
    Heather McMahan

    enSeptember 03, 2021
    What sorority was Heather McMahon involved in during college?
    How did Arizona State University's Greek life scandal impact students?
    What does Heather McMahon think about paying for friendships?
    What themes did the podcast conversation explore?
    What unique selling point did the speaker mention regarding herself?

    • Heather McMahon's fond memories of her sorority experienceDespite financial obligations and stereotypes, Heather cherished her sorority involvement, acknowledging she may have been paying for friends. Contrasted with Greek life ban at Arizona State University.

      Heather McMahon, a guest on the Whiskey Ginger podcast, shared her experiences in college, specifically her involvement in a sorority, Delta Gamma. She spoke fondly of her time, despite the financial obligations and the stereotypes, admitting that she might have been paying for friends. She contrasted her experience with Arizona State University, where Greek life was banned due to a pornography scandal involving a porn company filming on campus. Now, Heather and the podcast host, Andrew Santino, are both on tour, inviting audiences to see them live. They encourage listeners to visit andrewsantino.com for tour dates and ticket information. The conversation also included light-hearted banter about whiskey and ginger beer.

    • Perceptions shaped by societal norms and lawsSocietal norms and laws can limit our perspectives, but self-discovery and the internet can broaden our horizons. Overcoming stereotypes and building self-confidence are key to personal growth.

      Societal norms and laws, even those rooted in old traditions, can shape perceptions and experiences, particularly when it comes to topics like college life and relationships. The speaker shared stories of growing up with the belief that having a sorority house in Auburn, Alabama was equivalent to a "whorehouse," and how her own experiences in college influenced her perspective on her past. She also discussed the impact of the internet on broadening her horizons and discovering new talents and stories that she may not have been exposed to otherwise. The conversation also touched on the importance of self-confidence and the challenges of dealing with stereotypes based on one's heritage. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities of personal growth, societal norms, and the power of self-discovery.

    • Growing up with multiple cultural backgroundsOne's unique identity, shaped by cultural influences, can impact experiences and perceptions in unexpected ways

      Identity is a complex blend of various cultural influences, and these influences can shape our experiences in unexpected ways. The speaker, who is of Italian and Scots-Irish descent, shares stories of growing up with these two distinct cultural backgrounds, and how they intersected and clashed in places like Chicago and Boston. They also discuss how their appearance, particularly in relation to stereotypes, has impacted their experiences and perceptions. Ultimately, the speaker's unique identity has played a role in shaping their sense of humor, their relationships, and their ability to navigate different social situations.

    • Expressing Respect and HospitalityPeople express respect and hospitality differently based on culture and upbringing. Some use formal titles and customs, while others offer food or open doors. As times change, people may adapt their ways of addressing others or expressing affection.

      People have unique ways of expressing respect and hospitality based on their upbringing and cultural backgrounds. For some, it's the use of formal titles and traditional customs, while for others, it's the offering of a full spread or open doors. However, as times change, people may adapt their ways of addressing others or expressing affection. The speaker shares her personal experiences with using formal titles and her aversion to being called "daddy" by anyone other than her father. Despite the loss of her father, she finds comfort in sharing stories and finding the humor in her experiences. Ultimately, people find ways to cope with loss and change in their own unique ways.

    • Finding Comfort in Humor and Acceptance during Difficult TimesHumor and acceptance can help individuals cope with life's harsh realities, including death. Unexpected and peaceful ends to life can provide comfort and a memorable send-off.

      Humor and acceptance can help individuals cope with the harsh realities of life, including death. The speaker's father, who was known for his sense of humor, maintained it even during his brief battle with cancer. The speaker finds comfort in making light of the situation and encourages others to do the same. The unexpected and quick nature of his father's death allowed the speaker to avoid a prolonged and painful experience. Ultimately, the speaker's preferred way to die is in a peaceful and unexpected manner, such as a boat accident, allowing for a memorable and celebratory end to life.

    • Speaker's Unconventional End-of-Life Wishes and Living ArrangementsThe speaker desires an extravagant death scene and struggles with recognition in unexpected places, while also sharing their experience with the process of freezing their eggs.

      The speaker, known for their chaotic and unconventional lifestyle, desires an unconventional death scene and living arrangements. They prefer a luxurious and extravagant end, in contrast to their current, more modest living situation. The speaker also mentions their reliance on free products and services due to their celebrity status, and the challenges that come with being recognized in unexpected places like medical facilities. Additionally, they share their experience with freezing their eggs and the lack of guidance they received during the process.

