
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Emoji Naming Conventions for Grid Template Areas and Sustainable Web DevelopmentExploring emoji naming conventions for grid template areas can make code more visually appealing and easier to understand. Setting a reliable timeline and practicing sustainable web development are important for successful projects.

      The hosts of Syntax, Scott Talinski and Wes Bos, answered listener questions during a potluck episode. One question asked about using emoji naming conventions for grid template areas instead of words. Wes expressed his curiosity about the idea and shared that he's open to trying it out. Scott mentioned that it could make the code more visually appealing and easier to understand for team members. They also discussed the importance of coming up with a reliable timeline for projects and being a sustainable web developer, including topics like CSS media queries, SVG, HSL, and animating CSS gradients. The episode was sponsored by Linode, Cloud Computing Developers Trust, LogRocket, and Sanity. Wes shared a personal story about attending a Broncos game and getting carried away with the open bar, leading to a rough next day. The episode also featured a surprise guest, Sierra, who is a pop star and married to Russell Wilson, the quarterback of the Denver Broncos, and the mother of one of their children. The hosts encouraged listeners to submit their own questions for future potluck episodes.

    • CSS Grid: Change Layout with Named AreasCSS Grid's named areas allow flexible layout changes, but unconventional naming with emojis or Unicode characters could cause confusion. Effective project planning includes breaking down tasks, estimating time requirements, and clear communication.

      CSS Grid offers a new way to define areas of a grid through named areas, allowing items to be placed based on these named areas rather than specific columns. This can be an effective way to change the layout of a grid without affecting the placement of items. However, using emojis or Unicode characters to represent these areas can be a bit unconventional and may require extra effort to implement. While it's a fun concept, it may not be the most explicit or efficient way to name areas and could potentially cause confusion for future developers working on the project. Another topic discussed was creating a reliable timeline for a project, especially when dealing with unfamiliar aspects of a solution. The key here is to break down the project into smaller tasks and estimate the time required for each task based on research, past experience, or consultation with experts. It's important to account for potential challenges and unexpected delays, and to maintain open communication with the team to ensure everyone is on the same page. In summary, CSS Grid's named areas offer a flexible way to define grid layouts, but using unconventional characters to represent these areas can be a double-edged sword. Effective project planning involves breaking down tasks, estimating time requirements, and maintaining clear communication with the team.

    • Creating a Realistic Project Timeline in Web DevelopmentAdd extra time to developer estimates and understand project scope to create a realistic web development timeline. Focus on energy and resource usage for sustainable web development by choosing a green web host.

      Providing an accurate project timeline in web development requires experience and a realistic approach. If you're not the project manager or working on a small team, you may not be responsible for creating the timeline. However, when you are, it's essential to consider adding extra time to your estimates due to the inherent optimism of developers. Additionally, understanding the project's scope is crucial to avoid unexpected delays. Regarding sustainability in web development, focusing on energy and resource usage is key. Choosing a green web host is a simple yet effective step towards more sustainable web development. However, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, and the industry is continually evolving. Keep learning and adapting to stay informed.

    • Exploring Energy Efficiency in Web DevelopmentConsider serverless technology for non-continuous tasks, use less JavaScript, and explore new techniques like container queries and Clamp for energy-efficient responsive design

      Energy efficiency is an important consideration in the development of websites and apps. The term "hydro" in Ontario, Canada, is commonly used to refer to electricity, despite its origin being water power. Constant CPU usage in servers can lead to higher energy consumption, making serverless technology a potential solution for non-continuous tasks. Energy saving measures, such as using less JavaScript or considering battery life, can also help reduce energy usage. New techniques in responsive design, like container queries and Clamp, offer more modern alternatives to media queries for creating adaptable designs. While media queries and JavaScript are still commonly used, the future of responsive design lies in exploring these new tools and understanding when to use them effectively.

    • Documenting Career AchievementsKeep a running list or blog post of career achievements, even one-liners, for easier CV updates and promotion justifications. Try Linode for cloud computing services, offering a $100 credit for new users.

