
    Have such a dope soul that people crave your vibes

    enJune 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Individuality and Authentic ExpressionStay true to yourself, embrace individuality, and express yourself authentically to foster meaningful connections and overcome challenges in interpersonal relationships and creative pursuits.

      The speakers in this conversation express their unique personalities and experiences, showcasing the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing individuality. They also discuss the impact of interactions with others and the potential for fear or awe elicited by strong energy or charisma. The speakers touch on their own experiences with being misunderstood due to their outgoing nature and the importance of expressing oneself authentically. Additionally, they mention the challenges they've faced in their creative pursuits and the importance of staying resilient and persistent. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing individuality while navigating the complexities of interpersonal relationships and creative endeavors.

    • The speaker shares her tendency to overshare and natural charisma, but also her body odor issue and past experiences with alcohol.The speaker reflects on her unique qualities, including her tendency to overshare, natural charisma, body odor issue, and past experiences with alcohol, and how they impact her relationships and interactions with others.

      The speaker acknowledges her tendency to overshare and be too truthful, which can sometimes be off-putting to others. She also discusses her natural charisma that draws people to her, but she doesn't let everyone in. The conversation then shifts to the speaker's body odor issue and her perception that people are afraid of her in public due to her "killer energy." She also mentions her past experiences with alcohol and how she's taken it seriously since a video was released. The conversation also touches on their discussion of "beige flags," which the speaker finds difficult to identify as they are a mix between red and green flags. The speaker also mentions her education at RISD and Brown University, which she found challenging. Overall, the speaker reflects on her unique qualities and experiences.

    • Understanding unique tech and comm preferencesRespect individual relationships with tech and find a balance that works for both parties. Communicate openly about quirks and habits.

      Our relationship with technology and communication varies greatly among individuals. While some rely on their phones for connection and popularity, others find it draining and prefer to use it for personal enrichment. Misunderstandings can arise when expectations and preferences clash. For instance, one person might be annoyed by the constant notifications and long waits for responses, while the other might find comfort in the constant connectivity. It's essential to acknowledge and respect each other's unique relationship with technology and find a balance that works for both parties. Additionally, quirks and habits, such as using Red Bull cans as air fresheners or being a germaphobe, can also impact relationships and should be communicated openly and respectfully.

    • Importance of personal hygiene in relationshipsMaintaining good personal hygiene is crucial for feeling attractive and desirable in a relationship, but constant reminders can be frustrating

      Personal hygiene and cleanliness are important aspects of a relationship. The speaker expresses her discomfort and annoyance when her partner neglects these habits. She believes it's crucial to maintain good oral hygiene and personal hygiene to feel attractive and desirable. However, the constant reminders from her partner about showering and brushing teeth can be frustrating and annoying for both parties. This issue can escalate from a beige flag to a red flag, as it may reveal deeper underlying issues. Additionally, the speaker shares her thoughts on other topics, such as her confusion about the term "trunk" and her conspiracy theory about Shane Dawson. However, the main theme revolves around the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness in a relationship.

    • Discussing the fleeting nature of YouTube success and popularityYouTube creators' past achievements can become commonplace, staying adaptable is crucial, and the entertainment industry values constant change

      The entertainment landscape, specifically on YouTube, is ever-changing, and what once seemed monumental can quickly become commonplace. The conversation revolved around the massive success of certain YouTube creators, such as MrBeast, and the awe-inspiring view counts their videos garnered. However, even MrBeast's impressive numbers are now considered "pathetic" in comparison to his past achievements. The group also touched upon the popularity of shows like Squid Game and the bizarre nature of certain animals, like koalas, which can be cute but also have unexpected and even disturbing aspects. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of staying adaptable and appreciating the fleeting nature of success and popularity in the entertainment industry.

    • Koalas' Unique Diet and Digestive NeedsKoalas can only eat eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic and fibrous, and require nutrition from their mothers' diarrhea during weaning. Their specialized teeth and stomachs help them survive, but eucalyptus is not a nutritious food source. Misconceptions about koalas carrying syphilis are unfounded.

      Koalas have unique dietary and digestive needs, making it challenging for them to survive in human environments. They can only eat eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic and fibrous, requiring them to obtain nutrition from their mothers' diarrhea when weaning. Their teeth and stomachs are adapted to handle the eucalyptus, but it is not a nutritious food source. Additionally, koalas are often associated with carrying syphilis, although there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The speaker's fascination with koalas led them to explore various aspects of their biology, demonstrating the complexity and intrigue of these marsupials.

    • The Power and Impact of Information and ExperiencesThe spread of negative information and experiences, even online, can have real and dangerous consequences. Keep consuming content and consider others' perspectives.

      The spread of information, even if it's negative or hateful, can have real and dangerous consequences. The speaker expresses frustration with the spread of hate and negativity, particularly online, and the impact it has on people's lives. They also reflect on their own mortality and the lack of grandeur they expect in their deaths. The conversation shifts to the topic of discharge and its strange similarity to the scent of weed. Despite the seemingly random and unrelated topics, the underlying theme remains the same - the power and impact of information and experiences, both positive and negative. The speaker encourages listeners to keep consuming content, even if they get bored, and to consider the experiences and perspectives of others.

