
    How Endurance, Faith, Family & Service Equate to Success (Part 1)

    enMay 05, 2014
    What is the title of Rich Roll's online course?
    How many modules and sessions does the course include?
    What personal challenges did the couple in the story face?
    How does the endurance race relate to spiritual growth?
    What platforms can listeners check for support and resources?

    Podcast Summary

    • Rich Roll's New Online Course: The Art of Living with PurposeRich Roll's new online course offers tools and resources to help individuals properly set goals, create structures and momentum, and understand the foundational principles and practices behind successful, sustained life transformations.

      Rich Roll, the host of the podcast, has created a new online course titled "The Art of Living with Purpose: How to Set and Achieve Goals, Transform Your Life and Become Your Best Most Authentic Self." This course, which is now available on Mind Body Green, offers over 2 hours of streaming video content divided into 6 modules and 14 sessions. It includes downloadable tools and resources to help individuals properly set goals, create structures and momentum, and understand the foundational principles and practices behind successful, sustained life transformations. Rich is excited about this new project and believes it contains everything necessary to make the changes in one's life to become the person one always wanted to be. He worked hard on it and is confident in its value.

    • Interview with Christian Isaacson - Ultraman and Iron Man ChampionChristian Isaacson, a man of strong moral character, shares his experiences in Ultraman and 5 Iron Man races, commitment to family and faith, and charitable work through Yamina project.

      Today's episode features an interview with Christian Isaacson, a man with whom the host shares many commonalities, including a strong sense of faith, family, and a passion for ultra-distance racing. Christian is unique in that he has competed in both the Ultraman World Championships and the epic 5 Iron Man races. In this episode, they discuss his experiences with these races, his commitment to his family and faith, and his involvement in charitable work through organizations like the Yamina project. Despite their many similarities, the hosts had not actually met in person until recently. The interview is divided into two parts, with the first part going up this week and the second part coming out on Thursday, making for a "RRP 2fer." Christian is described as a man of strong moral character, someone whose word is solid gold, and someone who embodies the values of an older generation. Overall, the conversation covers a wide range of topics, from the pain and passion of ultra-distance racing to the importance of service and giving back.

    • Investing in exceptional quality products for athletic performance and well-beingMomenta's plant-based protein and On's high-performance apparel offer game-changing solutions with superior quality, innovative approaches, and science-backed methods for athletes, while Go Brewing provides alcohol-free beer options without compromising taste or quality.

      Both Momenta's plant-based protein and On's high-performance apparel stand out in their respective industries for their exceptional quality, innovative solutions, and science-backed approaches. Momenta's protein addresses the common issues in the supplement world by providing a complete amino acid profile, great taste, and third-party testing, making it a go-to choice for top athletes. On, on the other hand, pushes the boundaries in apparel technology with next-gen fabrics, precise testing, and development, ensuring optimal performance and comfort for athletes. Additionally, Go Brewing offers alcohol-free beer options for those looking to maintain a sober lifestyle without sacrificing taste or quality. Overall, these brands embody the importance of investing in high-quality products that can significantly enhance one's athletic performance and well-being.

    • A difficult childhood marked by a father's drug addiction and abuseA father's addiction and abuse during childhood can lead to a broken home environment and lasting impacts on a child's emotional and physical well-being.

      The speaker's life was marked by a difficult upbringing, shaped significantly by his father's drug addiction and abuse. Growing up in Michigan, the speaker's father was a Vietnam veteran who returned home with deep struggles. Despite being physically present during the speaker's high school years, his father's addiction and abuse led to a broken home environment. The speaker, the middle child of three, bore the brunt of both physical and emotional abuse. His father's unwillingness to be a responsible parent left a lasting impact on the entire family. The father's mental state seemed to never leave Vietnam, leading to a downward spiral that affected everyone in the family. Despite these challenges, the speaker found solace in his friendship with the interviewee and has since made significant strides in his life, including impressive athletic achievements.

