
    How Corsets Work

    enApril 18, 2017
    What topics does The Bright Side podcast discuss?
    How do the hosts feel about corsets and extreme lacing?
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    What is Zigazoo and its purpose for children?
    Who popularized the Swan Bill corset and why was it harmful?

    Podcast Summary

    • Corsets and Individual AutonomyThe Bright Side podcast discussed the topic of corsets and extreme lacing, with one host expressing concerns and the other advocating for individual autonomy in body modification choices.

      The Bright Side podcast, hosted by Danielle Robey and Simone Boyce, offers daily conversations about culture, trends, and inspiration on iHeart. The podcast is sponsored by the Capital One Venture X Card, which provides travel benefits and rewards. The discussion among the hosts touched upon the topic of corsets and extreme lacing, with differing opinions on the matter. While one host expressed uneasiness due to potential harm and societal pressures, the other defended the individual's right to modify their body as they please. The conversation also touched upon the comparison of corset wearing to foot binding and the larger societal issues surrounding body image and self-expression. Ultimately, the hosts emphasized the importance of individual happiness and autonomy in personal choices.

    • Ancient civilizations practiced waist-cinching for thousands of yearsCorsets have a rich history of enhancing feminine curves since ancient times, chosen by women for various reasons

      The history of corsets goes back thousands of years and their purpose has been to amplify, rather than suppress, female body features. Contrary to popular belief, they were not always worn against women's will, but chosen by them for their own reasons. Corsets have evolved over time, with waist training being a subculture where women reshape their bodies mechanically through tight corsets over a long period. This reshaping doesn't involve weight loss but rather redistributing inches to the hips. The word "corset" comes from the old French word for body. Ancient civilizations like Crete practiced waist-cinching as early as 3000 years ago, and corsets have been enhancing feminine curves since then.

    • History of Corsets in Women's FashionFrom decorative outerwear to essential innerwear, corsets were a common fashion accessory for women from the Middle Ages until World War I. Despite myths about their negative health effects, proper use and waist training do not cause harm.

      The use of corsets in women's fashion has a rich history that dates back to the Middle Ages. Initially serving as outerwear with decorative purposes, they later became an essential inner garment in the 18th century. Contrary to popular belief, wearing corsets was not an unusual or strange thing for women. In fact, they were a staple of women's fashion from the late 1700s until World War I. There was a movement against corsets in the late 19th century, spearheaded by doctors Ira and Lucian Warner, who aimed to create a less problematic alternative. However, many of the myths about the negative health effects of corsets, such as causing scoliosis or damaging internal organs, were debunked. While extreme corseting can lead to health issues, proper use and waist training should not. The Warner brothers' efforts led to the creation of healthier corsets, and they remain a popular fashion accessory in certain niches today.

    • The Swan Bill corset's negative impact on women's healthThe Swan Bill corset, popularized by Charles Dana Gibson, caused health issues due to its rigid materials and unnatural body positioning. Despite these risks, it remained a fashion trend for about a decade.

      The use of corsets, particularly the Swan Bill corset popularized by Charles Dana Gibson during the late 1800s and early 1900s, had negative effects on women's health. The corsets were made rigid with materials like whalebone and later steel, which kept the body in an unnatural position and could lead to improper rib development and poor posture. This trend emerged during a time when corsets were worn daily, and the idealized image of femininity promoted by artists like Gibson further perpetuated their use. Despite the negative health consequences, the Swan Bill corset remained popular for about a decade before being phased out. It's important to remember that fashion trends, even those with detrimental effects, can have a significant impact on society and individual lives.

    • The ideal body type changed post-WW1, leading to the demise of corsets but their re-emergence as fashion accessoriesPost-WW1, women sought freedom and a new body type, leading to the end of corsets as undergarments but their continuation as outerwear

      The fashion trend of wearing corsets drastically changed after World War I due to social upheaval and the emergence of the flapper culture. Women wanted to dance freely and the idealized body type shifted from the Venus type with curves to the more athletic Diana type. The death of corsets led to the creation of modern bras and undergarments. However, the desire for waist cinching didn't disappear entirely. Vivian Westwood brought corsets back in the 1980s as outerwear, and they have remained a fashion accessory in the Western world ever since.

    • A safe and positive social media experience for kids and efficient financial management for adultsZigazoo provides a human-moderated, positive social media environment for kids, while Betterment offers a simple and effective way to manage finances for adults.

      Zigazoo provides a safe and fun social media experience for kids, free from negativity and unwanted interactions. Unlike other social media platforms, Zigazoo is human-moderated, with a community of verified kids, ensuring a positive environment for sharing content and trying out trends. Meanwhile, Betterment offers an efficient way to manage your money, allowing it to work for you while you relax. The discussion also touched upon the historical context of men wearing corsets and the societal perceptions associated with it. Overall, both Zigazoo and Betterment offer solutions to enhance positivity in different aspects of life – social interaction for kids and financial management for adults.

