
    Podcast Summary

    • Benefits of using React HooksHooks simplify code, improve performance, and enable component logic sharing in React development. Sentry at century.io is a valuable tool for error tracking and monitoring.

      React Hooks offer several benefits over class components, making them a compelling choice for modern React development. The incentive to switch to function components using Hooks lies in their simplicity, improved performance, and flexibility. Hooks allow developers to use state and other React features without writing a class, making the code cleaner and easier to read. They also enable the use of Hooks between components, making it simpler to share logic between different parts of the application. Additionally, Hooks can help improve performance by reducing the number of components in the React tree, as well as allowing for more fine-grained control over component rendering. Finally, Sentry at century.io is a valuable tool for error tracking and monitoring, which can help developers quickly identify and resolve issues in their applications. The service's continuous improvements and user-friendly interface make it an essential part of any developer's toolkit.

    • React Hooks at Sentry.io: Decoupling logic from componentsReact Hooks enable developers to manage state and logic outside of components, making code more modular, easier to understand, and reusable. UseEffect handles side effects, and libraries like rehooks simplify implementation.

      React Hooks in Sentry at Sentry.io have significantly changed the way developers manage state and logic in React applications. By decoupling logic from components, developers can now easily reuse and share functionality between components, making the codebase more modular and easier to understand. This is a departure from the traditional approach of building UI components, and it allows for a more flexible and efficient way of working. Side effects, which refer to actions taken outside the scope of a component, can be managed using hooks like useEffect. This enables developers to run code in response to specific events or changes, leading to improved code quality and a better understanding of how different parts of the application interact. Furthermore, the availability of libraries like rehooks, which provide pre-built hooks, makes it even easier to implement and share functionality across projects. Overall, the use of React Hooks represents a major shift in the way React applications are built, and it offers numerous benefits in terms of code organization, reusability, and overall development experience.

    • Simplifying state and side effects management in ReactHooks have made it easier to manage state and side effects in functional components, allowing for more organized and readable code, and enabling new features like GraphQL code generation.

      React Hooks have significantly improved the development experience in React by making complex coding tasks simpler and more manageable. Before Hooks, developers had to use higher-order components or render props to manage state and side effects in functional components. However, these methods were not ideal, especially when dealing with multiple pieces of state or functionality. With Hooks, developers can manage state and side effects in separate hooks, making the code more organized and easier to read. This has led to a "state renaissance" in React, with libraries like Context now working more seamlessly with Hooks. Additionally, Hooks have made possible features like GraphQL code generation, which can automatically generate typed React hooks based on a schema. Overall, Hooks have simplified the development process in React, making it easier to write and manage complex code.

    • Managing state and side effects with hooksHooks provide easier access to state and allow for sharing state across components and libraries, reducing code duplication and improving efficiency in React projects

      The use of hooks in React development has significantly improved the way we manage state and side effects in our components. With hooks, we now have access to the user's state within the body of a function, making it easier to share state across components and libraries like Zustand and Jotai. Additionally, hooks have led to a reduction in code duplication, as seen with useEffect, which allows us to target specific dependencies and run functions only when those dependencies change. This shift towards hooks has resulted in a more streamlined and efficient way of managing state and side effects in React projects.

    • Simplifying codebase with React hooksUsing hooks like useState and useEffect reduced code complexity, eliminated duplicate code, and made state updates more efficient.

      Using React hooks instead of classes has significantly reduced the complexity and size of the speaker's codebase. They were able to delete duplicate code, simplify custom methods, and make state updates more efficient using hooks like useState and useEffect. The use of hooks also eliminated the need for multiple if statements when only specific parts of the state needed to be updated. The speaker acknowledged that there are some gripes about the name and potential complexities of useEffect, but overall, the benefits of using hooks have made their code easier to read and understand. They also suggested that taking the time to convert a larger portion of the codebase to hooks could help developers better understand the use cases and advantages of hooks. The speaker has successfully converted their entire codebase, despite the recommendation against doing so, and they believe that the experience has deepened their understanding of hooks.

