
    How Often Should You Have Sex? & Other News

    enSeptember 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Sexuality: Masturbation, Magic Wand, and Summer PleasureEmbrace masturbation in relationships, try mutual masturbation, use iconic sex tools like Magic Wand, and enhance summer sex with Promescent's products

      Communication and embracing all aspects of sexuality, including masturbation, can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship. The study mentioned on the Sex with Emily podcast reveals that many couples feel shame around masturbation and view it as cheating or a sign of dissatisfaction. However, incorporating mutual masturbation into the bedroom can alleviate these feelings and add another tool to your sex toolkit. Additionally, the Magic Wand vibrator was introduced as a cultural icon and a symbol of unapologetic pleasure. Its powerful rumble has earned it accolades for decades, and with various iterations available, it continues to be a trusted confidant for many. Lastly, summer is the season for heat and passion, and Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products can help take your sex life to the next level. Their delay spray helps men last longer, while their warming arousal gel provides an enjoyable pre-sex ritual for women.

    • Sexual frequency in happy relationshipsHappy couples have sex about 7 times a month on average, but what works varies, focus on compromise, communication, and having fun together.

      The frequency of sexual activity in long-term relationships varies, but on average, happy couples have sex about 7 times a month, or once and a half times a week. However, it's essential to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all answer, and what works for one couple might not work for another. Compromise, having fun together, and maintaining open communication are also crucial factors in building and maintaining a successful relationship. It's important to remember that sex is just one aspect of a relationship and that having the same sense of humor, no secrets, and a strong foundation of trust and understanding are equally important. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance that works for both partners and to communicate openly about their needs and desires.

    • Exploring the Benefits of Sex for Mental and Physical HealthSolo and partnered sex have benefits for mental and physical health. Aim for regular, scheduled and spontaneous sex, mutual masturbation, and adapt to modern relationship trends like LAT and sleeping separately.

      Both solo and partnered sex have benefits for mental and physical health. For partnered sex, aiming for once or one and a half times a week is suggested, with the possibility of scheduling a regular time and having spontaneous encounters. Mutual masturbation can also be a viable option for maintaining connection. The trend of living apart together (LAT) and sleeping in separate bedrooms is becoming more common and normalizable. Despite infidelity being a common issue, many couples are able to recover and even strengthen their relationships after the incident. Remember, there are no set rules for sex, and it's essential to find what works best for each individual and partnership.

    • Infidelity as an opportunity for growthInfidelity can lead to healing and growth if both partners commit to therapy and effective communication, rather than dwelling on the affair.

      Infidelity can be an opportunity for growth and healing in a relationship if both partners are committed to working through the underlying issues with the help of a trained therapist. The statistics suggest that many couples who experience infidelity are able to make it through the incident and even report that it helped their relationship. However, it's important to note that this does not mean encouraging infidelity. Instead, it's recommended to communicate openly with your partner about any underlying issues, such as unmet needs or resentments, before considering cheating. If infidelity does occur, the focus should be on seeking help and working on the relationship rather than dwelling on the affair itself. Couples therapy can provide valuable tools for effective communication, conflict resolution, and learning to truly listen to each other. Ultimately, the goal is to use any challenges in the relationship as an opportunity for growth and strengthening the bond between partners.

    • Open communication and understanding in ethical non-monogamous relationshipsMen are more likely to express feelings first in intimate moments, challenging societal norms. Seek therapy to ensure commitments aren't breached and maintain open communication.

      Communication and understanding are key elements in ethical non-monogamous relationships. Couples should consider seeking the help of a therapist to ensure both parties are on the same page and commitments aren't breached. Regarding love confessions, the study shows a consistent trend of men being more likely to express their feelings first, challenging the societal norm that women do so more frequently. This finding suggests that men do have emotions and can be just as expressive as women, especially during intimate moments. The study also implies that societal norms and attitudes towards love and sex may have evolved, reducing the need for verbal declarations of love before physical intimacy. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of open communication, mutual understanding, and challenging societal stereotypes in relationships.

    • The Science of Love: Lust, Attraction, and AttachmentLove is a complex mix of hormones, including testosterone and estrogen for lust, dopamine and serotonin for attraction, and oxytocin for attachment. Understanding these hormonal influences can help us appreciate the different stages of love.

      Romantic love can be broken down into three categories: lust, attraction, and attachment, each with its own set of hormonal influences. While these feelings might be labeled as love, they are primarily driven by the release of specific chemicals in the brain. Lust is driven by testosterone and estrogen, attraction by dopamine and serotonin, and attachment by oxytocin. However, it's important to note that our understanding of human sexuality and its evolutionary basis is continually evolving, and more research is needed to fully understand these complex phenomena. It's also worth noting that deeply loving someone and knowing them fully may take longer than the initial stages of a relationship, which are heavily influenced by these hormones. But it's possible to love someone deeply after a few months, even if you don't know them fully yet. Ultimately, it's essential to consider what love means to you and to be honest with yourself and your partner about your feelings.

    • Improve sexual performance and satisfaction with Promessence, Hero Bread's low-carb bread, and mutual masturbationPromessence extends intercourse by up to 64%, Hero Bread offers carb-free bread options, and mutual masturbation boosts relationship satisfaction

      Promessence can help penis owners last longer in bed by up to 64%, making it perfect for those struggling with premature ejaculation or for those looking to practice edging or have longer sex sessions. Additionally, it can help close the orgasm gap for vulva owners who typically take longer to reach orgasm. Hero Bread offers a solution for those who love bread but want to avoid carb guilt. Their bread products have 0 to 1 net carbs per serving, 0 grams of sugar, and are high in fiber and protein, making them a healthier alternative to traditional bread. Mutual masturbation, as studied, has been linked to higher sexual satisfaction in couples, making it a valuable addition to romantic relationships.

