
    How Are You Going To Change Your Life This Year?

    en-usJanuary 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Treating life like a business for financial successSet income, expense, and saving goals to break the cycle of debt and financial stress, as taught by Dave Ramsey in his new book 'Breaking Free From Broke'.

      Personal finance expert Dave Ramsey, along with George Camel and special guests, encourage listeners to break the cycle of financial stress and debt by treating their lives like a business. This means setting and keeping goals for revenue (income), expenses, and profit (saving). Ramsey's new book, "Breaking Free From Broke," offers guidance and resources for individuals looking to improve their financial situation. The book, which comes out next week, includes bonuses for those who pre-order. Additionally, the Ramsey team emphasizes the importance of addressing all areas of life, not just finances, in order to live a well-rounded and successful life.

    • Turning dreams into goalsTreat your goals like a business, set clear intentions, and take action to make them a reality. Don't let your dreams stay just dreams, turn them into achievable goals.

      Having a dream is important, but it's not enough. To achieve your goals, you need to take action and treat your personal life like a business. Only 8% of Americans keep their New Year's resolutions, but with the right mindset and strategy, you can increase your chances of success. Don't let yourself down like you might in your personal life – instead, treat your goals like they really matter. Dreams with work clothes on are called goals. The speaker encourages listeners to step up, set clear goals, and take action to make them a reality. It's not about magic or secrets, but rather common sense and a commitment to making things happen. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of protecting yourself from ID theft, which can lead to financial and personal damage. Stay tuned for more practical advice on setting and achieving your goals.

    • Specific, measurable, and time-bound goalsSetting clear, quantifiable targets with a deadline helps transform dreams into achievable realities

      Setting specific, measurable, and time-bound goals is essential for achieving success. The speaker emphasizes that without these three components, a goal remains just a dream. Being specific and measurable means setting clear targets, such as losing a certain amount of weight or earning a specific amount of money by a specific date. Adding a time limit makes the goal realistic and actionable, allowing us to break it down into manageable steps and track our progress. Without these elements, we may lack the focus and direction needed to turn our dreams into reality.

    • Setting clear goals in all areas of lifeWriting down specific, personal goals in financial, intellectual, family, spiritual, physical, and career areas helps make progress, stay motivated, and live a more intentional life.

      Setting clear, specific, and written goals is essential for achieving success in various areas of life, including financial, intellectual, family, spiritual, physical, and career. Writing down goals makes them tangible and helps individuals track their progress, make necessary adjustments, and stay motivated. It's crucial to remember that goals should be personal and reflect one's desires, not someone else's expectations. Sacrifices may be required to reach goals, but they can lead to greater long-term benefits. By setting and working towards goals in all seven areas of life, individuals can live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

    • Affordable healthcare options for Christians with CHMFocusing on smallest debt and creating a budget can help couples manage and pay off debt faster

      For Christians seeking affordable healthcare options, Christian Health Care Ministries (CHM) can be an effective alternative. This faith-based program allows members to share each other's healthcare costs, offering freedom to choose their healthcare providers and no networks. For a couple trying to manage debt, focusing on paying off the smallest debt first and creating a detailed budget could help them become debt-free more quickly. Despite bringing in a combined income of $130,000, they were only saving $3,000 and had significant consumer debt. By prioritizing debt repayment and making sacrifices, they could pay off their debts faster. In the conversation, there were parallels drawn between therapy and personal finance, emphasizing the importance of objective observation and making necessary changes for improvement.

    • Making practical choices for personal financeAssess your situation, make adjustments, control impulses, live below your means, and understand the importance of material possessions.

      Managing personal finances may seem daunting, but it's essentially about making simple, practical choices. Even if you're not a financial expert, you can objectively assess your situation and make necessary adjustments, just like cutting expenses to get out of debt. This process might involve temporary sacrifices, such as foregoing vacations or eating out, but it leads to financial freedom. The speaker emphasizes the importance of controlling impulses and living below your means, which can be challenging but ultimately rewarding. It's essential to understand that material possessions, like cars and houses, are just things, and you can't get your life back once it's gone. Trusted mortgage companies, like Churchill Mortgage, can help you navigate the home buying process and provide stability during uncertain financial times.

    • Wait until after marriage to buy a houseIt's crucial to understand each other's financial situations before buying a house, which is best done after marriage.

