in every browser, especially for users on older browsers. The focus should be on ensuring the website functions correctly.

    • Check for feature availability with tools like ModernizrModernizr helps developers write conditional CSS based on feature availability, streamlining the development process and providing a better user experience across browsers.

      Instead of focusing on specific browser compatibility, it's more effective to check for the availability of specific features using tools like Modernizr. This approach allows for more efficient and future-proof coding, as browsers continue to release new features behind flags that can be enabled with a simple toggle. In the past, developers had to deal with the complexity of browser prefixes and intentional misrepresentation of user agents by some browsers. However, modern browsers have moved away from prefixes, and new features are now typically released behind flags. Tools like Modernizr help developers write conditional CSS based on feature availability, making the development process more streamlined and less reliant on specific browsers. It's important to remember that there are various browsers beyond the popular ones, and focusing on feature detection rather than browser detection can lead to a better user experience for all.

    • Advancements in CSS and related toolsModern tools simplify coding for older browsers, CSS variables can be 'double defined' for unsupported browsers, and CSS Houdini offers custom CSS APIs for unique features

      Modern tools like auto prefixers have simplified the process of coding for older browsers by eliminating the need to manually add browser prefixes. This not only makes the code cleaner but also a non-issue. Another advancement in CSS is the use of CSS variables, which can be a challenge in unsupported browsers. In such cases, a "double define" method can be employed, where the variable is defined both with and without the prefix for browsers that support it. Additionally, the concept of CSS Houdini offers an exciting opportunity to create custom CSS APIs with JavaScript, allowing for the development of unique features not natively supported by browsers. This customization can lead to a more personalized user experience and even the creation of alternative CSS systems. Overall, these advancements in CSS and related technologies have streamlined the coding process and expanded the possibilities for web design.

    • Using CSS variables and Sass for dynamic and tailored designsCSS variables allow dynamic updates, while Sass variables are set during compile time. Double defining and @supports rule enable tailored designs for various browsers.

      CSS variables and Sass variables serve different purposes. CSS variables, also known as custom properties, can be changed in the browser with JavaScript, allowing for dynamic updates. Sass variables, on the other hand, are set during compile time and cannot be altered in the browser. When using CSS variables, developers can employ a technique called double defining, where they first set an element to display: block, followed by display: grid (if the browser supports grid). This allows the design to fall back to the display: block state in browsers that don't support grid. Another topic discussed was the use of the @supports rule, which functions similarly to media queries. Developers can check for specific CSS properties, such as flex or grid, and apply styles accordingly. This is useful for creating browser-specific styles or fallbacks. For instance, to check if a browser supports grid, you can use @supports (display: grid) { /* CSS styles for grid-supporting browsers */ } and @supports not (display: grid) { /* CSS styles for browsers that don't support grid */ }. This approach enables tailored designs for various browsers, enhancing the user experience. These techniques, along with others, demonstrate the versatility and power of CSS and its related technologies. As the web evolves, it's essential for developers to stay informed about the latest advancements and best practices.

    • Checking browser compatibility for CSS featuresUse 'supports' function to test for specific CSS properties and values, or check for CSS animations, variables, and prefixes. Consider audience and tailor efforts accordingly, with modern browsers like Edge leading the way.

      When it comes to checking browser compatibility for specific CSS features, there are various methods to use. For instance, you can check if a browser supports a certain unit like ch by using the 'supports' function with the property and value. You can also test for CSS animations, variables, and even specific prefixes. However, it's important to note that some older browsers, like Internet Explorer, may not support these features or the 'supports' function itself. As of now, the usage percentage of Internet Explorer 11 is 2.53%, while Edge is at 1.6%. Although it's almost gone, it's crucial to consider your audience and tailor your development efforts accordingly. Developers still face challenges in supporting older browsers, but the progress made by modern browsers like Edge is promising. Overall, understanding the capabilities and limitations of different browsers is essential for delivering a seamless user experience.

    • Considering the needs of older computers and browsersDevelopers should prioritize support for their audience, including older computers and browsers, while keeping up with technological advancements.

      While technology continues to advance, not everyone's needs or computer systems may require the latest and greatest. Older computers and browsers can still meet the basic requirements for many everyday tasks, such as using social media or managing business finances. However, it's important for developers to understand their audience and prioritize support accordingly. In the case of older browsers, there are resources and tools available to make supporting older JavaScript easier. In the next episode, the Syntax team will dive deeper into this topic. In summary, while it's important to keep up with technological advancements, it's equally important to consider the needs and limitations of your users.

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    Bug Replay - Sponsor

    You need to try out Bug Replay for recording and re-playing browser based bugs. It's a bug reporting tool that can be used at all stages of development and by anyone in your organization. Provide your dev team with detailed reports so they can fix bugs faster.

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    If you are a small business or freelancer check out Freshbooks.com Cloud Accountingand get 30 days free. Make sure to enter SYNTAX into the "How did you hear about us" section.

    The Show Notes!







