
    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing quality sleep over durationExperiment with herbal remedies, reduce stress, improve diet, and consult experts to enhance sleep quality

      When it comes to achieving a good night's sleep, focusing on the duration may not be the most effective approach. Instead, prioritizing quality sleep is crucial. Individual needs vary, and it's essential to understand that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Herbal remedies like sleepy tea, which contains ingredients such as licorice root, chamomile, lavender, and Valerian root, are popular alternatives to medication. However, their effectiveness can be subjective, and the science behind their impact on sleep is still being studied. It's important to remember that everyone is different, and finding what works best for you may require some experimentation. Additionally, factors like stress, diet, and lifestyle can significantly impact your sleep quality. Consulting an expert, such as a sleep physiologist, can provide valuable insights and guidance on improving your sleep habits.

    • Understanding Sleep Problems: InsomniaInsomnia, a common sleep problem, can be chronic and habitual, impacting mental and physical health. Causes include behaviors, stress, lifestyle changes, and menopause. Education and understanding can help improve sleep quality.

      Sleep is essential for our overall health and wellbeing, and the lack of good quality sleep can lead to various issues, both mentally and physically. The most common sleep problem is insomnia, which can be chronic if it lasts more than three months. Insomnia symptoms include difficulty falling or staying asleep, waking up feeling unrefreshed, or waking up too early. Chronic insomnia can become a habitual neurological pattern, even if the original trigger is removed. Our own behaviors, such as spending more time in bed or canceling social activities, can perpetuate sleep problems rather than solve them. Other factors, like stress, lifestyle changes, and menopause, can also impact sleep. It's important to remember that sleep problems are normal and can be caused by various triggers. However, when they become chronic, they can lead to habitual sleep patterns that are difficult to break. Education and understanding our sleep needs and patterns can help us make informed decisions to improve our sleep quality.

    • Herbal sleep aids and their impact on GABA receptorsThe effectiveness of herbal sleep aids, such as those containing chamomile, passion flower, lime flower, oat flowers, and valerian root, in affecting the GABA receptors in the brain and leading to increased sedation is not conclusively proven.

      While herbal sleep aids, such as those containing chamomile, passion flower, lime flower, oat flowers, and valerian root, are commonly used to help with sleeplessness, the scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness in affecting the GABA receptors in the brain and leading to increased sedation is not conclusive. Many of the active chemicals in these herbs are not well understood, and studies have varying methodologies, making it difficult to determine a true effect and the necessary dosage. While some studies suggest short-term benefits for chamomile tea and valerian root extract, more research is needed to establish a consistent and reproducible effect.

    • Herbal Sleep Aids: A Long History with Limited Clinical EvidenceDespite centuries of use, the clinical evidence for herbal sleep aids like Valerian root extract and Lavender oil sprays is not strong enough to recommend them widely.

      While herbal sleep aids like Valerian root extract and Lavender oil sprays have been used for centuries and some research suggests potential benefits, the evidence is not strong enough to recommend their use clinically. Valerian root contains over 150 distinct chemicals, but the active ingredient is not yet identified. Some studies suggest it may act on GABA and serotonin receptors, but more research is needed. Lavender oil sprays may have psychological benefits due to their pleasant smell, but there is limited evidence of physiological effects on sleep. The regulatory framework around these herbal products depends on the claims made by manufacturers, and the lack of high-quality scientific data is likely due to the fact that they have not been developed as pharmaceutical drugs. While humans have a long history of using herbal remedies, it is important to approach these products with caution and to consider the available evidence before making a decision.

    • Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is key to building a strong sleep driveConsistent sleep schedule and regular exercise are essential for improving sleep quality, while herbal remedies should be used as complementary aids rather than sole solutions.