    • Reflecting on Nails, Car Accidents, and GrindrSpeaker shares memories and anecdotes about getting nails done, a past car accident, and using the dating app Grindr, discussing the use of phrases and images, and expressing frustration with lack of context in inside jokes.

      The speaker in this conversation is reflecting on various topics, including the need to get her nails done, a past car accident, and her experiences using the dating app Grindr. She shares a game they can play where they read and respond to each other's messages, and they discuss the use of certain phrases and images on the app. The speaker also mentions a past car accident, where she suspects the other person involved had a bruise. She then shares a memory of listening to a specific song, "Marina," while using Grindr. The conversation also touches on the topic of negative riz, which appears to be a term or inside joke between them. The speaker expresses her frustration with the lack of context provided by the term and reminisces about learning new concepts as a child. She also makes a humorous comment about women and their ability to learn new things. Throughout the conversation, the speaker uses descriptive language and shares anecdotes, providing insight into her experiences and thought process.

    • The impact of excessive knowledge intake during pregnancyPregnancy demands focus on essential bodily functions, limiting resources for excessive learning. Communication challenges arise from lengthy conversations and excessive messaging.

      During pregnancy, focusing too much on learning and ingesting knowledge might divert essential resources from crucial bodily functions, such as maintaining a healthy blood flow to the ovaries or erectile tissue. This conversation touched upon the absurdity of big wiener culture, with speakers expressing their discomfort and unnecessary criticism towards individuals with larger than average body parts. The discussion also highlighted the challenges of maintaining clear communication, especially when engaging in multiple topics with a single person. The speakers acknowledged their tendency to speak excessively and expressed frustration when their conversational partners didn't respond to every thought. They also shared their experiences with sending lengthy messages and found themselves embarrassed when not receiving a reply to each individual thought. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being mindful of the resources we use during pregnancy and the potential challenges of maintaining effective communication.

    • Personal Traumas and Their Lasting EffectsTrauma from past experiences can deeply impact an individual's present emotions and relationships, leaving them feeling fearful, used, and unable to sleep alone. Societal reactions to infidelity can also add to the pain, but maintaining a sense of humor can help provide some relief.

      The speaker has experienced significant trauma in her past, which has affected her deeply and continues to shape her present experiences. She shares stories of a home invasion and the fear it instilled in her, as well as her feelings of being used and discarded in relationships. These experiences have left her feeling traumatized and unable to sleep alone, leading her to seek comfort in the presence of others. She also expresses frustration with the societal reaction to infidelity and the double standard that exists. Despite the challenges she has faced, she maintains a sense of humor and is able to find levity in her experiences. However, she also acknowledges the ongoing impact of her past traumas and the ways in which they continue to shape her present.

    • Unexpected hysteria and humor on the internetThe internet can bring about unexpected reactions, from viral challenges to personal relationships. Authenticity and honesty are key in building strong connections.

      The Internet can bring about unexpected hysteria and humor, as seen in viral challenges like the Dunk and Squid games. The speaker also discussed the idea of authenticity in relationships, emphasizing that constant declarations of love can sometimes be a sign of dishonesty. The conversation also touched on the topic of estate sales, with the speaker expressing unease about the idea of strangers buying personal items from deceased individuals' homes. Lastly, the speaker mentioned their plans for a future high episode. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, showcasing the speakers' unique perspectives and sense of humor.

    • Perception and Humor: A Personal ExperienceOur unique perspectives and experiences shape our sense of humor and interpretation of events.

      The speaker's perception of an experience, influenced by their state of mind, can greatly impact their interpretation of events and what they find humorous. Using the example of a friend's unexpected reaction, the speaker explains how their own experience of the situation, enhanced by their use of marijuana, led them to view the incident differently than their friends. They acknowledge that their interpretation may not translate well on camera or to others who weren't present, but they find it amusing due to their shared history with their friend. The speaker also shares their enthusiasm for the new Spider-Man movie and recommends a song for listeners to enjoy in a specific setting. Overall, the discussion highlights the subjective nature of perception and the importance of experiencing things firsthand to fully understand their significance.

    • Speaker quits vaping on mother's birthdayThe speaker shares his decision to quit vaping, expresses love for his mother's influence, and announces upcoming merchandise.

      The speaker is making a significant personal change in his life. He has decided to quit vaping for good, starting on his mother's birthday. He shared this news with his audience and expressed his love and appreciation for his mother's influence on his decision. Additionally, he mentioned that merchandise is coming soon for his fans. The speaker also shared his love for the music of George Harrison and mentioned two of his favorite albums. This personal update from the speaker highlights the importance of family and health, as well as his connection to his fans through his music and merchandise.

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    www.facebook.com/CreateYourNow   Cover Art by Jenny Hamson Photo by Canva.com   Music by Mandisa - Overcomer http://www.mandisaofficial.com Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.