
    Podcast Summary

    • A special episode for Pam written and directed by Mindy KalingMindy Kaling's debut as a writer and director on The Office brought humor and depth to Pam's character, demonstrating her versatility in creating engaging content.

      The "Hot Girl" episode of The Office, written by Mindy Kaling and directed by Amy Heckerling, was a significant one for the character of Pam. Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, who starred in the show, shared behind-the-scenes stories about working with Mindy as both a writer and an actor. They noted that having the writer on set during production was beneficial for the creative process. The original title of the episode was "Perse Girl," and Mindy's initial draft was 39 pages long, which would have resulted in a longer runtime if filmed exactly as written. Despite having to cut some content, Jenna expressed her wish that they could have filmed the entire script. The episode marked the first time Mindy wrote for the show and showcased her ability to write funny and meaningful content for the character of Pam.

    • Actors prepared multiple takes for the same scene during 'The Office'Actors had to prepare multiple takes for the same scene, allowing them to put their unique spin on their performances, with Amy Adams being a delight to work with and later returning for more episodes

      During the filming of "The Office," actors, including Amy Adams, would often have to prepare multiple takes for the same scene, some of which were discarded and kept in a "candy bag" for potential use later. This kept the actors on their toes and allowed them to put their unique spin on their performances. Amy Adams, who was cast as the "purse girl" before she gained widespread recognition for her role in "Junebug," was a delight to work with and later returned for more episodes after the show's success. The experience of working on "The Office" was unique and challenging, but ultimately rewarding for all involved.

    • Amy Adams' Graciousness and KindnessAmy Adams is known for her talent, but also her gracious and kind personality. She handled a mistaken identity situation with grace and humor, and her friend's mistake led to a memorable encounter with Meryl Streep.

      Amy Adams is not only a talented actress but also a gracious and kind person. The speaker shared a story about how her friend mistakenly thought she was Amy Adams and even hugged her, believing they looked alike. Despite the confusion, Adams handled the situation with grace and humor. The speaker also expressed her admiration for Adams' acting abilities, mentioning that she could pass as her sister. Additionally, the speaker revealed her inability to do accents and sing, but shared a humorous attempt at a Hollywood voice. The conversation then shifted to a memory of attending the Golden Globes with Adams, where she helped the speaker meet Meryl Streep. Overall, the conversation highlighted Adams' down-to-earth personality and her ability to make a lasting impression.

    • Overcoming Fear to Approach Famous ActorsSeizing opportunities and taking risks can lead to memorable experiences, even if the outcome isn't what we expect.

      Sometimes, the fear of approaching new situations or people can hold us back, but seizing opportunities and taking risks can lead to unexpected and memorable experiences. In this story, two friends, Jenna and Angela, were hesitant to approach famous actors Meryl Streep and Amy Adams at a party, but eventually mustered up the courage to do so. They walked up to the actors laughing, and a photographer captured their interaction, resulting in a memorable photo. Although they didn't get to have a lengthy conversation with the actors, the experience was a story worth sharing for Angela, a big fan of their work. The experience served as a reminder to both friends to use opportunities to their advantage and not let fear hold them back.

    • The Importance of Unexpected Encounters and Deep FriendshipsUnexpected encounters, like Michael Scott's interaction with 'Hot Girl' Pam Beesly in The Office, can lead to meaningful friendships.

      Sometimes unexpected encounters, like Michael Scott's interaction with "Hot Girl" Pam Beesly in the "Hot Girl" episode of The Office, can lead to meaningful friendships. This episode begins with Michael on a phone call with Jan, discussing a new incentive program where the top seller in the office will receive a prize worth $1,000. Michael is distracted by the arrival of a woman selling handbags, and is initially dismissive of her until he realizes her attractiveness. This encounter ultimately leads to a deep friendship between Michael and Pam. The discussion also reveals that the handbags were purchased from downtown LA markets and that some of them were knockoffs. Michael did not keep one, but he did save Pam's everyday purse from the season. The conversation also touches upon the comparison between Amy Adams, who played the role of "Hot Girl" Pam, and Jenna Fischer, who portrays Pam Beesly in the show. Despite their physical similarities, Jenna jokes that Amy Adams is a better version of her, but as her best friend, she playfully disputes this claim. Overall, this episode highlights the importance of unexpected encounters and the potential for deep friendships that can arise from them.

    • Appreciating the little things and finding joy in the unexpectedFinding joy in small details and unexpected experiences can bring great happiness and excitement in life, whether it's through watching Michael Scott's talking heads or participating in a spontaneous poker tournament.