    • Navigating the awkward process of fertility treatmentsClear communication and empathy from healthcare providers can help reduce stress and confusion during fertility treatments. Technology can also alleviate some awkwardness and provide reassurance.

      Navigating the process of fertility treatments can be a frustrating and confusing experience due to a lack of clear communication and the high cost involved. The stigma surrounding fertility issues can make it feel like a secretive and isolating process. One specific aspect of this process, collecting semen samples, can be particularly awkward and time-consuming, with strict instructions and potential embarrassment. The use of technology, such as smartphones, can help alleviate some of the awkwardness and provide reassurance during the process. However, the overall experience can leave individuals feeling misunderstood and alone in their journey. It's important for healthcare providers to prioritize clear communication and empathy to help reduce the stress and confusion that can come with fertility treatments. Additionally, advancements in technology, like Embark's dog DNA testing, can provide valuable insights and support in other areas of life.

    • Discover your dog's heritage and prevent diseases with Embark, and enhance health with CopilotEmbark offers a dog DNA test for genetic insights and disease prevention, while Copilot provides personalized fitness and nutrition guidance for lasting improvements, with discounts and free trials available

      Embark and Copilot offer innovative solutions to better understand your dog's heritage and improve your health, respectively. Embark's dog DNA test delivers detailed genomic information, aiding in the discovery of preventable diseases in dogs, while Copilot provides personalized fitness and nutrition guidance through a dedicated coach for lasting lifestyle changes. Embark currently offers a discount for listeners with free shipping and $50 off using promo code "whiskey," while Copilot allows a free trial. Despite unexpected circumstances, prioritizing health and learning about your dog's inner workings can lead to significant improvements.

    • Catering to Women's Preferences in the Porn IndustrySuccess in the porn industry requires understanding and catering to women's unique desires and preferences, such as authentic, relatable content and careful screening.

      The porn industry has a formula that has worked for a long time, but to succeed in creating a new porn company, it's essential to cater to women's preferences and create authentic, relatable content. The speaker shared her disinterest in watching someone else giving a blowjob and her preference for "real men" with chest hair, beards, and muscles. She also mentioned having a tiny urethra, which she sees as a unique selling point. The speaker also shared her experience using dating apps and her mother attempting to set her up on dates, which led her to realize the importance of careful screening and attention to detail. Overall, the key takeaway is that understanding and catering to the specific desires and preferences of your audience is crucial for success in the porn industry or any other business.

    • Unexpected Encounters and Meaningful RelationshipsSometimes unexpected encounters can lead to meaningful relationships. Trust, friendship, and humor can help navigate life's challenges and find love.

      Sometimes unexpected encounters can lead to meaningful relationships. The speaker met her husband through two gay friends and was initially hesitant due to his age and past circumstances. However, they hit it off and eventually fell in love. The speaker also shared her difficulty in picking up on flirting signals and how she unintentionally gave her number to an Olympic swimmer. Despite her father's protective measures, she considered herself capable of handling herself in dangerous situations. The conversation also touched on the speaker's past fighting experiences and her preference for using humor to diffuse tense situations. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of trust, friendship, and unexpected connections in finding love and navigating life's challenges.

    • Lessons from past experiences shape behaviorThe speaker's past experiences, including learning to defend himself and dealing with aggression, have influenced his behavior and how he approaches conflict. He also values family and personal experiences in shaping his identity.

      The speaker's past experiences shaped his behavior, particularly in situations involving aggression and asserting dominance. He learned to use humor and quick wit as a defense mechanism during his youth, but later in life, he strived to avoid physical confrontations. The speaker shared an anecdote about a tense encounter during a date, where he felt compelled to defend his partner despite not wanting to fight. Additionally, the speaker mentioned his love for cars, specifically a Jetta, and how his father's financial support allowed him to make that purchase. The speaker's energy was described as positive and joyful, but he acknowledged that he could be dark at times. He also shared that he is currently seeking love for his mother, who was widowed at an older age. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of self-defense, family, and the importance of personal experiences in shaping one's identity.

    • Mom's International Love QuestA 70-year-old woman named Mom seeks love and adventures internationally, emphasizing the importance of self-confidence and following one's own journey, despite the prevalence of nepotism in some circles.