    • React Hooks vs Class ComponentsSpeaker prefers functional components for simplicity, but classes are still useful for complex APIs, and Hooks simplify state management and refs

      The speaker prefers using functional components over class components in React development due to their simplicity and explicitness. However, classes are not going away entirely, especially when dealing with complex APIs like Braintree, where explicit and straightforward methods are beneficial. The speaker also appreciates the ease of using hooks for state management and refs, which have become more intuitive and streamlined compared to their previous implementations. Overall, the speaker values the evolution of React Hooks and their ability to simplify and improve the development experience.

    • Using explicit functions and imports in JavaScriptExplicit functions and imports can make codebase more predictable, easier to debug, and consistent. Personal experience shows benefits over implicit returns and default exports.

      Using explicit functions and imports in JavaScript, instead of implicit returns and default exports, can lead to easier debugging and more consistent code. The speaker shared their personal experience of giving up on implicit returns and default exports due to frustration with debugging and the inability to use hooks or easily rename components. Instead, they now prefer to use named functions and explicit imports. In the context of Next.js, the speaker doesn't maintain any applications and didn't discuss the specific benefits of using explicit imports in that framework. Overall, the explicit approach can make the codebase more predictable and less prone to errors, leading to a smoother development experience.

    • React Hooks: Naming and Availability ConcernsDevelopers prefer explicit typing and practices as codebases expand, but feel confusion over some React Hooks' names and frustration with lack of built-in support for common functions

      As the codebase grows and developers move towards more explicit approaches like TypeScript, they have come to prefer less magic in their code. The benefits of explicit typing and other explicit practices become more apparent as codebases expand, making it harder to keep track of everything. The speaker also expressed some confusion over the naming of certain React hooks, feeling that they could have been more descriptive. Despite these gripes, the speaker acknowledged that once learned, the hooks work well. However, they expressed frustration with the lack of built-in support for common functions like setInterval and setTimeout, and the need to install additional hooks for their use. Additionally, there is a debate over whether to use sync await inside an async useEffect function for fetching data. Overall, the speaker's main concerns revolve around the naming and availability of certain features in React Hooks.

    • React Hooks vs Svelte Composition APIReact Hooks have evolved, but handling side effects and cleanup can be complex. Svelte's Composition API simplifies these tasks with clear naming conventions and features.

      When it comes to using React Hooks versus using a library like Svelte with its composition API, there are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. The React Hooks have evolved significantly since their introduction, and developers have gained a better understanding of how to use them effectively. One notable issue with using Hooks is the need to handle side effects and cleanup using either promise-based syntax or a secondary function, which can get complex. On the other hand, libraries like Svelte have implemented solutions that address these concerns more intuitively. For instance, the Vue composition API, which was created by the Vue team, uses clear naming conventions like "watchEffect" and "onCleanup" to make the intended usage more apparent. Additionally, Svelte allows for the use of async directly within the watch effect, eliminating the need for an additional function call for data fetching. These naming conventions and features make the Svelte composition API an appealing alternative for some developers, as they simplify the process of handling side effects and cleanup. However, it's important to remember that both libraries have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of the developer or team.

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    • Function components


    • What are React hooks?


    • What problem does this solve?


    • State hooks


    • Context hooks


    • Effect hooks



    • Ref Hooks



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    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    Show Notes

    1:26 - Hooks vs Render Props

    • Hooks win hands down
    • useState
    • useReducer
    • useRef
    • useContext
    • useEffect
    • Custom hooks to hide and encapsulate functionality

    35:06 - How we use them

    • Scott

      • Index that imports all custom hooks
      • Babel alias to hooks folder
      • Import { useHook } from ‘hooks’
      • useContextState
    • Wes

      • useResizeObserver
      • useForm
      • useGridRower
      • useWickedFavIcon

    45:54 - Which built-in hooks do we not use?

    • useImperativeHandle
    • useCallback
    • useDebugValue

    48:22 - Are hooks harder to learn?

    • Wes: Yes — but easier to maintain after the fact
    • Scott: Yes — harder conceptually and initially but easier after concepts are understood

    50:29 - Are classes going away?

    • Wes: I say yes
    • Scott: Double yes


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