      Documenting achievements throughout your career is essential for interviews and self-reflection. Wes and Scott discussed the importance of remembering what you've accomplished and suggested keeping a running list or blog post to jot down each accomplishment as it happens. They also recommended Linode as a cloud computing solution for hosting websites and services, offering a $100 credit for new users. During the conversation, a listener shared their struggle with remembering their achievements and forgetting what they've done, making it difficult to update their CV or justify a promotion. Wes and Scott suggested documenting accomplishments in a blog post or Google Doc, writing down a brief description of each achievement as it happens. They emphasized that even a one-liner is better than nothing and can serve as a valuable reminder of your accomplishments. Additionally, they mentioned the convenience of Linode's marketplace, which allows users to easily install various applications and tools, such as Linux, WordPress, MongoDB, and Node.js, among others. Linode offers a $100 credit for new users to try out their cloud computing services. In summary, documenting achievements and using a cloud computing solution like Linode can help individuals keep track of their accomplishments and make the process of updating their CV or justifying a promotion smoother and more effective.

    • The importance of documenting past projects and setting goalsDocument past projects for future reference, set short-term and long-term goals, and regularly evaluate progress to stay focused on career growth.

      Having a system in place to document and reflect on past projects and setting both short-term and long-term goals can help developers remember their accomplishments and stay focused on their career growth. The speaker, Tom, shares his personal experience of forgetting important projects while writing his CV and suggests jotting down brief reminders to jog memory. He also discusses his approach to setting goals, which includes monthly and quarterly resolutions, as well as long-term goals discussed with his wife. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having both short-term and long-term goals, even if some are unrealistic, to provide inspiration and direction. He suggests writing goals down and revisiting them regularly to evaluate their progress and make adjustments as needed. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of reflection and planning in a developer's career.

    • Reflecting on emotional aspects of goal settingEffective goal setting requires deep reflection, understanding emotions, and using comprehensive worksheets like the one on Forever Jobless. Avoid unnecessary jargon to enhance communication.

      Effective goal setting involves deep reflection and understanding the emotional aspects of achieving goals. The Forever Jobless website offered a comprehensive goal setting worksheet that included tasks, affirmations, vision boards, cost calculations, and powerful questions, among other elements. Clarifying terms in web development is also crucial for beginners, as jargon can sometimes be confusing and misleading. The next Fundamentals episode will focus on clarifying common web development terms and debunking potential misunderstandings. Additionally, it's essential to avoid using overly complex language or jargon unnecessarily, as it can create confusion and hinder effective communication.

    • Identifying and solving bugs with LogRocketLogRocket provides insights into user behavior and website performance through session replays, video scribbles, and error logs. Use JavaScript to animate a gradient background based on mouse movement by calculating the percentage of mouse position and adjusting CSS variables accordingly.

      LogRocket is a valuable tool for gaining visibility into user activity on a website. It allows users to see session replays, access video scribbles, and review error logs, among other features. This can help identify and solve bugs, understand user behavior, and improve overall website performance. Regarding animating a gradient background based on mouse movement, it's important to note that CSS transitions don't work on gradients. Instead, you can use JavaScript to determine the mouse position and adjust the gradient's CSS variables accordingly. This involves figuring out the width and height of the element, setting up the gradient with CSS variables, and then calculating the percentage of mouse position to determine the new gradient values. These values can then be animated using CSS.

    • Manipulating Gradients and CSS with Mouse MovementsUse CSS or libraries like D3 for gradient manipulation and interpolating colors. In React, access children individually or pass them as props. Svelte uses slots for more control and flexibility.

      When it comes to creating animations or updating CSS based on mouse movements or interpolating between colors, there are multiple ways to approach the problem. For gradients, you can use CSS to manipulate the position or scale of a larger gradient, or use a library like D3 interpolate for more complex color animations. In React, if you have a menu component with a close button and menu items as children, you can access each individual child as an array element within the children array, but it might be clearer to pass them as props instead. Additionally, in frameworks like Svelte, you can use slots instead of children to define specific places for components to be rendered, allowing for more control and flexibility. Overall, there are various techniques to achieve the desired results, and the best approach depends on the specific use case and personal preference.

    • Passing slot names as props in Vue.jsExplicitly passing slot names as props in Vue.js components leads to clearer naming conventions and better separation of slots in the markup.

