
    Hear what happens when you combine your questions, my pops and wine | Tea with GaryVee

    enApril 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Ask Gary Vee your questions live on FacebookGary Vaynerchuk's new live Q&A show on Facebook, 'Tea with Gary Vee,' allows viewers to ask questions in advance and be selected to ask them live on Zoom for personalized advice and insights from Gary.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a well-known entrepreneur and media personality, has launched a new live Q&A show on Facebook called "Tea with Gary Vee," which takes place every morning from 9 AM to 11 AM EST. This show allows viewers to ask questions in advance using a community app and be selected to ask their question live on Zoom, which is then broadcasted on Facebook. Gary is known for his deep and insightful responses, making this a unique opportunity for individuals to receive personalized advice and insights from him. The show has already gained significant popularity, with many people praising it as Gary's best content pillar yet. During the show, Gary also shares his thoughts on various topics, including wine, and invites his guests, such as his father, to join the conversation. Overall, "Tea with Gary Vee" offers a unique and engaging experience for viewers, providing valuable insights and advice while also allowing for personal interaction with Gary.

    • Lessons from parents: Honesty, hard work, and strong family valuesParents' lessons of honesty, hard work, and strong family values shape their children's character and contribute to their success in life.

      The importance of honesty, hard work, and strong family values have been instrumental lessons passed down from parents to their children, shaping their character and influencing their success in life. The discussion also touched upon the differences in parenting styles and their impact on the younger generation. Gary's father emphasized the significance of keeping one's word and living up to commitments, while Nor believed that hard work is a learned behavior and encouraged instilling strong work ethics in children from a young age. Despite some disagreements, both agreed on the importance of instilling these values in their children to help them thrive in life.

    • Navigating the Shift to Virtual Speaking and WritingSpeakers and writers must innovate and communicate effectively in the virtual world to thrive. Top performers are expected to continue succeeding, while lower middle class may struggle. Technology advances, like holograms, offer new opportunities but require clear communication.

      The speaker industry, like many others, is undergoing significant changes due to the shift towards virtual events. While in-person experiences will still exist, the lower middle class of speakers may struggle and could be forced to adapt to the virtual format. Top performers, on the other hand, are expected to continue flourishing. Technology is also advancing rapidly, with holograms becoming a possibility for virtual keynotes. Norman, a speaker, shared his experience of giving a hologram keynote, which received great feedback but was marred by poor communication about the format. Miriam, a new author, sought advice on marketing her new book, which is about the law of attraction, during the pandemic. Overall, the discussion highlighted the need for innovation and effective communication in the virtual world to maximize connectivity and make experiences worth people's time.

    • Effectively marketing a book or building a personal brandCreate and share authentic content across platforms, engage with audience, focus on financial education within regulated industries.

      Creating and sharing valuable content, as well as building access to your audience, are crucial elements in marketing a book or building a personal brand. Influencer marketing can be effective, but promoting books without genuinely reading or believing in them can harm your reputation. Instead, focus on creating and sharing content across multiple platforms, such as LinkedIn and TikTok, and engage with your audience through Q&A sessions and documenting your process. While it may take more effort and time, the long-term value of authentic content and access outweighs the convenience of a simple promotion. Additionally, there are opportunities to create content within regulated industries, despite the challenges, and focusing on financial education is a particularly valuable area.

    • Emphasizing Value and Consistency in Content CreationFocus on one area, provide valuable info, and be consistent in content creation for business growth.

      Producing content is crucial for business success in today's world, despite any challenges or reservations. The speaker, who runs a kosher coupon page and occasionally creates content about the financial sector, emphasizes the importance of focusing on one area and providing valuable information to the audience, even if the production quality isn't perfect. They also mention the launch of their son's business, WineText, and share a personal story about football and wine preferences. Ultimately, the message is that business growth requires consistent content creation and a willingness to share, even if there are cultural or personal obstacles.

    • The Power of Dedication and Hard WorkDedication and hard work, fueled by passion and a strong desire to achieve goals, can help individuals overcome challenges and avoid burnout. Examples include football legends Ed Reed and Bill Belichick, who demonstrated unwavering commitment and relentless pursuit of success.

      Dedication and hard work, fueled by passion and a strong desire to achieve one's goals, can help individuals overcome challenges and avoid burnout. This was evident in the conversation between the friends, who discussed their admiration for football legends Ed Reed and Bill Belichick, and their own experiences of pushing themselves to the limit in their personal and professional lives. Reed's ability to trick Peyton Manning by studying his film for weeks was a testament to his unwavering commitment, while Belichick's secret taping of plays showed his relentless pursuit of success. Similarly, Cody's question about how to maintain energy and motivation in content creation was met with the advice to stay focused on one's goals and work ethic, drawing on the example of immigrants who came to America with dreams of building something for themselves and their families. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying true to one's aspirations and pushing through adversity, even when faced with long hours and seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    • The Dangers of Social Media Numbers GameFocus on gratitude and positive self-comparison to avoid addiction to social media numbers, and prioritize personal growth and relationships over metrics.

