
    Podcast Summary

    • React Hooks: Simplify component logic with state and features in functional componentsReact Hooks allow functional components to have state and other features, making the code simpler and more consistent, but they're not yet stable and require an alpha version of React 16.7.

      React Hooks are a new feature in React, still in alpha, that allows developers to use state and other React features without writing a class component. Previously, there were two ways to create a component in React: writing a class component with state and lifecycle methods, or writing a functional component with only props. With Hooks, functional components can now have state and other features, making the code simpler and more consistent. Hooks include several types, such as useState for managing state, useEffect for managing side effects, and useContext for consuming context. Hooks can make component logic easier to understand and test, as the state and lifecycle logic are kept within the same component. However, Hooks are not yet stable and require installing an alpha version of React 16.7.

    • Simplifying functional components with React HooksReact Hooks enable developers to use state, lifecycle methods, context, and custom hooks directly in functional components, making the code more concise and easier to understand, leading to their increased usage and popularity.

      Before React Hooks, adding state, logic, or shared functionality to functional components in React required converting them to class components, which was a tedious and manual process. This led to the use of various solutions like mixins, higher-order components, and render props to inject functionality or data into components. However, these approaches came with their own challenges, such as complexity in composing components with mixins, bloat in the component tree with render props, and difficulty in debugging and understanding the data flow. React Hooks, introduced as a solution, allows developers to use state, life cycle methods, context, and custom hooks directly in functional components, making the code more concise and easier to understand. This simplification of functional components has led to their increased usage and popularity in modern React development.

    • React's new hooks feature offers a more efficient way to manage state and side effectsHooks allow developers to manage state, context, and side effects without classes, making code more concise and easier to understand.

      React's new hooks feature offers a more efficient way to manage state, context, and side effects without the need for render props, higher components, or making classes. However, it's important to note that hooks are an opt-in feature, and classes aren't going away. This means that developers can gradually adopt hooks without having to rewrite their entire codebase. The community is still figuring out the best use cases for hooks, and it's recommended to wait and see how they are being used in practice before making large-scale changes. The introduction of hooks represents the evolution of best practices in React development, and it's an exciting time to be part of the community as new patterns and techniques emerge. Additionally, it's important to remember that not all developers are on the latest version of React, and some may still be using older techniques like mixins. The adoption of hooks is a gradual process, and developers can choose to adopt them at their own pace. Overall, hooks offer a more streamlined way to manage state and side effects, but it's important to approach their adoption thoughtfully and consider the broader context of the React ecosystem.

    • Using the useState hook in React for state managementThe useState hook simplifies state management in function components by allowing developers to initialize state and receive a function to update it, eliminating the need for a state object and resulting in cleaner code.

      The useState hook in React allows developers to add state and state updates to function components using a simpler syntax compared to traditional class components. Instead of defining an object with state and a method to update it, developers can use the useState hook to initialize the state and receive an array containing the current state and a function to update it. This approach eliminates the need for an object with state as a property and allows for cleaner, more straightforward code. The use of an array return value also enables developers to name the state and update function variables as they see fit. Overall, the use of hooks like useState leads to cleaner and more concise code when converting class components to function components in React.

    • Managing state in functional components with UseState HookUseState Hook initializes state in functional components and preserves previous state for updates, making it easier and more efficient to manage state in React components

      React Hooks offer a more flexible way to manage state in functional components compared to the traditional class component approach. UseState is one such Hook that allows you to add state to functional components. The first time you call UseState, it initializes an empty state, and subsequent calls remember the previous state, allowing you to preserve and update values. Each piece of state can have its own updater function, and updating a specific piece of state requires spreading the old state and passing in the new property or using an updater function. It's important to note that these state updates are asynchronous, and the current component state might not always be the most recent. React Hooks make it easier to write functional components with state, allowing you to include state management right before returning JSX. This is a more modern and efficient way to manage state in React components. For more detailed examples, refer to the React documentation or consider watching a tutorial for a clearer understanding of the syntax and concepts.

    • FreshBooks values customer feedback and directly connects with usersFreshBooks prioritizes customer satisfaction by reaching out for feedback and implementing new features, while React's new useContext hook simplifies accessing context values, enhancing component tree organization.

      FreshBooks, a cloud accounting software, values customer feedback and continuously strives to improve their product by connecting with their users directly. The host, who uses FreshBooks for billing, was surprised to receive a call from the company asking for feedback, even though he was on a basic plan. This demonstrates FreshBooks' commitment to understanding their customers' needs and implementing new features to enhance the user experience. Another key takeaway is the introduction of context hooks in React. Context is a way to share state throughout an application, avoiding the need for prop drilling. With the new useContext hook, accessing the current context values is now simpler than using render props, making the component tree less cluttered. The host, who is a fan of context, emphasizes its benefits in storing and surfacing data and updater functions anywhere in the application.