      When considering buying a house while planning to get married, it's ideal to wait until after the wedding to make the purchase. This allows couples to better understand each other's financial situations and make informed decisions together. The speaker, John, is 24 years old and plans to marry in the next year and a half. He currently has $50,000 saved and no debt. The experts advise him to save as much money as possible during the first year of marriage before buying a house. They suggest opening a high-yield savings account instead of keeping the money in a regular savings account. While John's situation is promising, with no debt and a good savings rate, others may not be as fortunate. It's essential to understand your financial situation and that of your partner before making significant financial decisions like buying a house.

    • Understanding Financial CommitmentsThoroughly research financial products and understand their terms before committing, and be prepared for unexpected fees or charges.

      Having a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of financial commitments is crucial. A listener named Dalton called in to discuss his investment in an IUL (Indexed Universal Life) policy, which he wanted to get out of due to concerns about its high fees and long surrender charge. He had invested $1,500 and was left with only $400 if he decided to leave the policy. The financial advisor who had recommended the product to him had misled Dalton, as the surrender charge wouldn't disappear for another 10 years. The Ramsey team advised Dalton to cut his losses and move on, emphasizing the importance of being informed about the financial products one invests in. The team also suggested setting aside the money in a savings account as a backup plan until he could afford to pay off the policy without incurring penalties. The key takeaway is that it's essential to thoroughly research financial products and understand their terms before making a commitment, and to be prepared for unexpected fees or charges.

    • Misleading Sales of Permanent Life Insurance as Wealth-Building ToolsBeware of insurance agents posing as financial advisors selling permanent life insurance as wealth-building tools, leading to financial losses and high interest payments on borrowed funds.

      Permanent life insurance sold as a wealth-building tool by individuals posing as financial advisors but who are actually insurance agents can result in significant financial losses for consumers. The insurance agents make large commissions from these sales, and the consumers end up paying a "stupid tax" for years. The consumers are often misled into believing they are getting tax-free wealth strategies, but in reality, they are just borrowing their own money back from the policy and paying interest on it. The best advice is to avoid these types of investments and instead focus on building wealth through proven investment strategies. Consumers should be cautious and ensure that the individuals they trust with their money are indeed qualified financial advisors and not just insurance salespeople.

    • Exploiting new agents in insurance industryAgents may rush into selling without understanding business, leading to high turnover and potential for selling client books to buyers who may file for bankruptcy within 90 days.

      The insurance industry, specifically the way it recruits new agents, can be exploitative. Agents are encouraged to sell to their friends and family, often using a tax-free wealth strategy, before they fully understand the business and its demands. Many agents leave the business within a year, and those who remain face a difficult time selling to individuals instead of relying on relationships. The industry is set up to milk an agent's sphere of influence, and when they run out of steam, they may consider selling their client book to someone else. However, potential buyers should be cautious when purchasing a client book from a business that is closing, as the seller may file for bankruptcy and the sale could be undone by the bankruptcy court within 90 days. This was highlighted in the discussion when a listener's husband had the opportunity to buy the equipment and client book of a landscaping business that was closing, but the seller was considering filing bankruptcy soon.

    • Analyzing a Failing Business: Conduct an AutopsyBefore making financial decisions, assess underlying issues, avoid bankruptcy financing, steer clear of stolen goods, maintain an emergency fund, and exercise caution with car financing.

      Before making any hasty decisions regarding a business or personal asset, it's crucial to understand the underlying issues and potential risks involved. In this discussion, the speakers suggested analyzing a failing business by conducting an autopsy to determine the root cause of its problems. They also advised against financing equipment during a bankruptcy situation and cautioned against buying stolen goods, even unknowingly. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of having an emergency fund and being cautious when dealing with car financing. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of careful consideration and thorough research before making financial decisions.

    • Couple's Financial Priorities and Values DisagreementCouples need to align on financial goals and values, misalignment can lead to debt and future financial instability. Communication and understanding are crucial in resolving disagreements and working towards financial freedom.

      The couple in question needs to have a serious discussion about their financial priorities and values. The husband's desire for a larger SUV, despite their current debt situation, reveals a lack of alignment between them on financial goals. The wife feels disrespected by his decision to extend their debt and is concerned about their future financial stability. To address this issue, the couple should consider buying a more affordable, larger SUV to get out of debt faster and work towards shared financial goals. Communication and understanding are key to resolving this issue and ensuring they are moving in the same direction towards financial freedom.

    • Consider selling a car and buying a new one with cash or paying off debt quicklyAvoid getting into debt for car purchases by selling a current car and buying a new one with cash or paying off existing debt quickly.