      The pursuit of numbers, followers, and clout in social media can lead to addiction and a distorted sense of self-worth. The speaker shares his personal experience of getting caught up in the numbers game and how it negatively impacted his life. He suggests focusing on gratitude and comparing oneself to others in a positive light to avoid falling into this trap. The speaker also shares his struggle with prioritizing relationship content over his own, leading to a loss of identity and the need to rebuild his personal brand. Ultimately, the speaker encourages stepping back from the numbers game and recognizing the value of human connections and personal growth beyond social media metrics.

    • Focusing on value over numbersBy prioritizing genuine connection and value, creators can make a difference in people's lives, even if their content doesn't gain widespread popularity.

      Focusing on providing value to others, rather than just chasing numbers and likes, can lead to personal growth and fulfillment, even if the content doesn't perform as well as expected. The speaker, a 18-year-old YouTuber, shared his struggles with maintaining authenticity in his content and the pressure to meet viewership numbers. He also emphasized the importance of not comparing oneself to others and instead focusing on bringing happiness and value to a smaller audience. The speaker's perspective shifted when he realized that a seemingly underperforming video brought value to 39 people who sold items for the first time, ultimately making a difference in their lives. By adopting this mindset, the speaker encourages creators to prioritize genuine connection and value over internet fame.

    • A heartwarming conversation between a father and his childrenThe father and children shared stories, discussed possibilities, and encouraged curiosity, highlighting the importance of love, education, and imagination.

      The conversation between the father and his children was filled with various topics, from discussing the possibility of going live on a platform, to imagining what the father would be doing if he were born in America, and even sharing stories about a tree that was planted in their honor. The father's passion for trees was also highlighted, while his children showed their competitive side and shared their interests. The conversation was filled with love, curiosity, and a touch of humor. Additionally, the father encouraged his children to ask questions and explore their imagination, showing the importance of education and curiosity. The conversation also touched on the topic of social media and the importance of not being too focused on one platform. Overall, the conversation was a heartwarming and engaging exchange between a loving father and his children.

    • The Power of Kindness and StorytellingSharing personal stories and acts of kindness can build connections and grow a business, even if only one person listens. Stay committed to your business and embrace storytelling to engage with your audience and build a community.

      Kindness and storytelling are powerful tools for connecting with people and growing a business. The speaker expressed admiration for someone who goes out of their way to be kind to everyone, and emphasized the importance of sharing personal stories about one's business. Even if only one person listens, it could make a significant impact. The speaker also shared their own experience of starting a business and the importance of staying committed to it, even when faced with challenges. They encouraged business owners to embrace storytelling as a way to engage with their audience and build a community. Additionally, the speaker mentioned their involvement in esports tournaments and invited the interviewee to participate. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, resilience, and connection in both personal and professional contexts.

    • Transforming the liquor industry through deregulationSuccess can be achieved despite heavy industry regulations by prioritizing the business, being creative, and staying dedicated.

      During the speaker's business journey, they prioritized the business above personal expenses and avoided relying on government help or credit cards. A notable example was the deregulation of New Jersey's liquor market in 1980, which transformed the industry by allowing competitive pricing and creativity. The speaker's competitors in the wine industry could allegedly buy them out for Gary's departure from the industry due to its heavy regulation. Despite the industry's strict regulations, the speaker found success through creativity and dedication.

    • Virtual Infrastructure Boom vs. Struggling Brick-and-Mortar StoresBrick-and-mortar stores can survive pandemic by offering unique experiences, but must adapt to online shopping trend.

      The virtual infrastructure sector, including companies like Zoom, Slack, Amazon, and TikTok, presents a significant opportunity for businesses to thrive during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. Traditional brick-and-mortar stores, such as wine retailers, are facing challenges due to high lease prices and the shift towards online shopping. However, these stores can adapt by offering unique experiences, such as wine classes, events, and food classes, to attract customers and differentiate themselves in the market. While the retail industry was already struggling, the pandemic is accelerating the trend towards online shopping. Despite this, brick-and-mortar stores will continue to exist, but they must evolve to provide value-added experiences to customers. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal anecdote about his father's wine retail business and the challenges it faced in the face of changing consumer behavior.

    • Transform stores into destinations for experiences and educationOffer personalized services, educational sessions, and utilize platforms like Shopify to provide value beyond just the product.