      There's a 70-year-old woman named Mom, who's still looking for love and wants to party internationally. She's described as a "fox" with red hair and is in good shape. The age range for potential suitors is between 60 and 70. The speaker's mother retired early due to her age difference with her husband, who worked in the airline industry and later in mortgages. Nepotism was mentioned as a significant factor in getting ahead in the South, particularly in successful circles. The speaker, who has a predominantly female audience, has been doing comedy since she was 16 and has a high level of self-confidence. The discussion also touched upon the nepotism clause and how it used to be a common practice but is still prevalent in some circles. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of following one's own journey and having confidence in one's abilities.

    • Navigating podcasting challenges amidst changing lifestylesPodcasting connects diverse audiences despite scheduling and geographical barriers. Endorsements from MANSCAPED and SimpliSafe, offering high-quality products, enhance listener experience.

      Podcasting reaches a diverse audience, and despite challenges like coordinating schedules and geographical barriers, the medium continues to grow. Pre-pandemic, things were smoother, but COVID-19 brought changes, making it harder for people to stay in one place. Some friends have become "snowbirds," moving to warmer climates for extended periods. Regarding product endorsements, the speaker shared his positive experiences with MANSCAPED, a male grooming brand, and SimpliSafe, a home security company. Both companies offer high-quality products with advanced features, making life easier and more secure for consumers.

    • New SimpliSafe camera's clarity and integration offerNew SimpliSafe camera boasts clear imaging and is integrated into home security system, available with a discounted first month of monitoring service.

      The new SimpliSafe wireless outdoor security camera offers impressive clarity and is now integrated into the home security system, available with a 20% discount for the first month of monitoring service. The speaker also shared an amusing anecdote about the contrast between "new money" and "old money" and the luxury of enjoying newfound wealth. The discussion also touched upon the topic of deception in a fertility clinic, emphasizing the importance of honesty and communication in relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the excitement and unique experiences that come with new acquisitions and relationships.

    • Gambling Addiction in Chicago FamiliesGambling addiction shaped the lives of families in Chicago, leading some to work for the mob or run numbers, and normalizing substance use for the next generation

      The discussion revolves around the addictive nature of gambling in certain families, particularly in Chicago, and how it shaped their lives. The speakers describe their grandfathers' and uncles' addictions to gambling, which led them to work for the mob or run numbers. The speakers also mention their own experiences with gambling, whether it be watching boxing matches after dog races or smoking weed with their fathers. The discussion also touches upon the normalization of substance use in their environment and how they came to realize the truth about their family members' professions. Overall, the conversation highlights the impact of addiction on families and how it can be deeply ingrained in certain communities.

    • A Nostalgic Longing for Simpler TimesThe speaker reflects on his past experiences with a certain type of drug and prefers their effects to the stronger drugs popular now, as they allow him to perform and engage in meaningful conversations. He also shares his exhaustion from working too hard and traveling alone on tour.

      The speaker expresses a preference for the effects of a certain type of drug from his past, as opposed to the stronger drugs that are popular now. He feels that these stronger drugs make him incapacitated and unable to perform or engage in meaningful conversations. He also shares that he works too hard and travels alone on tour, leading to exhaustion. The speaker also mentions his sister, who is a lawyer, and jokes about hiring her for commercials. However, the underlying theme is his longing for the simpler, less intense experiences of his past.

    • Personal experiences shaping perceptions of institutions and societal normsBe true to yourself and prioritize personal comfort and authenticity over external expectations.

      People's experiences and perceptions of various institutions and societal norms can greatly differ. The speaker shared their personal experiences of feeling uncomfortable in organizations like the Catholic church and the Boy Scouts, leading them to have negative associations. They also discussed their evolving relationship with fashion, moving from caring deeply about it to not giving it much thought. The speaker also expressed frustration with societal pressure to conform to certain styles, especially when it comes to clothing for young people. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and prioritizing personal comfort and authenticity over external expectations.

    • Embrace Yourself Despite Societal JudgmentsRegardless of body type or abilities, everyone deserves to be seen and valued for who they are. Challenge societal norms and be confident in your own skin.

      Society's expectations and judgments should not limit individuals from expressing themselves and being true to who they are. The speaker in this conversation shares her experiences of feeling judged for her body and her golf skills, and how she learned to embrace herself despite these challenges. She also highlights the need for change in sports culture, particularly in golf, where she believes women are often expected to be more reserved and not given the same freedoms as men to express their personalities. The speaker's message is a reminder that everyone, regardless of their body type or abilities, deserves to be seen and valued for who they are. She encourages individuals to be confident in their own skin and to challenge societal norms that seek to limit their expression.