      While herbal remedies like teas, tablets, and oils can help promote relaxation and make it easier to fall asleep, they are not a substitute for building a strong sleep drive. Stephanie Romichevsky, a sleep physiologist, suggests that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule by waking up and going to bed at the same time every day is crucial for building a strong sleep drive. Additionally, regular exercise, especially in the morning, can also help regulate the body and improve sleep quality. While some people may find comfort and relaxation from herbal remedies, they should not be relied upon as the sole solution for sleep problems. Instead, focus on establishing healthy habits like a consistent sleep schedule and regular exercise to improve overall sleep quality.

    • Understanding Insomnia: Patterns, Causes, and SolutionsFor short-term sleep issues, let your body adjust. For chronic insomnia, consider CBT-I. Focus on sleep quality during menopause. Seek help if needed, consistency is key.

      For those experiencing short-term sleep issues, it's important to not worry and allow the body to adjust on its own. However, for those dealing with chronic insomnia lasting more than three months, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the most evidence-based treatment. CBT-I focuses on changing behavioral patterns and mindset around sleep. It's crucial to understand that insomnia is a pattern, not a personal failure. For those dealing with sleep issues related to menopause, it's essential to focus on the quality of sleep rather than the quantity. Short-term sleep disturbances are normal and will resolve on their own. If you're struggling with sleep, consider seeking professional help, especially if your sleep issues persist. Remember, consistency is key, not perfection, and you can build the sleep pattern you desire.

    • Herbal remedies may not significantly improve sleep quality for chronic insomniaFocus on building a strong sleep drive during the day through regularity, bright light exposure, and exercise for better sleep quality, rather than relying solely on herbal remedies.

      While herbal remedies like teas, tablets, and sprays can help relax you and prepare you for sleep, they may not have a significant impact on improving sleep quality for those experiencing chronic insomnia. Chamomile tea, Valerian root extract, and lavender sprays have limited evidence supporting their effectiveness. Instead, focusing on building a strong sleep drive during the day through regularity, bright light exposure, and exercise may be more beneficial. Avoid relying too heavily on sleep aids, as they may not address the root cause of chronic insomnia. Instead, consider evidence-based approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) to tackle underlying issues.

    • Exploring Science-Backed Sleep TechniquesDr. Mosley advises listeners to focus on scientifically proven sleep techniques instead of relying solely on herbal remedies for better sleep.

      Herbal sleep remedies, while popular, may not be as effective as claimed due to limited scientific evidence and individual preferences. Dr. Michael Mosley, in his podcast, focuses on scientifically proven sleep techniques and encourages listeners to explore these methods instead of relying solely on herbal remedies. Meanwhile, UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical Plans offer flexible and budget-friendly health insurance options for those in between jobs or during open enrollment periods. This Mother's Day, consider giving back to the special moms in your life with thoughtful gifts from 1-800-Flowers. In the upcoming episode, Dr. Mosley will investigate the differences between various toothpaste claims, such as sensitivity, rapid relief, and gum or enamel protection.

    Recent Episodes from Sliced Bread

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    Cholesterol Lowering Products

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    All of the ideas for our investigations come from you, our listeners, and we're always on the lookout for more. If you have seen a wonder product that claims to make you happier, healthier or greener and want to know if it is SB or BS then please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807

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    All of the ideas for our investigations come from you, our listeners, and we're always on the lookout for more. If you have seen a wonder product that claims to make you happier, healthier or greener and want to know if it is SB or BS then please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807


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    Have you seen a product that claims to make you happier, healthier or greener? Want to know if it is SB or BS? Then please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807

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    And if you've seen something promising to make you happier, healthier or greener and want to know if it is SB or BS please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807


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    Have you seen something promising to make you happier, healthier or greener? Want to know if it's SB or BS? Please let us know - you can email sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807.


    Sliced Bread
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    Greg Foot is back with a new series of Sliced Bread to run a whole new batch of your suggested wonder products through the evidence mill. From car tyres to contact lenses, air fresheners to LED face masks, Greg will separate science fact from marketing fiction as he investigates whether each product is 'the best thing since sliced bread' or 'marketing BS'.

