
    How queer identity shapes Nat Geo Explorers

    en-usMay 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • National Geographic explorers Rudy and Christine share their experiences as queer scientists and how their identities influence their work in natureTwo National Geographic explorers, Rudy (biologist and soundscape recorder) and Christine (postdoc studying large carnivores), discuss the profound impact of nature on their identities and work, highlighting the significance of representation and inclusivity in scientific research

      Connection to nature and identity intertwine deeply for many individuals, including National Geographic explorers Rudy Ortiz Alvarez and Christine Wilkinson. Both researchers, with distinct areas of focus, share their experiences as queer scientists and how their identities influence their work. Rudy, a biologist and soundscape recorder, and Christine, a postdoc studying large carnivores, found solace and inspiration in nature amidst personal challenges. Their work, driven by a passion for understanding the intricacies of human-nature interactions, showcases the natural world's diversity and the importance of representation. The Queer and Allies Explorer Group at National Geographic fosters an inclusive environment where scientists from all backgrounds can thrive and contribute to our collective understanding of the world.

    • Challenging Our Understanding of Nature and GenderDiscovering queer behaviors in animals challenges our preconceived notions about gender and sexuality. Through personal experiences and research, we can broaden our perspectives and learn from the natural world to embrace diversity.

      The natural world challenges our preconceived notions about what is "natural" and "unnatural," particularly when it comes to human sexuality and gender identity. The speaker shares their personal experience growing up in a homophobic environment and the discovery that queer behaviors exist not only in humans but also in the animal kingdom. They use their work with hyenas as an example, highlighting how these animals defy traditional gender roles and challenge our understanding of social structures in the animal world. The speaker's passion for nature and animals led them to create a vision for a TV show called "Scrappy Naturalist," where they aim to explore and celebrate the often misunderstood or undervalued animals in our own backyards. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of broadening our perspectives and learning from the natural world to challenge limiting beliefs and embrace diversity.

    • Studying misunderstood animals like hyenasHyenas, often overlooked due to negative human experiences, are amazing survivors in human-dominated landscapes. Despite challenges, it's crucial to appreciate their resilience and adaptability.

      Understanding the adaptation and survival of misunderstood animals like hyenas, which are often overlooked in research due to their association with negative human experiences, is crucial. Hyenas are amazing survivors, particularly in human-dominated landscapes, and are led by females. Researchers use GPS tracking to study their behaviors. However, working with these animals can present challenges, such as the need to store large amounts of meat to attract them for collaring, which can lead to unpleasant conditions. Despite these challenges, it's essential to appreciate these animals' resilience and adaptability, as they persist alongside humans despite causing occasional conflicts. Similar misunderstood animals, like coyotes, face the same issue of being overlooked due to their association with human annoyances. Overall, it's important to remember that these animals' ability to adapt to various situations, including those created by humans, is a testament to their survival skills.

    • Understanding animal behaviors and the benefits of natureLearning about animals' true behaviors and the health benefits of nature can change our perceptions and improve our relationship with the natural world

      Our perceptions and values towards animals, often shaped by myths and stories, can be changed through education and understanding their true behaviors and adaptations. For instance, coyotes and hyenas are not trying to lure dogs or play tricks, but are simply protecting their dens or exhibiting playful behavior. Moreover, these animals can actually benefit us by controlling populations of pests, like rodents, which carry diseases. Another important takeaway is the connection between nature and our health. A study discussed on Twitter revealed that the microbiome in our skin and bodies is healthier in natural environments, such as forests, compared to urban areas. This emphasizes the importance of spending time in nature to improve our overall well-being. In conclusion, understanding the true nature of animals and the benefits of spending time in nature can lead to a shift in our perceptions and values, ultimately fostering a more harmonious relationship between humans and the natural world.

    • Exploring the connection between human communication and the natural soundscapeThe natural world offers a rich soundscape that can deepen our connection to nature, and the study of how human communication fits into this soundscape can reveal fascinating insights into our interconnected world.