    • Childhood Imprints and Their Lasting ImpactsChildhood experiences can shape our lives in profound ways, and the pain and toxicity of past relationships can impact us long after they've ended. It's important to try and make amends and find healing, even if forgiveness is not possible.

      The past can leave lasting impacts on our lives, and sometimes those impacts can resurface unexpectedly. The speaker shared a personal story about his father's toxic influence on his life and how, despite his best efforts to make amends, his father was unable to forgive himself. The speaker also shared how he had tried to escape his father's influence by joining the army and pursuing a career in art and music, but ultimately found himself repeating his father's patterns of self-destructive behavior. The speaker reflected on how the imprinting that takes place during childhood can be difficult to overcome and how the pain and toxicity of past relationships can impact us long after the relationship has ended. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of trying to make amends and find healing, even if forgiveness is not possible.

    • Military bonding and personal struggles shape the speaker's lifeThe speaker's military experiences and tumultuous upbringing influenced his addiction, parenting, and charity work.

      The speaker's experiences in the military and his tumultuous upbringing significantly influenced his life, leading him to form a band, confront his alcohol addiction, and shape his parenting style. The speaker met his closest friend Brandon in the military, and they bonded over their shared love for U2. After leaving the military, the speaker started talking to his brothers about forming a band. However, during his first year of marriage, he realized he needed to get a handle on his alcohol addiction, which he had developed while in Germany. This realization came after his wife, Rhonda, confronted him about his drinking and the negative impact it was having on their relationship. The speaker's challenging childhood, marked by abuse and a conflicting relationship with religion, played a significant role in his decisions and actions throughout his life. Despite these challenges, the speaker is now a great father and has found meaning and purpose through his charity work, church involvement, and endurance racing.

    • Personal growth through challengesChallenges can lead to personal growth and transformation, even if painful or traumatic. Trusting in God's plan can help us navigate through difficult times and find meaning in our experiences.

      Life's challenges can serve as catalysts for personal growth and change, even if those challenges are painful or traumatic. The speaker in this conversation shared his experiences of being guided by his wife during their marriage, pursuing his dream of becoming a rock and roll star with his brothers, and facing the crisis of his daughter's illness. Through these experiences, he came to understand that no matter how important our goals or dreams may seem, nothing is too important for God to use to draw us back to Him. The speaker also acknowledged that he wished the human system was wired to be more open to personal growth without the need for jarring crises, but recognized that his own growth and transformation came largely as a result of the difficult experiences he faced.

    • A wake-up call from a life-altering experienceUnderstanding one's priorities and ultimate destiny is crucial, especially during times of success or crisis.

      Life-altering experiences can serve as wake-up calls, prompting us to reassess our priorities and consider whether we're on the right path. The speaker shares his personal experience of having a daughter with encephalitis, which led him to reevaluate his focus on his music career and its impact on his family. He draws a parallel between the dedication required for a successful music career and an athlete's training, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's ultimate destiny. This realization came during the post-Nirvana era, when various influential bands emerged, and the speaker had a brief brush with fame. However, the crisis brought about by his daughter's illness made him realize the importance of family and the need to prioritize it over his music career. This period marked the beginning of his transition towards becoming a paramedic.

    • Discovering the power of faith and relationships during personal strugglesThrough unexpected health issues and personal challenges, a couple learned the importance of embracing vulnerability, seeking support, and trusting in the power of love and relationships to navigate life's challenges.

      During a challenging time in their lives, a couple discovered the power of faith and relationship over personal struggles. The wife experienced unexpected health issues, including cold sores that led to the discovery of an unplanned pregnancy. Amidst these challenges, they moved to Portland to start anew and eventually homeschooled their daughter due to her medical needs and personal reasons. The husband's spiritual growth was sparked by meeting genuine people at a church who helped him understand that God's love is unconditional and not based on personal worthiness. This realization led them to focus on building a relationship with God, rather than relying on their own abilities to fix their problems. Ultimately, their experiences taught them the importance of embracing vulnerability, seeking support, and trusting in the power of love and relationships to help them navigate life's challenges.