      The small details and unexpected experiences can bring great joy and excitement in life. The speaker shared her love for Michael Scott's talking heads in The Office, particularly his mention of American Way magazine and his excitement over being profiled in an in-flight magazine. She also reminisced about a trip to Scotland where she and her partner tried to power through jet lag by staying awake in a pub and ended up participating in a poker tournament. These experiences, though seemingly trivial, brought her laughter and a sense of adventure. The speaker also highlighted her friend Jenna's poker skills and her own enjoyment of the game. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of appreciating the little things and finding joy in the unexpected.

    • Winning despite exhaustionEven when feeling tired or unsure, individuals can surprise themselves and achieve great things

      Even when people are tired or unsure of their abilities, they can still surprise themselves and achieve great things. Angela, who used to be an excellent poker player before having children, found herself and her husband, Lee, in a pub in Scotland participating in a poker tournament. Despite their exhaustion, they managed to make it to the final table and Angela eventually won, feeling proud and accomplished. This experience reminded her of her past successes and gave her a renewed sense of confidence. It's important to remember that even when we feel out of our depth or tired, we still have the potential to excel and achieve our goals.

    • Actors found humor in script's self-deprecating momentsActors embraced the show's self-deprecating humor, finding joy in their characters' awkward moments and their own behind-the-scenes personas

      The actors found humor in the script's self-deprecating moments, even when their characters were the butt of the jokes. Jenna Fischer shared an example from an episode where she had to act jealous of a more attractive character, Katie, and found it difficult to keep a straight face while filming. She emphasized that the comedy was never meant to be malicious and that everyone involved took part in the self-deprecating humor. Additionally, deleted scenes revealed that Steve Carell and Paul Lieberstein, who played Toby, had very different real-life personas from their on-screen characters, with Steve and Paul being quiet and gentle in real life, while Michael had to bully Toby in the show. Fischer also mentioned a small detail in the episode where Pam leaves her salad on the table after getting up in a huff from Roy. Overall, the actors enjoyed exploring the human moments and emotions in the script, even when they found themselves in uncomfortable or humorous situations.

    • Actions reveal deeper emotions during argumentsDuring disagreements, silent reactions and symbolic gestures can express deeper feelings than words.

      During a heated argument, actions speak louder than words. In the discussion, Pam's reaction to her partner's insensitivity towards their relationship during a dinner led her to pack up her salad in silence, symbolizing her feelings of hurt and disappointment. This moment, though seemingly small, highlighted the depth of Pam's emotions towards her partner's lack of effort and understanding in their relationship. The ring she wore, which didn't meet her expectations, served as a constant reminder of these feelings. The scene where Dwight's interaction with Katie was narrated by Jim and Pam was improvised, adding to the authenticity and humor of the situation. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing underlying emotions in relationships.

    • Improvised moments add humor and unpredictability to The OfficeThe Office's humor comes from unexpected situations and improvised moments between characters, such as Jenna's discomfort with tickling and Michael's awkward flirting with Katie.

      The scene in "The Office" between Jenna and Roy's tickling attempt at reconciliation was an improvised moment that caused discomfort for Jenna as she is not a fan of tickling. This moment showcased the differences between Jenna and Pam's personalities and their ways of reacting to situations. Additionally, the scene between Michael and Dwight about Michael's feelings for Katie was also an improvised moment that caused them to laugh uncontrollably, highlighting their comedic chemistry. The episode featured various improvised moments, including Michael's purchase of a Starbucks coffee machine and his creepy attempts to flirt with Katie. These moments added to the overall humor and unpredictability of the show.

    • Actors' improvisations brought the script to lifeImprovised and scripted scenes blended seamlessly, enhancing character development and the overall show experience

      The actors in "The Office" brought the script to life with their natural performances, making it difficult to distinguish between improvised and scripted scenes. Angela, for instance, improvised her favorite colors scene with Katie, while the scene between Michael and Ryan cleaning out Michael's car was scripted. Angela's discomfort during Dwight's romantic advance towards Katie was also a genuine reaction, as she didn't know about their future relationship. She tried to be invisible in that moment, as the power dynamic between them made the situation awkward and uncomfortable for her. The improvised scene about favorite colors became a defining moment for Angela's character, setting the tone for her wardrobe and adding depth to her personality. Overall, the writing and acting on "The Office" created a realistic and engaging workplace comedy.

    • Behind-the-scenes stories from The Office episode filmingMichael and Jim's friendship tested, McDonald's love, filming in different locations, memorable experiences, iconic lines, fan questions answered

      The Office Ladies podcast discussion revealed fascinating behind-the-scenes details about the filming of The Office episode where Michael and Jim's friendship is tested. Mindy Kaling shared her love for McDonald's and Filet-O-Fish, and the scene where Michael realizes Jim is giving Pam a ride home was filmed in two different locations due to the set changes. The scene required David and Jenna to wait in a truck for hours until everyone was done filming, leading to a memorable experience. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the iconic "Shroots produce very thirsty babies" line and the popular fan question about the wrong parking lot in the episode's final scene. Overall, the podcast provided valuable insights into the production process and the camaraderie between cast members.