      When working with slots in Vue.js components, it's more explicit and controlled to pass in the name of the slot as a prop, rather than accessing array properties directly. This approach allows for better separation of slots in the markup and clearer naming conventions. On the other hand, accessing array properties directly can be less explicit and more base, depending on the order in which components are passed in. Meanwhile, we heard a inspiring story from Wasabi Cowboy about his successful job application journey. Despite feeling unprepared, he took a leap of faith and applied for multiple front-end roles. After acing three out of four interviews, he landed a job at a great company with an incredible culture and supportive team. The audience was curious about the specifics of his application process and was encouraged to share more details, potentially leading to a future episode on CVs and resume writing.

    • Preparing a Strong Application and Utilizing Design SystemsA strong application includes a well-prepared resume, cover letter, and demonstrated skills. Design systems streamline design choices by defining and organizing components, with structured content being a crucial element.

      Having a well-prepared resume and cover letter, along with demonstrating the necessary skills, can make a significant difference in the job application process. The hiring process involves sifting through numerous applications, and small mistakes like incorrect email addresses or lack of clarity in presentation can disqualify candidates. A design system is an essential aspect of building digital experiences, and it involves defining and organizing components to make design choices more efficient. Structured content is a crucial element of design systems, and platforms like Sanity offer solutions for managing and organizing structured content effectively. JSON, when used from trusted sources and with secure server-side queries, is generally safe from injection attacks.

    • Sanitizing JSON data for securityAlways sanitize user-supplied JSON data to prevent security vulnerabilities and server performance issues. Use libraries like dom purify to strip out scripts and HTML tags, set length limitations, and validate user input.

      While JSON is a common and portable format for data, it's important to be aware of potential risks when using community-sourced JSON. Malicious code or long strings of data could potentially be injected, leading to security vulnerabilities or server performance issues. To mitigate these risks, it's crucial to sanitize any user-supplied data, such as names or settings, before using it in your application. Libraries like dom purify can help with this by stripping out unwanted scripts and HTML tags. Additionally, consider implementing length limitations to prevent overly long strings from causing issues. Lastly, validation of user input is essential to ensure data is coming in as expected. While JSON is a necessary and convenient format, it's essential to approach it with caution when dealing with user-supplied data.

    • Investing in affordable, high-quality tools with replaceable partsMilwaukee Fastback Utility Knife and Thorn single blade razor are examples of efficient, cost-effective tools with easily replaceable parts

      Investing in high-quality, affordable tools with easily replaceable parts can make everyday tasks more efficient and convenient. The discussion revolved around two such tools: the Milwaukee Fastback Flip Utility Knife and the Thorn single blade razor. The Milwaukee Fastback Utility Knife is a compact, one-handed opening knife with a clip that keeps it in your pocket. Its blades are inexpensive and readily available, making it a practical and versatile addition to any toolkit. Similarly, the Thorn single blade razor is a heavy, solid razor that requires users to change the blade after each use. Its blades are cheap and interchangeable, allowing users to enjoy a close, efficient shave without the hassle of expensive cartridges or proprietary blades. Both tools demonstrate the value of investing in high-quality, affordable tools with easily replaceable parts.

    • Properly disposing of used razor bladesInvest in a blade bank for efficient and safe disposal of used razor blades and consider learning JavaScript with resources like beginnerjavascript.com and leveluptutorials.com.

      Razors for facial hair grooming have come a long way from the old days when people used to stick them directly into their walls. Now, it's recommended to use disposable blades and dispose of them properly once they've lost their sharpness. A practical solution is to invest in a blade bank, like the Rockwell Blade Bank, which costs around $33.56 and allows you to store and dispose of used blades efficiently. During the discussion, the speaker also mentioned some personal habits, such as using a tin to store used blades, and recommended resources for learning JavaScript, like beginnerjavascript.com and leveluptutorials.com, with discount codes for the listeners. It's important to remember that proper disposal of used blades is crucial for safety reasons and to prevent accidents. By investing in a blade bank or a similar solution, you can ensure that you're disposing of your used blades responsibly and efficiently. Additionally, if you're interested in learning JavaScript, the speaker suggested checking out beginnerjavascript.com and leveluptutorials.com, both of which offer comprehensive courses to help you get started. Be sure to use the provided discount codes to save some money on your learning journey. Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize safety and efficiency in your grooming routine, whether it's disposing of used blades or learning a new skill like JavaScript.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
    • 01:17 Why ‘Supa’ and not ‘Super’?
    • 02:26 How did Supabase start?
    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
    • 12:35 How do you decide which libraries are officially supported vs community maintained?
      • 15:17 You don’t need a client library!
    • 16:48 Edge functions for server-side functionality.
    • 18:51 The genesis of pgvector.
    • 20:59 The product strategy.
    • 22:25 What’s the story behind Supabase’s awesome docs?
    • 25:26 The tech behind Supabase.
    • 35:46 How do you balance business goals with open source?
    • 42:01 What’s next for Supabase?
    • 44:15 Supabase’s GA + new features.
    • 48:24 Who runs the X account?
    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    CJ: X Instagram YouTube TwitchTV