    • UseContext hook in React makes consuming context easierUseContext hook simplifies context usage, reduces jargon, and opens up potential for libraries like Apollo and form libraries

      The new Hooks API in React, specifically useContext, makes it easier and more accessible to use context in your components. Instead of using render props, you can now directly consume context using the useContext hook. This simplifies the process, reduces jargon, and makes it easier to teach to new developers. Another exciting development is the potential use of hooks in libraries like Apollo and form libraries, which could lead to more efficient and effective coding. Additionally, effect hooks like useEffect, which allow you to write custom hooks and handle side effects, have the potential for exciting developments and are widely used by many libraries. Overall, the introduction of hooks in React opens up new possibilities for developers and simplifies the way we build and use components.

    • React's useEffect hook for managing side effectsUseEffect simplifies handling side effects, like data fetching or cleanup, with a single hook, improving code organization and efficiency.

      The useEffect hook in React is a replacement for traditional life cycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. This hook allows developers to handle side effects, such as fetching data or cleaning up bindings, in a more streamlined way. The useEffect hook takes a function as an argument, which runs both when the component mounts and updates. If a return function is provided, it will be called when the component is unmounted. The useEffect hook also enables developers to store and share these functions as reusable logic throughout their application, leading to cleaner and more efficient code. Additionally, it allows for more complex library situations and simpler data fetching, making it an exciting addition to React development.

    • Using `useEffect` and Sentry for efficient problem-solvingUse `useEffect` for state management and data updates, and Sentry for logging and error tracking to save time and energy in web development by quickly identifying and addressing issues

      Using tools like `useEffect` and services like Sentry can lead to cleaner, less buggy code and more efficient problem-solving in web development. `useEffect` allows for easier state management and data updates, leading to clearer code. Sentry, a logging and error tracking service, catches exceptions and stores them, enabling developers to quickly identify and address issues. For instance, Sentry helped the speaker cut resolution time from 5 hours to 5 minutes by providing detailed information about errors, including their frequency, location, and specific user data. By using these tools, developers can save time and energy by quickly identifying and addressing issues, rather than spending hours on troubleshooting. Additionally, Sentry's ability to track errors across various platforms and browsers allows developers to pinpoint issues and make targeted fixes, improving the overall user experience.

    • Century's free plan upgrade and discussion on React's reducer hookCentury's free plan upgrade helps manage errors more effectively. React's reducer hook offers more control over state updates, simplifying complex logic and serving as an alternative to Redux.

      Century, a monitoring service, offers a free plan with a boosted quota for existing users, allowing them to manage and prioritize recurring errors more effectively. The discussion also touched upon the use of the reducer hook in React, which provides more control over state updates compared to the useState hook. A reducer is a function that takes the current state and an action, processing it to return the new state. It's a useful alternative to Redux, which is still popular for its dev tools, but now faces competition from React's context API and reducer hooks. The reducer hook simplifies complex state updates and allows developers to separate the logic of updating an array from their function components.

    • Managing state and interacting with DOM elements in ReactRedux and new React features like context and ref hook offer simpler and more straightforward approaches to managing state and interacting with DOM elements in React development.

      Redux and new React features like the ref hook are two popular solutions for managing state and interacting with DOM elements in React development. Redux was once favored for its ability to inject data at any level and test clean reducers, but context and the ref hook now offer similar benefits with a more straightforward approach. Context allows for injecting data at any level without the need for passing props through every component, while the ref hook simplifies working with DOM elements by using a variable instead of magic strings. The future of Redux and its potential demise is a topic of debate, but the excitement lies in the new possibilities these developments bring for React developers. Regarding refs, the ref hook is a newer and more intuitive way to interact with them. Instead of using magic strings and a ref prop, the ref hook lets you create a variable that can be used as a ref and directly access the DOM element under the variable name dot current. This approach offers more clarity and flexibility, making it a preferred choice for working with uncontrolled inputs and forms. Additionally, the ref hook can be used alongside Redux or other state management solutions, providing developers with a versatile toolkit for managing state and interacting with the DOM in React projects. Overall, the future of React development is an exciting time with new features and improvements constantly being introduced.

    • Leveraging Hooks for Component ManipulationHooks enable efficient and flexible component manipulation through refs, custom effects, and cleanup effects. Examples include using ref hooks for DOM access and custom hooks like 'useOnClickOutside' for interactivity. Hooks like 'useImperativeMethods,' 'useMutationEffect,' and 'useLayoutEffect' offer unique functionalities.

      Hooks in React provide a more efficient and flexible way to manipulate components and their state. Refs, custom effects, and cleanup effects are essential hooks that enable various functionalities, such as grabbing DOM elements, adding custom behavior, and managing component lifecycle. For instance, using ref hooks to access DOM elements and custom hooks like "useOnClickOutside" to add interactivity. Hooks like "useImperativeMethods," "useMutationEffect," and "useLayoutEffect" offer different functionalities, with the latter two being synchronous versions of useEffect for specific use cases involving DOM mutations. Overall, hooks simplify complex component logic and expand the possibilities for dynamic and interactive user experiences.