    There's a slightly new sound to this new series: having recorded most of the previous episodes remotely, Greg is going to be joined in the studio by the listener and experts to investigate the wonder products together!

    First to join Greg is Helen Leneghan from County Down. She’s seen LED Face Masks all over social media and wants to know if they actually work. Do they reduce your wrinkles? Will they give you a radiant glow? And can they help with some skin conditions like acne or rosacea?

    As ever, if YOU have seen something promising to make you happier, healthier or greener and want to know if it is SB or BS please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807

    PRESENTER: Greg Foot PRODUCER: Simon Hoban

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    Alongside them all to analyse Safeway's fortunes is the self-made millionaire and serial entrepreneur, Sam White.

    This episode was produced by Viant Siddique.

    Toast examines the brands that reached dizzy heights only to end up…toast.

    It is a BBC Audio North production for Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

    You can email the programme at toast@bbc.co.uk

    Feel free to suggest topics which could be covered in future episodes.

    Sliced Bread returns for a new batch of investigations in May. In the new series, Greg Foot will investigate more of the latest so-called wonder products to find out whether they really are the best thing since sliced bread. In the meantime, Toast is available in the Sliced Bread feed on BBC Sounds.

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    The BBC Business journalist, Sean Farrington, speaks to expert guests including:

    Sir John Timpson - chairman of the retail services provider, Timpson, who dedicated a chapter of his book on 'High Street Heroes' to the Green Shield Stamp founder, Richard Tompkins.

    Professor Leigh Sparks - Professor of Retail Studies at the University of Stirling.

    Alongside them, analysing the stamps' fortunes is the entrepreneur, Sam White.

    Toast is a BBC Audio North production for Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

    This episode was produced by Jon Douglas.

    You can email the programme at toast@bbc.co.uk

    Feel free to suggest topics which could be covered in future episodes.

    Sliced Bread returns for a new batch of investigations in May.

    In the new series, Greg Foot will investigate more of the latest so-called wonder products to find out whether they really are the best thing since sliced bread.

    In the meantime, Toast is available in the Sliced Bread feed on BBC Sounds.

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    Healthcast 620 - Menopause Causes Insomnia and Sleep Apnea, if you don’t replace Testosterone and Estradiol

    See all the Healthcasts at https://www.biobalancehealth.com/healthcast-blog

    My patients who are listing their symptoms of menopause and low testosterone invariably check the box next to INSOMNIA. In addition to insomnia, they tell me that it is the one problem that they have that affects all their other symptoms of menopause such as difficulty thinking and memory, depression, restless legs, muscle aches, irritability, and generally sabotages their quality of life.  This subject has finally been studied in depth by the J or Endocrinology, and I want to share the information with you.

    Insomnia is one of the symptoms that plagued me after my hysterectomy and removal of my ovaries.  When my sex hormones, estradiol, and testosterone were depleted, my sleep was significantly disrupted.  We spend 1/3 of our life sleeping, recharging and healing our brain and body. Prior to my hysterectomy I had always been able to sleep. For an OBGYN who is always sleep deprived, I was able to lie down between deliveries or surgeries and sleep for 20 minutes and wake up refreshed.  After my hysterectomy I couldn’t even sleep when I had a chance to at night!  I was literally the walking wounded, and medicine told me this was completely unrelated to hormones…..I had proof that it wasn‘t and no one would listen to me. I added estradiol to replace the only hormone that medicine accepted as a product of the ovary, but estrogen made me fatter (I gained 20 lbs after my hysterectomy) and didn’t help my sleep, it just decreased my hot flashes, but didn’t stop them.  My life path led me to Dr Gino Tutera who knew that I needed testosterone as well and the loss of T was the source of all my symptoms.  Voila! The first night after my pellets were inserted, I slept all night!  I woke rested and all my symptoms went away from that day on!  Medicine had failed me…and I began to question everything I learned.  The medical articles blamed insomnia on everything else that is downstream from T and E2 loss…..hot flashes, anxiety, depression, worry, getting olde, or normal aging.