      In today's retail landscape, providing a memorable experience or education is crucial for businesses, especially as online shopping continues to grow. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that people no longer just need to buy a product; they want an experience or to be educated about it. He suggested that retailers should transform their stores into destinations where customers can engage with the brand and learn something new. For example, a clothing store could offer personal styling services, or a wine store could offer tastings and educational sessions. In the context of starting a t-shirt business, Gary recommended preselling to secure funds and build anticipation, as well as utilizing platforms like Shopify to streamline the selling process. Ultimately, the key is to provide value beyond just the product itself.

    • Misunderstanding a word's meaning leads to heated argumentBe mindful of your words and consider the context to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts

      Communication is crucial and the importance of understanding context cannot be overstated. This was evident in a conversation between two individuals where a misunderstanding led to a heated argument. The misunderstanding stemmed from a misinterpretation of a word's meaning, leading one person to feel disrespected and angry. This incident resulted in a significant loss for one party, as a large audience stopped watching their show due to the controversy. The incident serves as a reminder to be mindful of our words and to always consider the context in which they are used. Misunderstandings can lead to unnecessary conflicts and negative consequences, so it's essential to strive for clear and effective communication.

    • Effective communication and resilience in businessListen carefully, be open to different perspectives, and consider raising prices to cover costs in business.

      Effective communication is key to understanding and resolving misunderstandings. The discussion highlighted the importance of listening carefully and being open to different perspectives. The speaker shared a long-standing disagreement and emphasized the need for clear and respectful dialogue. They also mentioned their personal experiences and how they have grown from them. Additionally, the speaker shared insights about their business, focusing on brand building and the challenges of being a solopreneur. They expressed the need to find ways to secure capital to meet demand for their products. The listener suggested that they consider selling their products for a higher price to cover costs. The speaker seemed to appreciate the suggestion but required further clarification. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics, emphasizing the importance of communication and resilience.

    • Managing cash flow and reducing risk with presellingPreselling helps businesses use customer dollars to cover inventory costs, manage cash flow, and reduce risk. Ensure enough demand before launching a presale to avoid unsold inventory and focus on building a brand for long-term success.

      Preselling is an effective way to manage cash flow and mitigate risk in a business. By incentivizing orders through discount structures, businesses can use customer dollars to cover inventory costs instead of relying on production funds. However, it's important to ensure there's enough demand for a particular product before launching a presale to avoid being left with unsold inventory. Additionally, focusing on building a brand rather than just producing ideas can lead to long-term success. The speaker shared his experience with preselling in the wine industry back in 1993 and how it helped them manage inventory and sales. He also advised against making commitments without proper planning and preparation to avoid potential issues. Overall, preselling is a valuable strategy for businesses looking to manage cash flow and reduce risk.

    • Creating valuable content to build a personal brandFocus on producing high-quality content across various platforms to establish expertise and attract opportunities

      Creating and sharing valuable content is key to building a personal brand and reaching new opportunities. During a discussion about wine, a man named IP shared his passion for education and his side project, Accept University, which focuses on teaching tolerance and empathy in schools. He expressed his desire to become a motivational speaker and presenter but struggled with getting his name out there. GV offered advice, suggesting that IP focus on creating high-quality content across various platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. IP acknowledged the importance of this approach, sharing that people often get caught up in promoting themselves instead of providing valuable information. By producing editorial-style content, IP can establish himself as an expert in his field and attract the attention of schools and potential clients.

    • Focus on creating and sharing valuable contentTo succeed, provide the best information and be authentic, drawing people naturally. Entrepreneurs should prioritize love, compassion, sincerity, honesty, and hard work.

      In order to succeed, particularly in the current remote learning environment, it's essential for individuals, including educators, to focus on creating and sharing valuable content rather than trying to sell or convince others. By providing the best information and being authentic, people will naturally be drawn to you. Additionally, entrepreneurs should prioritize love, compassion, sincerity, honesty, and hard work in their endeavors. Lastly, receiving recognition and positive feedback from others, such as through podcast reviews, can be a significant source of motivation and appreciation.

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    Text me your question at 1-212-931-5731

    Tea with GaryVee 9am ET: facebook.com/gary

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    Sponsor: http://www.BlackFathersNOW.com Please click "Apparel" and grab some Dope Apparel.  While you're at it, click on the link for my book, "Dynamic Black Fatherhood Manifesto" and grab a Copy or 20 for your friends!

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    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/black-fathers-now/id1230596918?mt=2

    Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-fit-urban-life-show/black-fathers-now

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtczqqU6-ZAwG37LcRpwJ3Q





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    Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

    More info on James Andrew Miller:

    His website links his book to the Amazon page - 

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    Checkout my new co-hosted podcast with DraftKing’s founder--Matt Kalish on all things sports, business, and alternative investing: https://linktr.ee/propsanddropspod

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