    • Embracing discomfort for growthComfort hinders growth, embracing discomfort leads to personal growth and fulfillment in all areas of life

      Comfort hinders growth in all areas of life, including relationships and personal development. The speakers, Rhonda and Rich, realized this after years of marriage and attending counseling. They decided to fully commit to their relationship and personal growth, or "go all in," as their counselor advised. Complacency and cruise control are dangerous, as life is dynamic and either growing or decaying. Embracing discomfort and challenges, rather than seeking quick fixes or hacks, leads to true value, meaning, and satisfaction in life. This concept is evident in various aspects of life, from marriage and career to fitness and spiritual growth. The speakers' experiences, such as Rhonda's reading of Rich's book and Rich's participation in endurance races, demonstrate the importance of embracing the discomfort and challenges to achieve personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Using endurance sports to serve othersRich Roll's passion for endurance sports began with a desire to make a difference and help those in need, and this theme of service has remained a constant in his athletic pursuits and personal growth.

      Rich Roll's involvement in endurance sports began as a way to serve others and make a difference in their lives. This was evident from his first marathon fundraiser, which sparked a passion for competition and physical challenge. However, it was the desire to help those in need that initially drew him to endurance sports. This theme of service and giving back has remained a constant in his athletic pursuits and personal growth. Despite having a successful career and happy family, he continues to push himself physically and make a positive impact in the world.

    • From struggling in high school to marathon runnerEven if you don't excel in one area or fail initially, dedication and hard work can lead to new passions and unexpected success.

      Even if someone doesn't excel in one area or fails at first, they can still discover new passions and succeed with dedication and hard work. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of struggling with athletic activities in high school but later found success in running and triathlons after joining the military. He emphasized the importance of setting goals, finding resources like books and coaches, and staying committed to improvement. Despite initial challenges and setbacks, his determination led him to achieve impressive accomplishments, such as running a marathon under 3 hours and competing on a national team. This story illustrates that it's never too late to try new things and that persistence can lead to unexpected success.

    • From marathons to Ironman: The power of determination and obsessionDetermination and obsession can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Support from community plays a crucial role in success.

      Determination and obsession can help an individual overcome challenges and achieve their goals, even if they don't consider themselves naturally talented. The speaker's journey from running marathons to competing in Ironman races illustrates this idea. He faced plateaus in his progress but became increasingly obsessed with qualifying for the prestigious Kona race. Balancing his responsibilities as a father and husband proved challenging, but his drive and dedication allowed him to make it work. The support of his community, including friends and coaches, played a crucial role in his success. Through hard work and perseverance, he was able to transform himself into a successful triathlete and use his achievements to give back through fundraising.

    • The power of endurance and serviceEndurance sports and serving others can have a profound impact on one's life. Balancing personal goals with service to others and recognizing the power of endurance can make a difference in people's lives.

      Endurance sports and service to others can have a profound impact on one's life. The speaker shares his personal experience of being offered a trip to Haiti just weeks before qualifying for the Ironman World Championship in Kona. Despite the opportunity to race in Kona, he chose to go to Haiti instead, where he witnessed the power of endurance in a different context. He saw the effect of his running through the villages and the medical help he provided, which was more meaningful to the locals than his athletic achievements. The speaker was moved by the experience and realized that the service aspect of his journey was more important than the athletic component. He went back to Haiti multiple times and continued to provide medical help, realizing that the experience was about more than just the finish line. The speaker's story highlights the importance of finding balance between personal goals and service to others, and the power of endurance in making a difference in people's lives.

    • Personal setbacks in endurance sportsSuccess in endurance sports requires patience, adaptability, and a focus on personal growth rather than just achieving goals quickly.

      Passion and determination alone do not guarantee success in endurance sports, as external factors and setbacks can hinder progress. The speaker shares his personal experiences of missing out on an Ironman training due to an injury sustained during a race, and his subsequent decision to participate in Ultraman instead. He admits to being impatient and wanting to achieve his goals quickly, but recognizes that sometimes waiting and taking a different path can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. The speaker's story illustrates the importance of staying focused on the journey rather than just the destination, and embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

    • Persistence and authenticity can lead to unexpected opportunitiesBeing persistent and authentic in pursuing interests can lead to valuable connections and unexpected opportunities.