    • Lack of Authenticity and Personality in Professional GolfThe traditional image of golf is deterring younger audiences, and adding personality and authenticity could attract them. Possible solutions include hosting events with comedy and investing in unconventional partnerships.

      Authenticity and personality are lacking in professional golf, particularly for women, leading to a lack of appeal to younger audiences. The speaker admires a few golfers who exhibit more personality but believes they are not showcased enough due to the traditional and "old white" image the PGA and LPGA aim to maintain. The speaker proposes hosting events and incorporating comedy to bring a younger audience to golf tournaments. Additionally, they suggest investing in a porn and golf company as a way to simplify and return to the basics. The speaker also discusses their experiences with OnlyFans and sharing explicit content, concluding that they don't find it necessary or appealing.

    • Lesson on communication and trust in relationshipsEffective communication, trust, and a good sense of humor are essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Privacy, consent, and boundaries should also be respected.

      Communication and trust are essential components in any relationship. The woman in this story learned this lesson the hard way when she inadvertently shared an embarrassing encounter with a well-endowed man to her husband. The incident led to a moment of doubt and insecurity, making her question the authenticity of their connection. The woman's actions, although unintentional, raised questions about privacy, consent, and the boundaries of a relationship. It also highlighted the importance of clear and open communication, as well as the ability to rectify mistakes. The conversation that followed between the woman and her husband revealed their deep connection and trust in each other. They laughed about the situation and used it as an opportunity to strengthen their bond. Moreover, the discussion also touched on the topic of technology and its impact on relationships. The woman shared her preference for phone calls over text messages and the importance of being able to take back messages that were sent in error. In essence, the story serves as a reminder that effective communication, trust, and a good sense of humor are key ingredients in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Pressure and Responsibility in EntertainmentSuccess brings pressure and responsibility, acknowledging feelings and mental health is crucial, stay grounded, hustle, and focus on what matters to last in the industry.

      Success in the entertainment industry comes with significant pressure and responsibility. The speaker, who has worked hard for 12 years, expresses anxiety about maintaining longevity and the weight of responsibility that comes with having a team and larger audience. They draw a parallel to Biggie Smalls' "mo money, mo problems" and the increased pressure and problems that come with success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging these feelings and the impact of mental health on the industry. They also discuss the importance of staying grounded, continuing to hustle, and focusing on the fires that matter most. Ultimately, they believe that with talent, hard work, and a refusal to get complacent, one can last in the industry.

    • Exploring authentic representation in entertainmentActors and writers strive for authentic representation, challenging stereotypes and creating opportunities for underrepresented communities.

      The entertainment industry often perpetuates stereotypes and misrepresentations, leading artists to feel the need to tell their own stories and challenge the status quo. The speaker, a successful actor and writer, discussed her experiences with being typecast as a "southern belle" and her desire to create a show that accurately portrays strong southern women. She also touched upon the importance of authentic representation for underrepresented communities, such as LGBTQ+ individuals and southerners. The speaker emphasized the power of storytelling and the need to embrace one's unique experiences and perspectives. Despite having multiple projects and roles, she was determined to continue creating opportunities for herself and others to share their stories.

    • Exploring the joys and challenges of stand-up comedy and actingThe speaker cherishes the self-expression and control of stand-up, but finds acting's loss of control and serving larger projects difficult. They aspire to host SNL and create their own show, admire Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and believe in their ability to succeed in both fields.

      The speaker values the self-expression and control that comes with stand-up comedy, but finds acting challenging due to the loss of control and the need to serve the larger project or character. Despite this, the speaker loves the connection and collaboration that comes with acting and aspires to have a successful career in both fields. The speaker's dream is to host SNL and create their own show, and they believe in the speaker's ability to achieve these goals. The speaker also expressed admiration for Phoebe Waller-Bridge and her work, and shared their experience of pitching their comedy show and dealing with comparisons to other successful shows. Overall, the speaker's passion for both stand-up and acting, and their determination to succeed in both industries, shines through in the conversation.

    • Creative ways to accept a type 2 diabetes diagnosisEmbrace change by finding unique opportunities for growth and self-expression, such as starting a business or experiencing new adventures.