    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    Show Notes

    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads

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    785: What’s Next for NextJS with Tim Neutkens

    785: What’s Next for NextJS with Tim Neutkens

    Scott and Wes dive into the world of Next.js with special guest Tim Neutkens from Vercel. They explore the latest updates, including the React Compiler and React Server Components, discussing their impact on developer workflows and the future of Next.js development.

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
    • 06:39 What happens if you’re not using a React Compiler?
    • 09:30 Will this work on any NextJS version?
    • 12:18 What are React Server Components?
    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    In this Potluck episode, Scott and Wes tackle listener questions on modern blogging, website environmental impact, and using LangChain with LLMs. They also cover CSS hyphens, unit vs. integration testing, and balancing web development with new parenthood.

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    But what is a project brief, why is it so important, and what exactly should you do with it?

    Listen to the full episode to learn:

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    Web Development in 2017 && a look ahead at 2018 🍾🍷

    Web Development in 2017 && a look ahead at 2018 🍾🍷

    What happened in web development in 2017? What were our personal and professional feats in 2017? What should we look forward to in 2018?

    Snipcart — Sponsor

    Snipcart allows you to create online shopping carts without any backend work. It's entirely client-side which means it's the perfect fit for anyone building a SPA in React, Angular or any other framework. Check out the full list of features over at Snipcart.com/syntax and sign up for three months free!

    Freshbooks — Sponsor

    If you are a small business or freelancer check out Freshbooks.com Cloud Accountingand get 30 days free. Make sure to enter SYNTAX into the "How did you hear about us" section.

    The Show Notes!


    • Scott's 2017 Look Back
    • Scott is a new parent
    • Dealing with kids who don't sleep
    • Scott's Breakdancing Gains


    • Wes' Look Back
    • Taking Health Seriously
    • First full year of Wes doing tutorials full time
    • Course Correction VS Goals
    • Course Platform Improvements
    • Lots of Email Marketing
    • Migration to Drip


    • Scott cut ties with startup
    • 100% Invested in Levelup Tutorials
    • Major Platform improvements
    • New Payment Gateways
    • Lots of new Series - 400 videos!


    • We Launched Syntax!
    • Thank you!
    • The show is getting good (we think?)



    • Goals for 2018
    • The Yacht Club
    • S.M.A.R.T. Goals


    • Scott's 2018 Goals
    • More videos
    • More Youtube
    • Building a Set
    • Less Overtime


    • Wes' 2018 Goals
    • Releasing lots and lots of Content
    • CSS Grid
    • VS Code
    • Some ideas around JavaScript and CSS Courses (tweet Wes your feedback)
    • If it's not a Hell Yes, it's a no
    • Double down on what works
    • New Checkout Experience
    • Delegate + Automate
    • Get faster at recording


    • JavaScript in 2018
    • SSR Frameworks: Next.js, Gatsby, Nuxt.js
    • ParcelJS
    • Tooling is becoming less of a pain in the ass


    • GraphQL Is Blowin' Upppppp
    • Typed Languages / Typings
    • Flow / Typescript / ReasonML / GraphQL Typings


    • WordPress' Gutenberg Editor


    • React Patent's Dropped
    • Vue became really popular


    • CSS Changes!
    • CSS Grid
    • Firefox CSS Grid Dev Tools


    • Componentized CSS
    • Design Systems
    • Figma
    • CSS Variables


    • VS Code became very popular


    • The Iron Yard shut down


    • Progressive Web Apps


    • What do we hope for in 2018?

    Sick Picks

    Tweet us your tasty treats!

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    Finally we are creating a community of leaders eager to learn and grow. To join us click this link and join us at Mentoring Leaders