      Persistence and authenticity can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker called an influential figure in a particular field after being fascinated by an article, and despite having no prior experience or qualifications, was given the chance to engage in a deeper conversation about their shared interests. This interaction led to a potential future opportunity and a valuable connection. The speaker's honesty and genuine curiosity piqued the other person's interest, and even though a definitive answer wasn't given, the door was left open for further discussion. This experience highlights the importance of being persistent in pursuing one's interests, and being authentic and respectful in approaching those who hold expertise or influence in those areas.

    • Unexpectedly discovering Triple X Church's valueUnexpected encounters can lead to valuable connections and new experiences, like discovering Triple X Church's online accountability program and its importance in helping individuals stay accountable for their Internet usage and avoid potential addictions.

      Unexpected opportunities can lead to meaningful connections and new experiences. This was the case for the speaker when he met Jason and learned about Triple X Church, an online accountability program. Through a series of conversations, the speaker discovered the importance of this program, which helps people stay accountable for their Internet usage and avoid potential addictions. The speaker was initially skeptical of the organization due to its controversial nature, but he came to appreciate its value after learning more about it. The program saves lives by providing a supportive community and holding individuals accountable for their online actions. The speaker's involvement with Triple X Church allowed him to start important conversations about the dangers of the Internet and the importance of accountability. Overall, the speaker's experience shows that taking advantage of unexpected opportunities can lead to valuable connections and positive outcomes.

    • From Ironman to Epic 5: The Power of Inspiration and ConnectionInspiration and connections can lead to challenging experiences that foster personal growth. Staying committed to one's goals and embracing challenges, with the support of meaningful relationships, can lead to surprising outcomes.

      The journey of endurance and perseverance in life can be filled with synchronous events and meaningful connections. The speaker shares his experience of being inspired by a magazine to participate in an Ironman event, which eventually led him to completing Epic 5, a challenging adventure with Jason Lester. Chris, who had previously inspired the speaker, joined him for the final leg of Earth 5, demonstrating the full circle aspect of their relationship. The speaker's involvement in Epic 5 came about through his connection to Jason's coach and the Portland community. The idea for Epic 5 was Jason's, and they completed the challenge together, despite not meeting their 5-day goal. Jason then developed it into an annual event, and the speaker became involved in 2011 after Rhonda gave her full support, despite not being able to join him. The speaker's mental preparation for this challenge involved self-coaching and adapting his training to endure the physical and emotional demands. Overall, this experience highlights the importance of staying on one's chosen path, embracing challenges, and the impact of meaningful relationships on personal growth.

    • Preparing for ultra-races: Extensive training, fueling, and recoverySuccessful ultra-race athletes train at slower paces, increase hours progressively, focus on recovery, fuel with real foods, and experiment with sleep deprivation.

      Successful endurance athletes, like the speaker, prepare extensively for ultra-races by training at a reasonably slower pace, progressively increasing hours, and focusing on recovery. They also experiment with fueling their bodies with real foods and practicing sleep deprivation. Additionally, these races require vetting, and athletes must prove their capability to cover long distances without posing a risk of dying. The speaker's preparation for EPYC 5 involved 10 months of training, focusing on low-intensity workouts and being persistently in motion. They fueled their body with real foods, especially during lower-intensity training, and experimented with sleep deprivation to prepare for the race's challenges.

    • The power of a strong support systemHaving a solid support system can provide motivation, momentum, and help overcome obstacles during challenging feats

      Having a strong support system can significantly enhance the experience and completion of a challenging feat. Mike Florida and Lester's successful completion of the Kauai Ultraman was not only aided by their own determination but also by the presence of experienced runners like Ian Adamson, their fire department crew, and close friends. The added dynamic of a full film crew brought an entirely new level of motivation and momentum. Running with Ian was a personal highlight for Mike, and the surprise appearance of his fire department crew on day 4 gave him the boost he needed to push through the hardest day. This experience demonstrates the importance of having a solid support system to help overcome obstacles and persevere through difficult challenges.