      Getting into debt, especially when it comes to buying a car, can be a slippery slope. While it might seem tempting to upgrade to a newer model or larger vehicle, the long-term financial consequences can be significant. The speaker suggests selling a private car and saving up to buy a new one with cash, or paying off the existing debt as quickly as possible. He also emphasizes the importance of avoiding justifications for going further into debt, such as safety or reliability concerns. Overall, the key is to be mindful of the financial implications of car purchases and to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of debt. If you're struggling with debt, consider leading a Financial Peace University class at your church to help others in your community.

    • Breaking the cycle of financial instabilityFocus on changing behavior instead of blaming past or family, join a free live event for insights and resources, and prioritize own financial stability before helping others.

      Breaking the cycle of financial instability requires new perspectives, knowledge, and relationships. You can't blame your past or family for your current financial situation; instead, focus on changing your behavior. The upcoming free live stream event on January 11th, featuring experts Dr. John Deloney, Rachel Cruz, George Campbell, and Jade Washaw, aims to help you navigate money anxiety and bad habits. Plus, there's a chance to win $1,000 during the live event. Remember, you can't change the past, but you can change your future. Sign up at ramsysolutions.com/break-the-cycle to join the event and potentially win. The podcast, "Break the Cycle," has recently become the number one podcast in the world, thanks to its helpful advice on money matters. So, if you're struggling financially, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Samuel from Madison, Wisconsin, shared his story of supporting his parents during their financial struggles and considering getting a second job. While it's commendable that he's trying to help, it's important to ensure his own financial stability first. The live stream event could provide valuable insights and resources for Samuel and others in similar situations.

    • Navigating Financial and Personal ChallengesWhen facing unexpected financial struggles and personal hardships, prioritize needs, make tough decisions, and seek help when necessary.

      When faced with unexpected financial challenges and personal struggles, it's essential to assess the situation, prioritize needs, and make difficult decisions. In the conversation, a young woman shared her mother's terminal illness and her family's financial struggles. She expressed her desire to help but felt overwhelmed by her own financial situation and work demands. The financial expert on the show offered advice, acknowledging the woman's compassion and encouraging her to consider the long-term needs of her family. He suggested selling the camper and having her dad focus on grieving and finding employment instead of holding onto the dream of traveling with her mom. The expert also advised the woman to focus on her own financial situation, prioritize her debts, and explore options for debt consolidation. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of making tough decisions and seeking help when needed to manage financial and personal challenges.

    • Creating a budget and prioritizing debt repayment are key to effective financial management.High income earners can still struggle with finances due to debts and lack of budgeting. Selling unnecessary expenses, creating a budget, and prioritizing debt repayment can help get back on track. Seeking professional advice can provide personalized solutions.

      Effective financial management requires creating a detailed budget, eliminating unnecessary expenses, and focusing on paying off debts, especially high-interest ones. The interviewee, despite having a high income, was struggling due to numerous debts and lack of budgeting. To get back on track, they needed to sell an expensive car, create a budget, and prioritize debt repayment. Additionally, seeking professional financial advice can provide personalized solutions to help manage money effectively. It's important to remember that while financial advice is abundant, a customized plan tailored to individual circumstances is crucial for achieving financial goals.

    • Parents' debts not yours to pay offYou're not responsible for parents' debts unless cosigned, focus on Ramsey's baby steps to build wealth.

      If your parents pass away with debt, you are not responsible for paying it off in the United States, unless the debt was cosigned by you. Debts are paid out of the deceased person's estate before any inheritance is distributed. However, beware of unscrupulous debt collectors who may try to intimidate you into paying debts that are not legally yours. As for your financial situation, consider following the Ramsey baby steps to build wealth long term. Focus on becoming debt-free, saving for emergencies, and investing 15% of your income into retirement accounts. A paid-off house and a substantial retirement fund are common traits among millionaires.

    • Focus on high savings rate and eliminating debtPay off debt using debt snowball method, build emergency fund, sell expensive items, and invest freed-up funds for financial growth

      Focusing on a high savings rate and eliminating debt can lead to significant financial growth. The speaker shared his personal experience of paying off his home and investing the freed-up funds, which grew into a million dollars. For those starting from a place of debt, the recommended steps are to build a starter emergency fund and focus on paying off consumer debt using the debt snowball method. Even small changes, like selling an expensive car, can help accelerate the debt repayment process. The ultimate goal is to increase savings and investments while minimizing financial risks through proper insurance coverage.

    • Pay off significant debt in a short timeframeSetting clear financial goals and developing a solid plan can help you make significant progress towards debt freedom in a relatively short timeframe.

