
    Hotline Calls: Fake Orgasms & Anal Sex

    enOctober 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Open communication about sex is essential for a satisfying relationshipEffective communication about desires, boundaries, and concerns leads to great sex and a healthy relationship.

      Open communication about sex and its experiences is crucial for creating a satisfying and meaningful sexual relationship. Everyone brings their own unique backgrounds and expectations to the bedroom, making it essential to discuss and understand each other's desires and boundaries. Communication also helps in addressing any concerns, such as not having penetrative sex after months of dating, feeling uncomfortable with anal play, admitting to faking orgasms, or exploring new aspects of one's sexuality with a long-term partner. Furthermore, using sex toys and pleasure-enhancing products can add excitement and variety to your sex life. The iconic Magic Wand vibrator, for instance, has earned its reputation as a trusted confidant and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. So, prioritize talking about sex, and remember that effective communication is the key to great sex and a healthy relationship.

    • Having an open conversation about intimacyApproach intimacy talk with care, timing and respect for partner's feelings, in a thoughtful setting.

      When it comes to discussing intimacy in a relationship, it's important to have an open and honest conversation. If you've been dating someone for over a month and a half and feel ready to take the next step, but aren't sure if your partner is, initiating a conversation about it can help clarify things. However, it's essential to approach the topic in a thoughtful and considerate way. Instead of bringing it up during a make-out session or after a date, consider having a conversation over dinner or during a longer day date. Express your feelings and thoughts about the relationship and the level of intimacy you're both comfortable with. Remember, every relationship is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all timeline for when to have this conversation or take the next step. The most important thing is to be respectful of each other's boundaries and feelings.

    • Having open conversations about sex early in a relationshipDiscussing sex early on builds intimacy, normalizes conversations, and ensures both partners are comfortable and satisfied

      Having open and honest conversations about sex early on in a relationship is important for building intimacy and understanding each other's comfort levels. These conversations can help normalize discussing sex and can provide valuable insights into a potential partner's desires and experiences. It's essential to remember that everyone brings their unique backgrounds and expectations to the bedroom, so discussing sex can help create a clean slate and ensure both partners are comfortable and satisfied. Additionally, it's important to note that the sex you have in the beginning of a relationship may not necessarily indicate the sex you'll have in the future, as everyone's needs and preferences can change over time. Overall, having open and honest conversations about sex can lead to better relationships and greater sexual satisfaction.

    • Exploring anal play with a partnerStart slowly, use self-exploration, and prioritize comfort and relaxation to make anal play a pleasurable experience

      Exploring anal play with a partner can lead to new and pleasurable experiences, but it's important to approach it with education, communication, and a focus on comfort and relaxation. Many people have negative associations with anal play due to past experiences that were uneducated, rushed, and painful. Sarah, a listener, shared her experience of having had painful anal sex in the past and now wanting to explore it again, but facing emotional and physical barriers. The key is to start slowly and with self-exploration, using fingers and lubrication to get used to the sensations and learn what feels good. This can help reframe anal play as a source of pleasure rather than pain, and can lead to deeper connection and intimacy with a partner.

    • Exploring anal play: Enhance pleasure with education and communicationApproach anal play with an open mind, education, communication, and a focus on pleasure and connection to overcome discomfort and shame.

      Exploring anal play can be a way to stimulate nerve endings and enhance pleasure, but it's important to approach it slowly and with education to overcome any shame or discomfort. Anal beads, for example, can provide unique sensations and can be used as a progression tool for those new to anal play. Toys like the Soraya beads can make the experience easier and more enjoyable by providing a thrusting sensation without the need for manual effort. For couples, communication and consent are key when reintroducing anal play. If one partner is not comfortable with solo anal play, they can invite their partner to explore with them and take it slow. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently and it may take time to rebuild trust and comfort with anal play. Overall, the goal is to approach anal play with an open mind, education, and a focus on pleasure and connection.

    • Communication and preparation are essential for successful anal sexUse lubricant, have an open conversation about boundaries, and remember that everyone's preferences differ in anal sex. Honesty and mutual pleasure are key to satisfying sex, regardless of orgasms.