    • CSS Level 4 Selectors
    • ITS NOT CSS4!!!!!!
    • css4.rocks


    • nth-of-selectoed
    • :nth-child(3n of img.dog)
    • div:has(img)


    • Some not-so-new-but-still-cool units
    • Viewport Units
    • min-height: 100vh
    • ch units
    • ex units
    • CSS Angles - deg(), grad(), rad(), turn()

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    Prismic is a Headless CMS that makes it easy to build website pages as a set of components. Break pages into sections of components using React, Vue, or whatever you like. Make corresponding Slices in Prismic. Start building pages dynamically in minutes. Get started at prismic.io/syntax.

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    Snipcart — Sponsor

    Snipcart allows you to create online shopping carts without any backend work. It's entirely client-side which means it's the perfect fit for anyone building a SPA in React, Angular or any other framework. Check out the full list of features over at Snipcart.com/syntax and sign up for three months free!

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    If you are a small business or freelancer check out Freshbooks.com Cloud Accountingand get 30 days free. Make sure to enter SYNTAX into the "How did you hear about us" section.

    The Show Notes!


    • Scott's 2017 Look Back
    • Scott is a new parent
    • Dealing with kids who don't sleep
    • Scott's Breakdancing Gains


    • Wes' Look Back
    • Taking Health Seriously
    • First full year of Wes doing tutorials full time
    • Course Correction VS Goals
    • Course Platform Improvements
    • Lots of Email Marketing
    • Migration to Drip


    • Scott cut ties with startup
    • 100% Invested in Levelup Tutorials
    • Major Platform improvements
    • New Payment Gateways
    • Lots of new Series - 400 videos!


    • We Launched Syntax!
    • Thank you!
    • The show is getting good (we think?)



    • Goals for 2018
    • The Yacht Club
    • S.M.A.R.T. Goals


    • Scott's 2018 Goals
    • More videos
    • More Youtube
    • Building a Set
    • Less Overtime


    • Wes' 2018 Goals
    • Releasing lots and lots of Content
    • CSS Grid
    • VS Code
    • Some ideas around JavaScript and CSS Courses (tweet Wes your feedback)
    • If it's not a Hell Yes, it's a no
    • Double down on what works
    • New Checkout Experience
    • Delegate + Automate
    • Get faster at recording


    • JavaScript in 2018
    • SSR Frameworks: Next.js, Gatsby, Nuxt.js
    • ParcelJS
    • Tooling is becoming less of a pain in the ass


    • GraphQL Is Blowin' Upppppp
    • Typed Languages / Typings
    • Flow / Typescript / ReasonML / GraphQL Typings


    • WordPress' Gutenberg Editor


    • React Patent's Dropped
    • Vue became really popular


    • CSS Changes!
    • CSS Grid
    • Firefox CSS Grid Dev Tools


    • Componentized CSS
    • Design Systems
    • Figma
    • CSS Variables


    • VS Code became very popular


    • The Iron Yard shut down


    • Progressive Web Apps


    • What do we hope for in 2018?

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    Sanity - Sponsor

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    Sentry - Sponsor

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    Show Notes

    05:00 - How do you define type at the start of a new project?

    15:03 - How do media queries and screen sizes affect your system?

    16:58 - Why are systems in type important?

    20:21 - How do you design a type system?

    • Scott’s type system:
     /* Font Sizes */   --baseFontSize: 1rem;   --baseNavSize: 0.64rem;   --smallFontSize: 0.8rem;   --smallestFontSize: 0.512rem;    --xtra-big-ass-heading: 3.052rem;   --xtra-heading: 2.441rem;   --heading-1: 1.953rem;   --heading-2: 1.563rem;   --heading-3: 1.25rem;   --heading-4: var(--baseFontSize);   --heading-5: var(--smallFontSize);   --heading-6: 0.64rem;   --heading-7: var(--smallestFontSize);  


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    Linode - Sponsor

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    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session re-player and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at logrocket.com/syntax.

    Sanity - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get a Sanity powered site up and running in minutes at sanity.io/create. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

    Show Notes

    • 00:10 Welcome
    • 01:22 Shooting some pucks at the football game
    • 04:06 Should we use emoji naming conventions for our grid template areas instead of just words?
    • Screenshot of Grid question
    • 08:38 How do you estimate a reliable timeline for a project?
    • 12:18 Do you think about sustainable web development?
    • 16:24 What kind of tips and tricks around responsive design do you have?
    • 18:22 Sponsor: Linode
    • 18:55 How would you go about documenting your achievements throughout your career to reflect on during interviews and employee reviews?
    • 23:33 How do you plan long term for projects or goals?
    • Forever Jobless Goals worksheet
    • 28:22 Can you please make a fundamentals episode that only cares about clarifying the terms everyone assume to be well known to even beginner devs?
    • 22 Buzzwords Explained
    • 31:01 Sponsor: LogRocket
    • 32:20 How would one go about animating a gradient background based on mouse movement?
    • JavaScript 30
    • 38:13 Is there any way using the children API to render the close button and menu items in different locations in the menu component?
    • @Luke_lafr come on the show!
    • 42:04 Where should I begin with design systems?
    • 48:10 Sponsor: Sanity
    • 49:24 Is JSON always safe?
    • 55:01 SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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