    The latest research from the Endocrine Society confirms the findings that I discovered 20 years ago…that the loss of ovarian and testicular hormones cause insomnia.

    There is emerging evidence that menopause-associated hormone loss contributes to this elevated risk, but age is also an important factor. The extent to which menopause-associated sleep disturbance persists into postmenopause above and beyond the effects of age remains unknown. Untreated sleep disturbances have important implications for cognitive health, as they are emerging as risk factors for dementia. Given that sleep loss impairs memory, an important knowledge gap concerns the role played by menopause-associated hormone loss in exacerbating sleep disturbance and, ultimately, cognitive function in aging women. In this review, we take a translational approach to illustrate the contribution of ovarian hormones in maintaining the sleep–wake cycle in younger and middle-aged females, with evidence implicating 17β-estradiol in supporting the memory- promoting effects of sleep.

     They now admit that insomnia is independent of aging, it occurs when ever sex hormones fall below the genetic normal for a patient.  We see this most acutely in patients who have their ovaries removed before menopause.

     So if sleep is vital to avoiding dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and necessary to your ability to think and problem solve, and to prevent depression and anxiety how does this work?

    The basic timing and duration of sleep is regulated by homeostasis (balance of the brain). A person has a necessary amount of sleep needed and everyone is unique.  As you are sleep deprived something called “sleep pressure” increase until you go to sleep and relieve this pressure. The second factor in timing and duration of sleep is circadian rhythm, aligning your sleep and wake cycles to the light and dark cycles of your environment. Estradiol and Testosterone affect both of these natural regulators of sleep.

    HM273 Free Hypnosis Letting Go of Anxious Thoughts No Music

    HM273 Free Hypnosis Letting Go of Anxious Thoughts No Music

    Please make sure you're in a safe place before starting the meditation/hypnosis. If you're driving a vehicle, turn off the podcast until you're able to listen to it at a better time.

    Dr. Liz teaches a simple technique with this FREE Hypnosis to let go of anxious thoughts.

    This version does NOT have background music included.

    If you prefer background music, please see Episode 272.

    More free hypnosis files at http://bit.ly/drlizhypnosis

     About Dr. Liz

    Winner of numerous awards including Top 100 Moms in Business, Dr. Liz provides psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and hypnosis to people wanting a fast, easy way to transform all around the world. She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and has special certification in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Specialty areas include Anxiety, Insomnia, and Deeper Emotional Healing.


    Do you have Chronic Insomnia? Find out more about Dr. Liz’s Better Sleep Program at https://bit.ly/sleepbetterfeelbetter

    Search episodes at the Podcast Page http://bit.ly/HM-podcast

    Help yourself with Hypnosis Downloads by Dr. Liz! http://bit.ly/HypnosisMP3Downloads


    A problem shared is a problem halved. In person and Online hypnosis and CBT for healing and transformation. Schedule your free consultation at https://www.drlizhypnosis.com.

    Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Liz Bonet, discusses hypnosis and interviews professionals doing transformational work

    Thank you for tuning in! Please subscribe to auto-download new episodes to your listening device.


    ***These electronic recordings are intended only to teach non-patients the use of self-hypnosis for the individual's own therapeutic use. The use of these recordings for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Elizabeth Bonet, PA, disclaims any liability for the use of this recording for any other purpose, and/or for the use of this recording without following the accompanying instructions, and/or for any damages resulting from hypnosis. If the recording is not giving you the desired result, you should stop listening to it and contact a mental health professional. These electronic recordings are not mental health treatment nor should they replace mental health treatment. If you need psychotherapy or hypnotherapy, please seek treatment from a trained professional. I do hypnosis all over the world, so please feel free to contact me.***

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    HM268 Managing Envy with Dr. Liz

    Dr. Liz talks about Envy and gives tips on how to manage and decrease it.

