
    Have we turned the corner on high inflation or could it bounce back?

    enAugust 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Mortgage costs may remain high despite falling inflation and decreasing mortgage ratesDespite falling inflation and decreasing mortgage rates, homeowners may face higher mortgage costs due to persistent high core inflation and expected elevated interest rates for an extended period.

      While inflation is falling and mortgage rates are projected to decrease, the persistent high core inflation and the expectation that interest rates will stay elevated for longer could mean mortgage costs may remain high for homeowners. The Bank of England is expected to peak interest rates around 6%, but the exact peak is uncertain. Market forecasts have been wrong in the past, and rates could change quickly. The overall message is that we're heading in the right direction, but homeowners may need to prepare for potentially higher mortgage costs for an extended period.

    • Factors contributing to inflation and its impact on borrowersGeopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, massive government spending, and the aftermath of the financial crisis are leading to regular inflation spikes, causing more pain for borrowers as mortgage rates remain high and the cost of living continues to rise.

      The world we live in today is vastly different from the one that brought about the era of low and stable inflation. The global economy is experiencing various factors that could lead to regular inflation spikes, such as geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and massive government spending. These factors, along with the aftermath of the financial crisis, suggest that the next decade might not resemble the last one in terms of inflation. Additionally, mortgage rates have started to edge down but are still high compared to a few years ago. While there's a possibility that the base rate hiking cycle might be nearing its end, the cost of living is unlikely to return to previous cheap levels anytime soon. The ongoing inflation could potentially cause more pain for borrowers, and there's a debate about whether the Bank of England's efforts to combat inflation are pushing the economy into an unnecessary recession.

    • Understanding the Complex Economic SituationCentral bank efforts to combat inflation may lead to hardships, but it's crucial to consider complex economic factors

      The current economic situation is complex, with inflation numbers being influenced by various factors such as energy prices, food costs, and consumer spending on travel. While some individuals, particularly those without mortgages or with substantial disposable income, may be able to weather the economic storm, others, especially those with larger mortgage payments, are feeling the brunt of rising costs. The Bank of England's efforts to combat inflation may lead to significant hardships for many, but it's important to remember that central bankers are human and may be influenced by the path of least resistance. Despite the challenges, it's crucial to understand that the situation is complex and requires careful consideration of various economic factors.

    • Challenges for the Bank of England with Interest RatesThe Bank of England faces a delicate balance between controlling inflation and ensuring fair wages. Rapid rate increases risk a wage-price spiral, but excessive wage growth could also fuel inflation. The MPC must consider the details carefully to strike a balance.

      The Bank of England is currently in a challenging position regarding interest rates. Despite earlier hesitance to raise them, they have been doing so rapidly due to inflation concerns. The economy is not in a crisis, but rates are still relatively low compared to historical standards. The MPC is expected to make a decision on rates in September, and there's a risk they might keep increasing them out of fear of being criticized for not doing enough against inflation. However, excessive wage growth could lead to a wage-price spiral, making it essential to strike a balance. The latest wage growth figures show an increase above inflation, which is good news for consumers but could still be offset by mortgage rate rises. It's crucial for the MPC to carefully consider the details and make sensible decisions, as they have a significant impact on the lives of approximately 70 million people. The wage growth figures also reveal significant differences in wage rises depending on the job and income level. Public sector workers, for instance, experienced a larger increase due to a one-off cost of living payment. Overall, the current situation requires careful consideration to prevent inflation from becoming entrenched while ensuring workers receive fair wages.

    • Wage growth varies greatly depending on income level and industryThe highest earners experienced a 12.6% wage increase since June 2021, while the lowest earners only saw a 10% increase, creating a stark contrast. Pensioners could potentially benefit from another big increase next year due to the triple lock policy, while those currently working effectively pay for their pensions.

      Wage growth varies greatly depending on the industry and income level. While highest earners experienced a significant wage increase of 12.6% since June 2021, the lowest earners only saw a 10% increase. This creates a stark contrast, with some industries and income groups being hit harder by inflation, food prices, and energy costs. The pensioners, however, could potentially benefit from another big increase next year due to the triple lock policy, which ensures a reasonable pension rise based on wages, inflation, or a minimum of 2.5%. This policy, which has caused the government some financial strain, particularly due to high wage growth and inflation, means that those currently working are effectively paying for the pensions of retirees. Despite criticisms that the UK state pension is among the meanest in the western world, it's important to consider that many countries incorporate workplace pensions into their state pension calculations.