      Our connection to nature can be deepened through our appreciation of the sounds of the natural world. This was discovered by the speaker, who grew up near a forest in Spain and developed a lifelong love of nature. During a trip to Borneo, they were struck by the orchestra of sounds in the rainforest and became curious about how human communication fits into this natural soundscape. This led to a project in the Canary Islands, where the speaker studied the oldest forest in Europe and the unique whistle language used by the locals to communicate. The connection between human communication and the natural soundscape is a fascinating area of exploration that highlights the interconnectedness of our world. La Gomera, the island in question, is particularly intriguing as it is home to both an ancient rainforest and a unique whistle language, making it an ideal place to study this phenomenon.

    • The unique whistle language of La Gomera and its connection to the island's natural and cultural heritageLa Gomera's challenging terrain led to the development of a unique whistle language, Silbo, which allows efficient communication and showcases the island's rich natural and cultural heritage

      La Gomera, a steep and dynamic island in the Canaries, has a rich natural and cultural heritage. Its challenging terrain led to the development of a unique whistle language, Silbo, which allowed the residents to communicate across the island efficiently. This language, which uses actual Spanish words whistled instead of a code, has fascinated visitors for generations. The island's diverse ecosystem, with its humid center and dry exterior, creates a complex soundscape, featuring the chorus of black birds and the sounds of local life. The use of Silbo showcases a beautiful marriage of people and nature, and it's a testament to the island's resilience and ingenuity. The island's natural beauty and unique culture offer a reminder of the power of human adaptation and the importance of preserving both our natural and cultural heritage.

    • Reconnecting with Nature through ListeningAcknowledging our personal experiences and identities can deepen our connection to nature and influence our research, challenging the notion of western science's false objectivity.

      Our connection to nature is important and often influenced by our personal experiences and identities. The speaker shares how humans used to communicate through natural sounds, but now, as most of us live in cities, we've lost that connection. To reconnect, she suggests taking a moment to listen to our surroundings. The speaker also discusses how her identity as a black biracial queer scientist has influenced her research on human-wildlife interactions, providing a more holistic and empathetic perspective. The speaker emphasizes that our backgrounds and identities shape who we are, and this inherently impacts the work we do, even if not explicitly related to our identity. The pushback against acknowledging this connection is rooted in the notion of western science's false idea of objectivity, which ignores the subjective nature of our experiences.

    • Navigating queer identity in scientific and exploratory fieldsDespite challenges, there are supportive communities and increasing representation for queer individuals in scientific and exploratory fields. Persist and seek out support to pursue passions.

      Being a queer scientist or explorer can come with unique challenges, particularly when working in countries where being queer is illegal. However, it's important to remember that there are communities of supportive individuals who care about nature and other passions, and representation and support for underrepresented groups, such as trans people, is increasing. Christine Wilkinson, a National Geographic Explorer, shares her experiences of working in such environments and encourages those who feel unsure or alone to apply for grants and pursue their passions. She also emphasizes the importance of persisting and seeking out communities that support and celebrate individuality. As the representation of queer and other identities in scientific and exploratory fields continues to grow, it's important for individuals to remember that they are not alone and that there are resources and communities available to support them.

    • Celebrating Pride Month with Dominique HildebrandEmbrace your authentic self, stand up against discrimination, and advocate for representation and visibility of the LGBTQ+ community.

      During this episode, we celebrated Pride Month with our special guest, Dominique Hildebrand. Dominique shared her experiences as a queer actress in the entertainment industry and emphasized the importance of representation and visibility for the LGBTQ+ community. She encouraged listeners to embrace their authentic selves and stand up against discrimination and hate. The conversation highlighted the progress made in recent years, but also underscored the need for continued advocacy and activism. Overall, the episode was a celebration of diversity, love, and acceptance. Happy Pride Month, everyone! Let's continue to spread kindness, understanding, and respect for all.

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