    • Unexpected friendships formed during filming of The OfficeJenna and Angela formed a strong friendship during filming of The Office, despite getting stuck in a truck together. Unexpected props usage and cast doubling also added to the experience.

      Friendships can form in unexpected ways, even when people are stuck in confined spaces together. This was the case for Jenna and Angela during the filming of The Office, as they became close friends after getting stuck in a truck during an episode. Another interesting revelation was the use of both Kate Flannery and Henriette as Meredith in the same episode, which Jenna was excited to catch. However, some props, such as the coffee maker, were not kept due to budget constraints and had to be returned. Overall, this episode marked the beginning of Jenna and Angela's strong friendship on The Office.

    Recent Episodes from Office Ladies

    Moving On, Pt 1

    Moving On, Pt 1

    This week we’re breaking down “Moving On, Pt 1”. Andy is grieving over his breakup with Erin, Pam has a job interview in Philly with a manager that is way too similar to Michael Scott, and Angela helps Dwight take care of his aunt. The ladies talk about what it was like to work with the director of this episode Jon Favreau, Angela shares Merriam-Webster's description of the “Aha” moment, Jenna shares some current fashion trends and the ladies talk about Mark Franks (Bob Odenkirk) and Simon Realty in Philly. So while you wonder what it would be like if Bob Dylan was your boss, enjoy this episode! 

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    This week the ladies chat with Phyllis Smith! Phyllis played our lovable, snarky sales rep who was also the second half of Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. The ladies bond over some of their personal favorite “Office” moments which includes a scene both Phyllis and Steve Carell couldn’t get through. Phyllis also talks about her upcoming movie “Inside Out 2” where she plays the voice of Sadness. This episode is guaranteed to warm your heart so no need to get sassy over party planning ideas, just enjoy this episode! 


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    A Look Back on Counseling

    A Look Back on Counseling

    This week we’re taking a look back on “Counseling”. After spanking his nephew at work, Michael undergoes counseling with Toby. Meanwhile, Dwight attempts to get his “Pretty Woman” revenge at a Steamtown Mall shop and Pam gives herself a promotion. We hear an original “Whispers in the Breakroom” by musician Elyse Myers. Jenna reveals the backstory behind how Michael came to hate Toby, Angela shares why Dwight wanted that wizard statue so badly, and we get a fun audio clip from actress Kate Walsh! If you don’t listen to this episode, Big mistake, HUGE! 


    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


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    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    This week the ladies chat with Jake Lacy! Jake played Pete on “The Office” or as Andy liked to call him, Plop. Jake talks about what it was like to audition and join the cast in Season 9. Jake shares memories from his first day on set, answers call sheet questions and they all bond over parenting. Enjoy! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Couples Discount

    Couples Discount

    This week we’re breaking down “Couples Discount”. The office pretends to be couples to get a Valentines’ Day discount at a nail salon, and meanwhile Jim and Pam try to celebrate this romantic holiday but it doesn’t go so well. Angela shares the struggle of shoe shopping with tiny feet, Jenna deems that Valentine’s Day is not Jim and Pam’s holiday and the ladies try some fancy chocolate. So relax, get a mani with your office bestie and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 29, 2024

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    This week we're breaking down "Vandalism" and the ladies are joined by the director of this episode and Jenna's husband, Lee Kirk! (You might also remember Lee as Clark the Lactation Consultant.) Pam's mural in the warehouse gets vandalized, Angela and the Senator host a fancy first birthday party for their son and Jim and Darryl are a bit at odds as roommates in Philly. Lee shares what it was like to direct an episode of "The Office" through a fun analogy. Then Jenna shares a Nate moment that made her break, and Angela reveals more deleted party scenes. Plus Josh (Angela's husband in real life) made lemon madeleines for us this week! So keep your 5 lbs of flour away from Jim and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    This week the ladies chat with John Krasinski! John, Jenna and Angela talk about Season 9 of “The Office”, Jenna remembers John pitching a way to wrap up the Jim and Pam storyline, Angela asks John some call sheet questions, and John tells the ladies about his upcoming movie “IF”! This is a wonderful chat so please enjoy, Office Ladies fans! 


    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    This week we’re taking a look back at “Nepotism”. Michael got his nephew, played by Evan Peters, a job at Dunder Mifflin and he’s terrible. Like soy ice cream and bagel chips terrible. The ladies tell you everything you want to know about the lip dub opening, and Kate Flannery sends in a clip about her experience being strapped to Brian Baumgartner’s back. Then Angela shares a story full of twists and turns about trying to find a Blu-Ray player in her hometown so she could research this episode, Jenna explains a seemingly strange reaction Pam has in a conference room scene and the ladies wonder about being able to pee in the ocean. So bust out those dance moves, guitar riffs and magic tricks, and enjoy “Nepotism”! 