    • UK State Pension to Increase Due to Triple Lock, but at a CostThe UK state pension is set to rise due to the triple lock guarantee, but this comes with a significant cost to the government, potentially adding billions to the budget.

      The UK state pension, while not overly generous, is set to increase due to rising wages and inflation. However, this comes with a significant cost to the government, potentially adding billions to the budget. Despite this, the triple lock pledge, which guarantees pension increases in line with wages, inflation, or 2.5%, is popular among the public and unlikely to change before the next election. The triple lock, while popular, also poses a challenge for the government due to its high cost. The government made a commitment to this policy, and breaking it could harm their reputation. The markets have seen volatility this week, with US equity markets experiencing three consecutive declines. Factors contributing to this include high US bond yields, rising oil prices, and concerns over debt and growth in China.

    • S&P 500 Dips Below 50-Day Moving Average, UK Inflation Decreases, Moody's Downgrades US Bank RatingsThe S&P 500 dropped below its 50-day moving average, UK had a temporary inflation decrease, Moody's downgraded US bank ratings, but Walmart beat expectations and Berkshire Hathaway made a bet on homebuilders. September, potential Fed actions, and earnings reports await.

      The S&P 500 has dropped below its 50-day moving average, marking three consecutive weeks of declines. This profit-taking trend comes as the UK experienced a one-off inflation decrease, which can be seen as a temporary victory. Moody's downgraded US bank ratings, but Walmart beat expectations, keeping its all-time high share price. Berkshire Hathaway made a significant bet on homebuilders. September, historically the worst month for the stock market, is approaching. Next week, the Fed and other central banks will meet at Jackson Hole, potentially influencing monetary policy. NVIDIA, BHP, Baidu, and Zoom are set to report earnings, and PMI data will be released. The first Republican primary debate will also take place. Additionally, a man named Crane shared his experience of having his bank account frozen due to excessive charitable donations. Despite these events, the speaker remains cautiously optimistic for long-term investors. The upcoming week is expected to be busy with various economic and political events.

    • Man's bank account closed due to Sainsbury's food donation refundsClear communication and quick response from banks needed to prevent inconvenience and frustration when flagging account activity as suspicious

      A man's bank account was closed due to a large number of refunds from Sainsbury's for food donations to a local food bank. The bank flagged this activity as suspicious and closed his account, causing inconvenience and frustration. The man was eventually able to get his account reopened and received compensation, but the process took longer than expected. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication between banks and customers regarding account activity and potential flags for suspicious behavior. It also underscores the challenges of balancing security with convenience and the potential for false positives in automated fraud detection systems. The volume of debanking cases and the reasons behind them remain a topic of debate, with some attributing it to increased scams or shedding of riskier customers. Regardless of the cause, the impact on individuals and their ability to manage their financial lives can be significant. It is crucial for banks to improve their communication and response times to minimize the disruption caused by account closures.

    • Preparing for Unexpected SituationsHaving a secondary account or credit card for emergencies can save time and stress. Repair furniture with caution using household items, but identify the finish first.

      Being prepared for unexpected situations can save you time and stress. A cautionary tale was shared about waiting over a week to regain access to a debit card due to fraud. The solution suggested was having a secondary account or credit card for emergencies. Additionally, a practical tip was given for removing watermarks and scratches from furniture using household items like mayonnaise, toothpaste, or a hot iron. It's essential to identify the finish of the furniture before attempting any repairs. And, as a reminder, be cautious about seeking advice from unknowledgeable sources to avoid making the problem worse.

    • Navigating life's uncertainties like choosing the right color for furnitureMaking choices in life can lead to various outcomes, just like selecting a color for furniture, and staying informed through reliable sources can help us make better decisions.

      Life presents us with choices, and the outcome can go in different directions. Just like trying to find the right color to touch up some furniture, the result could either improve or worsen the situation. This dilemma is a common theme in life, and we all face similar uncertainties. To stay informed about the latest financial news and engage with the team, listeners can visit thisismoney.co.uk or download the app. If you have any tips or questions, email editor@thisismoney, or tweet @thisismoney. If you'd like to reach out to Georgie about fixing her furniture, tweet @georgie instead. Don't forget to rate the podcast wherever you found it to help others discover it. For those interested in trading and investing, tune in to the Digest and Invest podcast by eToro.

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