      Receiving a type 2 diabetes diagnosis can feel like a letdown, and people might be looking for a unique and meaningful way to accept and celebrate this new chapter in their lives. The speaker proposes creative and exciting ideas, such as a year-long pass to multiple amusement parks with a fast pass, hosting Saturday Night Live, or even starting a business. These suggestions reflect the entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make the most of the situation. Additionally, the speaker expresses a preference for in-person interactions over tapes or photos and shares the challenges and joys of acting. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding ways to embrace change and turn it into opportunities for growth and self-expression.

    • Slowing down and enjoying the process in golf and comedyIn golf and comedy, taking time to slow down and indulge in the experience can lead to greater enjoyment and improved performance.

      Both in golf and comedy, it's essential to slow down and enjoy the process. The speaker acknowledges that they put out great content but tends to rush and not fully indulge in the experience. They use golf as an analogy, suggesting that just as a golfer can regain composure by slowing down, a comedian can do the same. The speaker also shares their personal indulgences, which range from massages to fantasizing about pizza delivery guys, emphasizing the importance of self-care and enjoying simple pleasures. The conversation then shifts to travel and vacations, highlighting the anticipation and excitement of going to new places, but also the uncertainty and challenges that come with it. Overall, the conversation touches on the importance of self-reflection, indulgence, and embracing the ups and downs of life.

    • Exploring the Unconventional Perspective of Artists and CreativesArtists and creatives often embrace discomfort and challenges in their work, staying true to themselves and finding joy in unexpected places.

      Artists and creatives often have an unusual perspective on their work and the world around them. The speaker in this conversation expresses her feelings of being "fucked up" for enjoying the thrill of performing, despite the discomfort and challenges that come with it. She also reflects on the importance of staying true to herself and her passions, even if they don't fit into societal norms. Additionally, the conversation touches on the importance of finding joy in unexpected places, such as catcalls, as long as they don't cross a line. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique mindset and experiences of those in the creative world.

    • Exploring the Complexity of CatcallingUnderstanding that catcalling and sexual harassment can be nuanced and that everyone's experiences are unique is essential for promoting respectful and consensual interactions.

      The dynamics of catcalling and sexual harassment can be complex and multifaceted, with both men and women experiencing unwanted advances and degrading comments. The speaker shares an experience of a seemingly harmless compliment from a man at a show, but acknowledges that not all catcalls are benign. She also expresses a desire for women to take the initiative and catcall men, suggesting a shift in power dynamics. The conversation touches upon the variety of experiences people have with catcalling, including the role of race and sexuality. Ultimately, the speaker encourages openness and understanding towards the complexity of these issues, and advocates for respectful and consensual interactions between people.

    • The Joy of Connecting PeopleAn energetic and generous connector derives joy from bringing people together, whether in romantic relationships or social gatherings, and has had significant success in doing so. Open-minded and willing to try new things, even with strong opinions about food.

      The speaker is an energetic and generous connector who derives joy from bringing people together, whether it be in romantic relationships or social gatherings. She is a matchmaker who enjoys putting single people in touch with potential partners and has had significant success in doing so. The speaker also has strong opinions about food, particularly when it comes to dips and chips, preferring those with ridges and avoiding anything with fake cheese or excessive layers. Despite her love for connecting people and her strong opinions, she is open-minded and willing to try new things, even if she's not a huge fan, as long as she's in the right mood. Overall, the speaker is a vibrant and passionate individual who brings energy and excitement to her relationships and social interactions.

    • Embracing Life's PleasuresThe speaker encourages living life to the fullest, indulging in pleasurable experiences, and not letting criticism deter personal desires.

      The speaker values living life to the fullest and not holding back, even if it means indulging in pleasurable but potentially unhealthy foods or experiences. She expresses her love for guacamole and pub cheese, despite the potential consequences, and her disinterest in moderation. She also mentions her confidence and encourages others to embrace their own desires and not let criticism from others deter them. The conversation also touches on the speaker's past attempts at dieting and feeling uncomfortable with her body, leading her to decide to "be juicy and own a porn company and put feet feet pick out there and have my pimento cheese dip." Overall, the speaker's attitude is one of embracing the present moment and enjoying life, even if it means taking risks and potentially facing criticism.