    • Learning about Hooks in ReactHooks are a new feature in React for managing component state without classes. They're gaining popularity and used in various libraries. Learn from resources like Dan Abramov's talk, Harry Wolf and Ben Awad's videos, and the React Hooks repo.

      Hooks are a new feature in React that allow you to use state and other React features without writing classes. They are gaining popularity quickly and are already being used in various libraries and tools. Some popular libraries that have adopted Hooks include React, Spring, Animations, React Measure, Formic, and even new ones like EZ Peasy for global state management. Hooks offer a more straightforward and flexible way to manage component state and are expected to become even more prevalent in the React community. If you're interested in learning more about Hooks, there are several resources available. Dan Abramov's talk at React Conf is a great primer, and there are numerous videos from creators like Harry Wolf and Ben Awad that provide detailed explanations of each hook. Additionally, the awesome React Hooks repo on GitHub is a comprehensive resource that lists all the libraries and tools that use Hooks. It's important to note that classes and props are not going away, but Hooks offer an alternative and useful way to manage component state. The React community is still in the early stages of exploring Hooks, and new libraries and resources are constantly emerging. So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced React developer, it's worth taking the time to learn about Hooks and how they can enhance your React development experience.

    • Speaker plans to update content with React Hooks, recommends Swindled podcast, new drill brush, and 'Bad Blood' bookSpeaker plans to update courses with React Hooks, enjoys Swindled podcast, is excited about new drill brush, and recommends 'Bad Blood' book for its shocking Theranos story

      The speaker plans to update his content, particularly his courses, to use React Hooks once the API becomes mature and stable. He highly recommends the Swindled podcast for its engaging storytelling about historical swindles and cons. Additionally, he's excited about a new drill brush accessory he ordered, which promises to make cleaning various surfaces easier. Lastly, he recommends the book "Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup," which tells the shocking story of Theranos, a medical supply company that grew big through deceit.

    • A failed tech startup's deception exposedListen to Swindle podcast or Dirty John for captivating stories of deception, and learn Gatsby version 2 with Pro Gatsby 2 course

      "Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup" is an engrossing book that exposes the story of a failed tech startup and the deception that ensnared investors and the public. The podcast recommendation shares similarities with true crime stories, making for a captivating listen. The speaker highly recommends the Swindle podcast and Dirty John, both of which follow this format. In addition, the speaker promotes a new course, Pro Gatsby 2, available at Leveluptutorials.com for those interested in learning Gatsby version 2. The course is designed for beginners and covers core foundational concepts to help learners become more competent Gatsby developers.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Sanity - Sponsor

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    Show Notes

    1:26 - Hooks vs Render Props

    • Hooks win hands down
    • useState
    • useReducer
    • useRef
    • useContext
    • useEffect
    • Custom hooks to hide and encapsulate functionality

    35:06 - How we use them

    • Scott

      • Index that imports all custom hooks
      • Babel alias to hooks folder
      • Import { useHook } from ‘hooks’
      • useContextState
    • Wes

      • useResizeObserver
      • useForm
      • useGridRower
      • useWickedFavIcon

    45:54 - Which built-in hooks do we not use?

    • useImperativeHandle
    • useCallback
    • useDebugValue

    48:22 - Are hooks harder to learn?

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    • Scott: Yes — harder conceptually and initially but easier after concepts are understood

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    • Wes: I say yes
    • Scott: Double yes


    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

    Shameless Plugs

    • Scott: All Courses - Sign up for the year and save 25%!
    • Wes: All Courses - Use the coupon code ‘Syntax’ for $10 off!

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    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    Show Notes

    03:54 - Decouple the UI from the logic

    • This wasn’t impossible with class-based components, but we started using HOC to do this.
    • With hooks, it makes you decouple what it does and how it looks.
    • Makes things like GraphQL code gen possible
    • Multiple pieces of state or functionality
    • Share commonly used functionality among projects and components

    10:31 - Reduction in code

    • Lifecycle methods were often redundant. useEffect offers a way to prevent the duplication that can happen with component did update and did mount. This gives you a way to say, “Hey, run this code when these things change.”

    13:30 - useEffect’s dependencies

    • These give you access to targeted control over side effects rather than just something changed.

    14:15 - Easier to grok

    • What happens? When? Where? It’s mostly in the hook.

    16:09 - Simplicity in usage

    • Thing, updateThing is more targeted than set state
    • Ref makes way more sense with useRef
      • String refs weren’t great, the function ref thing was obnoxious

    21:07 - Gripes about Hooks

    • Naming is kind of odd
      • Vue did a better job with the names


    Tweet us your tasty treats!

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