    • Overcoming extreme challenges reveals rawest selfEnduring tough races pushes limits, strips away masks, and reveals true self, leading to personal growth

      Enduring extreme challenges, like multi-day ultra races, can lead to profound personal growth. The speaker's experience in Maui, filled with bike problems, fatigue, and hallucinations, pushed him to his limits and revealed his rawest self. The challenges wore him down, making him unable to handle external stimuli and forcing him to confront his inner demons. However, this refining process also brought about a sense of purity and clarity, as the lies and masks were stripped away. Ultimately, the speaker sought out these experiences to test his limits and learn more about himself. Despite the hardships, he finished the race and emerged with newfound understanding and appreciation for the human spirit.

    • Endurance racing as a transformative experienceEndurance racing offers moments of introspection, personal growth, and spiritual reflection for athletes, mirroring their journey with Christ and serving as a metaphor for life's challenges and triumphs.

      Endurance racing, like the Race to the Rock, provides a unique and transformative experience for athletes, pushing them beyond their limits and offering moments of introspection and personal growth. For many, including the speaker, this journey parallels their spiritual walk with Christ, providing moments of challenge, respite, and revelation. The race also serves as a metaphor for life, with moments of discomfort and struggle leading to greater understanding and appreciation for the journey. The speaker found himself contemplating the reasons for his participation, the serenity of the experience, and the desire to push beyond his limits. Ultimately, the race represents an opportunity to go somewhere few have gone and to experience something unique and unrepeatable. The speaker's experiences are reminiscent of Chris Lieto's, who also found spiritual meaning in his racing. The show will continue with part 2 of the interview with Christian on Thursday. The listeners are encouraged to check out the new course with Mindbodygreen, the upcoming iOS app, and support the show through various means, including purchasing from the Amazon banner or donating.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    Dr. Ted Schaeffer: All Things Prostate Cancer, Urology, & Men’s Health
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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 08, 2024

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service

    Tom Shadyac: The A-List Filmmaker Who Gave Away Millions & Found Fulfillment Through Service
    Tom Shadyac is the acclaimed director of hit comedies like “Ace Ventura,” “Bruce Almighty,” and “The Nutty Professor,” who walked away from Hollywood success to pursue a life of greater meaning. This conversation explores Tom’s spiritual journey from materialism to service, his life-changing work with Memphis Rox, and his iconoclastic views on consciousness and human interconnectedness. We discuss the illusion of separation, finding purpose through community, and how embracing uncertainty can lead to profound personal growth. Along the way, Tom turns the tables and becomes the interviewer—probing my relationship with ego and uncertainty. Tom’s wisdom and humor are such a treasure. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Seed: Use code RICHROLL25 for 25% OFF your first order  👉seed.com/RichRoll Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉boncharge.com On: Enter RichRoll10 at the checkout to get 10% OFF your first order 👉on.com/richroll Go Brewing: Use the code Rich Roll for 15% OFF 👉gobrewing.com  Momentous: Save up to 36% OFF your first subscription order of Protein or Creatine + 20% OFF all of my favorite products 👉livemomentous.com/richroll  Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2024

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    Rich Roll || A Psychological Case Study on Greatness

    Rich Roll || A Psychological Case Study on Greatness

    Today it’s great to chat with Rich Roll on the podcast. Named one of the 25 fittest men in the world by Men’s Fitness and the guru of reinvention by Outside, Rich is a globally renowned ultra-endurance athlete, wellness advocate, best-selling author, husband, and father of four. He shares his inspirational stories of addiction, redemption, and optimal health in his number one best-selling memoir Finding Ultra. Rich has also been featured on CNN, the cover of Outside Magazine, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. His latest book, Voicing Change, features timeless wisdom and inspiration from the widely popular Rich Roll Podcast, one of the top one hundred podcasts in the world with over 100 million downloads.