    • Exploring Women's Pleasure TogetherMutual masturbation enhances sexual satisfaction, serves as an educational tool, and broadens sexual repertoire for couples.

      Mutual masturbation not only leads to higher levels of sexual satisfaction but also serves as an educational tool for both partners about women's pleasure and anatomy. This is especially important given the lack of education about women's sexuality. Mutual masturbation allows couples to learn from each other while being intimate and cuddling, making it a 2fer. Furthermore, the study highlights that sex is not limited to vaginal penetration and encourages couples to broaden their sexual repertoire and develop their own definition of sex. Mutual masturbation can create diverse sexual opportunities and uncover new sources of pleasure, making it a great alternative to traditional sexual scripts. It's important to note that mutual masturbation doesn't mean sitting next to each other like robots, but rather engaging in intimate activities while touching yourself with your partner's hand nearby. Overall, mutual masturbation is a simple yet effective way for couples to deepen their connection and explore each other's pleasure.

    • Sex and Orgasm Improve Sleep Quality for Both PartnersPartnered sex with orgasm can help men and women fall asleep faster compared to sexual activities without orgasm or masturbation. Open communication and incorporating masturbation into sexual experiences can enhance bonds and reduce shame.

      Partnered sex leading to orgasm can help both men and women fall asleep faster compared to sexual activities without orgasm or masturbation. This study challenges the common belief that only partnered sex can bring sleep benefits, as masturbation was not found to have the same effect. The study also emphasizes the importance of open communication and incorporating masturbation into sexual experiences to reduce shame and improve emotional bonds. Overall, these findings encourage couples to explore different ways to enhance their sexual experiences and improve their sleep quality.

    • Sex before sleep improves quality for men and womenEngaging in sexual activity before sleep can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help fall asleep more easily, leading to better sleep quality for both men and women. Avoid using electronic devices before bed to create a sleep-conducive environment.

      Engaging in sexual activity before sleep can improve sleep quality for both men and women, according to a study. This can be achieved through having sex with a partner or masturbation. The benefits include better relaxation, reduced stress, and the ability to fall asleep more easily. The use of electronic devices before bed, such as phones, can negatively impact sleep, so it's recommended to leave them out of the bedroom and engage in activities that promote relaxation instead. These activities can include meditation, reading, or having sex. By creating a sleep-conducive environment and prioritizing pleasure, individuals can improve their overall sleep quality and wake up feeling refreshed.

    • Seeking Sex Advice with Emily MorseListeners can call 559-825-5739 or visit sexwithemily.com/ask for sex, dating, and relationship advice from Emily Morse, who emphasizes open communication and seeking guidance.

      Emily Morse, a sex educator and host of the Sex with Emily podcast, encourages listeners to feel comfortable seeking advice on their sex lives, dating, and relationships. They can reach out to her through her hotline, 559 talk sex (559-825-5739), or her website, sex with emily.com/ask Emily. Emily expresses gratitude to Acast for powering her podcast. She also welcomes feedback from her listeners at feedback@sexwithemily.com. Overall, Emily's message emphasizes the importance of open communication and seeking guidance when needed to enhance our personal relationships and overall well-being.

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    So what's up for this episode?

    You all have been sending me some TERRIFIC questions lately, and I was eager to dive in.

    Aussie Gal wrote in from Australia with some love and delight. Satisfied Slippery Slut went to She Bop in Portland after hearing it mentioned on a previous episode and had a lovely experience. Let's all support feminist sex shops! They're awesome!

    A listener texted me asking what kind of strap-on harness I use and how I keep it tight when I'm using it. So, I talk about my favorite strap-on as well as some other options folks might want to check out.

    Scott wrote in with a question about orgasms. He's pretty sure he gave his past partners orgasms and noticed they curled their toes. He's pretty sure his new girlfriend is happy and enjoying their connection, but he's also pretty sure she isn't orgasming since she doesn't curl her toes when her body is spasming. Is toe curling a sure sign of orgasms?

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    In addition to some of my thoughts on trust, betrayal, and moving on, I also recommend working with open relationship coach Gina Senarighi of Uncommon Love PDX. It might also help to check out Esther Perel's books "Mating in Captivity" and "The State of Affairs." Of course, I do work around this, too, if that helps.

    Finally, Ethical Fan is from Mexico and he just read a piece in the NY Times about porn and kids. Is it really that bad? How can he talk to his 13 year old and 15 year old about porn so that they don't suffer bad expectations around sex?

    That NY Times piece was a scare piece by an anti-porn writer. So, it's skewed and meant to terrify readers. Porn is not evil. The lack of education we offer young people is the real problem. We must start teaching media literacy to kids from the youngest of ages, and that helps with porn exposure. We have to start talking to our kids about porn at very young ages, because curiosity is natural and having sexual feelings as you're growing up is normal, so the more we can open that line of communication and arm them with the skills they'll need to see the difference between reality and fantasy, the better.

    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    About Dawn Serra

    I am the creator and host of the laughter-filled, no-holds-barred weekly podcast, Sex Gets Real. I lecture at colleges and universities on sex and relationships, too.

    When I’m not speaking and teaching, I also work one-on-one with clients who need to get unstuck around their pleasure and desire.

    But it’s not all work! In my downtime, I can often be found watching an episode of Masterchef Australia, cooking up something delicious, or adventuring with my sexy AF husband.

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    Have you joined our Girls Get Off Uncensored Facebook Group? Follow us on Instagram (and follow our NSFW Instagram burner account), Jo, or Viv.

    Checkout our Website for our latest products and blogs.