      Communication and preparation are key elements for successful anal sex. No one is an expert in this area from the start, and it's essential to ensure both partners are comfortable and in control. Using lubricant is a must, and having an open conversation about conditions and boundaries beforehand can prevent misunderstandings and discomfort. It's important to remember that everyone's preferences and experiences differ, and it's okay to try new things or decide that anal play isn't for you. In a different context, Victoria shared her concern about never having reached orgasm with her boyfriend. It's common for people, especially those who are new to sex, to fake orgasms. However, it's crucial to have an honest conversation about this issue, as maintaining a false narrative can lead to confusion and mistrust. It's essential to remember that orgasms are not a requirement for satisfying sex, and focusing on mutual pleasure and understanding can lead to a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Taking responsibility for your own sexual pleasureCommunicate openly with partner, self-explore, and remember authentic orgasms take time and effort.

      Taking responsibility for your own sexual pleasure and orgasms is crucial in a relationship. It's common to blame partners for not providing us with orgasms, but the reality is that we are responsible for our own sexual satisfaction. Faking orgasms doesn't benefit anyone and can create misunderstandings in the relationship. It's essential to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your sexual needs and desires outside of the bedroom. Many people, including the speaker, have learned that self-exploration and communication are key to experiencing authentic and fulfilling orgasms with a partner. Remember, most of what we see in media and porn is not representative of real-life sexual experiences. So, be patient with yourself and your partner, and approach this as a journey of discovery and growth.

    • Communication is key in a satisfying sexual relationshipBeing open and honest about desires, needs, and past experiences deepens the connection between partners and helps individuals become great lovers to themselves and their partners.

      Open and honest communication is essential in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. This can involve discussing desires, needs, and past experiences, even if it feels uncomfortable or difficult. It's important to remember that most couples don't have open conversations about sex and that exploring these topics together can help deepen the connection between partners. Additionally, self-exploration and self-acceptance are crucial parts of becoming a great lover to your partner and to yourself. In the case of Cameron, who is experiencing growing attractions to men while being married to a woman, the takeaway is that being honest with your partner about your desires and feelings, even if it's scary, can lead to a better understanding of yourself and your relationship.

    • Exploring Sexual Desires and Fantasies in RelationshipsHonest conversations about sexual desires and fantasies can deepen relationships, approach with sensitivity, prioritize authenticity, seek resources for support.

      Having open and honest conversations about sexual desires and fantasies, including bisexuality, with your partner can lead to a deeper and more fulfilling relationship. It's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and care, starting with general conversations about sex and desires, and gradually exploring more specific topics. Even if your partner may not be initially open to the idea, continued conversations and exploration may lead to a greater understanding and acceptance. It's also important to remember that everyone's experiences and comfort levels are different, and it's crucial to prioritize authenticity and personal growth. Additionally, seeking out resources such as books, podcasts, and online communities can provide valuable information and support. Ultimately, living your authentic sexual truth can lead to greater intimacy and connection with your partner, and a more fulfilling life overall.

    • Navigating complex sexual desires and identities in relationshipsApproach conversations about hidden desires or identities with care, discuss sex life outside of the bedroom, gauge partner's response, seek therapist guidance, and prioritize emotional well-being.

      Communication and self-expression are key components in navigating complex sexual desires and identities within a relationship. If you're considering sharing a hidden desire or identity with your partner, it's important to approach the conversation in a healthy and thoughtful way. This might involve discussing your sex life in a non-threatening manner outside of the bedroom, bringing up related topics to gauge your partner's response, and seeking the guidance of a trusted therapist. It's also important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to disclosing sensitive information. Ultimately, the decision to share or keep these desires to yourself is a deeply personal one, and it's important to prioritize your own emotional well-being in the process.

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    And I’m asking all the uncomfortable questions you want to ask.


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    Wait. WHAT??...


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    You will learn:


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    • Let’s stop faking orgasms. Know the four steps to how you can really get there.


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    Maybe we’ll call these sex episodes “Listen and Lube”?

    Xo, Mel


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    • 1:16:53: See a pelvic floor therapist if this happens when you have sex.
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    • 1:20:45: What is the “Yes-No-Maybe List”?
    • 1:21:15: 5 steps to having the best sex of your life.


    Want more resources? Go to my podcast page at melrobbins.com/podcast.


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