    [04:09] Rich’s three major transformations

    [05:29] How Rich overcame his alcoholism

    [10:12] Rich’s grit and his life as a functional alcoholic

    [11:12] Learning how to outwork everybody

    [12:20] Rich’s personality structure during his schooling years

    [13:55] The relationship between endurance and drug abuse recovery

    [17:47] Life after rehab

    [23:22] Changes made during his early 40s and the motivation behind his fitness routines

    [25:30] You are what you eat

    [28:10] Spiritual exploration through active meditation

    [30:07] Addictive nature of the flow state

    [32:36] Embracing your authenticity

    [36:01] How humans are all victims of their character defects

    [39:00] Growth and self-actualization

    [42:48] How the media interprets Rich’s story

    [46:08] The psychologically rich life

    [49:17] The apology narrative

    [51:21] Why choosing growth is a daily struggle

    [53:41] Rich’s third transition

    [58:25] The overnight success culture

    [1:01:40] Rich’s advice to people trying to adopt a vegan lifestyle

    [1:02:47] Focus on controlling the controllable

    Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-psychology-podcast/support

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Mishka Shubaly: The Long Run To Sobriety

    Mishka Shubaly: The Long Run To Sobriety
    Today on the podcast we GO DEEP. In the short lifespan of this show, I've had the honor of interviewing a wide variety of incredible guests — paradigm busting thought leaders pushing the boundaries of conventional wisdom on a myriad of health & fitness related subject matters. But there is an elephant in the room. I've been waiting for the right guest to get into the issue closest to my heart — addiction & recovery. If you read my book you know my story. But I have been reluctant to use the podcast to discuss in depth the most integral part of my life & struggle. I suppose I was waiting for the right guest for the job. Someone equipped to handle this kind of discussion. Somebody who understands. Well, I found him. And when I say we go deep, I mean it's intense. Big love to Mishka for the willingness to be vulnerable; open and considered in his responses. It takes courage to be so transparent, and he's got it in spades. In many ways, our stories are vastly different. And yet they are exactly the same. Alcoholism, struggle, recovery, writing, ultrarunning, redemption. My long lost brother. My peer. My comrade in arms in the battle against the demon that wants both of us — and untold millions — drunk, imprisoned, institutionalized, and eventually dead. Disclaimer: If you are stumbling onto this episode merely looking for training/nutrition tips, this interview might not be your cup of tea. And if so, that's fine. But I also know for a fact that there are a lot of people out there that will glean insight and inspiration from Mishka's redemptive journey. All I can say is that I'm really proud of this interview. And I hope you enjoy it. NOTE: there are a few moments of explicit language in case you are language sensitive. ANOTHER NOTE: The song used to bridge the intro to the interview? “The Only One Drinking Tonight,” by Mishka Shubaly from “How To Make A Bad Situation Worse” Enjoy! Rich