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    Michael Blaustein
    Michael Blaustein is a comedic powerhouse known for his quick wit and electrifying stage presence. A seasoned stand-up comedian, Michael's unique blend of humor and relatable storytelling has captivated audiences nationwide. Whether he's performing on the comedy circuit or co-hosting the wildly popular "Stiff Socks" podcast, his dynamic energy and sharp insights keep fans coming back for more. Michael's humor transcends the stage, with a growing social media following that enjoys his hilarious takes on everyday life. Get ready to laugh out loud with Michael Blaustein – a comedy force to be reckoned with. Check him out on the road. Visit https://www.blaucomedy.com for tour dates. #michaelblaustein #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


    Known for his explosive energy and razor-sharp lyrics, Prof is the Midwest's wild card in the rap game. Hailing from Minneapolis, he's a master of storytelling with a flair for the absurd, weaving comedy and chaos into every verse. With a career spanning over a decade, Prof has carved out his own lane with a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and in-your-face personality that captivates crowds and defies genres. Whether he's spitting bars or dropping hooks, Prof brings a raw, unfiltered edge to every track, proving that he's not just an entertainer—he's an experience. #prof #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS BETTER HELP 10% OFF YOUR 1ST MONTH https://betterhelp.com/whiskey BILT REWARDS EARN REWARDS WITH BILT https://joinbilt.com/whiskey MOONWLKR USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY AT CHECKOUT FOR 30% OFF YOUR ORDER https://moonwlkr.com PESTIE EXTRA 10% OFF YOUR ORDER https://pestie.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Nick Swardson

    Nick Swardson
    Nick Swardson is a comedian, actor, and writer known for his sharp wit and outrageous humor. With a career spanning over two decades, Swardson has starred in numerous hit films like "Grandma's Boy" and "Benchwarmers," and has been a staple on "Reno 911!" His latest comedy special, "Nick Swardson: Make Joke from Face," showcases his unique blend of irreverent storytelling and quick-fire punchlines, solidifying his status as one of the funniest voices in comedy today. WATCH HIS NEW SPECIAL NOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNGwA9FRrEk #nickswardson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey KIKOFF GET YOUR 1ST MONTH FOR $1 https://kikoff.com/whiskey ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Hannah Berner

    Hannah Berner
    Hannah Berner is a comedian, podcaster, and reality TV star known for her quick wit and unfiltered humor. Rising to fame on Bravo's "Summer House," she captivates audiences with her sharp insights and relatable content on her popular podcast, "Berning in Hell." With a background in tennis and a knack for stand-up comedy, Hannah brings a unique blend of athleticism and comedy to the stage, making her a dynamic force in the entertainment world. #hannahberner #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey COOK UNITY Fresh, Ready Made Meals! 50% off your order https://cookunity.com/whiskey HARRYS GET YOUR $13 TRIAL SET FOR ONLY $3 https://harrys.com/whiskey USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Caggie Dunlop - How to Find Yourself through Astrology and the Power of Planet Saturn

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    Almost a year ago around this time, I was still on my Scary Smart book tour. A podcast interview, one of dozens at the time,  popped up in my calendar called Saturn Returns. I dialed in expecting to talk about AI, yet there was Caggie Dunlop wearing a pink Floyd T-shirt - peaceful, calm and spiritual. I could only ask, “Who are you?” Since then I’ve learned who Caggie is, and we’ve been chatting ever since about everything from life to spirituality. Naturally, I had to have her on the show to share her wisdom.

    Caggie Dunlop was an original cast member of the award-winning UK-based reality show Made in Chelsea. She is also a singer/songwriter, poet, entrepreneur and now author. Her new book Saturn Returns explores the relationship between planetary movements and the ups and downs of life. In it, she describes how astrology helped her find her identity and a sense of belonging, and how it can help you too.

    Listen as we discuss:

    • 05:50: Why Saturn?
    • 07:40: Who is Caggie Dunlop behind the celebrity?
    • 09:00: Rescue and return - seeking belonging
    • 13:15: Reality TV - bursting the bubble
    • 21:29: Leaving Made in Chelsea - losing yourself
    • 25:30: Battle of self - key to my heart
    • 29:00: Finding your tribe - the grief of losing friendship
    • 31:08: How does it work?  Astronomy and Palmistry - life changes
    • 35:45: Things fall apart so better things can come
    • 40:20: Astral bodies
    • 45:26: Where does the soul go?
    • 49:15: Shaped by pain
    • 57:00: Perfectionism, vulnerability and toxic love
    • 01:06: The non negotiables of love
    • 01:11: Love in between - closing poem

    Connect with Caggie Dunlop on Instagram @caggiesworld

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

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