    About Dr. Liz

    Winner of numerous awards including Top 100 Moms in Business, Dr. Liz provides psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and hypnosis to people wanting a fast, easy way to transform all around the world. She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and has special certification in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Specialty areas include Anxiety, Insomnia, and Deeper Emotional Healing.


    Do you have Chronic Insomnia? Find out more about Dr. Liz’s Better Sleep Program at https://bit.ly/sleepbetterfeelbetter

    Search episodes at the Podcast Page http://bit.ly/HM-podcast

    Help yourself with Hypnosis Downloads by Dr. Liz! http://bit.ly/HypnosisMP3Downloads


    A problem shared is a problem halved. In person and Online hypnosis and CBT for healing and transformation. Schedule your free consultation at https://www.drlizhypnosis.com.

    Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Liz Bonet, discusses hypnosis and interviews professionals doing transformational work

    Thank you for tuning in! Please subscribe to auto-download new episodes to your listening device.

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    HM262 FREE Meditation To Feel Calmer

    Dr. Liz teaches a simple technique of warming the hands to feel calmer where ever you are. She talks about the usefulness of the technique, where and when you can use it, and gives tips for different ways to access the feeling.

    Free hypnosis files including the longer one for Autogenic Training at http://bit.ly/drlizhypnosis

    About Dr. Liz

    Winner of numerous awards including Top 100 Moms in Business, Dr. Liz provides psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and hypnosis to people wanting a fast, easy way to transform all around the world. She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and has special certification in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Specialty areas include Anxiety, Insomnia, and Deeper Emotional Healing.


    Do you have Chronic Insomnia? Find out more about Dr. Liz’s Better Sleep Program at https://bit.ly/sleepbetterfeelbetter

    Search episodes at the Podcast Page http://bit.ly/HM-podcast

    Help yourself with Hypnosis Downloads by Dr. Liz! http://bit.ly/HypnosisMP3Downloads


    A problem shared is a problem halved. In person and Online hypnosis and CBT for healing and transformation. Schedule your free consultation at https://www.drlizhypnosis.com.

    Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Liz Bonet, discusses hypnosis and interviews professionals doing transformational work

    Thank you for tuning in! Please subscribe to auto-download new episodes to your listening device.


    ***These electronic recordings are intended only to teach non-patients the use of self-hypnosis for the individual's own therapeutic use. The use of these recordings for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Elizabeth Bonet, PA, disclaims any liability for the use of this recording for any other purpose, and/or for the use of this recording without following the accompanying instructions, and/or for any damages resulting from hypnosis. If the recording is not giving you the desired result, you should stop listening to it and contact a mental health professional. These electronic recordings are not mental health treatment nor should they replace mental health treatment. If you need psychotherapy or hypnotherapy, please seek treatment from a trained professional. I do hypnosis all over the world, so please feel free to contact me.***

    S2E5: 5 benefits of Magnesium for better sleep

    S2E5: 5 benefits of Magnesium for better sleep

    Join, Star Freudenberg of Star Freud Wellness, on today's short educational podcast episode where Star will discuss the five benefits of magnesium for better sleep.

    Magnesium is a powerful supplement which has Star's stamp of approval which she highly recommends as a staple in your supplement drawer. 

    Despite the magnitude that Magnesium offers, todays short podcast focuses on how it improves sleep quality. 

    Studies suggest that taking 500 milligrams of magnesium before bed can improve sleep quality and increase melatonin levels. Magnesium can also help with restless leg syndrome, leading to more restful sleep...

    Consciously empowering your mind and body through wellness.

    Your Host Star Freudenberg founder of the Star Freud Wellness Group who is a Biohacking, Detox, Health & Wellness Expert and Educator

    Social Media Details:

    Clinic Website: https://www.starfreudwellnessclinic.com
    Instagram: @starfreudwellness
    Facebook: StarFreudWellness
    Linkedin: Star Freudenberg
    TikTok: StarFreudWellness

    Email: info@starfreudwellness.com
    Whatsapp number: +447397885590