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Junior Salesman

    Junior Salesman

    This week we’re breaking down “Junior Salesman”. Dwight searches for a part-time salesman to fill in while Jim splits his time between Athlead and Dunder Mifflin. We hear audio clips from editor Dave Rogers who talks about his experience directing this episode. Angela has a very surprising update on the banned mallard duck, Jenna breaks down how fan reactions to the boom operator affected the storyline and the ladies discuss what they can podcast about next after their “Office” rewatch. So no need to go paintballing with Dwight’s friends, just enjoy this great episode! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Customer Loyalty

    Customer Loyalty

    This week we’re breaking down “Customer Loyalty”. Dwight goes out of his way to stop Darryl from leaving Dunder Mifflin, and Jim misses Cece’s recital which leads to a fight that causes Pam to turn to someone from the documentary crew! We hear audio clips from the director of this episode, Kelly Cantley, who talks about taking on such a big reveal. Angela also interviews her daughter, Isabel, who played a ladybug in this episode and Jenna shares a fan letter that pitches many incidents the documentary crew probably should’ve stepped in to help a Dunder Mifflin employee. So no need to “FIRE IN THE HOLE” to enjoy this big episode. It’s a good one!


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Related Episodes

    A Look Back on Fun Run Pt. 1

    A Look Back on Fun Run Pt. 1

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    Follow Kate Flannery on Instagram: @therealkateflannery 

    Support Philabundance here https://www.philabundance.org/


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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies

    Casual Friday with Brian Baumgartner

    Casual Friday with Brian Baumgartner

    This week we’re breaking down “Casual Friday”, and the ladies talk with the actor behind the famous chili cold open, Brain Baumgartner! Brian, who played Kevin Malone, shares how he got his role and what it was like to play this oddball accountant. Afterwards the ladies discuss this episode; Michael is back as the Dunder Mifflin manager of the Scranton branch and he reinstates Casual Friday. He also seems to be giving preferential treatment to Pam and Ryan causing resentment among some of the other employees. Kate Flannery sends in a clip about her famous wardrobe malfunction, Angela shares a deleted scene where Creed reveals what he calls the breakroom, and Jenna does an amazing deep dive on invisible ink. The trick to a great episode is to undercook the onions.


    Check out Brian Baumgartner’s new book “Welcome to Dunder Mifflin: The Ultimate Oral History of the Office”: https://www.harpercollins.com/products/welcome-to-dunder-mifflin-brian-baumgartnerben-silverman?variant=33080663080994


    Take a writing class with Brent Forrester: https://www.brentforrester.com



    A Look Back on Branch Closing

    A Look Back on Branch Closing

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    #130: Papa Bear's Honey

    #130: Papa Bear's Honey

    Okay, hear us out: what about a podcast where three improvisers sorta do riddles? Sound good? Well, open your eyes because it's real! That's right, it's this show. Oh, we almost forgot, it's not just riddles. There is so much more. For instance, we've got an Italian conversation, a domesticated dinner, a date that goes horribly awry, an ice-breaker that'll break your heart, lives flashing before some eyes, another dinner date scene, two golf announcers having an a-typical day, and this fall's hottest new shows. It's #WiddleWednesday and we love to see it!

    All riddles today are from a book by a fan that you can purchase! Get James' book by clicking this link: Riddles for Smart People


    Adal Rifai

    John Patrick Coan

    Erin Keif

    Editing by: 

    Casey Toney

    Theme by: 

    Arne Parrott

    Logo by: 

    Emily Kardamis & Emmaline Morris

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    Q&A with Courtney - October Edition

    Q&A with Courtney - October Edition

    Host - Courtney Ortiz

    In the October Edition of Q&A With Courtney, Courtney (and a few special guests) answer your questions on topics including:

    • Levels at competition
    • How to stand out in the crowd
    • The value (of lack of value) in dancers performing multiple solos


    To send in your questions to be answered on a future Q&A podcast with Courtney, owner of IDA, visit www.impactdanceadjudicators.com/podcast to record a question! You can request to stay anonymous or have Courtney give you a shout out!

    Follow Courtney Ortiz at @courtney.ortiz, and Impact Dance Adjudicators at @impactdanceadjudicators on Instagram, and for a list of affiliated dance competitions, visit our website www.impactdanceadjudicators.com

    Join your hosts Courtney Ortiz & Lesley Mealor at the Capezio Flagship Store in the heart of New York City for a LIVE podcast recording of Making the Impact!  PLUS - a bonus master class with Courtney, lunch at Capezio, swag bag freebies, dance wear discounts & more!

    Saturday, March 30th, 2024 -
    RSVP and register for class now! 

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