    Roll On: The Medium Is The Magnet

    Roll On: The Medium Is The Magnet
    Welcome to ‘Roll On’, the semi-bi-weekly version of the podcast where we ramble on matters of interest across culture, sports, art, literature, politics, self-betterment, and more. As always, my co-host is Mr. Adam Skolnick, an activist, veteran journalist, and David Goggins’ Can’t Hurt Me co-author. Adam writes about adventure sports, environmental issues, and civil rights for outlets such as The New York Times, Outside, ESPN, BBC, and Men’s Health. He is also the author of One Breath and still uses the ‘new dad’ excuse to avoid working on his novel. Today we celebrate episode 700 (700!) with an update on personal goings on, cover headlines from the world of endurance, share highlights from recent travels, banter on wealth inequality, answer a few listener questions, and more. Today’s episode is also viewable on YouTube Show notes:+ MORE: bit.ly/richroll700 Specific topics discussed in today’s episode include: Rich’s recent visit to London; centenarian Mike Fremont’s meal plan; headlines from the world of obscure sports: swimming, ultrarunning & freediving; thoughts on 20-somethings prioritizing experience over career; the cultural implications behind the recent attack of Salman Rushdie; wealth inequality (and the Sydney Sweeney backlash); culture war profiteering; the impact of the internet on journalism, discourse & focus; and fun In addition, we answer the following listener questions: How do you balance accomplishing your goals with meeting the needs of your loved ones and family? Is it unrealistic to look for a partner that aligns with all of your values? Today’s Sponsors: GoMacro:100% sustainably sourced plant-based ingredients, GoMacro bars are organic, vegan, gluten-free, and delicious.Visit gomacro.com and use the promo code RichRoll for 30% OFF plus free shipping on all orders over $50. LMNT: A science-backed electrolyte drink mix with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Right now LMNT is offering my listeners a free sample pack with any purchase—that’s 8 single serving packets FREE with any LMNT order. Try it out at drinkLMNT.com/RICHROLL Whoop: The world’s most powerful fitness tracker is now waterproof. Get the WHOOP 4.O at WHOOP.com and use the code RICHROLL at checkout to get 15% off. Birch Living: The best, most affordable, organic, and sustainable mattresses on the market with a 100-night risk-free trial. For 400$ off ALL mattresses visit birchiving.com/richroll. Thank you to Adam from Fort Collins and Anita From New Zealand for your questions. If you want your query discussed, drop it on our Facebook Page, or better yet leave a voicemail at(424) 235-4626. Peace + Plants, Rich

    8 Ways to Have GREATER Impact in the World [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    8 Ways to Have GREATER Impact in the World [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Discover today the 8 ways that you can have a greater impact on the world. Today Rob discusses how to maximise your influence on the world and extend your message to the masses. Learn the importance of ensuring your visions are global, how to build a big platform and why you should always endeavour to always be kind to others.



    • Have A Grand Vision: When you have personal goals, they can become self-centred. By turning your visions into local, national or even intercontinental visions, you will find that you have greater visions and scale.


    • Build A Big Platform: If you have a vast amount of followers on social media then you are going to be able to easily monetise those channels and have great connections, endorsements and collaborations. Having a large platform allows you to get your message out to the masses.


    • Build A Team Around You: You cannot do everything all by yourself. Many entrepreneurs start by doing everything and end up becoming a jack of all trades and master of none. Focus on high income generating tasks and have your team focus on admin, finance systems and solutions.


    • Do Kind Things Regularly: The kinder you are to others, the kinder life will be to you. It is easy to become focused on the commercial side of things. Don’t forget to do kind things every day. Random acts of kindness will have a massive butterfly effect. People won’t remember how much money you made, they will remember how many people you helped.



    “Then my world changed. My connections changed. My scale and impact changed.”

    “If you go for big challenges, people will buy into that.”

    “When you have a great network, you have a great net-worth.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Comeback Story: Overcoming Addiction & Finding Yourself with Darren Waller

    Comeback Story: Overcoming Addiction & Finding Yourself with Darren Waller

    NFL player Darren Waller's story is one of the more rarities in professional sports. After failing multiple drug tests, getting kicked off a top NFL team, and overdosing at 24, Darren is now a passionate advocate for bringing awareness to the underlying issues of drug and alcohol addiction. In this vulnerable chat, Darren and Anahata explore the journey of self-abandonment, hitting rock bottom, getting back up again and second chances.

    Episode Page: https://www.shamangelichealing.com/ep-60-comeback-story-overcoming-addiction-finding-yourself-with-darren-waller

    Free Guided Visualization for Healing the Inner Child: https://shamangelic.pages.ontraport.net/FreeGift_Ep60_DarrenWaller

    Darren Instagram: @rackkwall

    Anahata Website: shamangelichealing.com

    Anahata Instagram: @AnahataAnanda

    Anahata YouTube: youtube.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Anahata Facebook: facebook.com/ShamangelicHealing

    Learn more about the Darren Waller Foundation!