      With a clear goal and a solid plan, it's possible to pay off significant debt in a relatively short timeframe. The couple in this story, George and Ellen, set a goal to have their home paid off before their son graduated from high school. They analyzed their income and expenses, accelerated their debt repayment, and were able to pay off $87,000 in two years and five months. They also made adjustments along the way, such as paying off the remaining mortgage balance with savings when the opportunity arose. Despite having a range of income between $91,000 and $95,000 during this time, they were able to make progress towards their goal. It's important to note that everyone's financial situation is unique, and what worked for this couple may not work for everyone. However, setting clear financial goals and developing a solid plan can be a powerful motivator for making progress towards debt freedom.

    • Parents pay off debts and save for collegeThrough dedication, discipline, and creativity, parents overcame debt and saved for their son's education.

      Being financially responsible and debt-free requires dedication, discipline, and accountability. The parents in this story went through the process of paying off their debts and saving for their son's college education, involving their son in the budgeting process to instill accountability. They found creative ways to save money and even turned the process into a game to make it more enjoyable. Despite initial challenges and lean months, they stayed committed and found ways to make ends meet. Their story shows that with focus and determination, it's possible to get out of debt faster than anticipated and secure a better financial future.

    • Breaking free from financial strugglesFocus on new things, communicate openly, and learn from mistakes to break free from financial cycles

      No matter the circumstances, it's essential to break free from financial cycles that hold you back. As heard in the Ramsey Show, a family paid off $87,000 in debt in just two years and three months. This achievement is a testament to the power of making a decision to change your financial situation. Moreover, Isaiah 43:18-19 reminds us to focus on the new things in our lives instead of dwelling on the past. In the same vein, JP Morgan's quote, "The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you're not going to stay where you are," emphasizes the importance of taking action. For those facing difficult financial situations, such as co-signing on a loan for a loved one, it's crucial to communicate openly and honestly. In the case of Mary from Seattle, she should inform the lender that she has no money to pay off the deficit and encourage the borrower to use their settlement to cover the debt. Lastly, remember that everyone makes mistakes, and it's never too late to start making better financial decisions. Georgia Ramsey's new book, "Breaking Free from Broke," offers valuable insights and resources to help you get back on track. So, join the Ramsey community in breaking free from financial struggles and embarking on a new, debt-free journey.

    • Settle repossession debts for less than owedYou can settle repossession debts for a fraction of the original amount, allowing you to pay off your portion and rebuild finances.

      When facing a repossession deficit, it's possible to settle the debt for a significantly reduced amount, typically between 10 to 20 cents on the dollar. For instance, if you owe $15,000, you might be able to settle for $1,500 to $3,000. This strategy allows you to get out of debt, build up an emergency fund, and only pay off your portion of the debt. It's crucial to get the debt settlement in writing and ensure that your portion is marked as paid in full before the creditor goes after any co-signers or additional debts. Additionally, the speakers emphasized the importance of not cosigning or co-owning debts or assets with individuals you're not married to. These lessons can be valuable for anyone, regardless of age or relationship status.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Jade Warshaw & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "I was scammed after taking out a HELOC and lost $150k," This common mistake could cost you millions of dollars, "How can I fix my past mistakes in my marriage?" "My employer is underpaying me," "Can I use a personal loan to pay off a credit card?" "An ex-employee is still driving my company car" Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage: Get started at ChurchillMortgage.com Zander Insurance: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today.  Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: https://www.betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📈 For help with investing, get connected with a SmartVestor Pro.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Ramsey Solutions is a paid, non-client promoter of SmartVestor Pros. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do

    Build Wealth by Doing What Rich People Actually Do
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Is it ever okay to spend $50k on a trip?" "My dad wants me to pay for his life insurance..." "Should we buy a house if we're going to move in 4 years?" "We disagree about paying off our cars," "We make $400K but can't pay extra on debt," "I co-own a house with my girlfriend's parents..." "My employer wants me to stop my side hustle" Support Our Sponsors: Zander: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today. Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 🏠 Selling Your House? Check out one of our Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agents 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🎟️ Reserve your seat for Summit 2025 today! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:52 Why are you spending like this?! 09:37 Policy Genius 11:34 Time to get some help... 15:47 Haunted by financial trauma 19:16 What a mess 24:18 Spend spend spend! 32:33 You need to budget! 41:11 Your budget is breaking 43:11 Course Careers 45:37 Clean up this mess! 48:51 You need to bust a*** 54:10 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

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