    • Putting on a Corset: A Misconception DebunkedContrary to common belief, corsets are put on with laces already done up and the front is fastened at the bust. The garment features a busk and sometimes a stomacher for support.

      A corset is a historical garment designed to shape and support the body. It is made of strong materials, such as whale bone or metal, and is laced up in the back. Contrary to popular belief, the corset is put on with the laces already done up, and the front is then fastened at the bust. The garment also features a busk in the front and sometimes a decorative stomacher to keep the stomach flat. The lacing is typically done in a bidirectional pattern, like lacing a shoe. The corset's fabric, often made of high thread count cotton like Cutile, is chosen for its ability to keep the boning channels and rib bones in place. Despite defying physics, the corset has been an essential part of fashion history for centuries.

    • Lacing Styles in Corset HistoryCorset lacing styles reveal functional and aesthetic considerations. Ladder lacing's right-angle pattern was likely for looks, but adjustability was crucial for bunny ear lacing.

      The history of corset lacing reveals both functional and aesthetic considerations. Ladder lacing, with its right-angle pattern, was likely used for its distinctive appearance, but it may have also helped prevent loosening throughout the day. Bunny ear lacing, on the other hand, was more common for women due to its adjustability, allowing them to tighten their corsets without assistance. Corsets have long required professional fitting due to their importance in achieving a comfortable and effective fit. While mass manufacturing has made corsets more accessible today, proper sizing remains crucial. For those interested in corseting, Orchard Corset is recommended for custom-fitted options. Regarding Zigazoo, the platform stands out as a safe alternative to traditional social media for kids, with moderated video content and no messaging or comments. Despite initial skepticism, the platform has earned my approval as a parent.

    • Exploring Unique Opportunities: Zigazoo and AirbnbZigazoo offers a kid-friendly social network prioritizing data safety, while Airbnb lets users monetize their unused space. Both platforms provide unique advantages.

      Both Zigazoo and Airbnb offer unique opportunities with a focus on safety and potential financial gain, respectively. For Zigazoo, it's a kid-friendly social network prioritizing data safety, certified by Kids Safe COPPA. Airbnb, on the other hand, lets you monetize your unused space, making extra money when you're away or during events. Meanwhile, Kathy Young's story of waste training shows dedication and perseverance, as she achieved a record-breaking waist size of 15 inches after decades of training. However, her methods, while impressive, may raise ethical concerns when taken to extremes, as seen in the example of a husband trying to make his wife train constantly. In summary, Zigazoo and Airbnb offer distinct advantages, with the former focusing on kids' safety and social interaction, and the latter providing an opportunity to earn extra income. Kathy Young's story serves as a reminder of the potential rewards of long-term dedication, but also highlights the importance of ethical considerations.

    • Respecting People's Autonomy and ConsentAvoid making assumptions about people's choices or motivations based on limited information. Consensual practices, like wearing a corset, should be respected.

      It's important not to make assumptions about people's choices or motivations based on limited information. In the discussion, there was a debate about a woman wearing a corset and whether it was a result of abuse or her own choice. While it's possible that the man involved could be a jerk, it's also possible that they were engaged in consensual BDSM practices. Additionally, there are many myths surrounding the use of corsets, such as the idea that Victorian women fainted due to lack of oxygen or that their husbands forced them to wear them. In reality, the decision to wear a corset was often a woman's own, and the belief that all women were passive and vapid shells is a harmful stereotype. It's crucial to approach such situations with an open mind and respect people's autonomy and consent. For more information on corset myths, check out Lisa Hicks' article on Collectors Weekly or Orchard Corsets' website.

    • Understanding Animal PainVeterinarians assess animal pain through behavioral cues and body language, and recognizing and treating it has improved in recent decades.

      Assessing pain in animals is a complex process, as they cannot communicate their pain through words or facial expressions like humans can. Veterinarians rely on observing behavioral cues and body language to determine if an animal is in pain. Historically, there was a belief that animals did not feel pain at all, but this notion has been debunked and animals are now given better pain control during medical procedures. Listeners can find various pain charts for animals by searching for "Dog Pain Scale" online. The importance of recognizing and treating animal pain has come a long way in the last few decades. Michael Richards, a listener, expressed his appreciation for the podcast's discussion on this topic and mentioned their potential upcoming show in St. Louis. For parents, Zigazoo, a social media platform for kids, offers a safe and moderated environment for children to share content and express themselves.

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      TCL Roku TVs provide an ideal solution for sports enthusiasts looking to stream their favorite live games and podcasts in premium picture and sound quality. With access to major sports channels and a sports zone aggregating all available games, TCL Roku TVs offer convenience and a comprehensive viewing experience. Additionally, the integration of apps like iHeartRadio with sports podcasts adds an extra layer of engagement for fans. So, whether you're cheering on your team during football playoffs or basketball madness, a TCL Roku TV is the way to go. Find yours today at Amazon.com.

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